GF Broke up w me on NYE

Yep lmfao. Didn’t get a New Years kiss and I was like “dang no NYE smooch?!” and she goes “honestly I just don’t feel the spark anymore” then went on to talk about how she’s late 20’s and doesn’t feel like she has a career yet either and needs to figure that out. I’m prepared for the MS bc this is a weak post. But man sucks. Dated since college thought it was wifey. Just gotta vent I guess.

TLDR: 2020 is already trash - 2021 is gonna be my year

Most Helpful

Honestly man, the way you should look at it is, at least she didn't waste your time sticking around. This is your opportunity to focus on your self now. My ex broke up with me because I didn't give her enough of my time because I was so focused on building a foundation and although it hurt, financially, I'm doing a lot better than when I was with her. Being single gives you an opportunity to do whatever you want. If you're in the same spot, financially, career wise or health wise, post breakup years later, you're doing something wrong. Better yourself. This is your opportunity.

Associate 2 in CB:
Yep lmfao. Didn’t get a New Years kiss and I was like “dang no NYE smooch?!” and she goes “honestly I just don’t feel the spark anymore” then went on to talk about how she’s late 20’s and doesn’t feel like she has a career yet either and needs to figure that out. I’m prepared for the MS bc this is a weak post. But man sucks. Dated since college thought it was wifey. Just gotta vent I guess.

Better you know now, but that's a pretty weak way to do it on her part. You'll probably laugh about the absurdity of it in a couple years, but I'm sure it hurts now.

Spend a couple weeks drinking and running through randoms and then get your life together - hit the gym, call your mom, spend time with friends you haven't seen in a while, and plan what's next in your career.

Commercial Real Estate Developer

as your financial advisor, i would suggest that once operations have stabilised after your recent divesture you should launch a JV with your preferred right and/or left hand

Thank you for your interest in the 2020 Investment Banking Full-time Analyst Programme (London) at JPMorgan Chase. After a thorough review of your application, we regret to inform you that we are unable to move forward with your candidacy at this time.

You dodged the bullet of getting married young (I assume you're around 30 given A2 rank) and marrying someone who's your age instead of 10+ years younger. Two bullets dodged. Sounds like you're having a great year so far.


It sucks now. It may suck for a while and that’s totally ok and normal. Chin up brah. You dodged a bullet and will be better for it. Hang in there and as others have said, focus on you. Work, friendships, family, hobbies etc.

Good Luck

I used to do Asia-Pacific PE (kind of like FoF). Now I do something else but happy to try and answer questions on that stuff.

No reason to be upset for nothing. Improve yourself and accomplish your goals. Everything in life happens for a reason. Don't let this upset you no matter what. I have lost potential girls who would be my life. Everyday is a new day to improve yourself.

"It's okay, I'll see you on the other side"

I don't think OP should be shamed for asking for advice at WSO. There will be some opinions that are favorable and not favorable. No need to shame OP for posting about this issue. I would be willing to answer question about life, finance, or any other issue people have in life.

"It's okay, I'll see you on the other side"
Intern in IB - Gen:
Your girl dumped you and you turn to WSO as a source of comfort?

So you:

  1. Went on WSO

  2. Clicked on a thread you knew you wouldn't be interested in

  3. Read through said thread that confirmed you weren't interested in it

  4. Then switched your account to be an anonymous intern in IB

  5. Then commented to show your disinterest

Excellent logic

“The three most harmful addictions are heroin, carbohydrates, and a monthly salary.” - Nassim Taleb

My gf in high school broke up with me at prom, life can be rough. Just focus on yourself and something great will come along.

Quant (ˈkwänt) n: An expert, someone who knows more and more about less and less until they know everything about nothing.

Yeah I was blazed as shit at the time so I didn't really comprehend it until later. Ended up being for the better though.

Quant (ˈkwänt) n: An expert, someone who knows more and more about less and less until they know everything about nothing.

Besides what others have advised, see the bright side:

She is late 20s and about to hit "the wall". She is going to be insane when she hits her mid-30s, is still childless, and realizes that she threw your relationship away while her career remains unfulfilling.

Get a new rebound chick. That's all you can and should do. Also, never let her back into your life again.


'Listen, nothing I'm going to say is going to make you feel any better. It's just going to suck for a while and then you'll be fine.'

'Listen, nothing I'm going to say is going to make you feel any better. It's just going to suck for a while and then you'll be fine.'

The real takeaway is buying an Aston Martin helps with self reflecting

“The three most harmful addictions are heroin, carbohydrates, and a monthly salary.” - Nassim Taleb

At least it only cost you temporary hurt and your not staying in a small apartment with a weird roommate while paying for a house you don’t stay in anymore while a guy is banging her there and paying child support for kids you hardly see.

Associate 2 in CB:
TLDR: 2020 is already trash - 2021 is gonna be my year

Just want to add (in addition to the great advice already given)- beware this mindset. If you believe this to be true then it will be. If you say that 2020 will be your year to excel and grow, then it will be. You were probably just pissed off and venting, but that mindset can become habitual if not properly taken care of.

“The three most harmful addictions are heroin, carbohydrates, and a monthly salary.” - Nassim Taleb

I feel you bruh. Similar story here /w my ex returning back to the US to go to Law School (live in London, UK). Echoing a lot of the above, four months later, in retrospect, I can assure you that I am/becoming better off. Know that your future self will soon see why it was for the best, focus on yourself/your goals and development, take time to reflect and change or improve things if necessary and remain positive. Not saying everything happens for a reason, but though it's hard to lose a situation of comfort, you're most probably delaying the inevitable. No, distractions, 2020 is the year.


Damn near a decade lowkey. But I mean I was focused on working and getting into the right position for a minute, financially, to be able to. And she was never 'ready' because like I said in the original post she feels like she has nothing career wise and wouldn't wanna jump into a marriage without feeling complete herself. So probably a good thing I didn't because internal turmoil usually manifest itself and ruins things. Like someone said above it was prob inevitable, so lowkey perfect timing ripping the bandaid off with a fresh start on the new year

  1. Figured I would say fuck going Anon and just own it haha. So what up. 2. Appreciate all the positive input yall. Obviously this is a day by day week by week month by month thing but I appreciate the kind words. Echoing a lot of comments it's all about focusing on and improving self and current life status (#grindmode). Like I said in a post above feel like the hardest part is going to be being uncomfortable for a bit considering we've been at it since 2010 (we were off for a few years but consistently on for the most part).

But, what's nice is I've got a couple face to face breakfast/final interviews over the next month or so for new positions so my focus is going to be on that. As silly as it sounds nailing a new job I feel like will do wonders because it creates a natural 'new life/life shift' moment that creates what can feel like a fresh start. Ideally, use some of the signing bonus to take a nice solo trip abroad and come back locked in and ready to go.

Again, sincerely appreciate all the comments. I'm taking nuggets from everything that was said and using it.


Why though? If you're unhappy then leave.

“The three most harmful addictions are heroin, carbohydrates, and a monthly salary.” - Nassim Taleb

I wasn’t talking about myself. It was more of what I see with most guys lol. I got 2 coworkers who forever keep saying I hate my gf and I don’t want to go home to see her so we would be at the bar and they would drink like animals so they can just get themselves to go home. I’ve met a lot of “men” like that. So that’s where I was coming from. I wouldn’t waste a min of my life unhappy. Way I look at it just like how I don’t spend money on things I don’t like why would I waste my time with someone I can’t stand.


I am not sure if my previous comment got deleted, or simply a bug.

Basically, try to speak with the girl, if you've been together for 10 years, 'not feeling the spark' is definitely not the explanation. As you are no longer together, a few 'truth bombs' might come your way, but it can only benefit you if you reflect on it and use it in your next relationships. The other thing is to speak to family/friends who knew both of you. You might learn a thing or two for you/her/your relationship, which these people might've saved you for the sake of the relationship.

Reflect on it, crack on and never look back. You got it!


Love is like the stock market. You have your ups, you have your downs, but in order to protect from a crash, you gotta diversify your portfolio!

Life's too short to smoke cheap cigars.

Interesting, we all know * the new-age girls that keep hooking up in their 20s then try to settle later. Some of them succeed, some of them don't but at least they got some short term fun at the potential expense of long term gain. * the traditional long game girls that find some dude with potential early on that still doesn't have his shit together, he will remember she was there from the start and take care of her later. Short term struggle for long term gain.

Now welcome the latest degenerate evolutionary dead-end : * She hangs out with the guy for all his 20s, then when he is starting to realize his potential and happens to be attached enough to her, while she has bad career prospects and starting to age, she dumps him.


does an ideal women look like a slave to you? she has to spend her youth with you because she saw your potential. new flash guys dump girls that stayed. with them during their 20s and marry another. woman are not doing that anymore. 10 years and she dumps him, he wasted her time and youth and she was not happy. men have to understand that women do not brake up abruptly, he has probably been ignoring the signs and thinking everything is ok, he got comfortable, when she was not alright. she reached her boiling point and broke up. I am sure she has been considering this relationship for at least a year.


Damn, breaking up with a college sweetheart on NYE must fucking suck, but IMO I think you dodged a bullet there. If she really was the one, then she wouldn't had have any doubts and would have tried to work it out with you while developing herself along the journey.

Contra omnes dissident

I'm sorry--that's rough. Very cold-hearted of her.

I hear this a lot though, about folks who put off marriage/relationships/love/etc. because it's not the right time in their career development. Or something about seeking career fulfillment first.

In my view, this is quite a sad state of things. Working is not living, as convenient as it would be if we could align the two. I am happy doing my job, but in no philosophical or spiritual way does it "fulfill" me. Who ever wants it written on their tombstone: "He was fulfilled by his career"? If one is lucky enough to find love, it should always come first.

Your ex-GF's loss. Not yours.


Go red pill. No fairytales, no heartbreaks, just life as is. Plenty of things to pursue out there that are way more fulfilling than a relationship.


Not necessarily. It means not subscribing to the romantic bs we've been marketed our whole lives and looking at male-female relationships from a point of realism. 90% of divorces are initiated by women in America, and if you think you found the special one just wait until you have a misfortune and all of a sudden you're at a lower income tier.

What you listed tends to be the natural outcomes that follow though when one gets redpilled. It's called MGTOW (man go their own way). I personally think marriage still has great purpose.


I had something similar happen to me on 2019 NYE except she ignored me the whole night and flirted with another guy. We were miserable for months though, and finally ending it made 2019 one of the best years of my life in terms of relationships and career. Spent a month in Europe between jobs, changed Coasts - the failure of the relationship will seem like it happened to someone else if you keep moving forward.


Jesus Christ what an immature way to end things. I would be grateful that she didn’t waste any more of your time. It hurts like hell at first and I totally understand that feeling like “what now?” Well, now you can focus on you. All the time and effort you gave her in the past can now be put towards the grind. It’s rough but really gotta love yourself and continue on your journey


OP - we're almost a month into this. Have you hooked up with 2-3 women, lost 5 pounds of body weight while increasing your bench 25 pounds, improved your relationships with your family and friends, and thought about what's next in your career yet?

Commercial Real Estate Developer

TLDR: Getting Laid, Going to Barcelona, Got a new job, golfing a shit ton.

Lol quick update CRE .

Been calling the parentals and my siblings more just to shoot the shit.

Got the job - gonna be a PM at a larger bank. Nice $ and signing bonus. Start in a few weeks so going over to Barcelona to meet up with this girl I passed on in B-School and hang for 8 days.

Got a nice little 2 girl pick and roll here stateside. Corporate Lawyer (who I met at a networking event s/o to commercialrainmaker ) and Dentist. Which leads me to think maybe my ex's lack of motivation and lack of a real defined career path maybe unknowingly was something I didn't really vibe with.

Been hitting the gym but also got fully back into golf and prob have gone the twice a weekend since Jan 2.

Shit still hurts some random moments but I mean that's to be expected. But all in all I'm feeling good. And I def come back to this thread nearly every day (partially bc ppl still posting in here) but mainly to reread some of the words of affirmation. Did what the Anon Analyst 2 in IB said and took a pic with the date and legit told myself to man the fuck up and not be a pussy. Diversified my portfolio like sixshooter69 suggested ones Arabic, one is black the other is Spanish/Catalonian. Even did what justarandomperson2000 keep reinforcing and checked myself to see where I could have been better.


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Quibusdam mollitia sed omnis voluptatem. Alias consequatur voluptas quasi maiores. Corporis aliquid est atque est vero odit commodi. Quia debitis ab reprehenderit ullam hic beatae velit. Similique non quas praesentium ut placeat at deserunt.

Dolore quia dolore est. Cumque est explicabo laborum impedit. Ex doloribus placeat ex quo. Deserunt animi quia placeat dolor alias. Reiciendis maiores labore corporis aut non rem.

Temporibus aut itaque qui omnis eveniet molestias eius. Labore nihil doloremque deserunt rerum beatae accusantium.


Officiis quo at nihil eaque voluptatem esse illum. Mollitia consequatur et voluptatibus possimus eveniet provident. Fugit illo veniam aut. Eum unde est deserunt dolores vel ut.

Non qui rerum dolore rem excepturi molestiae in. Sint deleniti ut hic voluptatum culpa voluptatem qui. Laborum odit ad odio qui pariatur ut ad. Cum dolores maxime culpa tenetur.

Career Advancement Opportunities

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Jefferies & Company 02 99.4%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners New 98.9%
  • Lazard Freres 01 98.3%
  • Harris Williams & Co. 24 97.7%
  • Goldman Sachs 16 97.1%

Overall Employee Satisfaction

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Harris Williams & Co. 18 99.4%
  • JPMorgan Chase 10 98.9%
  • Lazard Freres 05 98.3%
  • Morgan Stanley 05 97.7%
  • Moelis & Company 01 97.1%

Professional Growth Opportunities

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Lazard Freres 01 99.4%
  • Jefferies & Company 02 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners 18 98.3%
  • Goldman Sachs 16 97.7%
  • Moelis & Company 05 97.1%

Total Avg Compensation

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Director/MD (5) $648
  • Vice President (21) $373
  • Associates (91) $259
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (14) $181
  • Intern/Summer Associate (33) $170
  • 2nd Year Analyst (68) $168
  • 1st Year Analyst (206) $159
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (148) $101
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