What is YOUR go-to drink?

Everyone says "coffee" or "tea" but come on......... what kind. I am not gonna get out of bed for Chamomile-sorry.

It needs to be Earl Grey or my basic Venti Iced London Fog Tea Latte from Starbucks.

Some people drink "Bangs" - if you know, you know. (Water is overrated anyway)

What is your drink? Do you take your morning cereal with a shot of Tequila?

Better yet what is you NIGHT drink when you have to stay up late and you'd rather die than continue staring at your Excel spreadsheet any longer?


1.) Water - I do no drink coffee and very much limit soda 2.) Whiskey - straight, in an old fashioned, or with coke if it's bottom shelf swill


Before work - Cold brew with mocha shot and skim After work - A nice IPA, Fiddlehead as of late

Few players recall big pots they have won, strange as it seems, but every player can remember with remarkable accuracy the outstanding tough beats of his career.

Energy drink that tastes like liquid gold but like Tallfinanceguy said they are legitimate crack. Insane amount of caffeine. My old job forced us to drink them if we seemed tired and I never had an energy drink before that. It was honestly crazy I felt like I was gonna bounce of the walls lol


that guy looks really healthy. i'd for sure figure out which powders he's on and do the same

wow just look at how elastic his skin is and his voice sounds like he doesn't have bronchitis or anything

heister: Look at all these wannabe richies hating on an expensive salad. https://arthuxtable.com/

That actually sounds good though. Who cares if your drink is boujee honestly. The only problem I have is when ppl make a boujee drink that sounds nasty. Like adding matcha to a caramel frappuccino or something


Matcha is dope. A caramel frapuccino is a disgusting beverage you should feel a lot of shame for consuming.

heister: Look at all these wannabe richies hating on an expensive salad. https://arthuxtable.com/
Most Helpful

I drink a shit ton of water. It's amazing how different you feel when you are hydrated. Also, since I use a ~20oz bottle, it gives me an excuse to get up and refill it/walk around every 1-2 hours.

Other drinks are:


A touch snobby with my coffee - predominately black coffee - fresh ground light roast, prepared by french press. Lately I've been adding a splash of milk/creamer to change it up though. I'll go through phases where I'll order a triple grande vanilla latte a few times a week though.

  • Side note: For anyone who wants to grind their own coffee, look for a conical burr grinder. It doesn't just smash up the beans like a pedestrian blade grinder. It actually grinds them for a deeper, richer, more satisfying flavor profile.

Used to drink Monsters and Red Bulls by the case, however, gave this up when I outgrew my frat boy personna. I'll now only subject my insides to this style of jet fuel on an annual-ish basis like an ex-junkie remembering that warm feeling.


Currently in love with NE style IPAs - the hazier and juicier, the better. I used to be all porters and stouts but evolved into all beer styles. If I'm at a bar for beer, I'll more often than not go for the session IPA or any of the lower octane selections - It's tough to have 3 or 4 of the 8%+ beers and not be done for the day/night.

If it's a cocktail night, I'll do whisky or bourbon if I'm trying to be fancy but I'm not the biggest fan. Left to my own devices, it's gin & tonics all the way. Usually gets the "it taste like pine trees, I hate it" response but I love them. Super easy to go overboard here...


I used to drink 2-3 Lo-Carb Monsters a day. I don't know what it is, but drinking one of those after a hot and spicy meal is absolutely addicting. Relapse can be a very real thing for me with those as well. Glad to get off them because they are horrible for your teeth (and other things, I am sure) and always nice to drop an unnecessary $2,000-a-year habit.


I wake up and before I even brush my teeth, I chug a glass of water + preworkout with caffeine and synephrine - these two in conjunction wire you up for hours and keep your bodyfat consistently low. Then I go brush my teeth and by the time I finish brushing/pissing whatever it kicks in and then I go workout and am ready to conquer anything that day.

My roommate does the same thing but instead with ephedrine (aka bronkaid) but thats too intense imo


Yeah I used to use BCAAs before a work out but it just gave me anxiety. Honestly I am good with tea after my experience drinking a Bang lmao. But I tried a 3D the other day and that was really good so I've been exploring


Hahaha your roommate rocking the EC Stack!

When I wanted to get off my ADD medication, I needed something to taper off and just caffeine alone was not cutting it. I had a buddy in college who used to cycle EC Stack on a cut primarily to lose weight, but would always talk about how awesome the energy / focus he had while on it. Out of desperation, I stopped at CVS on Day 2 of cold turkey from Concerta and scooped up a box of Bronkaid. For about two weeks, my morning ritual was to fill a muscle-shaker tumbler full of Cafe Bustelo iced coffee, pop a blister-pack of Bronkiad and drive to work. I jumped off as soon as I could because it's a dirty burn: I was twitchy, sweaty and edgy. I remember having zero tolerance for conversations that were not absolutely straight to the point and verbally, I was very loose / aggressive. A good friend / coworker of mine is notorious for telling very long stories and I just remember wanting to strangle the dumb fucker for what felt like a cruel and deliberate waste of my time. I did find the focus I was looking for in between spinning my wheels + tweaking out, but how dirty I felt physically + my lack of control emotionally was not a fun experience. I remember rolling off the project I was on and immediately hopping of the shit to suffer for the subsequent week until I was a productive individual again with only black coffee + water.

Good times, good times.


Water is dope, people have been boozin it like forever so you know its a classic. Sparkling water is just better water, so obv a fan. Also love some crisp coke, or some polar birch beer or ginger ale once in a while. For caffeine, I just drink keurig/nespresso stuff or starbucks cold brew. I tend to stay away from energy drinks unless they're mixed with vodka.

For wine, an italian red is my go to. Reminds me of home, when my mom and grandma would let me have some at our sunday dinners even though I was like 8. At least now I enjoy it and don't just spit it out in the sink anymore. Also love champagne.

For beer, I love the college classics like bud and natty cus theyre easy to drink. Also love the NE IPAs, since I live up here. Also a fan of the non-IPA's that our legion of craft breweries cranks out. Really good stuff all around. Some of the Elite Boutiques of the beer game up here are Nightshift, Trillium, Treehouse, Exhibit A, Lawsons, Lost Nation, and BLDG8. Good stuff.

For the hard stuff, vodka sodas are good and light, but gin and tonic/7&7 taste better. Vodka red bull is good when necessary. Trying to get more into whiskeys, but can't really figure it out so I'll just stick to crushing old fashioned's. It is what it is. Love some more upper tier mixed drinks too, such as espresso martinis (come at me), corpse reviver 2, and sidecars.


I do a lot of cold brews. Coffee, green tea, yerba mate. I throw them in the fridge the night before and its all ready to go when I wake up.

Cold brews taste smoother which will be appreciated by anyone who doesn't want milk/sugar/flavors in their drink.

Other thing I recommend people try is roasting your own coffee. You get green beans (I use sweetmaria.com) and roast them in a popcorn popper. Always having a fresh roast at home is better than any premium coffee could ever hope to be.


Diet Coke during the day - love the stuff, probably low-key addicted. Try to drink water as well, but probably don't consume as much as I should.

Old Fashioned if I'm having cocktails (gin martinis if I want to get loose), followed by espresso martinis.

"Work is the curse of the drinking classes" - Oscar Wilde

Caffeine - Mocha medium sized, no whipped cream from Peet's. Monster Mango Loco or Rockstar punched.

Alcohol - Gin & Tonic, Long Island Ice Tea, IPA’s (anywhere form Lagunitas to Flying dogs).

I honestly don’t like water, but I do try to drink 4 glasses a day which is an improvement from none. (Work in progress)


Morning: 3-shot americano in an 8oz cup (halfway between straight espresso and an americano, which I find is usually too watery), or a 3-shot traditional cappuccino

Lunch: Strawberry Guava Diet Coke

Evening: Super hazy IPA or single-malt scotch served neat

"The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who have not got it." - George Bernard Shaw

Jameson's, neat.

I come from down in the valley, where mister when you're young, they bring you up to do like your daddy done

Homemade cold brew and a tall glass of water with breakfast. I also try to drink at least 24oz of water before lunch while sitting at my desk (as mentioned before helps to force walking around), and 24oz after lunch.

I used to drink massive amounts of preworkout/energy drinks when I was working out in the morning, but now that I work out at the end of the day before going to bed, I have dramatically cut my caffeine intake to one or two cups of strong coffee a day. Consuming ~1000+ mg of caffeine a day probably wasn't healthy... Especially when 80% of it came in the form of basically battery acid.

For alcohol I prefer tequila (rocks, neat, shot, in a mixed drink, doesn't matter) or prosecco. Once in a while I'll have a vodka drink, but I'm pretty consistent with the above.


Single origin Brazilian, Colombian or Guatemalan coffee (3 shot cappuccino) for my wakeup call. Generally try and stay classy with wine or a Belgian Trappist beer for dinner, and some single malt Wiskey (Macallan or really smoky), with either one ice cube or a dash of water at the bar. My signature used to be JD+redbull in the club, but the hangover now ruins the whole weekend.


Coffee. Day or night.

What kind? A pour over of a proper washed process Ethiopian from Yirgacheffe, Agaro, or Guji regions as of late. A washed Kenya, Peru, or that rare jammy Guatemala works too. But the apricot/peach/floral Ethiopians will get me out of bed at any hour. Get me another tropical, fruity pebbles tasting Panama Gesha of yesteryear or a winning Cup Of Excellence lot and holysh*t batman I don't care if Trump is tweeting nudes and sending nukes and the market enters an eternal downfall. I'm not picking up any phone calls until I'm done brewing my pour over and have tasted a few sips of that black gold.

Someone earlier in the thread mentioned having a conical burr grinder. I prefer perfectly aligned flat burr grinders as those better accentuate sweetness, clarity, and origin nuance in the cup.


I just bang rails of freshly ground espresso and maintain a steady IV drip of Bombay Sapphire through the working day. Keeps me level for the clientele.


Gin & Tonic seems like a way more popular drink on this forum than it was a few years ago. It appears that the sponsorship I received from the International Gin Council and Bombay Sapphire to mention them repeatedly in my posts a few years ago really paid off for them.


Hot black coffee first thing in morning to wake up. Then it's iced coffee pretty much all day. I get 48oz bottles of starbucks iced coffee from the grocery store and drink it ALL day. If I go to starbucks, I usually order TWO venti iced coffees. I got into cold brew for a while but ultimately found that it takes a lot of work to make, and it doesn't taste that much different or better than regular iced coffee. If I need to stay up at night, probably more iced coffee, or an energy drink (red bull, monster, etc).

"Yeah, you know whatcha doin."

For alcohol, I drink tequila, lime and agave shaken on the rocks (2 parts tequila, 1 part fresh squeezed lime juice, 1 part agave. This is in hot weather months.

In cold weather months, I just drink bourbon.

"Yeah, you know whatcha doin."

Hyphy MUD: this shit will get you up and at 'em back into the k-hole of valuation modeling....

Things needed: Red Solo Cup Instant Coffee Coca-Cola ( not that Diet Coke or Pepsi bullshit)

Pour a few scoops of some instant coffee into a red solo cup and then take your 12 ounce Coke and slowly pour in as you see the instant coffee foam up and react with the jet fuel that is Coca-Cola. Truly is an awe-inspiring sight to see.

Originally created by Kali Muscle (youtube him


Day: Water. All the damn water. I need to look young forever. Also, hot tea in the morning with honey. Usually, a blend I buy online (Boulder Breakfast) from The Tea Spot or green tea.

If the day is going to hell, I'll grab a Coke Zero.

Night: Hussong's tequila reposado as a shot , Tito's and water w/lime for casual drinks, and Casa Dragones joven on ice when I know its go time.


Can't resist..great topic. Hard core super strong black coffee first thing. Follow up with L'quip juicer...beets, cucumber, spinach, carrots, celery, ginger, apple, and guzzle down, you feel great. tons of water during the day, workout then steam room. I do this every other day.


Water throughout meals and while I am at the desk (keep a large yeti and refill it multiple times a day) Decaf with vanilla coconut milk foam and raw cocoa powder for after breakfast/mid afternoon Straight espresso right when I wake up if I am going to the gym Alcohol: Jack/Jameson on the rocks or Jameson with Ginger Ale (not a huge fan of soda so pretty rare) if I am out. Macallan 12 with cigars or just to sip. Every now and then I'll have some wine at dinner or with the gf.


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heister: Look at all these wannabe richies hating on an expensive salad. https://arthuxtable.com/

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