McKinsey Insight, Bain Advantage and Bridge2BCG 2018 for ADP

As from 2017, I would like to start a megathread for 2018 McKinsey Insight, Bain Advantage and bridge2BCG status updates for advanced degree candidates.

Please feel free to post updates and indicate which programs in which region you applied to!

McKinsey: 8th of April
Bain: 13th of April
BCG: 8th of April

To keep track: https://docs. ** google. ** com/spreadsheets/d/1dz1dhE72yvleHPEU4Fp4K4IfH8vA7giGK5lfZY3yMeE/edit?usp=sharing


Hello Zugg and all fellow applicants.

Submitted to Bridge and AIC/ADvantage (I don't live in one of their cities so I'm not sure my chances). I'm not STEM or Asia Pacific so there wasn't an Insight program to apply for.

Only update so far is BCG is doing a pilot program of pymetrics- not for assessment purposes (I believe them). I could see it being used for 2019 FT applications though.

Looking forward to others' updates!

Prospective 2019 Consulting
Hello Zugg and all fellow applicants.

Submitted to Bridge and AIC/ADvantage (I don't live in one of their cities so I'm not sure my chances). I'm not STEM or Asia Pacific so there wasn't an Insight program to apply for.

Only update so far is BCG is doing a pilot program of pymetrics- not for assessment purposes (I believe them). I could see it being used for 2019 FT applications though.

Looking forward to others' updates!

themarshone, did you complete the pymetrics thing yet? I am a bit skeptical whenever something says not for assessment purposes, but I figure it's best to do it since they asked for it.


I did, and it was actually pretty fun and the trait results felt pretty accurate. It was also nice that when you're done, you can look at the "Explore Careers" page to see which careers have similar profile as you. Both strategy and consulting had 99% so that at least made me feel good!

I do think they are honest in not using it for the application since they say it twice (email and before the test). My best guess is they've done in in-house, and now want to see how candidates compare (using a less high-stakes application). I could see the FT including it but as of now, can't imagine it would actually effect anything.

Prospective 2019 Consulting

I just did it. It was kind of interesting, but I didn't find it as entertaining as the email made it seem. I got some interesting results on their "explore careers" page. 99% biz development, 99% project management, 96% corporate finance, 96% PE, 82% consulting, 10% VC, IB 1%...

I noticed that the email it is worded saying that it won't affect your potential to receive an interview or offer from BCG. Says nothing about Bridge to BCG specifically. I would say everyone should do their best on it and not take it lightly.


Hm, I wish I hadn't looked at that "explore careers" thing. It's making me insecure. 18% consulting, 86% IB, 52% strategic planning, and 34% STEM research (my current job, at which I'd like to think I'm reasonably successful). I'm doomed! Apparently I should consider careers in the following fields (85%-94%): writing, hedge fund investor, marketing, buyer, customer service representative, bioengineering. In all fairness, I'm a pretty damn good writer, but I'm perplexed by the lack of apparent pattern.

I wonder whether the criterion on which the data are trained is presence in an occupation or success in that occupation?

I'm going to cope by telling myself (1) my personality may be unusual for someone who wants to be in consulting, but it doesn't preclude success; (2) maybe the fact that I was familiar with the instruments influenced my responses and it's producing nonsensical results; (3) maybe the assessment's overall validity is questionable, as much as I respect the concept in principle.

The emotional pull of personality and cognitive assessments is kind of amazing.


Yeah, the mix is unusual to be sure. I got high marks in finance and management related careers, but ~50% in consulting, STEM, and quantitative based careers. If it makes you feel better, even if the science behind the process is sound they are probably still building up a large enough data set for helpful recommendations.

Hm, I wish I hadn't looked at that "explore careers" thing. It's making me insecure. 18% consulting, 86% IB, 52% strategic planning, and 34% STEM research (my current job, at which I'd like to think I'm reasonably successful). I'm doomed! Apparently I should consider careers in the following fields (85%-94%): writing, hedge fund investor, marketing, buyer, customer service representative, bioengineering. In all fairness, I'm a pretty damn good writer, but I'm perplexed by the lack of apparent pattern.

I wonder whether the criterion on which the data are trained is presence in an occupation or success in that occupation?

I'm going to cope by telling myself (1) my personality may be unusual for someone who wants to be in consulting, but it doesn't preclude success; (2) maybe the fact that I was familiar with the instruments influenced my responses and it's producing nonsensical results; (3) maybe the assessment's overall validity is questionable, as much as I respect the concept in principle.

The emotional pull of personality and cognitive assessments is kind of amazing.

Personally, I wouldn't read too much into these results. I am very interested in VC and I got that it would fit me 10%. I am guessing this has to do with the fact that I played all the money games super conservatively and 'fairly' and didn't gamble a lot on the clicking games. I agree with NeverSayNever, I am not really sure how twelve clicking games can assess all these characteristics, especially among people that are skeptical about the fact that they aren't being judged.


It seems like they've pivoted as company from using it to explore careers to using the neuroscience for hiring process. Given there's no way to get to explore careers from main page and all the links related to explore careers (like the why) are dead. So take with big big grain of salt!

Prospective 2019 Consulting

Hey, Mr./Ms./Mx./Dr. Zuggsburg, would you fill out a sample row of the spreadsheet so that we can see the format for entering our own values?


Any MDs applying this year? I'm wondering what the usual breakdown of MD vs PhD applicants is at these things?

Also, what does "Target" in the spreadsheet mean?


A rejection from McKinsey here as well. They wrote that they cannot provide individual feedback explaining there decision, but mentioned two full time positions I might be interested in applying to. Was that the same for you, babsbabm ?


Don't think that is generic, they didn't say that in their email to me. they said "unfortunately we can't invite you to participate" and then mentioned two specific roles from their full-time positions list they said might be fit my background and interest, but didn't mention the deadlines like they did with you, and didnt say they encourage me to apply :)


Me neither. They also give me a link to the Mckinsey APD eligibility and their general selection criteria. Guess I'm not the type of person they are looking for.


New here, and no news for now. I was wondering does MCK send all rejection letters first and then invitations to interviews? No news is good news still works? Thanks guys.


I applied have not hear anything yet. They did not even send an email acknowledging receipt of my application. Did you get one?


Rejected by Insight. Does anyone know when BCG will be sending out emails? Don't want to take two disappointments in one single day.

Rejected by Insight. Does anyone know when BCG will be sending out emails? Don't want to take two disappointments in one single day.

BCG seems to have their pymetrics test open until the 22nd, so I am guessing they won't be sending anything out until after that.

Likewise, I just got rejected from Insights but wasn't really expecting to be accepted to it. Good luck to everyone who got interviews.


Got notified as a finalist for insight. As in previous years, do you know if finalists get first round full time interviews in the fall regardless of outcome of the insight interview?


I have no idea what McKinsey is looking for... I have near perfect grades, >20 publications, but rejected first round. It probably has to do with my school not being a target school... Oh well, what can you do.


got insight interview.

background: 4.0 gpa (phd) 0 publication (all in preparation). target school. (i think this is important.) no business/consulting experience at all. (according to the recruiting consultants i talked to, since slots are limited, they would only accept people who really have NO consulting experience, since this is supposed to be some introductory program.)

fun fact: a lot of consultants i talked to said they were rejected by their firm when applying for this short internship. so not accepting into insight/bridge does not mean you are not qualified, not at all. besides, a lot of consultants were rejected by the firms that gave them short internships.... so say consultant A, got into mck insight and rejected by bridge, later got FT at BCG but rejected by McK.

got insight interview.

background: no business/consulting experience at all. (according to the recruiting consultants i talked to, since slots are limited, they would only accept people who really have NO consulting experience, since this is supposed to be some introductory program.)

Ah, cool, I see, thanks for sharing! I co-founded a small company, I guess that could explain why I wasn't invited.

a lot of consultants i talked to said they were rejected by their firm when applying for this short internship. so not accepting into insight/bridge does not mean you are not qualified, not at all.

That's cool, thanks for sharing. Good luck with your interview, I hope you get accepted!


Hey folks - I also got an insight interview.

Background: I'm currently an MD at a reputed residency program in Midwest. I have no consulting background, but I did work at a Fortune 50 company prior to med school. Undergrad - Target school with high GPA MD - Nontarget school. Several Medical Publications (not >20 like a few people mentioned above) Several entrepreneurial projects, literary publications, global health projects.

I agree with "NeverSayNever"'s above comment that they likely want to give exposure to folks who seem to have little to no consulting background. I look at it as a way to figure out if consulting is what you want to do not so much as a "foot in the door," for the job. Presumably, from reading the comments above and prior years, people are getting interviews for full-time positions without an Insight acceptance, and it seems like there is no guarantee of an interview after completing the Insight program - just a weekend workshop to explore what they offer, a sort of "day in the life of a McKinsey consultant".

Just my thoughts - let me know if I have the wrong impression since I'm new to all of this, as many of you seem very up to date on these programs.

Good luck with the job/career search folks! I hope my comments/background info helps - everyone seems bright and successful (many of you guys are PhDs, which means you have legit research and deep domain insight) or else you folks wouldn't be applying - I wouldn't beat yourselves up over not getting into a weekend program if the ultimate goal is to get into a good consulting job!


Got rejected by bridge and insight. Target school Ph.D. for their local offices. 2 working papers ready to submit. Business related major(more precisely, doing stats and econometrics.) Got an MBA from a top institute. Decent GPA but not 4.0. GMAT 720 GRE 325. Several kinds of fellowship and scholarships. Manage a small charity fund by myself. Sort of frustrated at the beginning but don't really think this will define who I am and what I am capable of. Good luck to all of you!!


Don't worry! i know more than dozen of consultants who were rejected by this before they landed a FT offer in that firm! you are apparently overqualified for this program and that is probably why! good luck on your FT application.

BTW, you already have heard back from BCG?


Thanks for the reply and the kind words!! Yep. I heard from them last week. They sent me an email saying because I have already got an MBA, I am not qualified for this program. I think this early rejection is just for those who got MBA degrees. Hope this helps!!


Curious what you received on the Pymetrics test for consulting as a career (if you completed it).

I scored low (after rushing to complete it one late night) and received a rejection. Curious about the strength of the correlation :)


Did anyone receive an invitation from Bain for a case prep workshop for Advanced Degrees at local office (Not AIC)? I was wondering what this program is about. Thanks!


Not from Bridge South but from "Bridge to BCG International". Though I applied through the South. I believe they may select some candidates who expressed interest in international offices,


Congrats and very interesting! When did you hear back? Are you also getting these pymetrics emails about taking it and surveys on it?

And also, what office does that mean you actually go to? In the US or international office?

Prospective 2019 Consulting

Got invited to the interview for Asia-Pacific Insight and the interview will be tonight with a EM from Beijing. In the email it says the interview will include questions about resume, interest for insight, and local language if necessary+a business scenario question (not prep needed). Hope this will help and good luck to everybody!


Got a 20 min video interview invitation today for Bridge to BCG south. Does anyone know what the format of this video chat is going to be (although they've mentioned it would mostly focus on the essay question). Any help on this is much appreciated.


It was true until last year, all B2B attendees automatically get the first round interview. But some rumors say it might not be the case from this year.


Got the official Bridge to BCG rejection:

"Thank you for applying to 2018 Bridge to BCG. Unfortunately, given the overwhelming interest and competitive nature of the summer program, we are unable to move forward with your application at this time.

However, due to the strength of your application, we are eager to stay in touch with you over the next few months and hope that you consider applying for a 2019 full time position. Please know, your Bridge application will not hinder your chances of receiving an invite to interview for full-time. Deadline to apply is July 22nd. This is our most significant full-time ADC hiring push and we think you would be a strong candidate for that process.

Thank you again for your interest and please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions regarding next steps with BCG!"

The encouragement to apply FT is nice! Good luck to all.


Same here as well.

Curious for those completing the Pymetrics assessment - scores for consulting? Perhaps an attribute to that table? :P

Personally, I was rejected for Bridge (previously had an interview and scored low on the Pymetrics for consulting, so not sure if those attributes dinged me). For Pymetrics I scored >90% for Entrepreneurship, Trading, Investment Banking, and Engineering/Data - skills I tend to use when I have to act like a robot while working late nights. Interestingly, I completed Pymetrics at 2 in the morning in bed. Correlations (is not causation, but... :)


Changing subjects real quick, does anyone have an idea of when we'll hear back from Bain's programs? I didn't find much info from older threads.


Same rejection for Chicago. Is there anything to this rejection if you have more business experience? Or is this just something that helps me keep my spirits up?


Maybe? I have heard of folks who were rejected to Bridge but then got FT interviews and eventually were offered a position. Hope is not lost! :)


Continuing my current job, perhaps pushing forward starting an independent consulting practice (with a few colleagues), and considering applying again (it's on my bucket list and overall I think it would be a great experience).

I have heard that it's harder to pivot from non-MBB consulting to MBB due to barriers including branding. Curious to hear other thoughts on here!


Got an interview call for Insight-Asia Pacific. Rejected for bridge 2 BCG (NY office). I also gave a phone interview for C2C.

For those who got through B2B, congrats! Can you guys please share your profile?


I was wondering the same thing.

Could have sworn I applied for ADvantage, lol.

Regardless, curious to hear what Bain has to present. I have had little experience with the firm along my travels, but do use at least one of their outcomes (Net Promoter Score anyone? :)


AIC is a half day session. There will be some introductions about the firm, a small group case discussion and networking opportunities. AIC does not guarantee the first-round interview. Although if you do well enough to impress them, they will send you an early invitation for first-round interview.(Refer to last year's WSO discussion.)


Good to know, thank you! I noticed you attended last year's AIC? Was it helpful for you to get an early interview invitation? Looking forward to your insights.


Did anyone else receive a request from BCG to offer feedback for the Pymetrics assessment?

Curious if and how I should frame any responses :)


I assume every applicant was requested to give feedback even if you didn't do the pymetrics assessment. Also, the feedback was supposed to be anonymous I think.


Could anyone tell whether Bain will send out rejection letters if I am not invited to attend the AIC event or the ADvantage program? Haven't heard anything so far and kind of anxious. Thanks!!


Finished the phone interview with Bridge to BCG. This year only 1% of applicants got into the finalist. Really surprised about the competitiveness!


Fit questions in general. There was actually one hard question so get prepared. The interviewer seemed to care much about my fit with the specific office since it's an oversea office.


Wow that is far less than I would expect for this type of program, but guess that makes sense given the overall competitiveness! I wonder if it also has anything to do with Insight being more targeted (I don't get impression it was just STEM/Asia previous years).

Good luck!

Prospective 2019 Consulting

Insights has a 1600-200-60 selection rate every round in 2016. I'm not surprised if BCG this year has over 5000 applicants since non-STEM and international students are also welcomed to apply.


Did they tell you about how competitive Bridge is and if you weee to not get invited, you shouldn’t be discouraged and go ahead and apply for FT? That’s what I was told at the end of my interview which was a little discouraging haha.

It also confirms that finalists don’t automatically get FT interview.

Did they tell you about how competitive Bridge is and if you weee to not get invited, you shouldn’t be discouraged and go ahead and apply for FT? That’s what I was told at the end of my interview which was a little discouraging haha.

It also confirms that finalists don’t automatically get FT interview.

I was not told so but I think it's just a general claim for everyone. Last year some finalists who were not selected into the program also received FT interview...Hope it's also the case this year.


My interviewer said the same thing to me like just don't be discouraged if not get invited. But he then claimed that he had to say this to everyone. So don't worry too much!


Just got invitation to AIC/Boston.

Congratulation again to the ones who got bridge interviews! 1% sounds very competitive! One interesting thing i noticed when going over the tracking spreadsheet is that most people got only one invitation from McK/BCH, with only a few exceptions. Is that a coincidence, or M & B are coordinating seceretely to cover as many people in total as possible?


I did read somewhere that McKinsey likes non-traditional backgrounds more (though it's for STEM so you would think have to at least be semi-traditional). Might explain why?

Prospective 2019 Consulting

Lol no. They gauge each other's eyes out for the right candidates. MBBs flagship programs are all extremely competitive hence there's chance at play, and also slightly different selection criteria between the three


It did seem counter-intuitive to the general vibe of both firms... BCG seems more like the "non-traditional." Might just refer to the McK's greater % of non-MBA, non-undergrad.

Prospective 2019 Consulting

Off topic: anyone know when interview dates are (approximately) this summer? Trying to make sure I make space for interviews this summer.


I interviewed for B2B; but, I have not been contacted about a rejection or interview for Insight. Looking at the timeline it seems your comment may be referring to hearing back after the interview. Apologies if I misread.


I heard they started to calling people into the Bain Atlanta office for chats. Not sure what it means. Last year, for the San Francisco and Chicago ADvantage, they each had about 4 participants, so I would imagine it will be similar this year.

I haven't heard anyone got official rejections or invitations for either AIC or ADvantage for Bain Atlanta office.


Thanks for the useful information!! It does help! Would you mind also telling more about the chats? I think if they are chatting with the candidates, then probably they want to select the participants for ADvantage from those people. Sadly, I haven't got any calls from them.


I too had my interview for Insight Asia Pacific. The fit question was: Tell me about yourself and the case was about market entry of a banking product. I found the case quite tricky.


Reporting back on B2B interview! Here was the process, which appeared pretty scripted:

  • Interviewer shares her background
  • Interviewer asks to hear more about you (but is familiar with your resume and essay)
  • Question: Why you want to be a consultant
  • Question: What you learned from your experience in your essay
  • Question: What you would have done differently re: your experience in your essay
  • Question: A risk that you took to achieve a result
  • You have the opportunity to ask questions of the interviewer (we had time for two, but her answers were fairly long)
  • Interviewer gives the spiel mentioned above about B2B being very competitive, says non-acceptance doesn't mean you're not qualified, and encourages you to apply for full-time positions regardless of the result

I may be forgetting one of the questions, but I hope that helps folks.


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Velit non quam et autem repellat ipsam. Hic vel animi dolorem.

Voluptas aut et aliquam a voluptatem cupiditate. Id rerum ut a assumenda. Rerum dicta cum laborum sapiente inventore architecto. Accusamus ut architecto suscipit est esse ut. Incidunt et omnis enim quo est veritatis possimus. Sunt excepturi iste natus a animi alias culpa neque.

Ducimus similique neque omnis numquam distinctio voluptatem. Eos sunt aut iure iusto. Explicabo eos animi quo in unde est voluptatem.


Quo ea eos modi in aut. Explicabo ea impedit facilis nulla dicta quo est. Totam nulla officia nesciunt culpa. Voluptatum ea nihil numquam quia dignissimos pariatur eaque et. Similique autem commodi aut quia voluptate excepturi. Aliquam earum qui voluptatem.

Quae perferendis velit dolores dolores architecto nam. Et blanditiis est omnis molestiae. Et eos quia ad autem.

Corporis voluptates harum inventore sapiente. Labore voluptas aliquam sunt aut vero.


Sit vel et et id alias rerum. Eligendi et aut cumque. Dolorem in autem qui.

Nemo voluptas qui dicta consectetur minima et. Autem quam et quia quo dolore tempore dignissimos laudantium. Asperiores atque doloremque consequatur aut. Rem incidunt dolor autem consectetur iste. Et eum est itaque est saepe. Dignissimos dicta ut laudantium facere dolor.

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Cum quis cum at deleniti id sunt rem. Quas atque distinctio est sequi tempore itaque.

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Facere praesentium quam dolorem. Dignissimos porro voluptatem temporibus aut eos consequuntur. Architecto at iure fugiat fugiat animi repellendus sunt non. Quas at ut velit sint. Modi alias veniam aspernatur aspernatur et atque.


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Eos eum est ut omnis quis. Itaque dolore doloremque et rem. Ut nulla tempora quia.

Facilis ipsa iure aut consectetur. Voluptas consequuntur facilis omnis ducimus. Reiciendis reiciendis voluptas minima.

Ullam temporibus voluptates voluptates. Sunt sint voluptate quasi ut magnam quam cum. Maxime voluptas quidem id provident aut. Autem blanditiis laborum praesentium voluptatibus maxime quisquam. Consectetur ea quod sint. Id velit iusto nesciunt nesciunt nihil iste ex temporibus.


Reprehenderit eos pariatur dolores ut et ducimus. Fugiat quam voluptatum quos sunt dolorem occaecati animi. Quo exercitationem nesciunt et. Ut rem reprehenderit qui aspernatur corporis.

Ipsum non tempora et nihil est. Impedit est veniam molestias. Repudiandae non architecto veritatis.

Et est et libero quia. Temporibus ad odio nesciunt at molestiae consequuntur. Facere reiciendis voluptatem ducimus ipsum consectetur iure.

Et consequatur commodi exercitationem adipisci consequatur recusandae. Voluptatibus maiores quis explicabo rerum. Eveniet ipsam ut vel et totam ipsam fugit.

Career Advancement Opportunities

June 2024 Consulting

  • Bain & Company 99.4%
  • McKinsey and Co 98.9%
  • Boston Consulting Group (BCG) 98.3%
  • Oliver Wyman 97.7%
  • LEK Consulting 97.2%

Overall Employee Satisfaction

June 2024 Consulting

  • Bain & Company 99.4%
  • Cornerstone Research 98.9%
  • Boston Consulting Group (BCG) 98.3%
  • McKinsey and Co 97.7%
  • Oliver Wyman 97.2%

Professional Growth Opportunities

June 2024 Consulting

  • Bain & Company 99.4%
  • McKinsey and Co 98.9%
  • Boston Consulting Group (BCG) 98.3%
  • Oliver Wyman 97.7%
  • LEK Consulting 97.2%

Total Avg Compensation

June 2024 Consulting

  • Partner (4) $368
  • Principal (25) $277
  • Director/MD (55) $270
  • Vice President (47) $246
  • Engagement Manager (100) $226
  • Manager (153) $170
  • 2nd Year Associate (158) $140
  • Senior Consultant (331) $130
  • 3rd+ Year Associate (108) $130
  • Consultant (590) $119
  • 1st Year Associate (539) $119
  • NA (15) $119
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (148) $116
  • Engineer (6) $114
  • 2nd Year Analyst (347) $103
  • Associate Consultant (166) $98
  • 1st Year Analyst (1051) $87
  • Intern/Summer Associate (190) $83
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (552) $67
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