Jul 25, 2020

Private Credit / DL Megathread

I’ve seen many threads on here regarding PC/DL and wanted to start one large thread (like PE) so we can consolidate information instead of having 10+ smaller threads. Feel free to post anything related to this industry (comp, hours, firm culture, recruiting, general career advice, etc.).


Thanks for making this thread. I have a few questions that I haven't gotten clear answers to from the previous posts:

  1. Does Private Credit/DL recruiting generally follow the PE recruiting timeline, where the big shops recruit way in advance and other opportunities come up "off cycle"? Or are most opportunities on an as-needed basis and interview close to the start date?

  2. What do the technical questions look like in these interviews? Should we be using the same prep guides as our peers recruiting for PE or something else? The only threads I could find were a bit vague and just referenced brushing up on "basic debt" and LevFin stuff...is that sufficient?

Any insights would be appreciated, thanks.


I believe on cycle recruiting is similar to PE but less hectic. And yes, my understanding is that levfin material will be the primary things tested, but unfortunately I’m not too familiar with the interview process.

Credit can get very technical. Hopefully others can chime in.


Currently work at MF credit as an associate. Mostly off cycle. Know that KKR, Carlyle, Owl Rock, HPS, and Apollo do off cycle. GSO might be on cycle although I’m not positive.

In terms of what to expect for interviews, it’s similar to private equity. Expect to meet the whole deal team and to have at least one case study. Having some precursory knowledge in credit is important, but they also don’t expect you to be an expert coming in. Just need to understand how to talk about a transaction and what makes companies good credits. Some companies that make good credits are not good equity stories and vice versa. Happy to answer any questions people may have.


Currently work at MF credit as an associate. Mostly off cycle. Know that KKR, Carlyle, Owl Rock, HPS, and Apollo do off cycle. GSO might be on cycle although I'm not positive.

In terms of what to expect for interviews, it's similar to private equity. Expect to meet the whole deal team and to have at least one case study. Having some precursory knowledge in credit is important, but they also don't expect you to be an expert coming in. Just need to understand how to talk about a transaction and what makes companies good credits. Some companies that make good credits are not good equity stories and vice versa. Happy to answer any questions people may have.

Thanks for this. Can you provide any color on what a private credit / DL case study would look like?

What would you say was the hardest thing you had to learn when starting out in DL? Any advice for someone who is interested in starting their career in private credit?


Do you need an MBA to make it to the senior positions (VP/ED/MD) of MF credit shops in NYC or can you make this jump if you went to a target undergrad (Brown/Cornell/Dartmouth) and went straight into credit at a smaller shop?

Also how are the hours at a MF? From what I’ve heard, credit hours seem to be much better than PE and IB (50-70 Hours a week).


Thanks for doing this. For the MF Credit SA roles, what kind of experience do they look for on your resume? Is the interview process and case study similar to the ones they give to associates?


Worked @ SEA-Based PC/DL firm here.

Hours are a still bad by all means, 70 are minimum and it could get to 100 including some all nighters on Sundays. But its mostly about reading endless legal documentations and strategizing on covenants.

Modelling are done usually in templates and it is less complicated (most of the times) than PE or IB transactions model.

My firm recruits wide range of people since we do other things beside DL. We have appraisers, ex-banking credit risk, ex-big4, and there are ex-gov officials as well. We recruit almost exclusively from previous interns and/or personal recommendation from someone within the firm.

Culturally speaking it's pretty good in my group, Partner is really looking after his team. Although the firm as a whole could get really toxic regarding office politics.

Comps are touchy thing, the partner has a exit-clause of not paying us bonuses if some metrics and/or situation(s) aren't achieved. All-in comp is probably equal to MM IB, better bonuses tho if i might said so myself (but then.. i didn't get mine this year).


Someone also recently inquired about what DL in London is like. Does anyone have any insight on this (comp, hours, big players in London, culture)?

Would doing a part-time Msc in finance from LSE be worth it for being promoted in DL?


Curious about this as well. In addition to a masters in finance from LSE or Oxford, is having international credit experience helpful/looked favorably upon?

Most Helpful

Would be interesting to see people comment on their general experience working for, with, or against certain DL shops. No particular subject of interest here, just generally curious to see what others have to say about certain shops. Here are a couple of observations I've had first hand or heard anecdotally from people in the space about certain shops:

Golub: not afraid to stretch on leverage for high quality assets. Was on a tear pre-COVID with large one-stop facilities (>$500MM). Heard hours can be long here and that the shop has a strong reputation within the space.

TwinBrook: have seen them make some arguably aggressive leverage reads for just OK companies. More curious than anything to see how their overall portfolio is holding up and if any layoffs are in order like at Antares.

Owl Rock: If your'e a 1L lender in a deal that has a 1L/2L financing structure and ORCA is in the 2L, good luck trying to get concessions from them. Tough to negotiate with and heard they're looking into buying up 1L in their 2L deals.

HPS: deals here tend to have a fair amount of hair on them from what I've seen and as a natural byproduct a fair amount of yield. Would like to know more about these guys quite frankly in terms of what they look for in a deal, how they box the higher risk they seem to take outside of higher pricing.


Great post!

Would also like to hear thoughts on the culture at these firms:









GSO - 800 pound gorilla in the space. Have something like 240 billion in assets. Work hard, pays well, decent returns. Very rigid corporate culture, have heard that you shouldn’t expect to talk at IC as a junior.

Apollo - do the hairiest deals around and deal with significant complexity. Make top notch returns (talking more than most pe funds honestly) and hours are similar if not a little less than the pe side.

Carlyle - started by a former HPS partner. Carlyle’s core competency is government connections and being close to the heartbeat of DC. Always has been and always will be. No different on the credit side. Haven’t really heard of them being active, think they do smaller sized deals for now. Not familiar with how returns are.


Want to clarify the Antares layoff comment as I used to work there and know many people there. Antares portfolio is holding up fine for now as are most of its competitors, lets be honest they all mingle in the same deals/industries. The layoffs were primarily driven by the prevalence of unitranche and internal PE syndication arms knocking the wind out of Anatares own cap markets group sails. Additionally, they added a PM group that handles post close portfolio monitoring. , and brought in enough that they didnt need as many (more expensive) credit juniors. Also were super top heavy at the SVP level and trimmed the fat there. I would guess these layoffs wouldve happened with or without COVID, it probably just sped them along

Buyside Monkey34:
Couple very active ones off the top of my head

Ares Management - Arguably the strongest direct lending/credit player in the industry

Golub - Very active in direct lending and have a great track record

Maranon Capital - Majority owned by Todd Boehly’s (Former President of Guggenheim) family office, Eldridge Industries, has seen explosive growth within the last 12-24 months with a very bright future ahead

GSO Capital Partners - Blackstone’a credit arm, extremely active and great reputation

Apollo - Recently have been expanding their debt capacities and have long been known as a leader in credit

KKR - Have been leveraging their strong PE arm and have large mezzanine and direct lending arms

Madison Capital - Backed by New York life and have aggressively increased in AUM over time

THL Credit - Strong and very solid credit platform, also have a very solid tradable credit platform

Owl Rock (founded by a former GSO founder, head of GS LevFin, and an investment committee member at KKR), very very agressive in the market right now

MC Credit Partners - Founded by former Co-head of global leveraged finance at a Morgan Stanley


From DumbDebtGuy:

"Couple of harder data points from my experience (both as an employee and talking to HH as someone partially responsible for recruiting)

Firm 1: Smaller DL (~$1Bn AUM) in a lower CoL and no-tax location (think FL or TX)

Associate 1: Something like ~$90k base + 75% bonus (no carry / co-invest)

Associate 2: Something like ~105k base + 75% bonus (no carry / co-invest)

Firm 2: Mid-size DL in NYC (figures likely a bit under "market", particularly as you move up in seniority)

Associate 2: Something like ~$100k base + 100% bonus + Co-invest

Sr.Associate (no MBA): Something like ~$130k base + 100% bonus +Co-Invest

VP: Something like ~$160k base + 100% to 125% bonus + Co-Invest + Carry

Other Data Points

The standard "market" for DL associates w/ IB experience is between $200k - $250k all-in for your normal HCOL cities such as NY. Few years ago the $200k all-in was standard, but that has moved up some in the last few years. As others have noted, it's going to vary widely though by fund size, investment strategy, firm brand name, pure-play shop vs. multi-strategy asset manager, etc. Once you get out of NYC, it really can be all over the place, but it's likely going to be $200k or under on average.

I've seen VP comp all over the map. Have heard some numbers that are more PE-like in nature of ~$600k+ all-in cash comp for some larger firms, but those are likely more "experienced" VPs (i.e. not your 29 or 30 year-old direct promote with no MBA). Standard is probably somewhere in the $400k - $500k cash comp ballpark, with some carry and co-invest economics on top of that.

Generally speaking, you're not going to get PE-rich on the direct lending side. That being said, you're going to still get paid very well and generally live a much better lifestyle than your MF PE peers."


I would assume it really just depends on what is being done in public credit. If working in research on high yield names then sure or if working on distressed. If you’re working more as a portfolio manager or on IG names then it gets a bit harder. It’s a much different skill set of working on company’s and diligence vs comparing relative value and yields. That being said, even within funds, you could go to a buy side role and be on the “public side” doing things like CLOs or opportunistic credit.


How does leverage appetite differ across firms? Know it's a very broad question but any trends across firms - their sector preferences / leverage appetite, preferred cap structure etc would be much appreciated


Leverage isn’t the right question, just because different companies and different industries require and allow for different levels of leverage and LTV. I guess a better way to frame/subset funds is based on spreads for their deals. Most “direct lenders” that do middle market buyout are more in that L + 500-800 bucket and compete mainly on price.The special situations funds are more like L + 800-high teens. Finally the solely distressed funds are focused mostly on opportunities with 20%+ type IRRs. Mind you these are unleveraged returns, using leverage on the funds, lenders can generate higher returns (ex. 1.5x leverage on a 10% IRR investment for ~15% IRR)


Do the direct lenders above only do senior debt / unitranche? Is their underlying credit thesis usually stable cash flow?

How does that differ from special sits? Are these “unstable” cash flows in that the credit facility enables some event / transformation of the borrower?


Thanks for this. When looking at smaller deals, I imagine even RCF sizes are comparable to term loans you lend out - how do you build these corporate ancillary debt (rcf, trade facilities, etc) into your considerations?


Honestly we are pretty against RCFs since they are effectively dead money to us (mostly undrawn, non-interest earning... or nominal). So I'd say we steer towards the small end for RCFs (maybe $500k for a $5m debt facility, as an example). Lots of times, given we are a BDC seeking to maximize interest-earning assets to meet divvy, we will encourage borrowers who want a larger revolver to get one from a traditional bank. The bank will have 1L on Cash+A/R, we will have 2L behind them and 1L on everything else.


To the extent you (or anyone on this thread) can speak to this, it would be interesting to hear perspectives on some of the main similarities and differences about working for a smaller vs. larger direct lending firm. Feel free to comment on anything beyond this list but example topics of interest include:

  • How the general overall experience differs for junior employees (i.e. Analysts / Associates) at a smaller direct lender vs. a larger one.

  • What are some key areas of diligence / considerations that are weighted higher in a smaller deal vs. a larger one and vice versa.


Some shops have analysts programs for directly out of undergrad and was wondering what would be best to read up on in regards to technicals and other interview prep. I've read you should plan similarly to IB interviews but curious if anyone has any insight


I went through the process at a few places for SA. It honestly varies a lot from place to place. There were interviews where I was clearly in over my head with technicals, but even then I think they give you a lot of leeway and understand you aren't experienced. Most of my interviews involved easy to medium technicals, which were usually centered around debt, LBOs, and an "investing" mindset. The majority of questions were behavioral however, but often asked about previous experience (got a little technical as a result).


Anyone have insight / perspectives on some of the traditional banks that play in the direct lending space (e.g. Citizens, CIT, BOI, BMO, CapitalOne)? How competitive are these guys relative to direct lending funds? Would imagine they probably have restrictions on hold size / risk appetite but could also see them being a bit more competitive on pricing due to not necessarily having return thresholds / requirements. Curious to see what people have to say.


any idea on how easy the transition is from private credit (starting off as junior SA) to private equity?


I’ve heard it’s pretty difficult since you are pegged as a debt guy and have to change the way you think (equity vs. debt mindset) and that it becomes more difficult the longer you are in PC/DL.

But then again, I’ve also heard on another thread that the transition isn’t as difficult as people have made it out to be. Curious on other thoughts as well.


From what I've heard it can be tough, but it's definitely possible. It helps if the private credit shop has more flexibility with cap structure, so you get a bit of the equity side. Full disclosure, this is me just recycling what I've read on here (no firsthand experience).


Do credit shops typically sponsor your mba or masters? What if it’s a part time degree?


Hopefully I can offer some useful insight here. As a first year in banking who was completely unprepared, I interviewed and got to the superday for GSAM's PC group with no offer as well as a first round at a large credit fund (OR / Ares) which I didn't get past.

The GS interview was pretty tailored to my M&A background which made it a lot easier and thus probably why I wasn't grilled too hard on the credit mindset etc and at the time the group seemed to be in a growth phase so they openly said they were looking for all types of backgrounds - these were a great group of people and I messed up my case study memo after spending too long on a debt paydown model.

With the OR / Ares one, I basically was grilled on macro credit environment questions and was able to provide shitty soundbites on what I read on bloomberg the last week. Recruiter told me there would be a lot of accounting questions but I didn't get any and was thrown a lot of the broader credit environment questions I wasn't prepared for at all.

Seems like for interviews be prepared for understanding and distilling the current credit environment (more important now in COVID than ever) and having your deal / technical capabilities down the same way one would prep for any PE interview. Focus on the credit mindset and learn how to evaluate downside risk in a way PE investors such as myself wouldn't normally be asked in an interview


I guess those who have a levfin / private capital kind of background with a deep understanding of debt products both private and public. It's pretty subjective obviously. But as a general trend those in M&A and coverage groups largely go for the PE roles while those in levfin/dcm flock towards the PC/DL roles. But I'm sure if you had a strong interest from M&A etc you could make the move to DL with adequate prep.


Curious what exits people have seen outside of other credit shops, distressed. Have people ended up in corp fin, if so what division


You would have better luck going to a lower tier DL shop, also commercial and corporate banking shouldn’t be bundled into the same bracket imo. If u really wanna know just look through LinkedIn and see where people came from


The reason I put them together is because the lines become blurred between banks. For example, a BB commercial banking group may deal with companies with over 1Bn revenue, when you have a corporate banking group at a smaller bank who deals with companies that same size


Commercial banking? That’ll be tough given size and scale of deals and diligence. Corporate banking? That may make sense. Within corporate banking it depends on if you’re on the credit/transaction side or more the rm type role. If you can show deal experience then sure it makes sense and could happen if you push hard enough


If you can bang out a quick LBO model then that’s all you need. The important thing is that you can understand cash flow modeling. If you get how the three statements are linked, and can represent that in excel, then you’ll be fine. Would recommend doing macabacus’s lbo training model, or the street of walls one. Wall Street oasis’s pe course is also pretty good. I’d also recommend reading through Merger and Inquisitions IB interview guide as well


What is the carry potential folks have seen across DL/private credit firms? Structured similar to PE? Would be interested to understand how that impacts earnings potential (long-term).


SBed. Thank you for elaborating. Going to ask some really intro questions so please bear with me.

When you say “senior fund” are you referring to funds that only use first lien & generally senior secured debt? Why is the payout higher than Mezz if senior debt is considered the safest form of debt?

Also, what would the payout look like in reality for someone at a DL firm? Assuming 10% for a senior fund, would the money someone makes (like a VP for example) be 10% of 10 million (assuming the fund made 10 million) so the VP would get his salary + 1 mil paid out to him that year or would he need to wait years to get that carry? Or is the 10% carry divided across all employees with MDs getting more % and junior employees getting very little? Thanks again.


Senior funds include first lien term loans, unitranche debt, and second lien investments

Mezzanine funds can do mezz debt, some second lien if yield is high enough, preferred equity, structured equity, and common equity

Mezz payout is higher because mezz is inherently a riskier investment and is lower in the capital structure and as such commands a higher yield. Thus higher hurdle rate as well. Not sure what you are saying about senior payout higher than mezz.

No idea about payout, that's for more of a question for a senior investment professional at a private credit fund


Can anyone speak to what carry payout looks like (numbers + years it takes to receive it)?


Can anyone speak to what carry payout looks like (numbers + years it takes to receive it)?

Mezz takes longer to payout typically than direct lending. One example/way to think about it for DL is you may have a three year investment period for a new fund, two year harvest period and then with approval can extend on credits for an additional 2 years or so.  That’s a 7 year total type fund.  Because of the coupon being clipped and the faster realizations/cycle in DL vs Mezz you can begin seeing carry dollars coming into your comp as early as year 3 (maybe only 5-10% of payout in that year of total carry) of the funds life for larger funds and it can start gaining steam after that. I’ve seen simplifications where the tax guy at the fund models 30% deployment of capital for each of the first three years, followed by a mirrored return of capital the next three years.  That is indeed a perfect world scenario, what more likely happens is what I’ve outlined.  


Any insight on comp at senior levels of credit shops? What does a VP or MD make?


Hey everyone. My little brother has an interview coming up for Churchill Asset Management and he was wondering if anyone could speak to what the interview process at Churchill is like? Modeling test, behavioral? Also was wondering but is afraid to ask what comp and career progression is like there? Do people tend to be promoted pretty quickly? I don’t work in credit so was wondering if any of y’all could shed some light on this.


Can someone please explain to me the difference between public and private direct lending / credit funds? Thanks


In the mid/long run, would the ratio comp / hour be more interesting in DL or in Corporate Banking for a top lender (JP, Citi, BofA)? A lot of similarities in the day to day I imagine: writing credit memos, doing credit - focused modeling and originating when you are a senior. I guess you have less admin / reporting / KYC stuffs in DL. But it seems also less safe than the « classic » route to MD at a big bank. So wondering if it would make sense to go to buyside when sitting in a position as corporate banker in a top bank in terms of job interest / comp / lifestyle ?


In PC you can be directionally right, as any losses/gains are sustained by the equity first, so when you underwrite equity you need to be much more precise and sure of yourself since you are first in line to reap potential benefits/losses. Think of it this way: if a company is worth 10x EBITDA and receives 7x EBITDA of debt at acquisition, then at exit if you are one of the debt holders you don't care if you exit at 7x or 30x EBITDA (same outcome for you), whereas for the equity holder this makes a world of difference. Basically with credit your upside is capped (getting back your money). Think of the capital structure as a waterfall, the further up you are the more things have to go really to shit for you to not get back your principal as you are cushioned by the tranches below you.


Depends on the investment and strategy. A lot of funds legitimately just throw out the free money bazooka (cough cough gso, cough cough) and don’t do any real diligence. That being said, the performance differential hasn’t been that different because it’s been a bull market. There’s a couple lenders like hps and Apollo and maybe ares that do a lot deeper diligence at the high end of market. If you’re doing a sponsor deal, honestly you usually can just use the sponsors diligence work for the most part 


I've heard in private credit you do less due diligence compared to PE. Is this true? That doesn't really make sense to me because if you are investing based on the down side, I feel like you would want to dive deeper into the weeds. Maybe I'm thinking about this wrong?

Not for the GSO type funds of the world, same amount of diligence and perhaps even more when you start dealing with complex cap stacks 


Good. Depends on what experience is though. Lot of corporate banking groups just do slides and pitching. If you’re at that kind of group it may be harder to make the transition vs a team that is more credit focused


Off cycle mostly, and the same head hunters they use for pe side, so expect there to be a lot of overlap. There may also be some more non traditional recruiters as you move downmarket 


Really weird that this thread is in the PE sub-forum and not the Asset Management one where it would be more relevant, but oh well. 

I work in private credit, specializing in real estate debt in London. Addressing a few things that have cropped up in this thread:

1) Compensation: I'd say this survey is pretty spot on for London comp: https://www.pageexecutive.com/sites/pageexecutive.com/files/banking_ass…

2) Carry: mezzanine/junior debt funds do usually have carry. How its divided between team members will vary from firm to firm, but if things go well then you can earn a lot more from carry than from bonuses and salaries. 

3) What I like about it is that debt is a defensive asset class. When things go sour during downturns, equity gets wiped out first, while as debt will be more protected. Hence arguably slightly better job security. Also you don't have to be smashing through deals day in day out to get your paycheck as you might do on the sell side, all you need is for your loans to be outstanding and you'll get your AM fees. 

4) How do people get in? Experienced hires from the debt teams of banks/IBs or other funds, law firms, credit rating agencies or if you're a large firm then from their own graduate program. 



Really weird that this thread is in the PE sub-forum and not the Asset Management one where it would be more relevant, but oh well. 

I work in private credit, specializing in real estate debt in London. Addressing a few things that have cropped up in this thread:

1) Compensation: I'd say this survey is pretty spot on for London comp: https://www.pageexecutive.com/sites/pageexecutive.com/files/banking_ass…

2) Carry: mezzanine/junior debt funds do usually have carry. How its divided between team members will vary from firm to firm, but if things go well then you can earn a lot more from carry than from bonuses and salaries. 

3) What I like about it is that debt is a defensive asset class. When things go sour during downturns, equity gets wiped out first, while as debt will be more protected. Hence arguably slightly better job security. Also you don't have to be smashing through deals day in day out to get your paycheck as you might do on the sell side, all you need is for your loans to be outstanding and you'll get your AM fees. 

4) How do people get in? Experienced hires from the debt teams of banks/IBs or other funds, law firms, credit rating agencies or if you're a large firm then from their own graduate program. 

Yea so weird, really presents a real problem 


Not sure if this is a sarcastic response here but I also work in private debt and I think its much more closely associated with private equity than asset management. I also think that people working in PE are way more likely to work in private credit compared to someone from an asset management background. Personally, I think this thread belongs in the PE forum much more so than in asset management. 


For recruiting for associate roles out of an IB stint, how useful/important is networking with the funds you are targeting versus headhunter connections?

Also, how far in advance should you begin networking? Is it as aggressive as with IB, or less so?


I have an upcoming interview. Can you please help on what are the day to day activities or what is the process of loan cycle followed in a PC firm ?

i know broadly that PE follows sourcing, evaluating, deal making, deal management, exit activities. How different it is in a PC shop.


Curious to hear how others approach base case forecasting / projection modeling in direct lending. Is it mainly (a) using the Sponsor/management's projections outright, (b) taking said projections and making a "lender" case out of them with flat margins and GDP growth, or (c) something else / a combination. Know that some thought goes into the downside portion of the modeling (i.e. large customer loss, etc) but have always been curious on the base case.


More often than not, the answer is B. We’ll typically still include the equity case in our model for a multitude of reasons - 1) our “base / lender” case is often a lite version of the Sponsor’s assumptions so helps to build that case out, 2) we like to see what the Sponsor is underwriting to and make sure they / management are incentivized properly, and 3) we often co-investing a small equity piece alongside our debt so need to model those returns. As for what our base case typically looks like, it’s industry and deal dependent but we may model in “low hanging fruit” or modest growth / margin expansion in the first year or two and then assume pretty flat growth / steady margins thereafter. The base case usually paints a picture on how the Company can service its debt if it continues to operate as is, downside case is what happens to debt service if there is a big customer loss, ERP project cost overrun, recession, etc. - whatever material risks you may be underwriting to.


Reprehenderit voluptatibus id suscipit cumque voluptas. Quo laudantium odit voluptas amet consequatur officia. Voluptatem nemo inventore hic laboriosam ipsa nihil. Aut cumque accusamus illo non nihil ullam saepe dolorem. Consequatur et beatae omnis unde minus sapiente. Architecto exercitationem deserunt sunt alias occaecati error.


Et praesentium repellendus et nisi eaque. Laborum modi ex sunt libero. Dicta occaecati quisquam incidunt ducimus doloremque mollitia dolores. Porro illum aut dicta illum soluta enim.

Qui reprehenderit accusantium nisi unde debitis. Velit autem asperiores est inventore commodi architecto sit. Facilis iusto consequatur animi sunt quia. Laudantium voluptas est suscipit est odio non.

Molestias quasi tempore atque enim. Sequi autem reprehenderit omnis perferendis. Qui possimus maiores itaque omnis quis sint.


Ipsam et molestiae non illum est ut non pariatur. Sunt veniam velit ea sapiente et qui quia alias. Rerum quae sed quod vel.

Sint a porro doloremque. Non sit ex aut temporibus. Et libero similique repellendus. Sit cupiditate nam deserunt delectus.

Incidunt dignissimos provident consequuntur dignissimos laborum molestias quos. Voluptates pariatur repudiandae rerum odio non ratione. Consequuntur facilis totam rem unde similique velit. Maxime illo soluta voluptatibus.


Rem voluptates nulla et quos. Quibusdam officia error sequi reiciendis accusamus. Et veniam excepturi aperiam aspernatur. Repudiandae qui voluptatum cumque aut debitis enim eos. Maxime explicabo et possimus minus quis eius. Labore quia eum aut nam qui. Totam nesciunt aut beatae voluptatum soluta.

Autem ipsum perspiciatis magni dignissimos. Magnam at suscipit voluptates iste inventore adipisci. Aut distinctio nulla temporibus ullam facere.

Voluptatibus quia architecto corporis quidem soluta. Vitae dolores veritatis repudiandae ducimus sunt. Voluptatibus vitae voluptatum nostrum id. Beatae officia eligendi dolorum porro. Ut ab amet minus aut porro laborum reprehenderit. Qui qui expedita placeat sapiente.

Aspernatur minima optio qui aut. Quam deserunt ipsum cupiditate odio est voluptas et. Ratione aspernatur odit natus ut harum dolor rerum. Quod et quia sequi officia delectus ab. Quaerat sit soluta rerum. Officia voluptas quia ipsa eligendi aut iste perferendis. Nisi hic et alias qui natus consequatur saepe.

Career Advancement Opportunities

May 2024 Investment Banking

  • Jefferies & Company 02 99.4%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners New 98.9%
  • Lazard Freres 01 98.3%
  • Harris Williams & Co. 24 97.7%
  • Goldman Sachs 16 97.1%

Overall Employee Satisfaction

May 2024 Investment Banking

  • Harris Williams & Co. 18 99.4%
  • JPMorgan Chase 10 98.9%
  • Lazard Freres 05 98.3%
  • Morgan Stanley 05 97.7%
  • Moelis & Company 01 97.1%

Professional Growth Opportunities

May 2024 Investment Banking

  • Lazard Freres 01 99.4%
  • Jefferies & Company 02 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners 18 98.3%
  • Goldman Sachs 16 97.7%
  • Moelis & Company 05 97.1%

Total Avg Compensation

May 2024 Investment Banking

  • Director/MD (5) $648
  • Vice President (21) $373
  • Associates (91) $259
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (14) $181
  • Intern/Summer Associate (33) $170
  • 2nd Year Analyst (68) $168
  • 1st Year Analyst (206) $159
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (148) $101
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From 10 rejections to 1 dream investment banking internship

“... I believe it was the single biggest reason why I ended up with an offer...”