Haha. My personal favourite scene is in the boardroom where the guy interrupts the woman and laughs, saying "I think what she is trying to say guys" and pats her on the head.. LMFAO as if this shit happens.. Also every guy commiting 'sexual assault' is white and every guy stopping or confronting him is black.. surely a coincidence right??

Hahaha too funny.. When does this libtardness end guys?


Probably made by people delusional enough to not notice how ridiculous their final product looks. I particularly enjoyed how the commercial overall failed to make a concise point but instead was a stew of 20 different ideas, not caring to elaborate on a single one but virtue signaling aggressively.

I'm convinced at this point these liberals make these ads for their own amusement.


Way too much controversy over it. I went in prepared to see some libtard propaganda about how men hate women or privilege or w/e, but it was just about not being an asshole. Pretty vanilla in the end.

I get it, with the competition arising from new startup-y companies taking on the razor business they need to try to hit that demographic of internet people that loves viral virtue signaling. Very few men who buy their razors on the regular are going to see or care about this video.

Despite all the fuss, it won't change my purchasing habits in the least.

Most Helpful

This has been talked about elsewhere on this site, but if anything highlights the "pussification of men" it is being triggered, offended, and outraged by a commercial that has a theme of "be a gentleman." "Be a gentleman" isn't part of some "war on men," it's what your dad should have taught you if you were raised right. You could not be a bigger loser than to get worked up over the rather white bread ideas "bullying is bad" and "don't harass women."

That's not even getting into the overarching reality that Gillette only did that to go viral and sell razors. More people thought about Gillette this week than they did last week, so mission accomplished. Remember, Nike sales soared after their viral ad featuring Kaepernick, who represents something objectively far more controversial than "be a good person."

Commercial Real Estate Developer
Gillette's core customers were pissed off

Were Gillette's core customers pissed off or did 99.99% of them not care while .01% of them cried about it?

Commercial Real Estate Developer

I suggest you rewatch the ad. It touches more than just said white bread ideas, and attacks certain fundamental behavior most men display even if it isn’t for the good of society all the time. Little boys will fight each other, break a window now and then, and fuck some shit up in general. That’s just part of being a little boy. Boys will be boys. No ones defending adults bullying or fighting each other. The ad draws an absurd connection of that behavior translating into some absurd macho character in adulthood that ruins life for everyone else. Is this true now? Who didn’t kick someone’s ass, and get their ass kicked at least once when they were a kid? Do we all get into fights regularly now that we’re grown ups?

Same thing with the way they present men approaching girls. I agree that telling a girl who’s clearly upset to smile is annoying, and most of the time chasing a hot girl you see walking down on the street to strike up a conversation is not gonna end up successful, and it is distasteful IMO. But it doesn’t mean that either of these things are sexual harassment. Again, otherwise an unharmful male behavior made to look like something outrageous. This level of social constraint on men’s behavior can be crippling for the upcoming generations of men.

The funniest part though is the demographic they decided to use in the ad. I live in NYC and can guarantee you that the said behavior is displayed almost every time by a demographic that is not the one on the ad. I don’t see a lot of upper middle class decent looking white guys cat calling women. Call me out for subtle racism or whatever but the bias here is just comical. These people make it too easy for us to call them on their bullshit.


The funniest part though is the demographic they decided to use in the ad. I live in NYC and can guarantee you that the said behavior is displayed almost every time by a demographic that is not the one on the ad. I don’t see a lot of upper middle class decent looking white guys cat calling women. Call me out for subtle racism or whatever but the bias here is just comical. These people make it too easy for us to call them on their bullshit.

Nailed it

I suggest you rewatch the ad. It touches more than just said white bread ideas, and attacks certain fundamental behavior most men display even if it isn’t for the good of society all the time. Little boys will fight each other, break a window now and then, and fuck some shit up in general. That’s just part of being a little boy. Boys will be boys. No ones defending adults bullying or fighting each other. The ad draws an absurd connection of that behavior translating into some absurd macho character in adulthood that ruins life for everyone else. Is this true now? Who didn’t kick someone’s ass, and get their ass kicked at least once when they were a kid? Do we all get into fights regularly now that we’re grown ups?

I posted this elsewhere, but "boys will be boys" means that "mischievous or childish behavior is typical of boys or young men and should not cause surprise when it occurs." Boys get into trouble by doing crazy things and rough housing and it's all fun and games. No issues there.

The mentality behind "boys will be boys," which is "boys are wild so this stuff just happens and you have to deal with it" has also unfortunately been used as a hand wave to excuse sexual harassment of the white collar, inappropriate comment and/or groping, kind. "Oh don't get bent out of shape, I'm just having a bit of fun," "Woah, I'm just joking around here. No reason to get so upset," etc.

You are 100% correct in that most men do not do this shit, because, like I said, most men are raised not to. But there are men out there, and you probably know them, who are inappropriate. As the commercial says, don't raise your sons to be one of them.

Same thing with the way they present men approaching girls. I agree that telling a girl who’s clearly upset to smile is annoying, and most of the time chasing a hot girl you see walking down on the street to strike up a conversation is not gonna end up successful, and it is distasteful IMO. But it doesn’t mean that either of these things are sexual harassment. Again, otherwise an unharmful male behavior made to look like something outrageous. This level of social constraint on men’s behavior can be crippling for the upcoming generations of men.

The "smile" thing has been a feminist meme for years. I don't fully get it, but I'm also not a woman, and I suppose it can be patronizing. Also I wouldn't recommend chasing people in general.

As for the "level of social constraint of men's behavior can be crippling for the upcoming generations of men," neither one of us know the world our kids will grow up in, but I'm far more optimistic about it. I know fringe views get amplified because of the internet, and then the outrage in response to those views, painting them as more mainstream than they are, also gets amplified because of the internet, but I maintain that most people are normal and the "constraints" put on me by society are perfectly reasonable.

The funniest part though is the demographic they decided to use in the ad. I live in NYC and can guarantee you that the said behavior is displayed almost every time by a demographic that is not the one on the ad. I don’t see a lot of upper middle class decent looking white guys cat calling women. Call me out for subtle racism or whatever but the bias here is just comical. These people make it too easy for us to call them on their bullshit.

I just think you need to stop looking at a commercial as some sort of masterpiece of social commentary. Gillette wants to sell razors. "Woke" brands are all the rage right now (to the point that they're being mocked on late night TV, etc.). There's a demographic out there that adores virtue signaling. Gillette wants to sell those people razors. Gillette doesn't want to get called out for being racist or anything, so they're not going to use a bunch of hispanic or black construction workers cat calling women. They're going to use white guys behind a grill. It's cynical, because the whole "getting preached to by a brand" thing is inherently cynical.

I maintain that it is not something to get all worked up about though. It's something to roll your eyes at.

Commercial Real Estate Developer

Uh, the problem is that this ad panders to people who don't use their products. Women who refuse to shave and men who have too much estrogen to grow facial hair. So not really sure what you are saying.

Nothing wrong with making a controversial advertisement, just don't shit on the people who actually use your product.

Follow the shit your fellow monkeys say @shitWSOsays Life is hard, it's even harder when you're stupid - John Wayne

I did not mean to give this a "funny" I meant to give a poop. Honestly, does it really matter? Why are you getting triggered about a commercial? It is not even shitting on people who use Gillette, its message is just literally be a nice person and the only reason it mentions males is because males! use! these! razors! so it shows people like its consumers argh it is not attacking males. Don't read be so sensitive about this sort of thing :(


Sometimes I really wish WSO had the option to throw two monkey shits.

Remember, the grass is always greener on the otherside because it's fertilized with bullshit.
This has been talked about elsewhere on this site, but if anything highlights the "pussification of men" it is being triggered, offended, and outraged by a commercial that has a theme of "be a gentleman." "Be a gentleman" isn't part of some "war on men," it's what your dad should have taught you if you were raised right. You could not be a bigger loser than to get worked up over the rather white bread ideas "bullying is bad" and "don't harass women."

That's not even getting into the overarching reality that Gillette only did that to go viral and sell razors. More people thought about Gillette this week than they did last week, so mission accomplished. Remember, Nike sales soared after their viral ad featuring Kaepernick, who represents something objectively far more controversial than "be a good person."

Look, I'd generally agree with what you're saying. But I think you're really out of touch with what's going on. You'll see one day that women are doing a lot more than getting equality. And the worse part is this idea of "being a gentleman".

There is no such thing as being a gentleman in a system of equality. If women and men are equal, women can be the gentleman. If we keep opening doors, over respecting, giving up seats, paying for everything, we're going to wake up and wonder why we feel like slaves. That shit is over bruh. Times have changed and this is what women want.

You can't keep treating women like they're the gentler gender when they are out here doing everything men are. It doesn't work. And times have long moved on from those days. No man should adhere to rules of "gentlemen" because it's stupid in 2019, and you'll find that out.


The focus here is not on opening doors and treating women in a kinder/gentler way. Being a gentleman in this context means: refraining from sexually harassing women.


The issue comes from two main points. 1 The utter hyprocrisy of P&G and Gillette to make an advert like this when their entire history has been about looking good to get laid. 2 The advertisement makes almost no disticntion between anythig that is says and the fact that in reality the people they are protraying the majority of men as being as a wildly small minority. It is femnist propaganda that all men are evil. 3 It is a shit add to sell razors becuause it panders to women who refuse to shave and men who injest too much soy and have estrogen levels higher than most women who can't grow facial hair to begin with.

Follow the shit your fellow monkeys say @shitWSOsays Life is hard, it's even harder when you're stupid - John Wayne

It must be exhausting for the hard left and hard right to view everything in the universe through a political lens.

Be excellent to each other, and party on, dudes.

The ad was beyond ridiculous (how literally all the bad people were white males being stopped by the heroic minorities, how boys wrestling is, I don't know, evil?), but at the end of the day I'm so used to this kind of patronizing horseshit from corporations. I work for one of the larger ones in America and this kind of stuff has been par for the course for the last decade, at least.

What really annoys me is the broader idea that we should be taking moral instruction from ad agents of giant corporations. Even if I agreed with the principles of the ad, I'm damn sick of being preached at by people who have no moral authority to preach at me. I'm a huge customer of Gillette. I have so many Gillette razors that it will take me at least a year to get through the remaining ones. But I've got to say that this kind of garbage makes me interested in looking into other razor blade brands that don't assume a position of moral authority not granted to them.

The ad was beyond ridiculous (how literally all the bad people were white males being stopped by the heroic minorities, how boys wrestling is, I don't know, evil?), but at the end of the day I'm so used to this kind of patronizing horseshit from corporations. I work for one of the larger ones in America and this kind of stuff has been par for the course for the last decade, at least.

What really annoys me is the broader idea that we should be taking moral instruction from ad agents of giant corporations. Even if I agreed with the principles of the ad, I'm damn sick of being preached at by people who have no moral authority to preach at me. I'm a huge customer of Gillette. I have so many Gillette razors that it will take me at least a year to get through the remaining ones. But I've got to say that this kind of garbage makes me interested in looking into other razor blade brands that don't assume a position of moral authority not granted to them.


That's why I stopped shaving


And the other brands cost less as well. Found a set for 8 blades + 1 (on the handle itself) for $5. So far I am happy with the product.

No pain no game.
And the other brands cost less as well. Found a set for 8 blades + 1 (on the handle itself) for $5. So far I am happy with the product.

I never really thought about why steel cost so much until a few years ago. But I was loyal to my brand, Gillette, for whatever reason and remained so (kind of like I am to Audi, for no reason in particular other than I feel like an Audi kind of guy). But yeah, it really is insane what they charge for steel, which is insanely abundant.

What really annoys me is the broader idea that we should be taking moral instruction from ad agents of giant corporations. Even if I agreed with the principles of the ad, I'm damn sick of being preached at by people who have no moral authority to preach at me.

And that, my friend, is something we can both agree on

Commercial Real Estate Developer

Safety razors are double sided, give a better shave with less irritation, each side lasts about 3-5 shaves depending on your hair thickness, so you get 6-10 days out of a single blade. Costs less than 10 cents each. Plus they make great box openers and other uses.

Follow the shit your fellow monkeys say @shitWSOsays Life is hard, it's even harder when you're stupid - John Wayne

There is nothing objectively offensive about an ad suggesting that men should stop sexually harassing women. (The bullying part is a smaller part of the message) It only becomes offensive to some people when they perceive it to be part of some liberal plot against men.


The "offensive" part is that the advert paints the overwhelming majority of men to be this way.... It's just as offensive as someone saying that so and so ethnic group is bad at y.

Follow the shit your fellow monkeys say @shitWSOsays Life is hard, it's even harder when you're stupid - John Wayne

THIS is what men's rights activist MAGA nation is filling their diaper over? Says a lot about a movement when they get triggered when told to act like a gentleman like they should have been doing all along. There is no larger group of snowflakes on Earth right now than the MAGA toads.

"I don't know how to explain to you that you should care about other people."

That's an interesting portrayal of white and black men. Virtuous, respectful and honorable black men stopping the menace of society - white men. Thank you Gillette for teaching me that I don't need empirical and statistical evidences, I only need to this ad approved by a Pakistani, whose people throw battery acid in girls'/women's faces for being out alone passed 18:00. Thank you!

However, I having trouble understanding the causality between white parents saying "boys will be boys" and the disproportionate systematic abuse, violence och sexual assaults commit by non-European minorities toward women, of any background, really. This is a fact, which holds true for every single western society in the world, without exceptions.


It's baffling how people are completely unable to read between the lines; more like in your face in this case.

That's an interesting portrayal of white and black men. Virtuous, respectful and honorable black men stopping the menace of society - white men. Thank you Gillette for teaching me that I don't need empirical and statistical evidences, I only need to this ad approved by a Pakistani, whose people throw battery acid in girls'/women's faces for being out alone passed 18:00. Thank you!
How is anyone with a head on top of their shoulders able to stomach this level of BS? How can people not see what this ad clearly intends in the greater context of the war against straight white men?
How is anyone with a head on top of their shoulders able to stomach this level of BS?

Razor commercials don't really impact my life long-term. I enjoy arguing about politics as much as the next person in this thread, but beyond being a good way to soak up down time, I'm not going to harbor any long-term affects from this "slight."

Commercial Real Estate Developer

I've heard people justify sexual comments and really rude comments by saying "boys will be boys". Does that explain this? Also, it's literally just an ad why are you reading so much into race lines unless you specifically focused on that while watching this? Hmmmmmmm


I feel like outrage on the right comes from insecurity of being attacked. The commercial had no sting until I saw all of these people commenting about it. It's the same ole BS you get in media these days, that I've sort of tuned out.

At the end of the day, no one gets upset with "toxic femininity" with the heels, the tits popping out, the makeup, and the hyper selection for "manly" dudes with the chiseled face, aggressive, type A personality, and the height.

Just because being feminine is more passive, doesn't make it any less real in moving culture.


I don't know what kind of females you hang around & this is pretty sexist. It's just a commercial though and Gillette is a product mainly for men. What do you want? Females walking around in this razor commercial FOR MEN?


What I find pretty interesting is that brands usually try to champion their target market in the ad's they create. Gillette basically just shat on a massive part of their market.

Will be interesting to see how it affects sales, particularly within the female razor segment?

With regards to the advert, I agree that a conversation should be had but you don't have that conversation by basically saying all men are crappy human beings. No one has achieved significant social justice reform by trying to exclude or target certain groups, but rather by making the circle bigger and appealing to ideals that everyone beliefs is true.

That's just my take though.


This "laughable" commercial just generated a massive thread on WSO of all places and made you think about razors and Gillette for longer than you have in years. So...mission accomplished as far as P&G is concerned.


https://media1.giphy.com/media/gBEkEyiI8VG6I/giphy.gif" alt="Gillette Commercial" />

Commercial Real Estate Developer
This "laughable" commercial just generated a massive thread on WSO of all places and made you think about razors and Gillette for longer than you have in years. So...mission accomplished as far as P&G is concerned.

Someone else commented above that any publicity is good these days as well. I honestly don't get this at all. Lots of kids here talk and think about Trump. Doesn't mean they are going to vote for him in 2020. Why would negative publicity be good for a consumer staples company?


How negative is it really though? Will you still be angry at Gillette in 3 months? Or will you just be more likely to remember and think of Gillette when you think of razors? Gillette already had very high awareness but this builds salience and top-of-mind awareness. The positive or negative emotions will fade (unless they keep running this as a campaign) but "Gillette" will stick in your head. Fun fact - there's some research showing that extremely annoying commercials are actually highly effective from an ROI standpoint, since after the annoyance fades (which it does) the brand and product sticks with you.


yeah not because of some inherent "race passivity" since you seem to read things along race lines so much but because Asians have much fewer opportunities in the media so you take what you can get, and you work your butt off.

Anyone (particularly any man) who identifies or agrees with the 'message' in this commercial is a fucking pussy.

As opposed to all the guys who "aren't pussies" who get their panties in a wad over a commercial? Sure

Commercial Real Estate Developer

Dolores vel consequuntur quasi rerum eum praesentium ut. Dolores consequuntur unde cupiditate occaecati. Quo delectus libero explicabo molestiae omnis aut sit. Dolor rem nihil est rerum aspernatur. Reiciendis consectetur amet ullam alias sed ex quia porro. Ea praesentium nesciunt consectetur explicabo adipisci. Sit rerum illo voluptatem sunt veritatis.

Voluptate vel libero mollitia quos est quisquam repellendus. Esse qui ea aut minima. Voluptas ut consequatur ipsam voluptatum consectetur ea.

“The only thing I know is that I know nothing, and i am no quite sure that i know that.” Socrates

Delectus iste tempore necessitatibus beatae dolores necessitatibus nam. Aspernatur temporibus sequi aliquid et. Ad sed voluptatem aperiam quos maxime saepe.

Omnis ipsa facilis et repudiandae. Alias ea quis totam necessitatibus ut.

Sunt molestiae omnis voluptatum consectetur repudiandae eos ut. Et expedita rem amet rerum quidem natus. Voluptates ratione ipsa velit incidunt sit enim.

Voluptatem facere recusandae unde non. Possimus quia et delectus. Rerum cum voluptatem ipsa.

Follow the shit your fellow monkeys say @shitWSOsays Life is hard, it's even harder when you're stupid - John Wayne

Ut officiis quis ipsam atque aut quaerat cumque. Atque ut accusantium esse voluptatum. Placeat similique facere occaecati.

Harum qui eos dolores ut. Corrupti repellendus incidunt molestias perspiciatis officiis velit impedit. Non quis sed nostrum consequatur consequuntur est voluptatem. Quo et nobis laudantium voluptas debitis et doloribus qui. Ut beatae consequatur in illo facilis iure dicta. Sequi perferendis architecto natus est. Consequatur omnis doloribus natus.

Molestias dolorem consequatur est ducimus odio similique quis. Ut quia incidunt odit. Rem et consequatur dolore consectetur nam et qui. Enim ut dolorem sunt. Non optio rerum voluptas inventore.

Architecto omnis totam perferendis. Enim illum enim totam quis. Enim veniam ut sequi sapiente. Eligendi mollitia modi ex id. Molestias non nobis totam neque.

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