Moderating the Mods

I've had numerous instances where I have had my signature and my post edited by moderators and not in an attempt to censor, but actually changing what I said and making incredibly stupid statements (ie 'I have a small penis' 'I like dudes' 'etc'). If the site intends to have a forum, it would be nice to know that the person posting is in fact the person who is writing it, versus a mod trying to do whatever.

By the way: I have a small penis.

You could of just emailed Patrick, but this should be fun either way.
Dude, not trying to be a dick. Just don't want you to go through life making the same mistake again and again.

It's 'could have', 'should have', 'would have', hence the abbreviations could've, should've, would've. Could of doesn't mean anything.


Why didn't you just send a PM. How whiny can one person be? "Someone was a meany-head to me on the internets...MOMMMMM!"

If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses - Henry Ford
Why didn't you just send a PM. How whiny can one person be? "Someone was a meany-head to me on the internets...MOMMMMM!"

I could care less if someone was 'mean' on a forum. Considering I know plenty of people from this forum in real life, including some in the workplace, I would prefer to not have my words altered from what I have said. I think that is a pretty reasonable request, even for an online forum.


Why should the 1%, the mods, have all the power? We should protest. Its not just their site - its ours too.

“...all truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.” - Schopenhauer
Why should the 1%, the mods, have all the power? We should protest. Its not just their site - its ours too.
Well done sir.
Jerome Marrow:
'I have a small penis' 'I like dudes'. That's right folks, WHEEEEEE, I use WSO as my own personal dating site. Cum one, cum all, I'm here to get cornholed by ALL OF WALL.
Dude, that is so inappropriate.

TAGS: What a f***ing whiner, Someone was a meany-head to me on the internets...MOMMMMM!, reddit, dealbreaker, #ThisPostIsAGoldMineForJokes

Get busy living
Why should the 1%, the mods, have all the power? We should protest. Its not just their site - its ours too.
Well done sir.
so inappropriate.[/quote] This kinda made me bust. Out laughing. Why, what were you thinking I meant by bust?
“...all truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.” - Schopenhauer

I did e-mail him and I received no response, so I posted here as well. It would be appropriate for other people on the forum to see as well that their posts can be edited if they disagree with a moderator.

Jerome Marrow:
I did e-mail him and I received no response, so I posted here as well. It would be appropriate for other people on the forum to see as well that their posts can be edited if they disagree with a moderator.

Obviously the lesson here is to stop having shitty opinions.

As far as your signature is concerned, can you prove that ANT did it or are you casting blame because you disagree with his points of view?


"The trouble with our liberal friends is not that they're ignorant, it's just that they know so much that isn't so." - Ronald Reagan
Obviously the lesson here is to stop having shitty opinions.

This was great

You're born, you take shit. You get out in the world, you take more shit. You climb a little higher, you take less shit. Till one day you're up in the rarefied atmosphere and you've forgotten what shit even looks like. Welcome to the layer cake, son.

I mean, it is fairly easy to post a comment, go back and edit your own comment to whatever you want and then make wild accusations that mods are editing your account.

You're born, you take shit. You get out in the world, you take more shit. You climb a little higher, you take less shit. Till one day you're up in the rarefied atmosphere and you've forgotten what shit even looks like. Welcome to the layer cake, son.
I mean, it is fairly easy to post a comment, go back and edit your own comment to whatever you want and then make wild accusations that mods are editing your account.

I'm sure Patrick and the other mods can go looking at the history to see that this is not the case. There would be no incentive to do so anyway.


I can't imagine our mods doing this at all, whats up with your monkey shit to sb ratio?

I edit posts when I promote to homepage, but all I do is clean up grammar a bit, add a bold tag if necessary, maybe change the title, and maybe add in an extra question based on how convo is going. Never touch anything else.

WSO Content & Social Media. Follow us: Linkedin, IG, Facebook, Twitter.
Jerome Marrow:
Then check the history and see for yourselves.

Re: Shit:sb, that is what happens when you disagree with the circlejerk.

go back to and stay there

You're born, you take shit. You get out in the world, you take more shit. You climb a little higher, you take less shit. Till one day you're up in the rarefied atmosphere and you've forgotten what shit even looks like. Welcome to the layer cake, son.
He is defaming me. That is cool though, goes along with his MO.

Do your job and investigate who has been doing this. it should be pretty easy for you to do as a mod.

Jerome Marrow:
He is defaming me. That is cool though, goes along with his MO.

Do your job and investigate who has been doing this. it should be pretty easy for you to do as a mod.…

You're born, you take shit. You get out in the world, you take more shit. You climb a little higher, you take less shit. Till one day you're up in the rarefied atmosphere and you've forgotten what shit even looks like. Welcome to the layer cake, son.
Jerome Marrow:
He is defaming me. That is cool though, goes along with his MO.

Do your job and investigate who has been doing this. it should be pretty easy for you to do as a mod.


It does sound like he's trying to boss you around. You going to take that man?

Get busy living


I just peed a little.

P.S. I know for a fact it wasn't ANT.

Under my tutelage, you will grow from boys to men. From men into gladiators. And from gladiators into SWANSONS.

Do me job?

Listen bro, I check it out and I don't see how to track it. With that said, maybe there is something in the code of the site or something, but this isn't CSI.

If you want me to break a sweat helping you how about you remove your little tag line. I could do it for you, but I don't do shit like that.


You have an amazing banana count Ant, sign of the times???

(for those who don't want to click to see, his total is 666)

Do me job?

Listen bro, I check it out and I don't see how to track it. With that said, maybe there is something in the code of the site or something, but this isn't CSI.

If you want me to break a sweat helping you how about you remove your little tag line. I could do it for you, but I don't do shit like that.

If the glove don't fit, you must acquit!

I can attest that his monkey shit to SB ratio comes from disagreeing with the neocon circle jerk on here and arguing vehemently against it.

My advice: it's just not worth it. Post what you want to say, know that there are people who will read it and appreciate a break from the typical neocon crap, and move on. Don't take this shit as seriously as the neocon club.

I can attest that his monkey shit to SB ratio comes from disagreeing with the neocon circle jerk on here and arguing vehemently against it.

My advice: it's just not worth it. Post what you want to say, know that there are people who will read it and appreciate a break from the typical neocon crap, and move on. Don't take this shit as seriously as the neocon club.


You're born, you take shit. You get out in the world, you take more shit. You climb a little higher, you take less shit. Till one day you're up in the rarefied atmosphere and you've forgotten what shit even looks like. Welcome to the layer cake, son.

Look, I'm not saying it's a good idea to make a thread like this, but the site gets pretty shitty when it's nothing but far right crap over and over. And if people's accounts get hacked or whatever because they strongly disagree, that's pretty much bullshit.

Look, I'm not saying it's a good idea to make a thread like this, but the site gets pretty shitty when it's nothing but far right crap over and over. And if people's accounts get hacked or whatever because they strongly disagree, that's pretty much bullshit.

Seriously man? No ones account got hacked. It isn't like Lulzsec is involved.

You're born, you take shit. You get out in the world, you take more shit. You climb a little higher, you take less shit. Till one day you're up in the rarefied atmosphere and you've forgotten what shit even looks like. Welcome to the layer cake, son.

Far right? Are you talking about correct wing thinking bro.

This site has plenty of diverse opinions. Relax.

As far as Jerome goes, let's not make it out like he is mr innocent. You call people retards and mock people and they will get pissed.

As far as Jerome goes, let's not make it out like he is mr innocent. You call people retards and mock people and they will get pissed.

Correct, but someone changing what he wrote still isn't right.


On a more serious note, in response to one who gave birth to this thread upon which my eyes are bestowed upon reading such a post of accumulation of ad homiest communistic.

On a more serious note, in response to one who gave birth to this thread upon which my eyes are bestowed upon reading such a post of accumulation of ad homiest communistic.

Will Smith I aint even mad Pictures, Images and Photos

"Have you ever tried to use a chain with 3 weak links? I have, and now I no longer own an arctic wolf." -Dwight Schrute

I volunteer to be the mod moderator.

Patrick, please let me know once you granted me these new powers. Kthx.

Under my tutelage, you will grow from boys to men. From men into gladiators. And from gladiators into SWANSONS.
Nouveau Richie:
I volunteer to be the mod moderator.

Patrick, please let me know once you granted me these new powers. Kthx.


Then we're gonna need a mod moderator moderator...

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?

I don't speak French, bro.

Under my tutelage, you will grow from boys to men. From men into gladiators. And from gladiators into SWANSONS.

You emailed him and got no response? How long did yuo give him to respond?

Find a hobby dude, this is a fucking website. Jesus.

If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses - Henry Ford

I basically ignore everything Jerome writes bc I find it completely useless. However, if a mod is going in and changing the content of his posts that's not right.

I actually think it's pretty funny if someone changed his post to say "i like dudes" but unless a mod is just editing to remove inappropriate content I think they should be left alone.

twitter: @CorpFin_Guy

lol this is actually pretty funny. The trolling via editing my posts could have actually been humorous by being slightly more subtle and believable. Instead, you showed a weaker sense of humor than a middle schooler yelling penis in the classroom. Now the other virgins are hopping in to give high 5s to their WoW guildmates. Then again, no one ever said finance folks were the funniest or most creative guys on the planet.

If you had some nuts, you'd at least own up to doing it and move on. I'm all for fucking around, but editing my words is a bit far when there is no disclaimer on it.

Jerome Marrow:
lol this is actually pretty funny. My trolling could have actually been humorous by being slightly more subtle and believable. Instead, I showed a weaker sense of humor than a middle schooler yelling penis in the classroom. Now my other virgins are hopping in to give high 5s to their WoW guildmates. Then again, finance folks are the funniest and most creative guys on the planet.

Since you have some nuts, you at least owned up to doing it and moved on. I'm all for fucking around, but editing my words is a bit fun, ESPECIALLY when there is no disclaimer on it.… HEYOOoooo
Get busy living
Jerome Marrow:
lol this is actually pretty funny. The trolling via editing my posts could have actually been humorous by being slightly more subtle and believable. Instead, you showed a weaker sense of humor than a middle schooler yelling penis in the classroom. Now the other virgins are hopping in to give high 5s to their WoW guildmates. Then again, no one ever said finance folks were the funniest or most creative guys on the planet.

Does anyone here speak nerd? I need this translated.


"The trouble with our liberal friends is not that they're ignorant, it's just that they know so much that isn't so." - Ronald Reagan
Jerome Marrow:
lol this is actually pretty funny. The trolling via editing my posts could have actually been humorous by being slightly more subtle and believable. Instead, you showed a weaker sense of humor than a middle schooler yelling penis in the classroom. Now the other virgins are hopping in to give high 5s to their WoW guildmates. Then again, no one ever said finance folks were the funniest or most creative guys on the planet.

Does anyone here speak nerd? I need this translated.


WoW = World of Warcraft, a popular online multiplier game where you play simultaneously with other people. Some people consider the game a good alternative to life. A guild is a group of players/friends who play these online games together. It's a bunch of people who get together to accomplish certain tasks etc. on a regular basis in game. What he is saying is that all of us are WoW playing (ergo virgins who fail at life) guildies who instead of taking him seriously are posting in defense of the mods (hence the high fiving).

Hope I helped.


Epic butt hurt going on. Unless you are actually Jerome Marrow in real life no one is going to hold you to anything.

Relax dude. It is an online forum.

NR, well played. Ah Juvenal... He's not quite Tacitus, but he's still a reasonably enjoyable read.

Nice Frieds. +1.

“Millionaires don't use astrology, billionaires do”

Listen bro, I know Happy, IRL (oooohhhh, internet speak) and he absolutely has as much going on as you do. In fact, I know many, if not most of the top posters on this site


and they all have a professional and accomplished life. Take your smug bullshit elsewhere.

THIS is why you are loaded with monkey shit and no other reason.


I deleted your signature this time. You can't call people out without some substantial proof. If you find out who it was then by all means but it in your signature but until then, no dice.

If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses - Henry Ford
I deleted your signature this time. You can't call people out without some substantial proof. If you find out who it was then by all means but it in your signature but until then, no dice.
Based on ^ this is for OP:
Get busy living

Someone give me WSO credits.

Under my tutelage, you will grow from boys to men. From men into gladiators. And from gladiators into SWANSONS.
Someone give me WSO credits.
Buy them you cheap alcoholic (said with great admiration for your showing at the happy hour)
If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses - Henry Ford
Someone give me WSO credits.
Buy them you cheap alcoholic (said with great admiration for your showing at the happy hour)


Under my tutelage, you will grow from boys to men. From men into gladiators. And from gladiators into SWANSONS.

Actually, I'm surprised Patrick allows the mods to dick around like this; it just ruins the credibility of the website when people do this :(

Actually, I'm surprised Patrick allows the mods to dick around like this; it just ruins the credibility of the website when people do this :(
One person changing something in what he wrote does not constitute mods 'dicking around like this'. Its one person screwing around.
If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses - Henry Ford
Actually, I'm surprised Patrick allows the mods to dick around like this; it just ruins the credibility of the website when people do this :(
One person changing something in what he wrote does not constitute mods 'dicking around like this'. Its one person screwing around.
Exactly doood. 'Dicking around' and 'screwing around' are two different things, GOT IT?


Get busy living

I actually do the most outside of work.

You're born, you take shit. You get out in the world, you take more shit. You climb a little higher, you take less shit. Till one day you're up in the rarefied atmosphere and you've forgotten what shit even looks like. Welcome to the layer cake, son.

I would be kinda pissed if someone edited my posts.

"For I am a sinner in the hands of an angry God. Bloody Mary full of vodka, blessed are you among cocktails. Pray for me now and at the hour of my death, which I hope is soon. Amen."
I would be kinda pissed if someone edited my posts.


If there is one thing to really care about, it is someone twisting your words around on an internet forum and ruining your online cred.

You're born, you take shit. You get out in the world, you take more shit. You climb a little higher, you take less shit. Till one day you're up in the rarefied atmosphere and you've forgotten what shit even looks like. Welcome to the layer cake, son.
I would be kinda pissed if someone edited my posts.


If there is one thing to really care about, it is someone twisting your words around on an internet forum and ruining your online cred.

It's more of an annoyance than anything to do with online cred. And no matter how much you trivialize it, users on this site do have reputations that affect how the forum operates (see: blastoise). I think IP is pretty much spot on with his rules- if you are being a dick and slinging ad hominems, then fine, mods should likewise screw with your posts. If you are simply in a back in forth with someone I don't think it's that sweet to have your posts edited.

"For I am a sinner in the hands of an angry God. Bloody Mary full of vodka, blessed are you among cocktails. Pray for me now and at the hour of my death, which I hope is soon. Amen."

If I put up something really obnoxious and the mods decide to have some fun with my post along with a moderator note, fine. But it gets confusing to some posters when signatures get edited:

Rule #1: Mods can have fun with obnoxious posts that involve ad-hominems. Rule #2: Mods can have fun with obnoxious signatures and edit them. Rule #3: Obnoxious signatures do not translate into random post edits; obnoxious posts do not translate into random signature edits.

If I put up something really obnoxious and the mods decide to have some fun with my post along with a moderator note, fine. But it gets confusing to some posters when signatures get edited:

Rule #1: Mods can have fun with obnoxious posts that involve ad-hominems. Rule #2: Mods can have fun with obnoxious signatures and edit them. Rule #3: Obnoxious signatures do not translate into random post edits; obnoxious posts do not translate into random signature edits.

Rule #4: Do not talk about fight club.
Get busy living

i'm really busy so I don't have time to look into this right now - but obviously it's not ok for mods to change the content of someone else's post unless it is to remove identifying information.

We'll look into this, but it's really a pain in the ass. So if you are mod and are doing this. Please Stop. We can track you down, i just have to spend time tracking it down in the logs which is really not a good use of my time...

especially considering traffic is down this past week 30% because we blocked a google bot by mistake (bonehead move by me)...WSO slowly recovering, but it's already been a rough week for me, so i'd appreciate a bit of help from you guys.



Hey, Jerome Marrow, how about you stop taking yourself so seriously. With all due respect, your profile's massive number of monkey shit is a negative asset and you'd do better to just start another account and stop being such a whiner. Or just go and do something else.

Very sincerely,

  • [angry] little green men
Get busy living

Which post of yours had this done to it. I've been searching through your posts and cant find it.

Also, moderators are not gods or admins. All I am aware that I can do is edit, promote to front pages, sticky, delete, lock, and ban. You are blaming ANT for something he has no real control of because you disagree with his viewpoint. Maybe it's the vast right wing conspiracy of moderators on this site that's editing your posts.

Patrick and maybe the web developer are gonna have to sort this out, which goes back to the point of whoever is doing this should just stop.

Reality hits you hard, bro...

Fucking Wall Street, the 99% just can't give you shit.

The 99% gives you billions of dollars, and you still fuck up the economy. The 99% gives you tax breaks, and you still fuck up the economy. The 99% gives you prestige, and you still fuck up the economy. The 99% gives you the president you want. and you still fuck up the economy.

Most importantly, the 99% gives you moderator ability and you still fuck it up.

In a more serious note, I think the WSO animal should be a penguin or zebra because may top Wall Street big shots should be in jail.


Fucking Wall Street, the 99% just can't give you shit.

The 99% gives you billions of dollars, and you still fuck up the economy. The 99% gives you tax breaks, and you still fuck up the economy. The 99% gives you prestige, and you still fuck up the economy. The 99% gives you the president you want. and you still fuck up the economy.

Most importantly, the 99% gives you moderator ability and you still fuck it up.

In a more serious note, I think the WSO animal should be a penguin or zebra because may top Wall Street big shots should be in jail.



[quote=patternfinder]Of course, I would just buy in scales. [/quote] See my WSO Blog | my AMA

Post editing is completely unwarranted... the guy has different political beliefs and now has over 200 monkey shits? Jesus.

I'm for libertarianism on message boards, just let the people post godamnit.


The whole monkey poo/silver nanner thing has kind gotten out of hand. Poo is pretty much only given to people in political threads and the silver nanners are given out for jokes and funny comments as much as (if not more than) they are given to people for solid input.

If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses - Henry Ford

All of my monkey shits are from off-color racial jabs, political threads, and PO'd analysts in "rank these firms" threads

There needs to be some kind of quality control

All of my monkey shits are from off-color racial jabs, political threads, and PO'd analysts in "rank these firms" threads

There needs to be some kind of quality control

You are still massively benefiting from the peer-review system since you get 3 Banana Points for every silver rewarded and only lose 1 for each shit that hits you.

Besides, if it discourages you from making racial jabs and contributing to the already annoying political and "rank" threads, then i think the system is doing it's job.

Also, Happy, if you get silvers for making someone laugh, i have no problem with that. Part of the mission statement of the site is to be a place not just for education but also entertainment. Plus, the users that take the time to give great advice and start threads like this: //… are the ones that are really collecting SBs quickly...which is how it should be in my opinion.

We've seen a bit of bananaflation with more WSO Credits in the system, but overall I think it works. Again, this is not

no bananas n' poo
Might be on to something there. Some sort of point system where there is no negative...only positive as you can't really maliciously give someone props...
If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses - Henry Ford


I recently posted in site suggestions suggesting a CorpFin/CorpDev forum separate from other careers.

How realistic of a possibility is this? If needed, I will help moderate it if it is an issue of lack of mods.

You're born, you take shit. You get out in the world, you take more shit. You climb a little higher, you take less shit. Till one day you're up in the rarefied atmosphere and you've forgotten what shit even looks like. Welcome to the layer cake, son.

I recently posted in site suggestions suggesting a CorpFin/CorpDev forum separate from other careers.

How realistic of a possibility is this? If needed, I will help moderate it if it is an issue of lack of mods.

Hey Nefarious, if we saw enough activity discussing Corp Fin/CorpDev in The Other Road forum, then this would be an option. But I really don't see enough activity on these careers to warrant an entire new forum (~10 comments/week in the entire Other careers forum)...


I disagree that banana's are largely used in political arguments. When people start throwing around "retard" and other comments, you are going to get shit on. If you look at the top SB list you will see posters who continually contribute to the community, who answer PM's, post unique content or engage in active discussions.

I disagree that banana's are largely used in political arguments. When people start throwing around "retard" and other comments, you are going to get shit on. If you look at the top SB list you will see posters who continually contribute to the community, who answer PM's, post unique content or engage in active discussions.

This is pretty ironic, coming from you.

"For I am a sinner in the hands of an angry God. Bloody Mary full of vodka, blessed are you among cocktails. Pray for me now and at the hour of my death, which I hope is soon. Amen."

I fail to see how it is ironic. Do you see how many PM's I answer? Do you know how many users I have met in person, talked to on the phone or helped in some other way? Every person on the top SB list contributes and helps immensely.

I fail to see how it is ironic. Do you see how many PM's I answer? Do you know how many users I have met in person, talked to on the phone or helped in some other way? Every person on the top SB list contributes and helps immensely.

I didn't say you didn't contribute- I think you have been very helpful with things like the MSF and appreciate you helping out. But the question wasn't about how helpful you are, it was about where your SB's come from, and the fact of the matter is that the vast majority come from political threads. Probably moreso than anyone else on this forum.

"For I am a sinner in the hands of an angry God. Bloody Mary full of vodka, blessed are you among cocktails. Pray for me now and at the hour of my death, which I hope is soon. Amen."
I fail to see how it is ironic. Do you see how many PM's I answer? Do you know how many users I have met in person, talked to on the phone or helped in some other way? Every person on the top SB list contributes and helps immensely.

I didn't say you didn't contribute- I think you have been very helpful with things like the MSF and appreciate you helping out. But the question wasn't about how helpful you are, it was about where your SB's come from, and the fact of the matter is that the vast majority come from political threads. Probably moreso than anyone else on this forum.

That is wildly inaccurate. The majority of his SBs come from posts helping out other users. Does he have a shit ton from political discussions? Sure, but not a majority.

Thanks Ant.

"You stop being an asshole when it sucks to be you." -IlliniProgrammer "Your grammar made me wish I'd been aborted." -happypantsmcgee
I fail to see how it is ironic. Do you see how many PM's I answer? Do you know how many users I have met in person, talked to on the phone or helped in some other way? Every person on the top SB list contributes and helps immensely.

Yeah, in ANT's defense, he does pay my rent.


"The trouble with our liberal friends is not that they're ignorant, it's just that they know so much that isn't so." - Ronald Reagan

Yeah, on the other hand I probably have all my SBs from political discussions. For good reason too, because I- like politicians- have no idea what I'm talking about.

Reality hits you hard, bro...
Yeah, on the other hand I probably have all my SBs from political discussions. For good reason too, because I- like politicians- have no idea what I'm talking about.

Most excellent.

You're born, you take shit. You get out in the world, you take more shit. You climb a little higher, you take less shit. Till one day you're up in the rarefied atmosphere and you've forgotten what shit even looks like. Welcome to the layer cake, son.

Here is a post from Jerome Marrow (about prop firms recruiting):

"It generally depends on whether or not they recruit specifically on your campus. The online resume drops don't really do anything.

DRW definitely takes non-math/CS majors and Jane St. interviews some people that have 'finance' majors (at least they have @ Penn for sure)."

Pretty helpful, right? He has plenty of other helpful posts as well, if you go back and look at some of the threads he has participated in. Now look at his SB:shit ratio (not all of the shit comes from this one thread about his posts being altered in political threads, believe it or not). The difference between he and ANT? Politics...plain and simple.

"For I am a sinner in the hands of an angry God. Bloody Mary full of vodka, blessed are you among cocktails. Pray for me now and at the hour of my death, which I hope is soon. Amen."
Here is a post from Jerome Marrow (about prop firms recruiting):

"It generally depends on whether or not they recruit specifically on your campus. The online resume drops don't really do anything.

DRW definitely takes non-math/CS majors and Jane St. interviews some people that have 'finance' majors (at least they have @ Penn for sure)."

Pretty helpful, right? He has plenty of other helpful posts as well, if you go back and look at some of the threads he has participated in. Now look at his SB:shit ratio (not all of the shit comes from this one thread about his posts being altered in political threads, believe it or not). The difference between he and ANT? Politics...plain and simple.

is this serious? It is expected of you has a member of this board who is employed in finance in some way to help others.

So you are giving him a pat on the back for answering a question he knew the answer to?

OK. Anthony has a whole fucking site dedicated to helping give members information about a MSF. Where is his pat on the back?

You're born, you take shit. You get out in the world, you take more shit. You climb a little higher, you take less shit. Till one day you're up in the rarefied atmosphere and you've forgotten what shit even looks like. Welcome to the layer cake, son.
Here is a post from Jerome Marrow (about prop firms recruiting):

"It generally depends on whether or not they recruit specifically on your campus. The online resume drops don't really do anything.

DRW definitely takes non-math/CS majors and Jane St. interviews some people that have 'finance' majors (at least they have @ Penn for sure)."

Pretty helpful, right? He has plenty of other helpful posts as well, if you go back and look at some of the threads he has participated in. Now look at his SB:shit ratio (not all of the shit comes from this one thread about his posts being altered in political threads, believe it or not). The difference between he and ANT? Politics...plain and simple.

is this serious? It is expected of you has a member of this board who is employed in finance in some way to help others.

So you are giving him a pat on the back for answering a question he knew the answer to?

OK. Anthony has a whole fucking site dedicated to helping give members information about a MSF. Where is his pat on the back?

I already patted him on the back. Go back and look at my post you quoted. Doesn't change the fact that politics dominate the SB/monkey shit on this site.

"For I am a sinner in the hands of an angry God. Bloody Mary full of vodka, blessed are you among cocktails. Pray for me now and at the hour of my death, which I hope is soon. Amen."
Here is a post from Jerome Marrow (about prop firms recruiting):

"It generally depends on whether or not they recruit specifically on your campus. The online resume drops don't really do anything.

DRW definitely takes non-math/CS majors and Jane St. interviews some people that have 'finance' majors (at least they have @ Penn for sure)."

Pretty helpful, right? He has plenty of other helpful posts as well, if you go back and look at some of the threads he has participated in. Now look at his SB:shit ratio (not all of the shit comes from this one thread about his posts being altered in political threads, believe it or not). The difference between he and ANT? Politics...plain and simple.

is this serious? It is expected of you has a member of this board who is employed in finance in some way to help others.

So you are giving him a pat on the back for answering a question he knew the answer to?

OK. Anthony has a whole fucking site dedicated to helping give members information about a MSF. Where is his pat on the back?

Dude, why you blowing the guy for? He's a big boy, I'm sure he can defend himself. And yes, before one of you dickwads says it, as it appears to be the only insult here, I did make that thread asking for advice about my ex.


Jerome helps sometimes and when people question something he says the posts degrade into retard this and retard that.

Political discussions are fine until someone starts name calling. Plain fact is he comes off as a dick sometimes and people throw shit at him. This is a community and sometimes people piss off the community. Monkey shit generally reflects that.

Jerome helps sometimes and when people question something he says the posts degrade into retard this and retard that.

Political discussions are fine until someone starts name calling. Plain fact is he comes off as a dick sometimes and people throw shit at him. This is a community and sometimes people piss off the community. Monkey shit generally reflects that.

When you guys go back and forth in political threads, you both kinda come off as dicks. Liberal dicks just seem to get more shit than conservative dicks (see what I did there?). I could try to test statistical significance, but I don't even think it is necessary if you look at the SB:shit ratios of some of the more active users.

"For I am a sinner in the hands of an angry God. Bloody Mary full of vodka, blessed are you among cocktails. Pray for me now and at the hour of my death, which I hope is soon. Amen."
Jerome helps sometimes and when people question something he says the posts degrade into retard this and retard that.

Political discussions are fine until someone starts name calling. Plain fact is he comes off as a dick sometimes and people throw shit at him. This is a community and sometimes people piss off the community. Monkey shit generally reflects that.

When you guys go back and forth in political threads, you both kinda come off as dicks. Liberal dicks just seem to get more shit than conservative dicks (see what I did there?). I could try to test statistical significance, but I don't even think it is necessary if you look at the SB:shit ratios of some of the more active users.

go to reddit, it is different there.

You're born, you take shit. You get out in the world, you take more shit. You climb a little higher, you take less shit. Till one day you're up in the rarefied atmosphere and you've forgotten what shit even looks like. Welcome to the layer cake, son.

I don't know what everyone is actually trying to say here. ANT has more shits than anyone...whats the big deal? Jesus, find a hobby.

If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses - Henry Ford

Politics is ok but then folks start demogoguing. I remember when staunch Republicans used names like "The Coultergeist" to describe the fringe crazies in the Republican party, and when it was OK for Dems to laugh at Micheal Moore as a loony. Now we've got folks who are to the right of Ann Coulter claiming that all people who work for the government are lazy and we've got some fairly far lefties who claim TARP was executed by closet fascists.

I'm really not sure how anybody can believe EITHER claim with a straight face. Hence why we get political food fights on the forums.

Politics is ok but then folks start demogoguing. I remember when staunch Republicans used names like "The Coultergeist" to describe the fringe crazies in the Republican party, and when it was OK for Dems to laugh at Micheal Moore as a loony. Now we've got folks who are to the right or Ann Coulter claiming that all people who work for the government are lazy and we've got some fairly far lefties who claim TARP was executed by closet fascists.

I'm really not sure how anybody can believe EITHER claim with a straight face.

This is definitely a pretty polarized community. Maybe post election that will ease. Good post.

"For I am a sinner in the hands of an angry God. Bloody Mary full of vodka, blessed are you among cocktails. Pray for me now and at the hour of my death, which I hope is soon. Amen."

I honestly don't see the issue. This is a finance site. Odds are you will find more fiscal conservatives here. Jerome calls names real quick and pisses people off. He gets shit on. Who cares.

This is a center right board. If you are looking for a more liberal fare I suggest the Daily Kos or that garbage dump called Reddit.

I honestly don't see the issue. This is a finance site. Odds are you will find more fiscal conservatives here. Jerome calls names real quick and pisses people off. He gets shit on. Who cares.

This is a center right board. If you are looking for a more liberal fare I suggest the Daily Kos or that garbage dump called Reddit.

I dont think you can claim to know the politics of the board in general. Please speak for yourself only.

I honestly don't see the issue. This is a finance site. Odds are you will find more fiscal conservatives here. Jerome calls names real quick and pisses people off. He gets shit on. Who cares.

This is a center right board. If you are looking for a more liberal fare I suggest the Daily Kos or that garbage dump called Reddit.

I dont think you can claim to know the politics of the board in general. Please speak for yourself only.

I have yet to see you provide an informed retort to anything political on this site. All you do is make weak ass digs at my comments, without providing any argument yourself.

I honestly don't see the issue. This is a finance site. Odds are you will find more fiscal conservatives here. Jerome calls names real quick and pisses people off. He gets shit on. Who cares.

This is a center right board. If you are looking for a more liberal fare I suggest the Daily Kos or that garbage dump called Reddit.

Speaking of reddit, I have control of the finance sub over there.

You're born, you take shit. You get out in the world, you take more shit. You climb a little higher, you take less shit. Till one day you're up in the rarefied atmosphere and you've forgotten what shit even looks like. Welcome to the layer cake, son.
I honestly don't see the issue. This is a finance site. Odds are you will find more fiscal conservatives here. Jerome calls names real quick and pisses people off. He gets shit on. Who cares.

This is a center right board. If you are looking for a more liberal fare I suggest the Daily Kos or that garbage dump called Reddit.

Speaking of reddit, I have control of the finance sub over there.

Oh you do? We need to tag team some raids. I go to the politics thread and just shit on them when I am board. I hate Reddit with a passion that could melt steel.


In other words, you're saying we're RINO Neocons who like to demogogue. I thought the country got over Neoconservativism in 2006/2008. :D

First off, 80% of the folks on this board are liberal college students. I think we're a hodgepodge of leftists and rightists with a strong libertarian streak on both sides.

I don't think ad-hominems are healthy and I don't think demagoguery where we paint stuff in black and white about large groups and classes of people is healthy either. Ad-hominums (attacks on groups) easily give way to ad-hominems.


You mean the libertarian wing? :D

There's paternalism on both the left and the right. You see it on the left with folks like Frank Lautenberg who want to make motorcycles illegal and put scary pictures on cigarettes. And you see it on the right with a number of neocons who believe in national security and running their own little Al-Qaeda scare back in the earlier part of the last decade. We don't see much of that here.

I think the problem is when people get too strong in their convictions. Convictions don't make friends, they don't make progress, they don't make money either. Facts on the ground and thoughtful analysis are what help discussions.


Not necessarily. I've met a number of left-leaning libertarians, too. Actually, I was one of them back in 2004/2006. Rightists/Leftists start to get confusing where you have a big government that's not necessarily increasing or decreasing GINIs and bailing out banks.

50:50 odds TheKing considers himself a libertarian. And then you've got Eddie who considers himself a staunch libertarian supporting Elizabeth Warren.

Libertarian vs. Paternalist is a different dimension from Right vs. Left, IMHO.

There is no correct wing. You believe in a command and control government or not, and you believe in the government tilting things in favor of the rich or poor. I am a Centrist libertarian- NOT a center right guy. If anything, I think the government should tilt the scales ever so slightly in favor of the poor and middle class. I think a lot of folks on this forum are libertarian to some degree, but not necessarily rightists.


Just because you "consider" yourself a libertarian doesn't mean you are. If you suppose left wing positions you are not for liberty and freedom, but government intervention in something YOU and not everyone else thinks is important.

Best Response
Just because you "consider" yourself a libertarian doesn't mean you are. If you suppose left wing positions you are not for liberty and freedom, but government intervention in something YOU and not everyone else thinks is important.
Of course you are. I support the credit union transfer day. I also support government providing seed capital for folks to set up non-profit healthcare cooperatives (the credit unions of health insurance.) I support OWS to the extent they're protesting TARP. All of these are inherently free-market capitalist moves that empower the individual. But rooting for stuff like that gets me labeled a lefty in many circles.

Most Republicans support controls on abortion and restrictions on free speech on some level. I don't. That doesn't make me a Democrat.

Most Republicans think it's worthwhile to invade a country every couple of years. I think that's stupid. That doesn't make me a Democrat.

Libertarianism vs. Paternalism is inherently a different dimension from Leftism vs. Rightism. Leftism vs. Rightism is Fairness vs. Justice. Libertarianism vs. Paternalism is Freedom vs. Control.

Just because you "consider" yourself a libertarian doesn't mean you are. If you suppose left wing positions you are not for liberty and freedom, but government intervention in something YOU and not everyone else thinks is important.
Of course you are. I support the credit union transfer day. I also support government providing seed capital for folks to set up non-profit healthcare cooperatives (the credit unions of health insurance.) I support OWS to the extent they're protesting TARP. All of these are inherently free-market capitalist moves that empower the individual. But rooting for stuff like that gets me labeled a lefty in many circles.

Most Republicans support controls on abortion and restrictions on free speech on some level. I don't. That doesn't make me a Democrat.

Most Republicans think it's worthwhile to invade a country every couple of years. I think that's stupid. That doesn't make me a Democrat.

Libertarianism vs. Paternalism is inherently a different dimension from Leftism vs. Rightism. Leftism vs. Rightism is Fairness vs. Justice. Libertarianism vs. Paternalism is Freedom vs. Control.

I agree IP, there is no need to invade countries every couple of years when you have a high powered air force and a stock pile of nukes. No need to waste the manpower, just carpet bomb, drone, nuke.

Very well put IP.

You're born, you take shit. You get out in the world, you take more shit. You climb a little higher, you take less shit. Till one day you're up in the rarefied atmosphere and you've forgotten what shit even looks like. Welcome to the layer cake, son.

I agree about the mods. I had this douche named In the Flesh trying to tell me what i can post or not. Get over it. Its the internet. I can post what I want. And I took the shit for it.

In the politics threads, simply dont have them here, But if necessary I agree with the option of having a politics forum without any SB/MS. Make it fair and avoid this bullshit.

For example, I got hit with all sorts of crap because I tried to diversify this site aside from the 'me 1%, OWS bad people' (another point, you're fucking not the 1% so shut the fuck up). Personally, I have had messages complimenting me about having the balls to post what I feel like and not conforming to some male pride bullshit. Everyone has had problems with girls. If you hated the posts so much, why keep visiting them?

Oh and I love HPM, guy's awesome.

Why you suckin' his dick? He is a big boy.

big? You misspelled fuckin' huge!
If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses - Henry Ford
Oh and I love HPM, guy's awesome.

Why you suckin' his dick? He is a big boy.

I find him amusing, not condescending unless the person absolutely deserves it and just generally not act like a dick.

And what that other jackass dude said and what I wrote, two completely different things.


Eum impedit alias deserunt enim non reprehenderit. Neque suscipit quibusdam voluptas suscipit adipisci voluptatem aut. Earum eveniet laborum illo ea consectetur. Ducimus eligendi quod minima et nemo et soluta.

Omnis magni velit voluptatem et doloremque ipsa vel. Maiores quo eos at possimus ut sunt. Ducimus sed voluptas magnam quaerat dolorem non mollitia. Perspiciatis rerum et rerum voluptate nam aspernatur eum deleniti. Error laborum autem nam repudiandae sunt.

Reality hits you hard, bro...

Illum error ducimus quo ipsum molestiae placeat. Beatae sapiente voluptatem et nesciunt. Architecto tempora repudiandae saepe dolore quia saepe excepturi. Nam vel doloribus quo et ea eum earum ipsam.

Non hic itaque omnis omnis recusandae. Consequatur deleniti modi doloribus atque. Ut animi ad qui dolor doloremque optio atque. Provident vel quia soluta sunt. Reprehenderit qui aut molestiae id. Provident fuga et consequatur quidem beatae blanditiis ut sapiente.

Eos soluta eum autem. Doloribus optio ut et in. Quibusdam voluptatem nisi id accusamus ut voluptatibus nisi.

Debitis mollitia quas et qui. Sunt vitae cupiditate voluptatem nihil deserunt. Qui et eum dolore voluptas deserunt nihil. Dolorem dolores quaerat et nulla. Est odio sit esse et blanditiis.


Voluptatem voluptatem quaerat animi cumque voluptate tempora perferendis. Blanditiis eos dolorem omnis exercitationem ad. Eveniet aliquam modi cupiditate est dolore commodi.

Id soluta provident dicta esse modi. Itaque quaerat officiis iste eos modi et a. Et velit omnis pariatur magnam atque aut dicta sint. Esse rerum nesciunt architecto et qui nihil et sint. Sit rerum maiores minima qui reprehenderit voluptas quidem.

Numquam quo maiores asperiores corrupti. In voluptas similique molestias explicabo perferendis. Aut omnis dolores ad quo quod voluptate.

Ratione quia ipsum cumque modi excepturi in. Quasi aperiam voluptas ab maiores perspiciatis qui. Consequatur esse molestias accusantium rerum dolorem voluptatem. Fugiat repellat non quos ullam inventore qui est.


Pariatur aut natus consequatur a et deserunt. Iure tenetur impedit nihil odio est quo libero. Qui rem laborum recusandae. Fugit a molestiae animi fugit. Necessitatibus necessitatibus rerum officiis exercitationem eos nesciunt magnam.

Sequi id adipisci accusamus ut. Qui natus aperiam quia vel praesentium.

Velit quis est quas iusto rerum dicta non. Similique sit maiores nulla distinctio. Sed id asperiores qui dolore illo incidunt.

Under my tutelage, you will grow from boys to men. From men into gladiators. And from gladiators into SWANSONS.

In iure impedit illum quos. Quisquam et ea et odio blanditiis. Ipsum at beatae et earum. Maxime sed molestiae incidunt quibusdam. Vitae deserunt voluptatem eum at ullam. Amet delectus sed commodi corporis. Suscipit quod deserunt quasi sapiente tenetur.

Non quasi nulla et inventore. Est porro voluptatem consequatur rerum voluptas numquam.

Voluptatem voluptatibus voluptas iusto assumenda cumque exercitationem fugiat. Autem libero dignissimos vitae optio. Saepe quia sapiente rerum et.

Architecto impedit aliquid eius. Et inventore exercitationem provident qui voluptatibus.

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  • Intern/Summer Analyst (148) $101
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