Convince me not to buy an M2

Sitting here in sunny Malibu, nice to take the week off for my honeymoon. Big thanks to all the warm wishes I received on this website for it in the past - great to be able to file joint taxes now. 

Originally flew here. Seriously considering not doing that anymore. For the past 48 hours, I've been experiencing a 2021 BMW M2 that we got off Turo for a couple of days before we head up north for the week. Had to extend my rental on it - I love it to death. Took it up the PCH to Santa Barbara and can honestly say that I enjoyed the drive more than anything we actually ended up doing there. Two days in the cockpit and I feel this childish urge to pull the trigger on one. I literally can't wipe the smile off my face as I rev match down a gear or two and blast off the pavement. Been a long time since I've driven a stick but it's as smooth as butter and got used to it after maybe an hour. 

Now, let me be clear - it's completely impractical. Driving a stick in DC traffic isn't going to be fun. I like my coffee on the way to work and that's gonna be a rough transition of alternating hands and I'm confident I'll ruin a few work shirts. It's also ridiculously small - I'm 6'1 and the front was getting a tiny bit crowded after a couple of hours. The back? Can't even imagine, but I'm trying to justify it by telling myself that my wife has the Q5 and I won't need to carry anyone around. I came from a 2020 335i and it had a hell of a lot more comfort-based features, the M2 feels more like a racecar. 

I think it would be an EXCELLENT second car, and that'd be a smart decision... in a couple of years! I've thought that the F87 series was the best-looking BMW ever made (a CLOSE rival being the 1M or the E46 M3), and it'd be a perfect weekend warrior. I have no room or need for two cars right now, and know it wouldn't be a smart financial decision. Could I afford it? Yeah, no issue. Should I? Not sure I can say the same there.

I'm the last thing from an impulse buyer, but there's just something about this car, man. I guess the other thing is that my wife will 100% divorce me if I grab one without notifying her and I got no prenup - would be an awkward honeymoon story. I've had CarGurus up in the background all day...


I like M2s - go for it.

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

Convince me to not convince you to buy an M2.

(And an E34 M5 is the best looking BMW ever. My post history will show you why I'm biased)

The poster formerly known as theAudiophile. Just turned up to 11, like the stereo.

Convince me to not convince you to buy an M2.

(And an E34 M5 is the best looking BMW ever. My post history will show you why I'm biased)

I like the V10 E60 M5

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

One of the best sounding engines of all time. I like the M6 from that era as well, same motor.

I've driven both the M5 an M6 V10s. They don't feel fast compared to modern BMWs tbh, but the theatrical experience of the engine's sound is just next level.

Fwiw the V10 is one of the most unreliable BMW engines ever made lol, some issue pertaining to the spin rods is common, and the fix is like 25k when it ultimately goes bad.

thots & prayers

The new Supra looks like a cool car - I bet it is fun to drive.

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

DC traffic is horrible but if you get out to the Appalachian mountains there’s some decent roads and views, although some of them will be full of potholes so you’d have to curate some routes. But as an east coast guy, you’re right that CA has some amazing drives between the ocean and the mountains. I love it every time I visit. Wish it wasn’t so packed with people.


I wish! We heavily considered that one. We had the reception and ceremony at the Bel-Air Bay Club, which was unbelievable. I never thought I could be invited to a venue like that, much rather host the greatest day of my life there. However, Distinguished Clubs is a client of hers and some of her friends were able to pull some strings. My FIL covered the event cost, which has proven to me that a) he is an absolutely wonderful man, and b) I cannot afford to have a daughter... ever. Small wedding - I'd say roughly 40-50 people were invited, which is good since I have no friends. She needed eight bridesmaids... do you know how hard it is to find eight men in their 30s that can commit to being in CA for four days??? LOL, it all worked out though and I'm in awe that I have this privilege. 

Nobu was definitely on the radar, however. Our honeymoon was shorter than I'd liked, and we kept it to North America (I originally wanted Europe) for timing purposes. It's insanely busy for both of us now, and we plan to take 2-3wks off in late Spring of '23 to have kind of a 'formal one.' Four days in Malibu, four in Oxnard, then two days in Toronto to see her extended family. I just dropped off the keys now to return the M2... hopefully I'll see it again.

You live in a beautiful place, and I was honored to see this other part of CA. I lived in LA for 4-5 years and never seemed to make it up the PCH this far. Glad I did - it's a lot different through this kind of lens. Be well!


You're a lucky man... god damn, that's a beautiful road. Almost crashed twice trying to crane my neck to see the views. The M2 has a beautiful exhaust note... still can't believe its stock. It's a man's dream come true when I can rip down a gear and hear her sing around 4K RPM. 

Rent an M2 for the PCH. Think ours ran about $230/day, totally worth it. That $230/day may end up at around $60,000 for me soon... if you get my drift!

Most Helpful

Logic goes out the window for a car guy when wanting to purchase a sports car - trust me as I have spent the GDP of a small country on cars over the last 5+ years.

If it sings to you just do it. You can always sell it. Plus there are some nice roads around you in Virginia and west into Maryland where you can enjoy the car. 

Many people think I waste my money on my cars. Maybe, but I also look forward to waking up at 6am on Saturday and Sunday mornings to take my cars for a blast when everyone else is asleep. It is a weekly cathartic experience for me that I can't attach a monetary value to. I just love cars and the experience of driving them. Goodluck and post when you pull the trigger!  


Totally feel you. Not too sure how familiar you are with the area, but I was consulting with a client group in Ashburn for a while. In lieu of the interstate, I loved to take Georgetown Pike all the way out that way. If there wasn't any traffic, it was a car man's dream - enough twists to keep you on your toes, but gorgeous greenery and plenty of straightaways to open 'er up. 

I will say that returning to the 6MT for a mere four days has given me a more in-tune driving experience with the car. While I've never owned one, my pops had an '89 Wrangler he got the year I was born & I learned to drive on that. It's so incredibly satisfying and I feel a much better connection with the car. Just hope that I haven't gotten myself so used to 400HP that it's hard to go back now! My 335i was totaled a couple of weeks ago so maybe it's a sign. I don't know, maybe you can talk to my wife. She's given me the "absolutely not" look every five minutes now


Totally feel you. Not too sure how familiar you are with the area, but I was consulting with a client group in Ashburn for a while. In lieu of the interstate, I loved to take Georgetown Pike all the way out that way. If there wasn't any traffic, it was a car man's dream - enough twists to keep you on your toes, but gorgeous greenery and plenty of straightaways to open 'er up. 

I will say that returning to the 6MT for a mere four days has given me a more in-tune driving experience with the car. While I've never owned one, my pops had an '89 Wrangler he got the year I was born & I learned to drive on that. It's so incredibly satisfying and I feel a much better connection with the car. Just hope that I haven't gotten myself so used to 400HP that it's hard to go back now! My 335i was totaled a couple of weeks ago so maybe it's a sign. I don't know, maybe you can talk to my wife. She's given me the "absolutely not" look every five minutes now

Very familiar as I have family in Ashburn. Great inside roads as you go west around Leesburg and out towards West Virginia and you also have the skyline drive of course more south


I like your thought process here- but for anyone interested in the details, those are going for about $125k above MSRP at the moment.

I found a dealer with an allocation, provided a build that had an MSRP of roughly $200k, dealer wanted $125K above market, bringing it to $325k....... pretty much impossible to get. I understand market dynamics thoroughly, but I can never get myself to pay above MSRP for anything lol.

thots & prayers
[Comment removed by mod team]

Porsche 911 GT3 is a great car. However, I would aim for the 991.2 GT3 instead of the 992 because I like the design of the older GT3 more than the current model. The current 992 has just such a big back. I know that the current model is faster but it is just not as appealing to me.


OP you should full send it. Screw practicality. I'm in NYC, and drove a manual 2018 M3 for a long time lol. Is it annoying- sure. But totally worth it. 

Currently have a 22' M4 Competition xDrive. I've driven virtually all BMWs and done several track events sponsored by BMW.

M2 is among my favorites too. You should check out the M4s too, interior is much nicer, G8x platform is something else. Basically a race car w all creature comforts.

thots & prayers


"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

You drive a hard bargain! M3 in NY is something else, for sure. While it's not practical in its own sense, I know that I want to be a dad someday and now I'm not sure how long it'll be. The time is running out for a DD that I can also take to the track, as I may need to get something more kid-friendly in a couple of years. I think that I may be at a sweet spot now where my net worth is high enough for comfortably afford an M2, but still young enough to rip gears down 495.

The M4 was certainly intriguing. The owner also had an F82 M4 (I believe 2018) on Turo, but we decided to opt for the M2 instead. I've ridden in a G80 M3 that a coworker owns (DCT) and it can certainly pull. It's a whole other thing when you're the one operating those petals... that's for sure


If you are serious why not take a test drive in the RS3 and CLA 45. Worst case, it’s a couple of fun drives. My wife has had BMWs, and they are great. I had a V8 S4 that was awesome, but we outgrew it with kids so I got an E63s wagon, which is insane. I kind of hate the BMW ergonomics. Audi has the best from my perspective and some really great finishes, but the new screens in the MBs are great…almost too many displays with too many options. 


Honestly I'd avoid it. The M2 has been used in basically every conflict from WW2 all the way to the current Russo-Ukrainian war as the go-to .50 Caliber so it's dependable, for sure, but for personal defense I'd opt for something more mobile given that you're likely not in large military group combat. A standard M4 carbine will likely give you everything you need, and pair that with the M17 or M18 pistol (depending on your hand size) then you'll be ready to go, no issue.

Remember, always be kind-hearted.
Abusement Park

Don't buy and M2.



"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

If trying to justify the practicality aspect I would consider getting an M240i. A lot cheaper but only a hair short of the M2 in performance. It’s honestly one of the most underrated cars in my opinion. When in sport mode it’s exhilarating (people actually track these cars) but you can flip it into comfort mode and cruise around town without the super stiff/bouncy ride which means you definitely can make it your daily driver. Then you would be just replacing your current car instead of buying another one. Some simple mods will also push performance of an M240i above a stock M2 if you are into that.


I think it is definitely worth making the jump down the sports car rabbit hole even if you spend a lot of time in traffic. A few considerations from someone who has  spent a fair amount of time analyzing M2s: 

1. It really sucks to throw a lot of miles on your car just by sitting in traffic: If you are planning to own the car long-term, this will allow it to depreciate rather rapidly (depending on commute distance) with zero enjoyment. Put me in a Hurracan SVJ and sitting in traffic I will still have zero fun. No car, and I truly mean no car, will be fun to drive in bumper to bumper traffic. To avoid this conundrum, I would recommend getting a beater to daily. I am talking a sub-$10k car that just simply gets you from point A to point B. 

2. Many owners sell their M2s after a short duration: M2s have two types of owners, those who hold long-term, and those immediately seeking an exit. Many M2 drivers are bored of their car in under 10k miles. I dont know enough to know why that is, but it is very common to see enthusiasts selling M2s with limited miles added. I check on M2s regularly as I have always been a big fan. Personally, if I had to guess, I would assume it is because it truly isnt that special. Sorry, maybe you completely disagree, but I think there is a reason they arent everywhere. For ~60k it is definitely one of the better cars you can get, if you can find one around there. Optioned out from dealer I would assume with taxes and fees youre paying closer to 75-80k, which is hard to stomach. At that point, why not get a used 911 / C8 / Lotus for ~10-20k more?

3. 6,500 RPM wouldnt cut it for me: We have commented on the same threads before so you may recall I own a E92 M3, that can hit 8,200 RPMs when warm. This is a huge difference maker for me, and honestly brings me as much joy as having a 4.0L NA V8. The new M2 is turbocharged with a quieter rumble and lags in the RPM department. After having 3 different sports cars, I will never buy a car that cant hit 7500 RPMs. If you dont know what I mean, test drive a car with a higher rev range. Please trust me on this directly impacting day to day enjoyment, even as you just go 0-60.

4. The car market is highly inflated: Maybe this should be point #1, but nevertheless, car prices are at all time highs. Yes, they arent as bad as they were YoY, but they are still pretty brutal. As we are just beginning to hit a recession, why not wait for the values to drop significantly? Prices are on their way down, but I would expect a material drop within 6-12 months. I have been actively watching used car prices for the past 24-36 months. 

5. If you are going to buy an M2, check out Bimmerpost: Not sure what your threshold is for modded cars, but Bimmerpost currently has two of the sickest M2s for sale I have ever seen in my life. Link 1 Link 2 They also have many more standardized non-modded stock cars FS. But I would recommend going through an enthusiast unless you are looking for an extended warranty

Best of luck to you!


You have no idea how close I was to putting an excerpt in my original post along the lines of "waiting for Deal Team Six to come with the heat" so I'm glad ya made it around. Excellent analysis as always, swear that there are like 3-4 people on this website that I absolutely need to get a beer with someday. My fuckin' man.

Anyways, couple of thoughts I had: the traffic thing is the real kicker. DMV traffic may not be as bad as LA or Dallas, but man - it fucking sucks. If you took the number of hours I've spent on 395 and turned it into something remotely productive, I'd be Einstein by this point. The additional mileage, inability to use the car for its proper capacity, and having to go from N to 1 to N to 1 to N to 1 repeat x1000 are what's making me hesitate. The small space, lack of comfort features, and the M2 really being a barebones car are the primary things keeping me from pulling the trigger. I should mention a secondary thing being my wife asking me if I can "just get a normal fucking car" whenever my insurance decides to pay out the deficit lost by the 335i. 

I think it honestly just comes down to this: I've been around for nearly 32 years and have never had an extended time to push a car to its max. I got four days of paradise in an unfamiliar vehicle, on possibly the greatest road in the United States at my disposal, and having my hand weighed down by a new wedding ring is pretty much the best-case scenario for anybody. I have to understand the fact that those four days aren't comparable to the future years I'll spend. Now, does the bar have to be that high all the time? Of course not, but I think that's what drove the impulse a lot. 

I think the RPMs matter less for me personally, but that's also just because the M2 is probably the most powerful car I've gotten a taste of. In a way, I'm okay with that. I can't imagine going a step above that, by virtue of the fact that I've driven a 4Runner, base model A3, and 335i my entire life. My former BMW had a little kick to it, but nothing compared to what I experienced. I know a 911 is in my future, but also always assumed that'd be a secondary vehicle to a daily driver. Need the carry to vest and flow into my credit line a little bit more before I can dream of that. 

Car prices ARE fucking stupid right now, we can agree on that. The timing isn't terribly important, it's also a mild squeeze since I don't have my own vehicle at the moment... technically. Insurance is covering the cost of the loaner until EoY 2022, and then I'll have to renegotiate if I don't have another car back by then. We'll see if the timing works, and I get paid out for the BMW prior to that - as well as car prices coming down. I think it's too short of a timeframe personally, but a man can dream. Regardless, I know I won't be buying a car until 2023 as I may as well stick out the loaner as long as I can to not put miles on a personal vehicle. 

Overall, while I'd love to sign a check for five figures and walk out with an M2, I know that I probably won't do that. Not until 2023 at least, which is okay. In the meantime, I'll continue to enjoy my lovely Q3 loaner and browse CarGurus until I find a steal. When that happens, pictures will be sent to you. Again thanks for your analysis my friend, always a pleasure. Next time you're in DC let me buy you a beer. Be well!


I want to give you a more proper response but just have one second before my next meeting. Just wanted to make sure you know I really really love the M2 and sincerely hope you pull the trigger. Just want to make sure you buy in after the price correction not while the market is still over-inflated. From one enthusiast to another, get the car you deserve. Few things bring me as much joy. 

Deal Team Six

3. 6,500 RPM wouldnt cut it for me:

7,600 rpm for an S38 in the E34 M5. Just saying...race engine that's detuned for a road car instead of the other way around because it's built to spin to 9,000.

The poster formerly known as theAudiophile. Just turned up to 11, like the stereo.

Yes get one. The N55 is an extremely capable engine, and the S55 (in the competition) even more so. You can easily squeeze an additional 100-150hp out of it on stock turbos with a few simple and affordable bolt ons (bigger intercooler, catless downpipes) and a tune. 100% make sure you opt for a manual, it is a sin to drive these in automatic.


I'm in Arlington, so a quick hop on 395 and I can be at the office or anywhere in DC. I primarily drive to work, but I've been trying to Metro in more - shit takes forever though. Arlington is pretty transit-focused and urban, so I try to walk as much as possible. However, the second I get out of the O4 corridor then it's required to have a car. I'm a sedan guy as a whole, so wife having an automatic and comfort-focused SUV can be our trip car or family car when we require one in a couple of years. 

Haven't been on this website in a bit, so for those reading - looking like it's going to happen. I'm still waiting until 2023 so I can push my loaner as long as possible, I've ran the numbers, sold my wife's kidney, and have a good idea of my bonus this December. Long Beach Blue is the only color for me. Update to come in Jan!


Taking an M2 as main vehicle around DC isn’t half bad. Especially if your wife has a Q5 that you can use for larger hauls. Great thing about being in DC is that you’ve got the Shenandoah out west to take the M2 out or even taking GW Pkwy to Great Falls for the weekend (or to Leesburg). I’d pull trigger on one if the price is right! ICE is likely heading near its end, YOLO.


Currently driving a 2018 M2 and have been for the past 2 years.

When driving the car in comfort, the car is still fast and it handles amazing. Super easy to accelerate and whips around like no tomorrow. But in Sport + specifically, the car is another animal. It is so responsive, the acceleration and handling are insane. 

I am also the last thing from an impulse buyer. It took me two months to convince myself to get it as it most definitely isn't the right financial choice. Plus I am in Canada, so this car is completely useless in the winter when it snows. Was debating because I didn't want to lock myself in financially. But I now realize that I can offload it later pretty easily given the specs - not a car that is hard to get rid of. 

The novelty in comfort does wear off, unless I step on the gas. But the novelty in Sport + will never wear off.

My suggestion is to go with it, because I don't think you'll regret it (and neither did I).



"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

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Rerum aliquam voluptates quaerat cupiditate in rem. Natus sunt ea exercitationem suscipit non molestiae. Harum cupiditate quas eaque ut ipsum. Voluptatibus id quia vitae. Est consequatur atque et aut aut sapiente.

Sapiente incidunt reprehenderit iusto ratione. Est rerum non et quia voluptatum. Dolorem labore magni modi numquam.


Sit velit est a cupiditate aut nesciunt. Quasi ut aut et non. Quis maxime est animi sit odit dicta sed. Nulla enim voluptatibus quasi maiores inventore. Ea ipsum quia aspernatur sit et veniam. Expedita nobis voluptatem rem cumque et impedit perspiciatis.

Ut dolore perferendis maiores fugit numquam debitis et. Est soluta repudiandae repellat quas esse ut quia. Suscipit qui officia porro odio sapiente est ut et. Accusantium odio inventore dolorem.

Expedita reprehenderit tempora accusamus cum explicabo optio. Voluptatem voluptates quia voluptate dolor. Ut cumque corrupti cupiditate est quasi omnis. Vel est temporibus libero quis. Voluptates omnis cumque voluptates qui. Est at minus sint assumenda perferendis sint velit.

Rerum beatae et eum sint qui. Aliquid autem occaecati corporis. Voluptatibus pariatur vel voluptates debitis harum adipisci dolore iure. Reiciendis blanditiis error reiciendis impedit consequatur delectus.


Aut enim error hic fugit laborum voluptas quibusdam. Voluptate nemo in dolore sed eaque et quae.

Sed possimus omnis consequatur repudiandae quibusdam veritatis. Temporibus qui ea architecto dolor incidunt consequuntur qui. Consequatur explicabo non ab nihil. Est ratione perferendis molestiae non. Ullam eaque ut molestias et aliquam. Vel incidunt inventore a sit sequi maxime.

Nesciunt dicta autem veritatis dignissimos. Est ut aut voluptate nemo repudiandae enim praesentium. Fuga eum odit asperiores facilis.

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