Professional Trading Masterclass - Anton Kreil?

I am still in High School and I got interested in trading just a couple months ago so forgive me if I make silly statements or ask dumb questions.

I was learning the basics using online materials and just glimpsed at the market using demo accounts and I found out about the Professional Trading Masterclass about two months ago. It costs 3000$ for 35hrs footage in which he teaches what you should know about trading and how to trade etc, and I wanted to look deeper into it. Except that there doesn't seem to be any reviews or anything so that I can get to know about it better before I make the investment.

His work background seems good so I thought his teaching could be worth the money, but at the same time I would like to know more about it beforehand.

If you have any opinions or have any experience regarding his trading programme, I would like to hear!


In theory, this is a bad deal, just from face value. SMBCapital runs some kind of training program that is like 10 weeks long for (only?) 5k which includes in house stay, not that I'm recommending this at all. But just in comparison 3k for some videos, no way. Just do some research and get on a paper trading website. You have a ton of time, I wouldnt rush into anything. Study hard and get into an ivy, your life will be much easier in the long run.


Wow. Actually you need to learn from a professional. This is the reason all you retail traders lose money :p


I really wanted to do it - seems to have a way better value than all the textbooks i bought this semester... one thought though if anyone wants to split the cost pm me!


Holy shit! $3k you can get much better bang for your buck elsewhere. That much money is a small start to investment capital, how about you download any book on investing possible and read that. You can find traders on twitter or YouTube who will give info on trades they are making, which is a good learning experience. But they best way to learn is having $ in the market.

For someone with no experience. Find one stock you are interested in, determine how much you are willing to buy at, how many you feel comfortable holding, determine your stop, and target.

Best Response

I almost fell into the trap... Kreil is a fucking MASTER at public relations and marketing, genius. 3k for screencaps is too much. You can pay that to get a mentor in real life to who you can ask questions and talk alot. Online Trading Academy is an example. 4k for a week long course in a classroom. Massive textbooks included made by traders. I have not taken his course, and do not want to rip on him. His course looks good, but a stack of 100$ bills worth 3k looks better. If you are planning on going into S&T, all of his techniques are taught on the floors when you get in the door. The value I see in the PTM is for retail traders who want to trade for a living, or just trade in general. As a high school student as well, I would not spend 3k on his course, mainly because I don't have it. I learned trading through the "classic books" i picked up at Chapters. 300$ worth of books taught me a ton. From psychology to technical analysis, I think books are the best way to learn retail trading. Just focus on learning how to invest and get very knowledgeable about the markets... If you break into S&T, you will get paid to learn what Kreil will charge you 3k for. He learned his methods at Goldman after all lol. Anyways, just my $0.02...

Maybe we will end up working at the same desk in a few years lol.


Hi; I've taken his course and studied the videos. They're really good actually. They give you a framework to trade and make money for the rest of your life. You have to be a self-starter to really benefit from the course; its not a magic bullet to make you rich, just a common sense approach to the markets and risk to ensure you don't blow yourself up with a few months. It's a steep learning curve, given that you have to analyse a lot of market information (which is freely available), but given enough time and practice, you can become quite proficient quite quickly. In closing, I would say this is really a course for the serious trader, i.e. someone who sees this as their career choice out of university. This is not a way to make money from trading alone; its seen more of a way to accrue wealth over your natural working lifetime (so that you can retire early, and do things that you'd like to do whilst you're young). There's not really a lot more to is a lot of money, but I only paid for the 30 day access. The 3K option gives you lifetime access (with all future updates), so in the long run, the course is probably worth more than the sticker price.

I'm not affiliated in any way, my background is business and I have an MBA too (so I can interpret the value of the content quite well I think).

Any other questions, PM me. Cheers



You don't need an MBA- you just need to be able to interpret numbers reasonably well- its pretty much common sense stuff. Sorry for the delayed answer.


Hi, can you download the video's and PDF's to your own hard drive if you've paid for the course. was thinking of paying the $1500.00 but only if you can download stuff to study at your leisure.


Hello :) I am university student and I am interested in trading for quite some time now. I tried demo account and red few books and I would like to buy this masterclass or 12 week transformation from jason stapleton I dont want to make living with it but retire early exactly as you said. I would like to ask you if you know the 12 week transformation and can somehow compare it? Thank you


With a bit more time since your ITPM course, wondering if you still see the value of the program. I am considering doing the traders course.


I have not even looked at these videos. However, offers a pretty damn extensive course on how to trade forex. It does an excellent job covering technicals which is the most foreign part, but applicable just as much to stocks as it is forex. You can probably go through that then use some more stock related books to transfer what you learn into stock knowledge, i.e. learning the qualitative aspects of stock trading. May be just a bit less effective, but you save 3,000 dollars, and as some people said the best way to learn trading, or anything for that matter, is to actually do it. So, you want that 3,000 at your disposal.

Edit: Might not be the best time to trade in the market if you don't know what you're doing though. Might consider practice accounts until there is more certainty as to where the market is going.


Keep the 3k. Start learning now. Use the internet. How i wish i have that earlier.


HAvent read prior comments, but as a rule, anyone teaching the secrets to trading is a snake oil salesman, and id bet good money that this falls under that category.

There isnt a "correct" way to trade. Every individual needs to find what works for them. There are a million ways to make money trading, but each person will only have an edge in a handful of these ways, and finding what works come from experience, not having someone teach it to you.


Kreil probably has better credentials than most people in the trader-education industry, although his own track record as a trader isn't accessible. You could watch the TV series in which he appeared (straight after he left Goldman) - Million Dollar Traders - available on YouTube, and get an idea of how credible you think he seems.

As others have suggested, you can probably learn much of what he teaches through your own research and add the $3k to your trading capital.


Im starting to learn how to trade too. The price is quite high to me. Just for some videos and no mentoring. I just started on streetfx a membership of one month for 35 dollar and you get access to plenty of video about many subjects and many strategies are presented. You can go on YouTube to check some of the old webinar they have done. The channel name is admiral market. So you can get an idea of what it looks like

I'm not an affiliate Just someone learning the basic


I have many years experienced in Forex market as a trader and coach. I trade over 20 Curriencies and CFD. I teach myown great system in Technic Analyze to make very good profit anyway in the market. İf you want to be serious and succesful investor/ trader then dont hesistate for contact to me.


My advice, keep ur 3000k don't be lazy in research and study about the market. I will give u a clue on what to study and research on. If it makes sense to u pm me..... try research and study patterns and harmonic. Hey! There is more to this techniques but I can tell u that it is more accurate than elliotwaves. Trust me


you can learn some basic things in fx trading but it never enough to be an professional trader.Trading is not only take a position but also it is to manage money and emotions. There are some important issues in trade that you should be know. like who is main carticipates of this market and they are how to take position.etc... I am coach of Fx Market and teaching how to be professional trader in the best way. You can reach me from mail.
fxtrader_101 hotmail


I've lost 3,000 on stock picks in the solar and retail sectors. My loss was based on pure speculations creating "castles in the sky". The stocks were doing great, but the markets turned and I got burned. Part of the problem was my lack of experience and education. The other problem was listening to what seemed like experienced traders on a trading blog. I've listened and got what I deserved. I will never make this mistake again!!! PTM for 3,000, isn't a lot if you really think what you would get out of it. Considering you don't need an MBA (which I can imagine cost a lot more than 3,000), this is a bargain. I could read all the books on trading, but it would be difficult without having some sort of guidance or mentor. About me: I am an electrical engineer who is tired of living paycheck to paycheck on traded time, paying the highest about of taxes, and has no time left to enjoy life. Trading is a very interesting profession I'd like to get started in and something I can Get started part, do anywhere, and learn the rest of my life. So I say, let's do this!


I know people who have met the guy and they gave a pretty negative feedback in terms of 'personality' and honestly I'm not surprised.

YouTube some of his videos just to get a flavour. If it's cheap it won't harm to be honest but you can be a bit more proactive and network with people from the industry which will make u aware of the things they look at and the jargon. This kinda stuff helps in interviews as it shows you're in the right direction.

His courses will mostly tell you what professionals pay attention to (specific indices, macro data numbers like jobs figures in the US) and so on. To save money you can also watch a short series called million dollar traders if I'm not wrong - but again just to get a flavour. Don't copy what they do because honestly it's a bit silly the way they trade in that show.


Want to be the best trader?

Manufacturer the event you would be speculating. Use corporate espionage to bring down a company. Short stock. - Profit.

"It is better to have a friendship based on business, than a business based on friendship." - Rockefeller. "Live fast, die hard. Leave a good looking body." - Navy SEAL

I've paid for the education and it's nothing I expected. I used to look into day trading and all that crap beforehand. This is so much better then that. It actually teaches you portfolio management and long term wealth growth. The idea is to replicate hedge fund strategies rather then day trading single assets. If you look at the mentors who teach the course, you'll get an idea that these people have made their fortunes and have proven themselves. Just as an example, click on the linkedin profile when you google 'jason mcdonald trader'.

In the grand scheme of things, Anton is playing headhunter. He places successful traders at the institute into hedge funds, via a fund of funds that he works with. That's where the real money is for him, so it's in his interest that you are profitable in the 8-24 month time frame. I won't begin to start talking about the conflict of interest that exists with most trainings programs/brokers...

'Corruption? Corruption is government intrusion into market efficiencies in the form of regulations. That's Milton Friedman. He got a goddamn Nobel Prize.'

I've paid for the education and it's nothing I expected. I used to look into day trading and all that crap beforehand. This is so much better then that. It actually teaches you portfolio management and long term wealth growth. The idea is to replicate hedge fund strategies rather then day trading single assets. If you look at the mentors who teach the course, you'll get an idea that these people have made their fortunes and have proven themselves. Just as an example, click on the linkedin profile when you google 'jason mcdonald trader'.

In the grand scheme of things, Anton is playing headhunter. He places successful traders at the institute into hedge funds, via a fund of funds that he works with. That's where the real money is for him, so it's in his interest that you are profitable in the 8-24 month time frame. I won't begin to start talking about the conflict of interest that exists with most trainings programs/brokers...

I'm tempted to flag this.

lolololol.. I can't believe I am actually taking the time to reply to you... There are many types of trading! Discretionary global macro trading (real portfolio management), with less leverage and proper hedging of positions knowing your true exposure and being able to handle volatility won't help someone. Are you sure mate? Or would you rather the guy asking the question, just hand his money over to a broker and start trading with a 200 dollar account 100x leverage with two hours of technical analysis training! Yeah education is not important, surely anyone can trade... sure... everyone's a winner lol.


Haha, so you came here for advice and really didn't accept any that didn't already affirm your decision. If you were going to take the course regardless of what some of the more tenured members here have said to you then it would have been better to not start the thread now. You should have taken the course, come back and dazzled us with your new found knowledge that will launch you to the top of the game.


Let me rephrase my above comment. The class will get you nowhere, you will not be recruited by hedge funds and you will more than likely lose money and by lose money I mean the total value of your account + whatever the course costs.

We are an industry of professionals, I have met wealthy m'fers with nothing but a high school education but those days are over. There are IB professionals, MFEs, PhDs and techies who've built the foundation of their careers to be competitive for those jobs. A knock-off course, isn't going to circumvent an adequate pedigree.

You will ignore my advice, and you will lose your ass.


I was looking into this course as well. I agree with ArcherVice, it's all about pedigree. I've been digging now for months, trying to find my way into the front office from IT, the bottom line: "there ain't no easy way out; no shortcut home." Most people have to leave their pound of flesh to get ahead.


Yes, I took the course a couple of months ago. For me, it was worth the money. I learnt the basic concept of how to build a diversified long-short-portfolio which I implement in my own trading account.


I didn't sign up for the person mentoring program, but I met him in person in NYC, made some new friends who also attended the seminar that work on the street, some of them being CFA's, and enrolled for the life time PTM course membership which was around $3k or so... Note, you ARE allowed to share the same login with a buddy so if a couple of you are interested in the lifetime course I'm happy to split my account. If you're in NYC we can meet in person and go over the proof/logistics.

Was it useful? I wouldn't advise it for anyone who is already a CFA. I have a software engineering background and been trading for 4-5 years now (about $40-50k of equity, trades around $80-90k on margin). I still haven't gone through the entire set of videos but the take away I got was you need to be hands on while watching them, open up Excel on the other window and follow the steps in person. I'd recommend it for people who are willing to spot their personal capital on personal trading accounts. Overall I don't regret spending the $3k (with the hopes of hedging it by finding a partner down the road who I can split the cost with - which is why I bought the life time membership, so feel free to PM me if you wish to get cheaper access). I took this before I changed full time jobs into a brand name Asset Management / equity research firm.

I would definitely not spend $7k on personal coaching. It's much easier to just make contacts with people with similar backgrounds in NYC and steal 30 mins. of their time and I haven't had trouble networking with traders or Wall St. veterans over the past 3-4 years just keep an eye out for opportunities to meet such folks that have made it big.


I have been learning trading by myself, books and experiences are best for it. It doesn't matter how many times you hear bad things until you done it again and again you will never learn how bad is bad. But I was interested in these masterclass too. People says it is expensive maybe it depends on how much money you have point is not this point is they are using marketing to sell their masterclass as a door which open to a job on hedge funds. I am interested in and many other are interested in this. Okay Mr. Kriel worked for Goldman okay his linkedin account he has contact with hedge fund manager but how effective he can help to students to find a job in hedge funds? I have no idea.

You have to take masterclass which is around 30 videos and then exam then they will give a certificate which tells nothing, on this certificate it ,s written your acore as it is 95% but it is not yield or return as you can misunderstand from (%) it is just how well you have listened videos. So what you need to do; open an account with their brokers minimum 15.000$ then you should trade there again between 9-12 months in this way they can verify your return. Actually there are accountancy companies who can do it for you too but students assume that Kriel has contact at the hedge fund industry but there is no answer anywhere how many students are working today in hedge funds as long as I have the answer this side of masterclass will be stay on air.

If you just want to learn trading. First be sure that you really want this because this job is really far from Hollywood image and one of the difficult jobs, we are not just sitting and printing money here as forex companies or movies telling to public. Reality more then %90 of people losing their money in first 6 months. At the same time many other reasons I love my job, if you love trading too you should understand that no one can teach you this job in a few weeks or months I have been still learning after 18 years and a lot of pains so go slowly start with books and demos then small accounts be open mind.

Good luck

First be sure that you really want this because this job is really far from Hollywood image and one of the difficult jobs, we are not just sitting and printing money here as forex companies or movies telling to public.

Good luck

That's what I find off-putting about Kreil and the institute. The copy-writing and marketing is cringe-worthy. Highlights, Capital letters and a hundred exclamation if straight from a 90s website selling magic herbs

One example is his youtube video titled "INVESTMENT BANKS DESTROYED in this AWESOME presentation" and then there is this youtube video showing off his wealth titled "Anton Kreil TRADING THE TROLLS" LOL!

Any negative comments from the youtube videos are prompty deleted. There are even youtube comments saying how the course has helped them generate xx% returns but they have only been recently created and just have that one comment!

Professional traders and portfolio managers are too busy to be doing such BS marketing...


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