How the white man came to rule the world

Having read the thread about Chicago riots, insert ethnic group economic disparity, and I often think, crudely put, why the white man got it lucky. So did it?

Well, to put it in a deceptive way. It's because they're white. Now before the liberals go absolutely nuts over that, I have said that in a deliberately antagonistic manner.

Lets run this right the way back, in reverse order, from now, until we can go no further and get to the cause of why.

So we start off, in the modern era. The factors that will use to gauge my reasons for stating the initial assumption are not just money. It's about quality of life. I consider things such as life expectancy, infant mortality, adult literacy, child literacy, violent crime statistics (not white collar crime), doctors per capita. The things that give you a chance to have a happy life with lots of choices and not be killed because you voted for the wrong dude, or refused to pick a side in a drug turf war.

Why do the european nations, and former colonies/places where europeans ended up, have these factors, Well its because of knowledge, both techknowledgey (clever huh) and education. How are our advances in in technology so far ahead? Well that'll be because of the scientists and researchers/thinkings/studiers (obviously). Why have we had the most prevalent ones? Is it because we're smarter? Unlikely, its because we throw more people into academic institutions.

From here its not just a game of numbers, it becomes an incentive. To outcompete your peers is human nature. If you have enough people doing this thinking stuff then you're going to have a good number of people who are really good at it. There is probably a critical point where you have enough to kindle a social bonfire such that it isnt seen as voodoo (people in Nigeria are still jailed for putting hexes on people - as an extreme counterexample). This is because the general population, as ignorant as they often seem, are aware than black magic is absolute nonsense.

Ok so we have more scientists, so what, the Chinese invented gunpowder, the arabs mathematics, the egyptians paper and the french did cheese. Why does that matter? Well its alright having the science, but you have to have something to do with it. Industrial capacity. Well for that to occur, you need an industrial revolution. All european nations had one, mass rural --> urban migration (interesting sidenote: is exactly what is happening in 3rd world countries now). This was caused by farming technologies replacing huge amounts of the workforce, so mass unemployment meant no income, and rural places had very few non farming related jobs, so ran to the city. This lowered the cost of labour massively in cities, so while people lived in slums, the country thrived as they could make stuff with massively reduced overheads.

Right, so we've got the science and stuff, we've got the industrial output, but Russia has that, so what's the difference? (It's just an example, dont call me up on the output bit, yes its Stalin, but russia still appears so far as an anomaly pretty poor economy compared to the scientific output it gives).

Europe was, relatively, at peace with each other. Once a country gets to the point where it has a meaningful size and technology, it becomes pretty tough to invade. Lots tried, but the borders of the major colonial powers of western europe were largely unchanged. Kings were less able to go to war with each other they were all married/related to the sons/daughters of each other, to secure peace (William of Orange, the King largely responsible for making britain the power it was - was basically dutch). Napoleon only started his little invasion after the french revolution so all these diplomatic ties were lost.

Why were we at peace with each other? All countries in the world have borders with other nations and a lot of them outside western europe are bashing each others skulls in to this day (Bosnia + Serbia, pretty much all of Africa, Lots of south east asia (not just the koreas). What makes us so different? One possibility, is Christianity. There was never this you worship the infidel yada yada lets attack you With that incentive for war (and its a pretty strong one, Sunni's and Shi'ites, the crusades etc) removed, it translates to fewer wars. If you find this hard to accept, consider why the Greek Gods, the Norse Gods are no longer worshipped at all.

Right so we now have, advanced civilisations, that dont love each other, but trade heavily amongst themselves because of the notion of currency and need to outdo each other, but not by invading each other, so they do it by expanding. The desire to keep up with the Jones's meant that once Columbus had gone off looking for a new route to the India's, it was a free-for-all on claiming what you found. Hence the colonies.

But why did we have Christianity? Well in my opinion, the most influential person in Christianity is not Mr JC himself, but rather an EC


Guns, Germs and Steel?

"Despite a voluminous and often fervent literature on 'income distribution', the cold fact is that most income is not distributed: it is earned." -Thomas Sowell

Thank you for basicly summing up the book Gun Germs and Steel, now that we all re read what we read before we can go about our day still not giving a shit.

Follow the shit your fellow monkeys say @shitWSOsays Life is hard, it's even harder when you're stupid - John Wayne

There are a lot of holes in what you put down, but I'm going to skip most of this and get to (and this isn't specifically directed at OP):

My parents worked their asses off, my mom came from a middle class family, my dad from a military family. My mom's parents worked their asses off, and my dad's dad spent over 20 years in the Army serving his country. My mom's grandparents worked their asses off, both working full time jobs (my mom's grandmother was one of the first women in her field), both 1st generation American. My dad's family were farmers, they worked their fields every day of their lives to try and give the next generation something.

Anybody who tells me I have what I have because I'm white can suck my fucking cock. I have what I have because generations of my family busted their asses and took shit for something better. I have what I have because when my great-great grandparents came over on a boat they worked for $.05/hr in dirty, dangerous jobs. Yea, African-Americans got fucked, but how about the Irish? The Polish? You think they got welcomed with open arms? If you mean they got welcomed with a cane and the back of some guys hand, then you're right. What I do from here on out is because of what my family took the initiative to do before me and what my kids have is because of what I take the initiative to do now.

"You stop being an asshole when it sucks to be you." -IlliniProgrammer "Your grammar made me wish I'd been aborted." -happypantsmcgee

I question your sense of European history. Europe's countries fought between each other pretty much continuously until 1945, despite advances in technology and industry. Moreover, Christianity has caused massive amounts of violence in every part of the world, the inquisition was pretty much the medieval version of the jihad, except with less destructive weaponry.

Despite this, your conclusion is completely correct. The weather both caused white people's skin to be white as well as made the areas they lived in more conducive to industry rather than agriculture, so when manufacturing became much more profitable than farming they immediately had a huge leg up.

I question your sense of European history. Europe's countries fought between each other pretty much continuously until 1945, despite advances in technology and industry. Moreover, Christianity has caused massive amounts of violence in every part of the world, the inquisition was pretty much the medieval version of the jihad, except with less destructive weaponry.

Despite this, your conclusion is completely correct. The weather both caused white people's skin to be white as well as made the areas they lived in more conducive to industry rather than agriculture, so when manufacturing became much more profitable than farming they immediately had a huge leg up.

The inquisition was a holy war? You are confusing it with the crusades
Never discuss with idiots, first they drag you at their level, then they beat you with experience.
The inquisition was a holy war? You are confusing it with the crusades

If you assume the "inquisition" is a stand in for all attempts by the Catholic Church and various monarchs to purge heretics, than you are wrong, because plenty of religious wars were waged in Europe. Notably the Thirty Years War, of course, but also the Albigensian Crusade, the purging of the Knights Templar... the Crusades are famous because they didn't fight other Christians, but there were plenty of Crusades in Europe directed against other Christians.

Best Response

What is up with the oppression of pokemon in this world and how did this come to be?

In the olden times, the pokemon ruled the world and men were our servants in dear old Kanto. Yet, as the winds of fate blew, one of our very own - a Charizard, no less - betrayed us and gave our secrets of language to the humans, and as a reward they tricked us into obedience.

Even as a free pokemon, I am discriminated against in this unfair society. Despite working at Goldman TMT and coming from Harvard, I still got kicked out of KKR's interview after I accidentally pumped some water on my shell. I heard one of the partners whisper "wetback" as I shuffled out that door

What is up with the oppression of pokemon in this world and how did this come to be?

In the olden times, the pokemon ruled the world and men were our servants in dear old Kanto. Yet, as the winds of fate blew, one of our very own - a Charizard, no less - betrayed us and gave our secrets of language to the humans, and as a reward they tricked us into obedience.

Even as a free pokemon, I am discriminated against in this unfair society. Despite working at Goldman TMT and coming from Harvard, I still got kicked out of KKR's interview after I accidentally pumped some water on my shell. I heard one of the partners whisper "wetback" as I shuffled out that door

Cut this shit out. Now.
If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses - Henry Ford
What is up with the oppression of pokemon in this world and how did this come to be?

In the olden times, the pokemon ruled the world and men were our servants in dear old Kanto. Yet, as the winds of fate blew, one of our very own - a Charizard, no less - betrayed us and gave our secrets of language to the humans, and as a reward they tricked us into obedience.

Even as a free pokemon, I am discriminated against in this unfair society. Despite working at Goldman TMT and coming from Harvard, I still got kicked out of KKR's interview after I accidentally pumped some water on my shell. I heard one of the partners whisper "wetback" as I shuffled out that door

banana for you

What is up with the oppression of pokemon in this world and how did this come to be?

In the olden times, the pokemon ruled the world and men were our servants in dear old Kanto. Yet, as the winds of fate blew, one of our very own - a Charizard, no less - betrayed us and gave our secrets of language to the humans, and as a reward they tricked us into obedience.

Even as a free pokemon, I am discriminated against in this unfair society. Despite working at Goldman TMT and coming from Harvard, I still got kicked out of KKR's interview after I accidentally pumped some water on my shell. I heard one of the partners whisper "wetback" as I shuffled out that door

Blastoise you are epic. Pretty intense how much you know about Pokemon though.

To the OP, I love Jared Diamond but the uncredited summary was a little unnecessary.

‎"Until and unless you discover that money is the root of all good, you ask for your own destruction. When money ceases to become the means by which men deal with one another, then men become the tools of other men. Blood, whips and guns or dollars."
What is up with the oppression of pokemon in this world and how did this come to be?

In the olden times, the pokemon ruled the world and men were our servants in dear old Kanto. Yet, as the winds of fate blew, one of our very own - a Charizard, no less - betrayed us and gave our secrets of language to the humans, and as a reward they tricked us into obedience.

Even as a free pokemon, I am discriminated against in this unfair society. Despite working at Goldman TMT and coming from Harvard, I still got kicked out of KKR's interview after I accidentally pumped some water on my shell. I heard one of the partners whisper "wetback" as I shuffled out that door

haha I don't know if I like this better or that hymn/song you wrote a few weeks prior.
Making money is art and working is art and good business is the best art - Andy Warhol
dwight schrute:
What is up with the oppression of pokemon in this world and how did this come to be?

In the olden times, the pokemon ruled the world and men were our servants in dear old Kanto. Yet, as the winds of fate blew, one of our very own - a Charizard, no less - betrayed us and gave our secrets of language to the humans, and as a reward they tricked us into obedience.

Even as a free pokemon, I am discriminated against in this unfair society. Despite working at Goldman TMT and coming from Harvard, I still got kicked out of KKR's interview after I accidentally pumped some water on my shell. I heard one of the partners whisper "wetback" as I shuffled out that door

haha I don't know if I like this better or that hymn/song you wrote a few weeks prior.

alas i did not write that (the other blastoise did)

What is up with the oppression of pokemon in this world and how did this come to be?

In the olden times, the pokemon ruled the world and men were our servants in dear old Kanto. Yet, as the winds of fate blew, one of our very own - a Charizard, no less - betrayed us and gave our secrets of language to the humans, and as a reward they tricked us into obedience.

Even as a free pokemon, I am discriminated against in this unfair society. Despite working at Goldman TMT and coming from Harvard, I still got kicked out of KKR's interview after I accidentally pumped some water on my shell. I heard one of the partners whisper "wetback" as I shuffled out that door

thanks for killing this thread (in all sincerity). seems more suitable for StormFront than WSO.

Money Never Sleeps? More like Money Never SUCKS amirite?!?!?!?

I picked Squirtle too. Skull bash was an awful attack anyway. Wastes one turn to position himself then misses? WTF

Never discuss with idiots, first they drag you at their level, then they beat you with experience.

Jared Diamond is a joke and tries to equate all of european ingenuity with Guns Germs and Steel. Too bad all those europeans had to create the Guns and the Steel better than anyone that came before them. What a fallacy.

Also not to mention Jared Diamond is an admitted communist leftist so most of what he writes comes from that slant. Yes everything the europeans did can be summed up to Guns Germs and Steel but what every other civilization accomplished is because of their ingenuity and intelligence.

Freaking Loser. You can read the guys on the other side of Diamonds debate like Arthur Jensen or Phillippe Rushton. The interesting tid bit here is that Diamond and Jensen are both Jews and on polar opposite of that debate.

The one who does not fall, does not stand up

Spot on. In the beginning of his documentary (which I can't even fathom why I wasted the time to watch), he disregards the possibility of IQ from one tiny anecdote (which he probably even made up) - he SAW New Guineans chop up wood and start up fires, which led him to the miraculous conclusion that they were JUST AS bright and had sharp minds. WTF?

We understand you want to be a politically correct leftist liberal, but at least try to give a real reason why European dominance isn't because of IQ. At least even try to half-ass it; you didn't even touch on any evidence except for a soft, made-up joke of a reason. Fucking moron.


you're also missing the fact that the industrial revolution wouldn't have happened without slavery and the looting of wealth and resources from India by the Brits. India accounted for a quarter of global gdp before the brits went there, after 1945 it was less than 3 percent. You're also missing the white underclasses who were treated just like slaves or worse--and who today do not have and never had a societal advantage solely because of their skin (white trash). How the west came to rule the world is by organized theft and murder; and the erasing of other brown and black cultures from history. Recommend you to a simple google search or this book to start your "education".…


Geography enabled the White man to continually increase their IQ through tons of intellectual stimulation (establishing monarchs, republics, expanding the reaches of imperialism, inventing tons of new produdcts) because they were located in some of the best laid out regions in the world - Europe. Meanwhile, Blacks and other minorities were killing each other in forests and hunting for animals like animals, quite ironically.


yet you lack the very intellectualism in your response that you purpose the europeans have. look, europeans are good at stealing other peoples shit, claiming it as their own and then enriching themselves from it during an unnecessary competition with other europeans for global domination. the thing that sucks, the europeans man's curse, is their hunger for global dominance. it is sad because that hunger is what dominates their lives. african, asian, and other cultures thrived with illustrious monarchies and inventions while europe was a mud infested waste land with random castles splattered around without a national identity. it was competition within europeans against each other that led them to steal shit from other people other than themselves. don't pretend to be proud for being a byproduct of an unerasable detraction from human norms. all for what? 200 years of western rule? look where it's led now--can barely sustain the western world order and most of the western populations are unhappy and paranoid. even rome was smart enough not to be racist bigots. the past 400 years will serve as an example of not how to govern societies for future humans--they will be viewed with disgrace. Also kinda sad that you still believe in social classification invented by the spanish inquisition--but never mind, most of dull minded america still does.

yet you lack the very intellectualism in your response that you purpose the whites have. look, whites are good at stealing other peoples shit, claiming it as their own and then enriching themselves from it during an unnecessary competition with other whites for global domination. the thing that sucks, the white man's curse, is their hunger for global dominance. it is sad because that hunger is what dominates their lives. african, asian, and other cultures thrived with illustrious monarchies and inventions while europe was a mud infested waste land with random castles splattered around without a national identity. it was competition within europeans against each other that led them to steal shit from other people other than themselves. don't pretend to be proud for being a byproduct of an unerasable detraction from human norms. all for what? 200 years of western rule? look where it's led now--can barely sustain the western world order and most of the western populations are unhappy and paranoid. even rome was smart enough not to be racist bigots.

Is this some subtle We Wuz Kangz satire?


also i assume you're a proud michigan person. did you now American settlers have always been scum of the earth. Take this from The Atlantic: "In the late 16th century, the geographer Richard Hakluyt argued that America could serve as a giant workhouse where the “fry [young children] of wandering beggars that grow up idly and hurtfully and burdenous to the Realm, might be unladen and better bred up.” The exportable poor, he wrote, were the “offals of our people.” In 1619, King James I was so fed up with vagrant boys milling around his Newmarket palace that he asked the Virginia Company to ship them overseas. Three years later, John Donne—yes, that John Donne—wrote about the colony of Virginia as if it were England’s spleen and liver, Isenberg writes, draining the “ill humours of the body … to breed good bloud.” Thus it was, she goes on, that the early settlers included so many “roguish highwaymen, mean vagrants, Irish rebels, known whores, and an assortment of convicts,” including one Elizabeth “Little Bess” Armstrong, sent to Virginia for stealing two spoons."

There's not much to be proud of here when your wealth is gained through theft and murder instead of intelligence, art, diplomacy, beauty and harmony--like the long lasting world order had before the western rise.


jeez buddy ... did my response really compel you to sit down and write two full-length rant responses?

Before you start to name these groups as the wise intellectual you are, think about it this way - geography is the independent variable (there will always be a Europe and Africa), so what if the white man and the colored switched places? Literally nothing would change, it was only a matter of chance that White ended up where they are now.

Truly hilarious, keep making an ass of yourself. It amuses me.

Edit: your second response is horse shit - I'm not proud of being from Michigan, hell, I'm not even from Michigan, so great job wasting 10 minutes of your life furious fuming at some random person hundreds of miles away. You must truly possess the 9000 IQ that all Wall Street monkeys embrace - oh wait, you're a "Prospective Monkey." Lmao


Still guilty of white privilege.

Never discuss with idiots, first they drag you at their level, then they beat you with experience.

If human history was to be viewed as a stock, the past 400 years would be in extreme bear territory and at the lowest point ever.


Before I even attempt to debunk the almost constant stream of inaccurate representation, lets start with this.

European dominance on an international stage is incredibly recent. 400 years ago the Ottomans were knocking shit over in large parts of Europe, the culmination of nearly 1,000 years of the Arabic/Persian world being vastly richer, more important, and more powerful than their European counterparts. The Caliphates were busy preserving and expanding upon Classical knowledge while Europeans were busy grubbing in the dirt. Al-Andalus was the scientific and literary capital of the world in its time. Two thousand years before the Greeks and Romans thought to put on a play, or build a road, Sumerians were inventing writing and codifying laws, Egyptians were building massive monuments, and Indus River Valley inhabitants were devising intricate plumbing and sewer systems. Alexander the Great went East to conquer, because going West meant going to a vastly poorer, less educated, less important area of the world.

I understand that white supremacy is inherently a movement for idiots, and that assuming the state of the world today is what it always has been is the only way to justify bigotry, but even still... come on.

Europe was, relatively, at peace with each other. Once a country gets to the point where it has a meaningful size and technology, it becomes pretty tough to invade. Lots tried, but the borders of the major colonial powers of western europe were largely unchanged.

You realize how absurdly false this is? Just because you managed to read a single book in your life doesn't make you an expert, it makes you sound like an idiot. Western European nations were especially violent, and the Early Modern Period can basically be described as the onset of near constant warfare. The Concert of Europe and the Holy Alliance, the entire concept of "balance of power," these all come to be because Europeans can't stop engaging in highly destructive and expensive wars.

Kings were less able to go to war with each other they were all married/related to the sons/daughters of each other, to secure peace (William of Orange, the King largely responsible for making britain the power it was - was basically dutch). Napoleon only started his little invasion after the french revolution so all these diplomatic ties were lost.

You are aware the English participated in several major, continent/world spanning conflicts after William of Orange's accession to the throne? Even his own daughter participated in the War of Spanish Succession, so "family ties" ensuring peace is complete bogus.

Why were we at peace with each other? All countries in the world have borders with other nations and a lot of them outside western europe are bashing each others skulls in to this day (Bosnia + Serbia, pretty much all of Africa, Lots of south east asia (not just the koreas). What makes us so different? One possibility, is Christianity. There was never this <em>you worship the infidel yada yada lets attack you</em>[/quote/]</p> <p>Your stupidity and ignorance are utterly breathtaking. You've heard, perhaps, of the Thirty Years War? The one that killed a quarter of the population of the German states (which covered an area larger than modern Germany), and maybe as much as 40%? How about the freaking Holocaust, the justification for which was tightly wrapped up in a pseudo-mythological and Catholic hybrid of Nazi religious belief (and, of course, tacitly abetted by the Catholic Church)? The only way any person of any intelligence could make this argument is by admitting they know nothing about the subject they're discussing, and expounding on it anyway.</p> <p>[quote:
With that incentive for war (and its a pretty strong one, Sunni's and Shi'ites, the crusades etc) removed, it translates to fewer wars. If you find this hard to accept, consider why the Greek Gods, the Norse Gods are no longer worshipped at all.

Because pantheonic religions tend to be more accepting of outside gods, whereas proselytizing monotheisms tend to stamp down hard on heresy, meaning that Christians and Muslims (and to a much lesser extent, Jews) tend to extirpate competing religions instead of assimilating them. Added to this, the benefits of adopting Christianity and Islam for political elites is enormous, leading to top down dissemination of religion, while the promised spiritual benefits for the economically and politically underprivileged are also vastly more attractive than most polytheistic systems.

Again, you don't know what you're talking about and repeating what someone else has said means you'll sound like an idiot. Parroting an argument doesn't mean you understand it.

Right so we now have, advanced civilisations, that dont love each other, but trade heavily amongst themselves because of the notion of currency and need to outdo each other, but not by invading each other, so they do it by expanding. The desire to keep up with the Jones's meant that once Columbus had gone off looking for a new route to the India's, it was a free-for-all on claiming what you found. Hence the colonies.

It isn't "the India's" it's "the Indies". If you're going to plagiarize, at least get the spelling right. And I'm sure you have an amazing explanation for why nearly 400 years elapse between Columbus sailing the first time, and the Congress of Berlin, which is the most important "land grab" in the mode you are referring to?

[quote]But why did we have Christianity? Well in my opinion, the most influential person in Christianity is not Mr JC himself, but rather an EC


Excellent reply. And it's no surprise that the past 400 years of western rule coincide with the bogus invention of "race" in the 16th century (a concept that never existed in the Roman empire) as an excuse to buy exploit slaves (African elites were in this too for profit) for the advancedment of their economies. Basically the rise of the west was largely dependent on slavery (free fucking labor!)--and the they used race to justify not treating other humans humanely as their religion (Christianity) taught. Even today you largely see problems that are directly linked to slavery--from the massive poverty in the US, yes USA has one of the largest populations living in poverty in the world, to the hunt for cheap labor overseas and automation because normal human Americans are too fucking expense and overpaid.

Moreover, Europeans have been good at whitewashing history to make them appear as the leading peoples of the globe. Like people are already laughing at them now and more will laugh at their absurdity in the future.

Basically the rise of the west was largely dependent on slavery (free fucking labor!)--and the they used race to justify not treating other humans humanely as their religion (Christianity) taught.

This isn't true. Race-based slavery was quite rare in Europe, and it's effects on North American society were uniformly pernicious. The areas in which slavery and it's Jim Crow analogue were rooted were among the poorest and least developed parts of the US.

There are lots of theories for why Western Europe rose to a position of global dominance, but I highly doubt that any of them include African slavery. Certainly institutions like the Janissary Corps had a larger impact on Ottoman history than slavery did on Early Modern European history. By the time slavery on a scale we're used to thinking about, there were powerful abolitionist movements in large parts of Europe.

Europeans write their history to place themselves at the center of it. I'm sure most cultural traditions do the same, e.g. China and their "Middle Kingdom". Europeans have most recently been on top of the proverbial heap, and have been in that position in the age of mass media, and thus have had more successful in forcing that view on others.

As in everything else, every group is equally prone to human foibles and follies. That Europeans have been successful at imposing their own version of history on the world does not mean that any other civilization or ethnic group is somehow more noble for having failed.


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Provident perspiciatis veritatis aliquid rerum aperiam officia. Aut qui odit voluptatem consequatur animi voluptas eius. Sit itaque sit qui rerum sint ad. Quidem et rem rerum dolorem saepe. Sequi adipisci ut provident facilis qui. Sed non inventore magni hic aperiam esse explicabo. Et eum a dolores aut dolor voluptatem dolorem.

Sed quia perferendis est commodi magni quis sit ut. Dolorum praesentium ea possimus consectetur aut voluptatem aliquam. Veniam totam ullam facilis recusandae aliquid earum neque. Qui est iste non saepe ut. Modi fugiat sequi aliquid sed quos harum similique. Eveniet sunt velit sed deserunt. Cum quam assumenda aspernatur dolores. Alias dolor dignissimos nihil est sint pariatur.

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