Harvard 2020 grad lost her Deloitte offer due to Tik Tok 'Stab' Threat

From the New York Post, Harvard 2020 grad lost her Deloitte consulting offer because in her tik tok, she said she would stab anyone who had the caucasity to say all lives matter. Then later said it was supposed to be a joke.

Kind of a dumb move in the current climate, where firms are trying everything they can to cut FTE. I can also see how clients would feel some type of way of having a consultant work for them with this attitude. Thoughts?



I feel for her but in this age anything that is digital can and will be used against you. Most people in her age bucket should already know that. People have lost jobs for far less controversial statements on social media.


In spite of all the MS you are absolutely right, the average HPY grad's first year compensation is barely over 70k and consulting at Deloitte is a great job that will pay significantly more than that.

Just goes to show how much of a clueless, elitist dickhead the average wso user is.


On a serious note, I'm glad she was axed from Deloitte. Not a "get off my lawn" old fart, but young people need to learn (pronto) there is a time and a place and a manner for public statements. It's not just about you and how you feel when you work for a global brand. Everything you do is a reflection on them. Yes you have free speech, but guess what...so do they!

Think about the potential client push back if they were to see that. I'm sure they have written policies that outlaw that type of behavior. Those things matter. Tough lesson to learn. Hope she leaned it.


I read the article and she pushed the full blame into Trump Supporters and showed no intrinsic remorse reiterating it was a joke and an analogy. I feel bad that her education and life was ruined over a mistake, but from the article, it seems she hasn’t learned her lesson as to why she was fired.

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Don't worry, she will become an "activist" and "social media influencer." Five years from now, she'll put out a video saying how getting fired from Deloitte was the best thing to ever happen to her and how she loves being an "activist."


Another thing, her life " isn't ruined". Life isn't binary. There are many circuitous paths to a fulfilling career. And whether you create them or not, life has many twists and turns all by itself.

Just learned a friend of my daughter's was killed in a rafting accident today. HS quarterback at state champ team. Bright future all gone. Don't know how parents recover from something like that. Twists and turns...


Wow, I am appalled by how people here read into this situation, and pretend to be on the right side of history. First of all, she was making an analogy between the paper cut/ stabbed wound and ALM/BLM. If you ever watched the TikTok video, you would never assume that she was threatening to kill people, unless you are a sensitive trump supporter ( good for you!!). The joke may sound a little offensive indeed, but all these headlines and people here choosing to focus on "threat to stab people" are trying to manipulate the fact. All the other comments intended to make fun of her job in Deloitte as a Harvard graduate literally disgusted me! SHE CAN CHOOSE WHATEVER SHE WANTS AND IT’S NOT YOUR BUSINESS! Who gives you a saying whether she should deserve a "better" job fit her “ Harvard persona”. All I see is your saltiness of not being able to get into Harvard!!!!


How hypocritical here. She is allowed to have her political views expressed freeeeeeely on any platform just like Trump supporters is able to defend their rights "not to wear masks" in a town hall meeting. How about your president denouncing the other half of the country by ranting nonsense about his opponents over twitter!!! Instead of focusing on this girl' comments on trump supporters ( which may never result in any detrimental consequences), how about focusing on all the horrible and misleading info you president were tweeting and spreading everyday, which can actually cause lives!!! Who is the biggest bully ever?? Who needs to be cancelled?????


Firstly, call me when getting into Harvard gives me 20 extra years of life, or better yet, 30 hookers on tap. Until then, don't tell us that we should give her any sort of respect because of her education. I have dumbass friends at Harvard that tout their greatest accomplishment as getting high with Malia. There are idiots at Harvard and geniuses at state schools, and vice versa, end of story.

More importantly, you seem to have undergone a lobotomy because you clearly have trouble comprehending a basic video. There is no damn analogy, she is straight up threatening people with different views/perspectives to her own. That is not the way you approach politics or any serious discussion, and that is not a joke.

If Deloitte doesn't want that sort of person representing them, more power to them. They can fill her spot up with 1000 other applicants that are both talented AND mature.


To be fair to the above poster, there was an analogy, as she was arguing that All Lives Matter was to BLM what a paper cut is to a stabbing wound. Regardless, the analogy and the "Imma stab you" that she said were of extremely poor taste and it makes sense for Deloitte to fire her.


Actions have consequences. She is absolutely entitled to say what she wants how she wants where she wants. But there are consequences. Deloitte is entitled to not want her as an employee. What she's not entitled to is to control other people's or organization's rights.

Several years ago , The Dixie Chicks were hugely popular in the country music space. Hit after hit, sold out concerts, making millions. They came out publicly against George W. Bush and his treatment of the Iraq war. Overnight they lost their popularity. CD and concert sales fell off the charts. They then publicly complained. It's not fare. Why can't we say what we want, this is America, blah blah blah. They can and they did say what they wanted. So did their fans.

Colin Cap...No your not entitled to be an NFL quarterback. They have to actually want you on their team, regardless of your ability.

Brave people do things because they understand the consequences and still plow forward.


Given that the video surfaced to Deloitte managers, her being fired was probably the only move reputationally and liability-wise

I happen to think what she said was stupid, unhelpful, unproductive, and wrong. And she also just showed an incredible lack of judgement by posting that.

Having said that, I think there’s something very wrong about marshaling others to get people fired. This is a tactic that the left usually resorts to, but in this case it was people on the right. I’m not condoning what she said, because it was bad, but I think as a society we need to be a bit more forgiving. This instinct we have - to go after people’s livelihoods when they say something we disagree with, even if it’s truly repugnant and beyond a simple difference of opinion - is quite deleterious.


Don't think I've encountered a single professional job, in any industry, post-2015 that didn't look into your SoMe activity.

I know it's hard to stay away from those channels, especially when you're young, but everyone should now that in this day and age, someone will be looking through your content. Even more so it it's any position that's client-facing.

Lesson learned: Delete your BS postings. Or better yet, just refrain from using those platforms. There are literally zero upside, and all downsides, unless you just happen to be a boy scout or LinkedIn positivity-drone.


Someone with my same name was convicted of felony assault in my hometown. It's better to have a very public presence on every site and avoid posting anything but the most benign content (such as happy birthday or pictures from past vacations). You want to make sure that you're the top result for your name if possible.


I've seen people from my high school suggest they'd like to shoot Trump on social media... I don't care how much you disagree with a President's politics, suggesting you'd like to murder him is, uh, probably not a great move for your career.


lmfao 4 years at Harvard and the best you can pull is Deloitte? pretty sad bro she deserved it for threatening people. t. latino


She ruined her own career by threatening people who disagreed with her. That's completely fine if disagree with someone or bounce heads. You can't threatened someone and say, "oh well, I just did because people don't agree with my viewpoint."

"It's okay, I'll see you on the other side"

This. I weep for my generation in North America. I didn’t grow up here, and I feel like your education system has failed an entire generation. They don’t have free thinkers and doers, they have influencers and whiners. This is a broad stroke generalization, but goddamn, the under appreciation for the privileges they have is ridiculous. I didn’t have consistent power or clean water for most of my life, so to hear all this children attempting to “tear down” probably the best system ever created in mankind is mind boggling. It’s not without its problems mind you. I think there has been a failure of leadership that has shrunk safety nets and hoarded wealth to the point, people are just angry all around for no reason but still.


the under appreciation for the privileges they have is ridiculous. I didn’t have consistent power or clean water for most of my life, so to hear all this children attempting to “tear down” probably the best system ever created in mankind is mind boggling.

It's amazing. Anyone who's traveled to a non-developed country or even semi-developed country understands this the second they get off the plane. There is no better system to lift everyone up than the capitalist system. Proven throughout history.


I think we need to keep in mind her age and experience level. In federal consulting, you aren't under the Hatch Act, but there's a base level of common courtesy to your clients and company you need to have when posting these things. In other words, she would have needed to work with whoever was in office at the time, and publicly criticizing them to that extent wasn't the most respectful thing to do given that career path. But I think people are blowing this out of proportion.


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Ut distinctio repellat qui sint voluptatem architecto et provident. Explicabo iusto accusamus asperiores quae nobis quae omnis. Ut quia voluptatibus esse consequatur nobis in. Mollitia quae voluptatem incidunt ex recusandae impedit natus.

Sequi officia beatae magnam pariatur. Sed voluptatem iusto culpa in aut perferendis assumenda. Excepturi qui eius omnis eveniet sapiente necessitatibus beatae rem. Laudantium earum ea temporibus molestias inventore qui iusto amet. Vero eum et corporis consequatur laudantium soluta nemo. Dolores perferendis velit vitae dolor incidunt.

Officia consequatur perferendis ut. Fugiat unde voluptatem ipsa labore veritatis neque. Explicabo nobis sunt consequatur et harum. Vero dolorem dolores ut dignissimos aut.


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Iste voluptate repudiandae quasi autem qui quas. In et quis dolorum a. Incidunt consectetur ut et aspernatur impedit nostrum. Et quas eaque odit et vitae rerum.

[Comment removed by mod team]

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