For the diet coke drinkers out there

Just something that I found out through a conversation with a nutrition dude who claimed the key ingredient to diet/lite drinks is a poison (aspartame, nutrasweet by tradename). A bit more homework behind the science of his reasoning. Thought you'd like to know, and will opt for the full fat version instead.… is the full article I read:

It's a very very lengthy article, but here is an interestingly lengthy extract from it:

Unsafe is certainly the least of the criticisms one might make about Additive 951/aspartame. The synthetic sweetener rapidly breaks down in the human body into three chemicals hazardous to human health: - (1.) Aspartic acid, (around 40%); (2.) Phenylalanine, (around 50%); and (3.) Methanol (10%).

This breakdown process takes place spontaneously at a temperature of 30 degrees Celsius and happens immediately a diet product enters the human body (we operate normally at a temperature of 37
degrees). Hence a can of Diet Coke exposed in those bins outside a service station on a hot day a common sight anywhere in New Zealand and Australia will already be laced with a cocktail of dangerous toxins as will any diabetic bakery and Weight Watchers product containing aspartame which has been heated in its processing. Any analytic laboratory can prove this point for you for a cost of less than $100.

The science behind methanol or wood alcohol toxicity is beyond debate. Its something you learn about early in a chemistry training because its in every laboratory and is similar in some of its effects to ethanol, the ordinary drinking alcohol in all booze of whatever description. Easy access to methanol is a standing temptation at medical school and chemistry class parties, but it can blind you. Too much ethanol will normally only cause vomiting and loss of consciousness. Methanol is another story its quickly absorbed through the stomach and small intestine mucosa and converted into formaldehyde, a severe poison and carcinogen. Then, via a process called aldehyde hydrogenase, it is converted to formic acid. These two metabolites of methanol are toxic and cumulative. They can make you go blind and they can quickly kill you which they do, often.

Anyone who consumes a litre or more of Diet Coke or some other aspartame- containing beverage per day is probably already near the limit for chronic methanol poisoning (6) and will be suffering muscle pain, headaches, migraines, sleep problems, dizziness and/or seizures, amongst other health problems. This is because aspartame breaks down extremely rapidly in a liquid form. The well-known Hollywood actor, Michael J. Fox, and several of his fellow participants in the TV drama Spin City, sponsored by Diet Pepsi, have all been diagnosed with Parkinsons Disease. All received free supplies of the sponsoring diet product. Parkinsons is a well- diagnosed outcome from excess aspartame consumption, as is Alzheimers. Fox denies a connection to his Pepsi consumption, but aspartame and Parkinsons and Pepsi sales - flourish on such denials.

It's interesting, and would love your thoughts. Shows how hard it is to test facts on something that widespread. The final point in the above paragraph is in my mind the least likely event to be a coincidence.

additionally, if the above was true, would you change?


When people shit themselves about the health benefits of 'diet' or 'lite' products, they are making thinks worse. I'm 30 and get carded at bars all the time, and get my health advice from a guy who's 42 and looks even healthier+younger than me. The bottom line is that nothing is for free: if you eat junk food, you'll pay the price.

Things I avoid: Lite beer - JUST DRINK THE REAL THING FOR CHRIST SAKE Cool whip Margerine anything other than real sugar minimal use of sugar MSG 'diet' anything 'lite' anything 'low sodium' anything 'reduced fat' anything

When you're going to eat junk food, eat high quality seriously tasty stuff, or go for broke and enjoy the chips - but never think there's a way around paying the piper.

Get busy living

Things I avoid: Cool whip

But you can't have pie without cool whip!

] Hahaha

H-wip whip H-wip whatever

Get busy living

Hm, I follow the science of the chemical breakdown but then making the judgement leap to things like "Anyone who consumes a litre or more of Diet Coke or some other aspartame- containing beverage per day is probably already near the limit for chronic methanol poisoning" seems pure conjecture.

wikipedia for what it's worth (judge by sources I would say):

"Aspartame has been the subject of several controversies, hoaxes[39] and health scares[40] since its initial approval by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 1974. Critics allege that conflicts of interest marred the FDA's approval of aspartame, question the quality of the initial research supporting its safety,[41]42[43] and postulate that numerous health risks may be associated with aspartame.

The validity of these claims has been examined and dismissed.3[41][44] In 1987, the U.S. Government Accountability Office concluded the food additive approval process had been followed properly for aspartame.[41]45 Aspartame has been found to be safe for human consumption by more than ninety countries worldwide,[46]47 with FDA officials describing aspartame as "one of the most thoroughly tested and studied food additives the agency has ever approved" and its safety as "clear cut".[48] The weight of existing scientific evidence indicates that aspartame is safe at current levels of consumption as a non-nutritive sweetener.3"

  1. ^ a b c d Magnuson BA, Burdock GA, Doull J, et al. (2007). "Aspartame: a safety evaluation based on current use levels, regulations, and toxicological and epidemiological studies". Critical Reviews in Toxicology 37 (8): 629–727. doi:10.1080/10408440701516184. PMID 17828671.

  2. ^ Kiss My Aspartame. False.

  3. ^ Flaherty, Megan (1999-04-12). "Harvesting Kidneys and other Urban Legends". NurseWeek. Retrieved 2011-02-12

  4. ^ a b c GAO 1987. "Food Additive Approval Process Followed for Aspartame" Full GAO Report United States General Accounting Office, GAO/HRD-87-46, June 18, 1987

  5. ^ Sugarman, Carole (1983-07-03). "Controversy Surrounds Sweetener". Washington Post. pp. D1–2. Retrieved 2008-11-25.

  6. ^ Henkel J (1999). "Sugar substitutes. Americans opt for sweetness and lite". FDA Consumer Magazine (DIANE Publishing) 33 (6): 12–6. ISBN 9781422326909. PMID 10628311.

  7. ^ "Aspartame Warning". - the Nancy Markle chain email.

  8. ^ GAO 1986. "Six Former HHS Employees' Involvement in Aspartame's Approval." United States General Accounting Office, GAO/HRD-86-109BR, July 1986.

  9. ^ Health Canada: "Aspartame - Artificial Sweeteners". Retrieved 2008-11-08.

  10. ^ Food Standards Australia New Zealand: "Food Standards Australia New Zealand: Aspartame (September 2007)". Retrieved 2008-11-08.


^ not going to argue with you. I will tack this on to the end of your statement: why not just skip the controversey all together and just go with natural sugar....or better yet, do without?

Get busy living

So one of the most consumed sweeteners, approved in just about every civilized countries on this earth, is slowly killing all of us?


Would you like a tinfoil hat?

Also I heard Elvis, Hitler, Stalin, Tupac, JFK, Biggie will reincarnate tomorrow as the 4 horse men and their two gay rapping horses and the world will end.

I happen to be selling a book that tells you how to survive this apocalypse, I will only charge you 5000$, a bargain for your life.

PM me for details!

approved in just about every civilized countries on this earth, is slowly killing all of us?
So are cigarettes....

Not sticking up for aspartamene, I couldn't care less. But to think that because it's legal it must be, I hope you're not serious.

Get busy living
approved in just about every civilized countries on this earth, is slowly killing all of us?
So are cigarettes....

Not sticking up for aspartamene, I couldn't care less. But to think that because it's legal it must be, I hope you're not serious.

yeah and cigarettes have massive signs all over them telling you that they will kill you, and are not sold to under 16/18 year olds(officially atleast).

Whilst diet coke is consumed by three year olds...

I do believe that ordinary consumer food products sold without health warnings consumed by the majority of the population, including very young children , daily, for many many many years are safe.

If you do not belief that you must be living in constant fear o0.


Cigarettes kill you after 30-40 years of 20x a day, daily use. Wow, no wonder.

I consider something deadly if it kills you pretty damn fast. I could eat 20 Snickers a day, every day, and die faster than smoking.

It always amazes me how people all of a sudden hate preservatives, yet fail to remember how many people have died in the past from bad food. I don't think people want to go back to salting everything which is how we preserved food in the beginning.

Lack of exercise and preventative medical check ups is what kills people. All this other shit is just noise.

Coke Zero FTW


I think people who drink Lite or Diet are trying to reduce their caloric intake while still enjoying the taste they have come to like. It isn't as if the caramel, excess sugar as well as dyes and preservatives in normal coke is any less chemical or artificial.

It isn't as if the caramel, excess sugar as well as dyes and preservatives in normal coke is any less chemical or artificial.
Hahaha, I've never thought of it this way. I guess it comes down to a matter of taste.
Get busy living

Yeah, there's nothing in Diet Coke that is toxic at normal consumption levels. I believe it was the American Cancer Society that studied diet soda and found that the level of poison was something like 1 gallon consumed per day consistently.

Keep this in mind: if a regular soda has 150 calories and a diet soda has 0 calories, that's a difference of nearly 16 lbs of fat annually if you have 1 soda per day. I'd say heart disease caused by obesity is much more dangerous than some massively unproven scare about cancer or "poison" in diet soda. Know anyone who's died from aspartame? Know anyone who's died from obesity-related health issues? I rest my case.


Diet Coke is no worse for you than lots of things, but I simply don't understand the appeal. Yes, I think soda tastes good, but so does Pellegrino, and one is healthy and hydrating, while the other is full of sugar, bad for your teeth, and could potentially contain poison. I know which one I'm choosing. If I drink soda it's likely to be an organic Jones/Boylan style one if I do, and even that is pretty rare - I'll maybe have one soda a week. The rest of the time I'm drinking water, milk and tea, with an occasional latte (while, and lots of beer and whiskey).

I simply do not get the appeal of fast food at all - not only is it bad for you, it doesn't even taste good. I was stuck in bumfuck nowhere last year and KFC was my only option for food, and I could barely get one piece down before I gave up.

And anyone who thinks that something is good for you just because it is widely used needs to pull their head out of their ass. I suppose Agent Orange, lead, and arsenic were all hunky dorry as well, right? Fucking moron.

I suppose Agent Orange, lead, and arsenic were all hunky dorry as well, right? Fucking moron.
I will be quoting you this week......
Get busy living
Diet Coke is no worse for you than lots of things, but I simply don't understand the appeal. Yes, I think soda tastes good, but so does Pellegrino, and one is healthy and hydrating, while the other is full of sugar, bad for your teeth, and could potentially contain poison.

Carbonation is bad for your teeth. You'd be better off with still, and not just financially.

Diet Coke is no worse for you than lots of things, but I simply don't understand the appeal. Yes, I think soda tastes good, but so does Pellegrino, and one is healthy and hydrating, while the other is full of sugar, bad for your teeth, and could potentially contain poison.

Carbonation is bad for your teeth. You'd be better off with still, and not just financially.

Yes, carbonation is bad for your teeth if that's all you're drinking. So is Orange Juice, but I'd rather get some Vitamins in the morning and balance it out throughout the day. Pretty much everything will harm you if you take enough of it. Eating healthy is pretty simple: eat a variety of foods in moderation, avoid anything that is obviously bad for you, and leaf through Men's Health occasionally while you're taking a shit so they can tell you that you need to eat more salmon.


While I agree with you Drexel, all those things you mentioned are perfectly fine, used in the confines that they were intended to use. Batteries are perfectly safe, until you start eating them.

While I agree with you Drexel, all those things you mentioned are perfectly fine, used in the confines that they were intended to use. Batteries are perfectly safe, until you start eating them.

Saw a homeless man cut open a battery and drink the acid a few months ago. He seemed to enjoy it, so you never know....

What kind of battery? Car battery? AA don't really have enough battery fluid to "drink" And what compelled you to stand and watch a homeless dude fuck around with a battery?
More is good, all is better
While I agree with you Drexel, all those things you mentioned are perfectly fine, used in the confines that they were intended to use. Batteries are perfectly safe, until you start eating them.

who eats batteries?

Get busy living

Who eats lead paint chips? Little kids lol.

The human body is pretty resilient. I really think the biggest killer is doing egregiously unhealthy things (smoking, alcoholic, eating blocks of cheese daily), combined with inactivity.

Heart disease: 616,067 Cancer: 562,875 Stroke (cerebrovascular diseases): 135,952 Chronic lower respiratory diseases: 127,924 Accidents (unintentional injuries): 123,706 Alzheimer's disease: 74,632 Diabetes: 71,382 Influenza and Pneumonia: 52,717 Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, and nephrosis: 46,448 Septicemia: 34,828

The top two can be reduced through being active and not eating pure trash, non stop for years. Strokes I think are hereditary. Most stuff can be taken care of if caught in time. People just put their head in the sand until the tumor is the size of a football.


Can the people that dispute this please provide a convincing argument to the science behind the actual chemicals involved, rather than drawing weak and irrelevant comparisons to unrelated products.

If you think the governments of the worlds are more concerned with your health than the bottom line of the corporations then I would love to live in your world.

The facts that I find more than circumstantial: The breakdown of this product at body temperature (not when ice cold as per serving suggestion) is into 3 harmful chemicals, methanol, phenylaline and aspartic acid.

I could be convinced that Mr M J Fox getting parkisons was just one of those things that happens to a certain fraction of the population, but to find so many of them in such a small group would cause a concern enough for me to question it. I avoid diet drinks because they taste horrendous, but now I have great ammunition against those that lecture me while drinking one.

Other products allowed by governments at some point in time include Thalidomide and High Fructose Corn Syrup (check the ingredients of your full fat soft drinks list in some countries - US and UK it's in there, in the rest of Europe its not - banned).

I could be convinced that Mr M J Fox getting parkisons was just one of those things that happens to a certain fraction of the population, but to find so many of them in such a small group would cause a concern enough for me to question it.

You mean Parkinson's like how Ali has "Parkinson's," because heaven forbid we acknowledge that getting punched in the head for our entertainment could leave a man with CTE, or that repeatedly banging your head in to another man's can cause you to put a shotgun in your chest?

Who eats lead paint chips? Little kids lol.

Paint's not the only use for lead. Let's not forget how Rome fell.

And I'm sure that the construction workers who took down asbestos fireproofing and the marines who were exposed to Agent Orange were using them outside of their intended confines?

Keep calm and carry on worked better when we were fighting the krauts.


Asbestos is perfectly fine until you start inhaling it. Marines were breathing it in, getting it on them, along with a ton of other things.

And yes, Rome had issues with lead poisoning from the aqueducts. The ingested the lead. That is the issue.

Phenylalanine is harmful?

Let's ban breast feeding!

Phenylalanine is found naturally in the breast milk of mammals. It is used in the manufacture of food and drink products and sold as a nutritional supplement for its reputed analgesic and antidepressant effects. It is a direct precursor to the neuromodulator phenylethylamine, a commonly used dietary supplement.

Methanol is bad for you? Lets ban alcohol!!

Oh shit, Aspartic Acid is EVILLLLLLLL!!!

Aspartic acid is found in: Animal sources: luncheon meats, sausage meat, wild game Vegetable sources: sprouting seeds, oat flakes, avocado, asparagus[citation needed], young sugarcane, and molasses from sugar beets.1 Dietary supplements, either as aspartic acid itself or salts (such as magnesium aspartate) The sweetener aspartame (NutraSweet, Equal, Canderel, etc.)


And yes, Rome had issues with lead poisoning from the aqueducts. The ingested the lead. That is the issue.

Actually the source of roman lead poisoning was not due to aqueducts, since the water was constantly flowing , so lead wouldn't have the time to build up concentration, and also after a fairly short period of time the aqueducts would become lined with oxides and lime (kinda like on faucets), which essentially would isolate the water from the lead in the pipes. The true source of poisoning was from the grape juice reduction they would boil in lead vessels. Grape juice acid formed compounds with the lead and the sauce was prized for the specific taste of these compounds. Mainly the rich were affected by the lead poisoning though.

I am a sad sad nerd for knowing this without google...

More is good, all is better

I'm not saying you need to eliminate all toxins from your life. Hell, I'd probably be a lot healthier if I didn't drink so much, but that's unlikely to happen.

My point is just that you shouldn't take government at their word when they say something is safe for you. Hell, let's ignore Agent Orange, asbestos or lead. What about thalidomide, zoloft, or diethylstilbestrol?

Best Response

It's one thing to be skeptical of the government, but diet soda and its ingredients are among the most widely studied products in human history. The onous is NOT on anyone in the public to prove that it isn't harmful--the onous is on those who say that it is poison to prove it to be so despite 40 years of study that indicates it is not when consumed in the levels it was intended.

Sure, it's better to drink water regularly than Diet Coke and it's better to eat wheat whether than white bread, but this misses the point entirely. The point is, you can't say that diet sodas are harmful without, ya know, proof, like ANY evidence--ANY evidence AT ALL--that links diet sodas to cancer, heart disease, increased risk of stroke, etc.


Aspartame and artificial sugar in general have been found to be carcinogenic in quantities thousands of times any amount a human would possibly consume. The only reason I avoid soda is because there is too much sugar in it, and the only reason I avoid diet soda is because it tastes foul.

These days the main things you have to avoid are trans fats, saturated fat, and salt.

Aspartame and artificial sugar in general have been found to be carcinogenic in quantities thousands of times any amount a human would possibly consume. The only reason I avoid soda is because there is too much sugar in it, and the only reason I avoid diet soda is because it tastes foul.

These days the main things you have to avoid are trans fats, saturated fat, and salt.

read this while formulating a reply to the previous point.

right on transfats, wrong on saturated wrong on salt.

Read stuff that isn't in the commercial dietland and get the science behind it, not what you're being spoonfed.

Aspartame and artificial sugar in general have been found to be carcinogenic in quantities thousands of times any amount a human would possibly consume. The only reason I avoid soda is because there is too much sugar in it, and the only reason I avoid diet soda is because it tastes foul.

These days the main things you have to avoid are trans fats, saturated fat, and salt.

read this while formulating a reply to the previous point.

right on transfats, wrong on saturated wrong on salt.

Read stuff that isn't in the commercial dietland and get the science behind it, not what you're being spoonfed.

I'm wrong on saturated fat? Eat lard all day (which has no trans fat) and come back to me in a few years after having your arteries checked. And excess salt consumption without a subsequent increase intake of potassium will raise your blood pressure.

Virginia Tech 4ever:
It's one thing to be skeptical of the government, but diet soda and its ingredients are among the most widely studied products in human history. The onous is NOT on anyone in the public to prove that it isn't harmful--the onous is on those who say that it is poison to prove it to be so despite 40 years of study that indicates it is not when consumed in the levels it was intended.

Sure, it's better to drink water regularly than Diet Coke and it's better to eat wheat whether than white bread, but this misses the point entirely. The point is, you can't say that diet sodas are harmful without, ya know, proof, like ANY evidence--ANY evidence AT ALL--that links diet sodas to cancer, heart disease, increased risk of stroke, etc.

This will be very hard to disprove, since it's so damn widespread. To get any evidence of side effects of a drug that aren't commonplace takes years, and to isolate them (as people pointed out - lots of things COULD have this affect too and be attributed to them).

i'm assuming ANT majors in Art History or something, because what he wrote is one of the most scientifically naive things I've seen this side of the creationists.

Methanol? Is alcohol? Chemically yes, but that's not quite how you know the word alcohol. Alcohols are a group, methanol is used in industry FOR its TOXIC properties. Stripped out of el wiki:

Because of its toxic properties, methanol is frequently used as a denaturant additive for ethanol manufactured for industrial uses — this addition of methanol exempts industrial ethanol from liquor excise taxation. Methanol is often called wood alcohol because it was once produced chiefly as a byproduct of the destructive distillation of wood.

So we've agreed that methanol exists inside the human body after ingesting aspartame because of the chemical decomposition at body temperature, and that it's toxic, even in small doses.

Right where were we Phenylaline: This is one of those poisons that you need in small amounts, but large amounts can kill you. Good example is potassium. Bananas = great, potassium overdose causes mass cell death (hence the component in the lethal injection). Additionally, there is an gene in approximately 1 in 10,000 of us (not insignificant compared to the number of people who drink this stuff every day), that it will cause a psychotic reaction in the brain. PLEASE remember that our decisions are made chemically. A chemical imbalance in the brain (i.e. depression), can have significant affects on people and their behaviour.

Finally: Aspartic Acid: Aspartic acid is an amino acid. Taken in its free form (unbound to proteins) it significantly raises the blood plasma level of aspartate and glutamate. The excess aspartate and glutamate in the blood plasma shortly after ingesting aspartame or products with free glutamic acid (glutamate precursor) leads to a high level of those neurotransmitters in certain areas of the brain.

The blood brain barrier (BBB), which normally protects the brain from excess glutamate and aspartate as well as toxins, 1) is not fully developed during childhood, 2) does not fully protect all areas of the brain, 3) is damaged by numerous chronic and acute conditions, and 4) allows seepage of excess glutamate and aspartate into the brain even when intact.

The excess glutamate and aspartate slowly begin to destroy neurons. The large majority (75 percent or more) of neural cells in a particular area of the brain are killed before any clinical symptoms of a chronic illness are noticed. A few of the many chronic illnesses that have been shown to be contributed to by long-term exposure to excitatory amino acid damage include:

That amino acid bit applies to phenylaline too, since it also is one.

Ultimately, there isn't any evidence that is practically obtainable that you'd accept, but I hope I give you a reason not to drink that stuff and opt for something else.

Finally, regarding the parkisons and muhammad ali. What the **** does that have to do with a group of people with one thing in common all getting parkinsons? Any police/problem solving procedure when looking at a group of victims is to see what they all have in common. logique non?

Virginia Tech 4ever:
It's one thing to be skeptical of the government, but diet soda and its ingredients are among the most widely studied products in human history. The onous is NOT on anyone in the public to prove that it isn't harmful--the onous is on those who say that it is poison to prove it to be so despite 40 years of study that indicates it is not when consumed in the levels it was intended.

Sure, it's better to drink water regularly than Diet Coke and it's better to eat wheat whether than white bread, but this misses the point entirely. The point is, you can't say that diet sodas are harmful without, ya know, proof, like ANY evidence--ANY evidence AT ALL--that links diet sodas to cancer, heart disease, increased risk of stroke, etc.

This will be very hard to disprove, since it's so damn widespread. To get any evidence of side effects of a drug that aren't commonplace takes years, and to isolate them (as people pointed out - lots of things COULD have this affect too and be attributed to them).

i'm assuming ANT majors in Art History or something, because what he wrote is one of the most scientifically naive things I've seen this side of the creationists.

Methanol? Is alcohol? Chemically yes, but that's not quite how you know the word alcohol. Alcohols are a group, methanol is used in industry FOR its TOXIC properties. Stripped out of el wiki:

Because of its toxic properties, methanol is frequently used as a denaturant additive for ethanol manufactured for industrial uses — this addition of methanol exempts industrial ethanol from liquor excise taxation. Methanol is often called wood alcohol because it was once produced chiefly as a byproduct of the destructive distillation of wood.

So we've agreed that methanol exists inside the human body after ingesting aspartame because of the chemical decomposition at body temperature, and that it's toxic, even in small doses.

Right where were we Phenylaline: This is one of those poisons that you need in small amounts, but large amounts can kill you. Good example is potassium. Bananas = great, potassium overdose causes mass cell death (hence the component in the lethal injection). Additionally, there is an gene in approximately 1 in 10,000 of us (not insignificant compared to the number of people who drink this stuff every day), that it will cause a psychotic reaction in the brain. PLEASE remember that our decisions are made chemically. A chemical imbalance in the brain (i.e. depression), can have significant affects on people and their behaviour.

Finally: Aspartic Acid: Aspartic acid is an amino acid. Taken in its free form (unbound to proteins) it significantly raises the blood plasma level of aspartate and glutamate. The excess aspartate and glutamate in the blood plasma shortly after ingesting aspartame or products with free glutamic acid (glutamate precursor) leads to a high level of those neurotransmitters in certain areas of the brain.

The blood brain barrier (BBB), which normally protects the brain from excess glutamate and aspartate as well as toxins, 1) is not fully developed during childhood, 2) does not fully protect all areas of the brain, 3) is damaged by numerous chronic and acute conditions, and 4) allows seepage of excess glutamate and aspartate into the brain even when intact.

The excess glutamate and aspartate slowly begin to destroy neurons. The large majority (75 percent or more) of neural cells in a particular area of the brain are killed before any clinical symptoms of a chronic illness are noticed. A few of the many chronic illnesses that have been shown to be contributed to by long-term exposure to excitatory amino acid damage include:

That amino acid bit applies to phenylaline too, since it also is one.

Ultimately, there isn't any evidence that is practically obtainable that you'd accept, but I hope I give you a reason not to drink that stuff and opt for something else.

Finally, regarding the parkisons and muhammad ali. What the **** does that have to do with a group of people with one thing in common all getting parkinsons? Any police/problem solving procedure when looking at a group of victims is to see what they all have in common. logique non?

Cool dude. Don't drink diet coke. Thanks for taking the time to shine light on all of us.

I also was a finance major. The name of this site is Wall Street Oasis, not Biology 101.

Virginia Tech 4ever:
It's one thing to be skeptical of the government, but diet soda and its ingredients are among the most widely studied products in human history. The onous is NOT on anyone in the public to prove that it isn't harmful--the onous is on those who say that it is poison to prove it to be so despite 40 years of study that indicates it is not when consumed in the levels it was intended.

Sure, it's better to drink water regularly than Diet Coke and it's better to eat wheat whether than white bread, but this misses the point entirely. The point is, you can't say that diet sodas are harmful without, ya know, proof, like ANY evidence--ANY evidence AT ALL--that links diet sodas to cancer, heart disease, increased risk of stroke, etc.

This will be very hard to disprove, since it's so damn widespread. To get any evidence of side effects of a drug that aren't commonplace takes years, and to isolate them (as people pointed out - lots of things COULD have this affect too and be attributed to them).

i'm assuming ANT majors in Art History or something, because what he wrote is one of the most scientifically naive things I've seen this side of the creationists.

Methanol? Is alcohol? Chemically yes, but that's not quite how you know the word alcohol. Alcohols are a group, methanol is used in industry FOR its TOXIC properties. Stripped out of el wiki:

Because of its toxic properties, methanol is frequently used as a denaturant additive for ethanol manufactured for industrial uses — this addition of methanol exempts industrial ethanol from liquor excise taxation. Methanol is often called wood alcohol because it was once produced chiefly as a byproduct of the destructive distillation of wood.

So we've agreed that methanol exists inside the human body after ingesting aspartame because of the chemical decomposition at body temperature, and that it's toxic, even in small doses.

Right where were we Phenylaline: This is one of those poisons that you need in small amounts, but large amounts can kill you. Good example is potassium. Bananas = great, potassium overdose causes mass cell death (hence the component in the lethal injection). Additionally, there is an gene in approximately 1 in 10,000 of us (not insignificant compared to the number of people who drink this stuff every day), that it will cause a psychotic reaction in the brain. PLEASE remember that our decisions are made chemically. A chemical imbalance in the brain (i.e. depression), can have significant affects on people and their behaviour.

Finally: Aspartic Acid: Aspartic acid is an amino acid. Taken in its free form (unbound to proteins) it significantly raises the blood plasma level of aspartate and glutamate. The excess aspartate and glutamate in the blood plasma shortly after ingesting aspartame or products with free glutamic acid (glutamate precursor) leads to a high level of those neurotransmitters in certain areas of the brain.

The blood brain barrier (BBB), which normally protects the brain from excess glutamate and aspartate as well as toxins, 1) is not fully developed during childhood, 2) does not fully protect all areas of the brain, 3) is damaged by numerous chronic and acute conditions, and 4) allows seepage of excess glutamate and aspartate into the brain even when intact.

The excess glutamate and aspartate slowly begin to destroy neurons. The large majority (75 percent or more) of neural cells in a particular area of the brain are killed before any clinical symptoms of a chronic illness are noticed. A few of the many chronic illnesses that have been shown to be contributed to by long-term exposure to excitatory amino acid damage include:

That amino acid bit applies to phenylaline too, since it also is one.

Ultimately, there isn't any evidence that is practically obtainable that you'd accept, but I hope I give you a reason not to drink that stuff and opt for something else.

Finally, regarding the parkisons and muhammad ali. What the **** does that have to do with a group of people with one thing in common all getting parkinsons? Any police/problem solving procedure when looking at a group of victims is to see what they all have in common. logique non?

Haha, so after this long biology rant the conclusion is that you have produced no evidence at all whatsoever from any reputable study in the history of man that diet soda is harmful when ingested in consumer-level quantities. Thanks for your informative rant; unfortunately, it adds next to nothing to your original assertion. I'll repeat what should be obvious to anyone--it is not we who need to prove the safety of diet soda; it is up to those denying the safety of diet soda to prove that the product is harmful given that it has been studied by dozens of governments and dozens of private organizations for 4 decades all which have found virtually no evidence that diet soda adds increased risk for cancer, stroke, heart disease, etc.

This reminds me of when I worked at this company and was part of its Toastmasters organization. This really hot 48-year-old lady was very intelligent, very well spoken and successful, but she HATED diet soda and she consistently gave speeches against it. Since I love Diet Coke I always paid special attention to what she had to say. What is consistent among all diet soda haters is this: arguing that individual ingredients are harmul when taken alone and out of context of a product and a conspiracy theorist mindset about government's ties to the company putting out aspartame, as if dozens of people at the FDA over 40 years have been willing to indirectly murder millions of people for--well, I was never really clear on what they got in exchange. Basically, you'd have to believe that the FDA and its counterparts worldwide are staffed with a bunch of Nazis who are ok with butchering millions of people for some sort of undefined compensation. If you believe that then you also probably believe that 9/11 was an inside job.

Finally, regarding the parkisons and muhammad ali. What the **** does that have to do with a group of people with one thing in common all getting parkinsons? Any police/problem solving procedure when looking at a group of victims is to see what they all have in common. logique non?

What does Ali have in common with other sufferers of dementia? Being hit in the head repeatedly for our amusement. What does he have in common with the topic? That's it more convenient if the risks of boxing/contact sports are not acknowledged, and the gravy train keeps rolling - why did the government just waste millions of dollars on steroids in baseball, yet could care less about people dying in football? If you think Ali actually has Parkinson's, and not CTE, I've got a bridge you might be interested in buying.

Right where were we Phenylaline: This is one of those poisons that you need in small amounts, but large amounts can kill you.
Why don't you first look up the definition of "poison" before making a total ass out of yourself. Also, even water can cause an overdose that will kill you.
Additionally, there is an gene in approximately 1 in 10,000 of us (not insignificant compared to the number of people who drink this stuff every day), that it will cause a psychotic reaction in the brain.
You must be referring to phenylketonuria, which causes overall brain development problems, including seizures and mental retardation, and not just a "psychotic reaction"
The blood brain barrier (BBB), which normally protects the brain from excess glutamate and aspartate as well as toxins, 1) is not fully developed during childhood,
According to WHO? Not modern day science
Originally, experiments in the 1920s showed that the blood–brain barrier (BBB) was still immature in newborns. The reason for this fallacy was a mistake in methodology (the osmotic pressure was too high and the delicate embryonal capillary vessels were partially damaged). It was later shown in experiments with a reduced volume of the injected liquids that the markers under investigation could not pass the BBB. It was reported that those natural substances such as albumin, α-1-fetoprotein or transferrin with elevated plasma concentration in the newborn could not be detected extracellular in the brain. The efflux-transporter P-glycoprotein exists already in the embryonal endothelium.
The large majority (75 percent or more) of neural cells in a particular area of the brain are killed before any clinical symptoms of a chronic illness are noticed.:
More is good, all is better

Aspartame has been studied to a ridiculous degree...even if it is bad for you, it cannot be really bad for you, as conclusive, replicable results have not been generated for normal use levels. I include the "normal use" caveat because just about any chemical ingested in high enough concentrations can be harmful. Compare it to cigarettes, where normal exposure clearly generates health problems.

If a Diet Coke per day increases my risk of cancer by .000001%, I'm cool with that. Same with grilled meat. I know that eating the char on my steak (and my steak in general) probably is not longevity maximizing, but neither are most of my decisions. Choosing a career that confines me to a cubicle 18 hours a day will shorten my life far more than aspartame.

We know sugar is bad for you. We can hook up a glucose monitor and watch the insulin response. We also know that the empty calories in regular soda are bad for you. By comparison, aspartame is pretty benign...

If maximizing lifespan is your only goal, try that caloric restriction diet. Look and feel like a POW, but potentially live 30% longer! I'll take small health sacrifices for a more pleasant life any day...soda, alcohol, spending time in the sun are all part of that lifestyle.

Aspartame is clearly not too dangerous. Cigarettes, asbestos, etc. all were so widely used because of weaker supervision in general. It is because of such health scares that we have strong regulations. The fact that we are asking these questions after so many studies have been done is itself almost proof that dangerous additives would have a hard time entering the food supply.

Finally, regarding that Michael J. Fox stuff....what? So they had a lot of free Pepsi on set...a ton of companies have free soft drinks available. I have never heard of this particular idea, and Fox himself doesn't buy it...I am beyond skeptical.


haha the funny thing is that you think i'm some obsessed conspiracist. I'm actually more of an epistemologist (google it). Conspiracy theories are generally about historic events which obviously cannot be checked and verified. It's impossible to create a conspiracy theory about something that is readily available to test freely. I fail to see a reason how the scientists quoted above would benefit from chastising aspartame, but I do know that it would be seen as incredibly negligent by governments and a colossal legal battle from hundreds of nations if it was proven too. If you can see a reason why scientists, and generally this isnt one that conspiracy theorists have gone down would want this kind of information out (to be proven wrong would destroy their career) then please do highlight it.

If you want evidence that governments care more about trade than health, look at growth hormone in cows milk (a bovine steroid so they produce more, side effects include blood and pus in the milk). It's banned in the EU, but not in the US. However US imports are allowed, circumventing the ban. Bottoms up guys, enjoy your milkshakes, and your steroided beef, which is possibly why as a nation, you're pretty huge. Lobbyists > What's right.

haha the funny thing is that you think i'm some obsessed conspiracist. I'm actually more of an epistemologist (google it). Conspiracy theories are generally about historic events which obviously cannot be checked and verified. It's impossible to create a conspiracy theory about something that is readily available to test freely. I fail to see a reason how the scientists quoted above would benefit from chastising aspartame, but I do know that it would be seen as incredibly negligent by governments and a colossal legal battle from hundreds of nations if it was proven too. If you can see a reason why scientists, and generally this isnt one that conspiracy theorists have gone down would want this kind of information out (to be proven wrong would destroy their career) then please do highlight it.

If you want evidence that governments care more about trade than health, look at growth hormone in cows milk (a bovine steroid so they produce more, side effects include blood and pus in the milk). It's banned in the EU, but not in the US. However US imports are allowed, circumventing the ban. Bottoms up guys, enjoy your milkshakes, and your steroided beef, which is possibly why as a nation, you're pretty huge. Lobbyists > What's right.

You are too funny. I'm glad the internet exists because without the anonymity it provides we wouldn't have people, like you, who are willing to openly embarrass themselves. After being unable to provide any solid proof for your claims, you attempt to justify your crazy beliefs by presenting more crazy beliefs.

I'm fairly certain you are using epistemologist in the wrong context, but what do I know? Anyways, as you stated, conspiracies are generally about historical events, not you just made a point that has no bearing on the current discussion. You also talk about things that are readily available to the drug/chemical/poison in question, yet you deny the findings of all the test that currently exist proving its what's the point of testing something if you are going to ignore the results in order to support your ideological beliefs? The scientists chastising aspartame may stand to benefit from the sheer controversy of the position they take which could lead to greater exposure of their work and name and potentially money...Al Gore and the scientists involved in the global warming scandal come to mind.

Finally, please stay in your European utopia, we have no need for anymore crazy people here in the US.


Footnote: I am probably biased because in just a few minutes I will be heading to a local eatery where I will indulge in a hormone injected cheese burger, some diet soda of some sort and potentially even a milkshake for dessert. That is all.

"The trouble with our liberal friends is not that they're ignorant, it's just that they know so much that isn't so." - Ronald Reagan

Yeah right dude. I read some of the posts where you got your source and everyone after that initial post started ranting about some government/big industry conspiracy.

Please provide some real research, the kind that would fly in a normal academic debate.

I have no doubt that companies would lobby to have something approved. What I do doubt is that academics and scientists from around the world would also be bought off in this grand conspiracy.

Also, how is diet coke anymore harmful than everything else we intake? Try reading the ingredients in moisturizer, deodorant, toothpaste, etc. Apparently the human body can handle a few chemical compounds.

Oh and I think there are about a million lawyers just chomping at the bit to find out that Diet Coke is harmful and the information about it was hidden.

  1. Chronic methanol toxicity studies with results similar to those from acute toxicity have been related to exposure by inhalation, not ingestion; And 2 ingestion chronic toxicity studies on monkeys showed no conclusive results.

  2. Methanol is a by-product of ethanol production; triple distilled vodka for example is triple distilled to remove methanol, among other things. Methanol in an appreciable amount can be found in all hard liqueurs, especially things like whiskey and gin, and in REALLY high amount in things like moonshine, even if it wasn't contaminated with extraneous methanol.

  3. Phenylalanine is an essential amino acid, WTF is this babble about its toxicity? Phenylalanine can be converted in the body to tyrosine, which in turn is used to synthesise two important neurotransmitters that promote alertness - dopamine and norepinephrine. The only way to get a toxic exposure is to overdose on supplements. Or to have phenylketonuria. Pretty much if you start drinking diet cokes hoping to get a toxic dose of phenylalanine, you would die from caffeine poisoning (unless you have phenylketonuria, then u will die from phenylalanine)

  4. Surprise surprise - aspartic acid also happens to be an amino acid, although a non-essential one - meaning our bodies can manufacture it from other shit.

    Aspartic acid is required for

It is of paramount importance in the metabolism during construction of other amino acids and biochemicals in the citric acid cycle. Among the biochemicals that are synthesized from aspartic acid are asparagine, arginine, lysine, methionine, threonine, isoleucine, and several nucleotides.

It is needed for stamina, brain and neural health and assists the liver by removing excess ammonia and other toxins from the bloodstream. It is also very important in the functioning of RNA, DNA, as well as the production of immunoglobulin and antibody synthesis.

Deficiency of aspartic acid

Symptoms may include fatigue and depression.

Toxicity study in rats shows toxic effects at concentrations 2.5 % and higher. That is not even remotely close to the concentrations in diet coke.

  1. Aspartame's melting point is 246 C, so it definitely does not decompose at 30 C. (you wouldn't want to bake with it though)

More is good, all is better

Oh Jesus. Someone got trolled. This is a hoax chain letter that is almost as old as most of you are.

A 12 US fluid ounce (355 ml) can of diet soda contains 180 milligrams (0.0063 oz) of aspartame, and for a 75 kg (165 lb) adult, it takes approximately 21 cans of diet soda daily to consume the 3,750 milligrams (0.132 oz) of aspartame that would surpass the FDA's 50 milligrams per kilogram of body weight ADI of aspartame from diet soda alone.[59]
Hypotheses of adverse health effects have focused on the three metabolites of aspartame, which are methanol, phenylalanine and aspartic acid. Aspartame is rapidly hydrolyzed in the small intestines. Even with ingestion of very high doses of aspartame (over 200 mg/kg), no aspartame is found in the blood due to the rapid breakdown.8 These metabolites have been studied in a wide range of populations including infants, children, adolescents, and healthy adults. In healthy adults and children, even enormous doses of aspartame do not lead to plasma levels of metabolites that are a concern for safety. People with the genetic disorder phenylketonuria are advised to avoid aspartame as they have a decreased ability to metabolize phenylalanine. bCommon foods such as milk, meat, and fruits provide far greater amounts of these metabolites in a diet than aspartame.[53][/b]


The amount of methanol in aspartame is less than that found in fruit juices and citrus fruits, and there are other dietary sources for methanol such as fermented beverages.
[/b] oMFG! Methanol in fruit! Don't eat oranges or you will go blind!
the amounts of formaldehyde from the metabolism of aspartame is trivial when compared to the amounts produced routinely by the human body and from other foods and drugs.
OMFG! Our bodies make formaldehyde?! We are a nation of walking zombies!!!! (it is a component in embalming fluid)

More is good, all is better
The well-known Hollywood actor, Michael J. Fox, and several of his fellow participants in the TV drama Spin City, sponsored by Diet Pepsi, have all been diagnosed with Parkinsons Disease. All received free supplies of the sponsoring diet product. Parkinsons is a well- diagnosed outcome from excess aspartame consumption, as is Alzheimers. Fox denies a connection to his Pepsi consumption, but aspartame and Parkinsons and Pepsi sales - flourish on such denials.
I just looked up the cast of spin city and plugged each of their names + Parkinson's into google. The only refererences that came out were to them attending Parkinson's benefit for Michael j. Fox. I seem to be having trouble figuring out who are the "several of his fellow participants" that have been "diagnosed with Parkinson's"

If Charlie Sheen ends up having Parkinson's though, I am gonna assume the brain damage is due to excessive drug use, rather than excessive diet pepsi consumption

More is good, all is better

These artificial sweetners are no good for the body. I read somewhere that the body doesn't recognize these as food and cannot process them properly, which is why they cause gastric problems such as IBS and some say they leave trace elements in your blood supply leading to cancer further down the road. I stick to sugar and exercise regularly in order to burn it off.


Do people actually waste their time drinking a liter of Diet Coke a day? The body is tough, it will handle lots and keep ticking, but no reason to test it like that.

Go for Stevia or Sucralose products.

Magnus Ward -------------------------- JUST BE A MAN - The Blog
michael j fox doesnt have parkinsons. he has parkinson-like symptoms from doing the designer drug MPTP.
* he was a drinker, not a druggie * he has Parkinson's * he is a spokesman for the disease advocacy group for Parkinson's
Get busy living

Fake sugar leaves a twang after I swallow. I dunno how you guys can drink it. Pepsi throwback all the way...I'm a purist.


That is surprising. Most bankers are male, so I would think you'd see way more coke zero. It was created to tap into the male market b/c they consider diet coke effeminate, and diet coke was/is consumed mostly by females. Plus, coke zero just tastes better!


I average about 6 DC's a day while I live the dream practicing law for another month or two before quitting for B school... everyone at my firm is hooked on the stuff, in fact we just installed a fountain machine to reduce the garbage load of cans.

this forum has just hit a new low.

... with each passing day. Check back tomorrow for an update on the toilet paper follies.

- Child Please.
Everyone at my office drinks muscle milk.

I want to work at your firm.

-------------------------------------------------------- "I do not think there is any other quality so essential to success of any kind as the quality of perseverance. It overcom

Ive seen (in my limited time) just water or coffee. Most really try to be health conscious. I'm worried about the long term effects of corn syrup or aspartame on my body. Although a Dr. Pepper is nice treat once in awhile.

I like Diet Mountain Dews. Regular Mountain Dews are actually too sweet - the diet one is perfect. Plus it has the most caffeine out of all sodas (your typical sodas, not red bull, etc.) so it's "efficient." I'm a girl though, and don't think it has the same appeal to guys.

I agree. One time I was absolutely dead at 9 in the morning. They guy next to me got me a Diet MD, did the trick.


Diet Coke is just easier to find than Coke Zero. I have never seen any catering service bring in Coke Zero. Even in Delta flights they would have only one can of Coke Zero in the smaller flights. I think the worst I have seen in my consulting firm was one partner gulping down 3 cans of diet cokes, in one hour. My project manager also seems to go for black gold (Diet Coke + Diet Dr. Pepper). But yeah 3-4 cans of the stuff a day (or diet Dew) keeps you in a good shape, after you start off with a large coffee.


the crap they put to make coke diet is cancerous. plus diet coke tastes like ass compared to real coke and is only for fat HR women who think it will help them lose weight. When I go to KFC I see some whale order 5 drumsticks, 2 breasts, 4 thighs, 5 apple turnovers, 3 biscuits with honey and... a diet coke, like regular coke would be the straw that breaks the camel's back.

========================================= We are excited to formally extend to you an offer to join Bank of Ameria

PJC, I gotta agree with you on your post (Well about the fat people that order an insane meal and a diet soda).

Yeah, I've seen that. I know people that go through a 6pack a day. I know people that drink 10-12. If I need caffeine, I drink Coffee.

Honestly, I can't stand Diet Coke. Actually, I can't stand most soda in general. Every so often, if I drink a soda, it's either a Cherry Coke Zero or a Diet Mountain Dew, with a Diet Coke if they don't have either or. Hell, I can't even stand the regular sodas that most companies make. The only time I will actually go on a Soda binge is once a year during Passover when they use real sugar to make the soda in order for Jews to drink it during the week (the shit normally used to make soda is not Kosher for Passover, so this way the soda companies retain their drinking populous). I will drink Pepsi Throwback (or any of the Throwback sodas for that matter). I think it tastes better when made with real sugar, then again, I'm just not that into Soda.

When it comes to my personal drinking habits, I have a Snapple in the morning and just recycle the bottle and drink water the rest of the day. Snapple with breakfast along with a cup of Coffee and then water for the rest of the day. Water's better for ya and if I feel like varying it up, I have Crystal Light in my desk.


I don't always drink caffeinated beverages, but when I do, I prefer red balls.


----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I tend to think of myself as a one-man wolfpack Buyside strongside

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