Bar Drinks to Order at an Open Bar

So this problem comes: whenever I approach an open bar, I don't know what to order. Sometimes, I just pointed to the bartender saying 'this" or 'that" and the bartender looked confused. Above all, I've ordered cranberry vodka a million times. That's the only name I can drop without hesitation. (except wine and champagne) Speaking of being a total peasant regarding this.

Please offer me the names of drinks you order at an open bar. So next time I can act more sophisticated when I drop those names at ease and with grace. But remember, I'm not looking for any names. I need the drinks to leave me such feelings when I order them: prestigious, expensive, classy, and tasty. In general, cool.

Best Mixed Drinks for Men to Order at Networking Events

For occasional drinkers, open bars can be somewhat intimating; however, our users shared of some solid drink choices below.

  • Long island iced tea
  • Jack and coke
  • Coke and rum
  • Bud light
  • Stella

DaisukiDaYo - Sales and Trading Associate:
Typically I get a jack and coke, standard go to. Or whiskey and ginger, that's always good.

If you're into vodka mixes, screwdrivers are a standard (vodka + oj).

Zzari - Private Equity Associate:
  • Rum & Coke
  • Gin & Tonic
  • Screwdrivers
  • Long Island
  • Old fashioned

Read More About Drinks on WSO

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Long island iced tea. Bud light. Stella.

Laughing so hard at these suggestions. How old are you...

Frank Sinatra - "Alcohol may be man's worst enemy, but the bible says love your enemy."
Long island iced tea. Bud light. Stella.

Laughing so hard at these suggestions. How old are you...

haha, seriously, dude. I appreciate his help but I gotta tell a story: I went to a gala for young philanthropists in ny. They advertised it like was packed with Ivy dudes, but the vast majority was from Georgetown. Then I saw a ton of dudes couldn't leave their bud light bottles for a second while dressing in black ties. I was like, OMG, wtf? It is just like seeing ladies in Oscar de la renta gowns do the dirty dancing shit.

I'm just a humble clown. I juggle around just for a good laugh of yours.

Scotch or Jack on the rocks

"They are all former investment bankers that were laid off in the economic collapse that Nancy Pelosi caused. They have no marketable skills, but by God they work hard."

I have a feeling you're a troll, but I'll bite anyway.

Cool is an attitude and state of mind a person does not get from a drink. A guy who is actually "cool" would be so no matter if he is drinking a Natty Ice can or a glass of blue label. He's cool because he doesn't give a shit what anyone else thinks.

That being said, drinking some quality scotch signals that you are classy, like expensive things, and maybe prestigious if anyone you're with knows about scotch or gives a shit.

[quote=patternfinder]Of course, I would just buy in scales. [/quote] See my WSO Blog | my AMA

Curious how people feel about the gin and tonic. I love them and for whatever reason they don't get me as hung over as whiskey cokes.

I always get shit from friends that say it is a 'mom drink'. I honestly don't give a shit either way but is gin and tonic really a girl drink or can I still preserve my masculinity while slamming G&T's?

Mike Bolton:
Curious how people feel about the gin and tonic. I love them and for whatever reason they don't get me as hung over as whiskey cokes.

I always get shit from friends that say it is a 'mom drink'. I honestly don't give a shit either way but is gin and tonic really a girl drink or can I still preserve my masculinity while slamming G&T's?

G&T's are the ultimate golf dad drink.

I order bourbon and gingers most of the time.

MM IB -> Corporate Development -> Strategic Finance


Disclaimer for the Kids: Any forward-looking statements are solely for informational purposes and cannot be taken as investment advice. Consult your moms before deciding where to invest.

wow, thanks for all your great suggestions. I'm gonna arrange them on a list and go through the options carefully cause I'm sure a few kiddo drinks were named. You know I tend to stay away from those. One further question, should I order the ones you gave me one after another at an event, or should I just stick with two or three options? Which way is better for me staying calm and sober, and sexy?

I'm just a humble clown. I juggle around just for a good laugh of yours.
wow, thanks for all your great suggestions. I'm gonna arrange them on a list and go through the options carefully cause I'm sure a few kiddo drinks were named. You know I tend to stay away from those. One further question, should I order the ones you gave me one after another at an event, or should I just stick with two or three options? Which way is better for me staying calm and sober, and sexy?

If you're planning on staying sober, you probably shouldn't be ordering "one after another"

But either way, I really don't think it matters. Do you think someones really going to take notice that you ordered a Jack and Coke and then a Gin and Tonic?

wow, thanks for all your great suggestions. I'm gonna arrange them on a list and go through the options carefully cause I'm sure a few kiddo drinks were named. You know I tend to stay away from those. One further question, should I order the ones you gave me one after another at an event, or should I just stick with two or three options? Which way is better for me staying calm and sober, and sexy?

If you're planning on staying sober, you probably shouldn't be ordering "one after another"

But either way, I really don't think it matters. Do you think someones really going to take notice that you ordered a Jack and Coke and then a Gin and Tonic?

just want to know what the norms are and to make the most use of OPEN bar.

I'm just a humble clown. I juggle around just for a good laugh of yours.

[quote=Going Concern]Dirty Martini...people ALWAYS notice, mostly because of the cone-shaped cocktail glass. Obviously no ice.


I'm just a humble clown. I juggle around just for a good laugh of yours.

I always know I'm at a "finance" bar in the city when everyone's drinking mixed drinks instead of beer.... and of course because of the immense amount of Asians and Indians

I always know I'm at a "finance" bar in the city when everyone's drinking mixed drinks instead of beer.... and of course because of the immense amount of Asians and Indians

this x10000

I hate victims who respect their executioners

Keg-stands.....they're making a huge comeback amongst the 'classy'. You haven't seen it yet because you're still attending events for commoners.

which drink do you guys think has the best exit opps?

Miller High Life bottles-- Shows you're classy because it's the champagne of beers, but, also, that you are there to party. People respect and admire that.

[quote=patternfinder]Of course, I would just buy in scales. [/quote] See my WSO Blog | my AMA

couple of plain tequillas right at the bar and a solid beer to bridge the time you're cut off from bar supply... i'd go with that

Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, your’re right. - Henry Ford

Boubon on the rocks or neat (Makers Mark, Knob Creek , Bullits) ; vodka soda; can't go wrong with beer...cranberry vodka is a chick drink as is a screwdriver in my opinion...I drink those at boozy brunches but not at a cocktail hour. I'll drink a G&T from time to time but that's kind of a summer drink and I can see the mom/golf dad argument.

As a scotch drinker, SB for you.

As a scotch drinker, never never never with ice!!!

Jack: They’re all former investment bankers who were laid off from that economic crisis that Nancy Pelosi caused. They have zero real world skills, but God they work hard. -30 Rock
wow, if your assessment is correct, half my office is closet alcoholics (vodka sodas flow here like water from the water cooler)
Assuming you're in your twenties right now, they're probably just problem drinkers. In 10 years, you'll have a collection of high functioning alcoholics.

I like good beer, craft beers tend to be better than mass produced water-beer (though I'll drink the hell out of Bud Light if it's all I got). I hate hipsters :(

My drink pretty much becomes what I've been drinking lately. When I start drinking whiskey or rum for a couple days, I don't even think about beer... and vice versa.

If your dreams don't scare you, then they are not big enough. "There are two types of people in this world: People who say they pee in the shower, and dirty fucking liars."-Louis C.K.
I like good beer, craft beers tend to be better than mass produced water-beer (though I'll drink the hell out of Bud Light if it's all I got). I hate hipsters :(

My drink pretty much becomes what I've been drinking lately. When I start drinking whiskey or rum for a couple days, I don't even think about beer... and vice versa.

this. all day.


Your writing style is superb. Please take over Matt Levine's spot over at Dealbreaker. You and Bess would revolutionize finance blogs.

Your writing style is superb. Please take over Matt Levine's spot over at Dealbreaker. You and Bess would revolutionize finance blogs.

This is fucking hilarious. Also scotch is great, but there are guys who drink (good) bourbon the same way. And what about bloody mary at the after-after party guy?

Going Concern:
Can't I still be Martini Guy through the holiday season? I'm not going to let a bunch of discarded evergreen conifers and fat bearded men without a full color palette change who I am. Extra olives please.

Ah, the sophisticate cousin of Vodka Soda guy. A breath of vermouth and a pair of bleu cheese jumbos.


I drink scotch on the rocks when i'm trying to relax, rum and coke when i'm trying to get drunk(most of the time) and a steady stream of heinekens and alexander keiths to keep me going... Inb4 douche bag comments lol


Scotch is meant to be enjoyed neat, with a few drops of water if preferred to help bring out the flavors.

Notice I did not bitch about people drinking their drinks on the rocks. How you drink your drink is your own business, but scotch is made to be enjoyed with its flavors not watered down. So if you like your scotch on the rocks, it may not be worth it to get an expensive or nuanced scotch, as it will cool the drink down too much and mask the flavor too quickly. A bourbon or whiskey would be better.

Scotch is meant to be enjoyed neat, with a few drops of water if preferred to help bring out the flavors.

Notice I did not bitch about people drinking their drinks on the rocks. How you drink your drink is your own business, but scotch is made to be enjoyed with its flavors not watered down. So if you like your scotch on the rocks, it may not be worth it to get an expensive or nuanced scotch, as it will cool the drink down too much and mask the flavor too quickly. A bourbon or whiskey would be better.

exactly. I would never add water to a Johnnie Walke Blue, but I do ad a cube of ice when drinking Black.

Scotch is meant to be enjoyed neat, with a few drops of water if preferred to help bring out the flavors.

Notice I did not bitch about people drinking their drinks on the rocks. How you drink your drink is your own business, but scotch is made to be enjoyed with its flavors not watered down. So if you like your scotch on the rocks, it may not be worth it to get an expensive or nuanced scotch, as it will cool the drink down too much and mask the flavor too quickly. A bourbon or whiskey would be better.

This guy knows his shit. What's your favourite scotch?

Jack: They’re all former investment bankers who were laid off from that economic crisis that Nancy Pelosi caused. They have zero real world skills, but God they work hard. -30 Rock

Slamming back Jack and Diets when I'm trying to play catchup or build the drunk.

Laphroaig or Bulleit Bourbon when I'm trying to keep the buzz going.

Hook myself up to an IV and pop a B12 pill before bed and I tell hangovers to fuck off.

My name is Nicky, but you can call me Dre.
Slamming back Jack and Diets when I'm trying to play catchup or build the drunk.

Laphroaig or Bulleit Bourbon when I'm trying to keep the buzz going.

Hook myself up to an IV and pop a B12 pill before bed and I tell hangovers to fuck off.

the B12 helps?

My drinkin' problem left today, she packed up all her bags and walked away.

Macallan 18 (Either sherry or fine oak will work, preferably sherry oak tho) neat - a drop of ice/water in it, and i will reject it! Extra points if theres's fine cigar to go with it.


Maybe you yanks have the equivalent of Master of Malt in the US, they send you samples of whiskies, bourbons, ryes and rums throughout the price range (up to 40yo monsters). Great way to find out what you like. I have had batches of 30+ samples shipped throughout the world (gotta make it big to make up the shipping fee). Better taste that 30 year old Islay before you splash you half a grand on the bottle. For those of you running e-shops check out the website itself, it is a masterpiece of UI design.

EURCHF parity:
Maybe you yanks have the equivalent of Master of Malt in the US, they send you samples of whiskies, bourbons, ryes and rums throughout the price range (up to 40yo monsters). Great way to find out what you like. I have had batches of 30+ samples shipped throughout the world (gotta make it big to make up the shipping fee). Better taste that 30 year old Islay before you splash you half a grand on the bottle. For those of you running e-shops check out the website itself, it is a masterpiece of UI design.

Well said!


Nice post; from another scotch drinker... Although, I dont think the flattery has quite the same sparkle for women.

"Dont compromise yourself; you're all you've got" - Janis Joplin

wow, I missed alot over the holiday. Revsly, my comment was more towards the description than the scotch rocks. I prefer just a splash of water to bring out flavors on a more high-test, cask strength type whiskey. otherwise neat is best. From my experience, few drams of scotch can really stand up to ice, and if you're adding it to shoddy scotch, why drink it? most places that carry johnnie black carry something better.

blackthorne is dead on with the Uigeadail. Then again, you really cannot go wrong with any of Ardbeg's selection. They have become a powerhouse in the Islay region, especially for a distillery that has only recently (relatively speaking) began producing again. Other Islays to try are Bunnahabain, lagavulin 16, coal ila 12, and the classic Laphraoig.

To the comment about a 30yr old Islay, I ask, whats the point? the best part of those malts are the peat, iodine and smoke. those all but vanish after, say, 18yrs. Scotch that does best with long maturities to develop complexity are really the speysides and highlands, IMHO. Also, why drop a grand on a bottle? You're not going to find anything far more complex or satisfying for that much more money. The best selling single malt in scotland is the 12yr glenmorangie, a mere $35 a bottle.


have a "go to" drink is a lot better than the alternative. hate when dudes at bars in front of you in line can't decide what they want. 'grow a pair you fuck'

Best Response

very good. here's a timeline for becoming more savvy:

  1. ditch plastic bottle shit immediately (if vodka, smirnoff & absolut are cheap, look classier & taste better. suck it up and pay the extra $10 to not be a chotch)

  2. switch to a different light beer. it may be because I'm in the south, but there's a reason Keystone only comes in cans in grocery stores rather than draft in nice restaurants. miller, bud & coors are all acceptable, Keystone, Busch, Natty, they all have a bit of trashiness to them. if you like an interesting shitty beer like Schlitz, Natty Boh, or PBR, go for that. I'm a Miller, Rolling Rock, or Natty Boh (O's fan) man if I'm drinking something like that.

  3. pick a craft beer or 3 you enjoy: Sam Adams is a good starter, but also try out different stuff, IPA, stouts, brown ale, amber ale, hefeweizen, etc. get sampler packs of common craft beers like Sam Adams, Sierra Nevada, Red Hook, Sweetwater, etc. and make note of what styles you like the best.

  4. ditch fireball as a whisky of choice, fine to keep it for shots and whatnot. a good cheap whisky I drank in college is Early Times (better than Old Charter & Evan Williams, so not much to compare to, but still), but in my opinion you're better off spending the money on makers mark or jack (good starter whiskies). get acclimated to other liquor drinks like G&T. if you're out in a business setting and order a rum & coke when your colleague is sipping Woodford on the rocks, you're fucked. start educating your palate now.


Will my boss laugh at me if I drink Tanqueray & tonic tomorrow guys

heister: Look at all these wannabe richies hating on an expensive salad.

Or don't be a douche, and just buy a G&T, or slim Gin if you are on a diet. Doesn't matter what brand it is. A lager if you are at the pub and don't be a micro brew hipster. I won't be impressed if a junior orders a fancy drink, I just won't give a toss. For interviews I would always ask for the same drink as my interviewer not to waste time.

Different types of alcohol are only exciting when you first discover them; grow up.

EDIT: I should add it's OK to like a certain brand of alcohol, but if it's just drinks after works don't be a cok about it.


I would agree with this. It's more about drinking to your setting, and most importantly the crowd you are with, than it is about projecting an "image". If you're at a business dinner with people drinking class-growth wines and 25 yr scotches, don't order a Coors Lite. If you're at Bonaroo down south, probably not the best setting for your class-growth wines.

It has always helped me to remember that people drink to relax and feel more comfortable. I don't want my own personal alcohol choice to inhibit from my peers' relaxation. Overly trying to impress them will certainly do that, as will insisting on stuffy or expensive drinks in a setting/crowd that does not also appreciate that.


Literally what I was going to say, maybe the best cocktail ever.

I wouldn't overstate how "impressive" a go-to drink is. If someone is drinking something nice or strong you might "good man/good stuff dude/whatever" but that's about as far as it goes. A guy getting an appletini might get made fun of but that probably hasn't made or broken many careers.

Tbh, someone drinking an old Barbancourt straight would get more sympathy from me than straight bourbon/scotch of any kind. Lol @ anyone being impressed by a TnT.

Stuff like drinking your coffee black is also a bonus I suppose, sort of the morning equivalent of drinking your drinks straight. And ordering cognac after your meal is a nice touch so long as people don't think you're an alcoholic.


Side thought for you lads and ladies,

There are very few things in life that are universal between all peoples, but everybody drinks, and everybody mates ("dates", hooks up, whatever you want to call it). The manner in which you choose to do both of those things says a lot about who you are as an individual. Consider that when choosing your drink, your setting, and your aura.


One of my favorite drinks is "The Godfather" interesting name to say the least... It is pretty simple: scotch, amaretto and a couple of limes.

Next time you are with a girl that likes sweet drinks get them a vodka sprite with some pineapple juice. You'd be amazed how good it tastes and how much girls love it.


Tanqueray and tonic is officially the best shit ever. Also, I learned tonic has sugar in it. I thought it was just gas water.

bellybutton sore. what happened last night

heister: Look at all these wannabe richies hating on an expensive salad.

How old were you guys when you began to be able to appreciate liquor? I'm 22 and just now starting to like the taste of various decent liquors and cocktails as opposed to only tasting a burn and looking for ways to get drunk quickly.

heister: Look at all these wannabe richies hating on an expensive salad.

@"GoldenCinderblock" Although I realized I had a palate that could help me appreciate the taste of alcohol since I was in High School, it wasn't until college where I was really able to expand my tastes. I got into beer my freshman year - my routine was buy a case of beer and try it. If I liked it, I made a note of it. I bought other beers by the same brewery until I went through every beer that particular brewery had made and the beer distributors could get (until I turned 21 of course, in which case I had one of the best bars in the US according to both Playboy and Beer Advocate at my disposal to try new beer and expand my palate even further) and went on to the next one. When it came to liquor, it was buy a bottle, taste it and then figure out what I can make with it if I think it's great for mixing or enjoy it straight if I liked it straight. That's exactly how I did it. As I said, the best advice I have is buy and try til you find what you like.


How old were you guys when you began to be able to appreciate liquor? I'm 22 and just now starting to like the taste of various decent liquors and cocktails as opposed to only tasting a burn and looking for ways to get drunk quickly.

Do you like Diageo? I've been a big cognac fan ever since the release of their 1980 offering, Hennessy. Before that, I really didn't understand any of their liquor products. Too artsy, too intellectual. It was in Hennessy where Diageo's presence became more apparent. I think Johnnie Walker was the company's undisputed masterpiece. It's an epic meditation on intangibility. At the same time, it deepens and enriches the meaning of the preceding three shitty whiskey brands. Christy, take off your robe. Taste to the brilliant ensemble of barley, water and yeast. You can practically taste every nuance of every ingredient. Sabrina, remove your dress. In terms of flavor craftsmanship, the sheer fermentation, this scotch hits a new peak of professionalism. Sabrina, why don't you, uh, dance a little.


I take my drinking very seriously so...

-if it's work related typically a sapphire martini, dry with a twist, or a Woodford on the rocks. If it's with external people or people I don't know well and have to stay sharp, I limit it to one, maybe two if they order another, then switch to red wine.

-micro brews if it's more of a more of a bar, it's during the day or if I'm watching sports.

-maybe it's a holdover from when I lived in London, but a gin & tonic on a summer afternoon outside can really hit the spot. Especially at the beach.

Going out with friends can be one or a combination of all of the above. If I want to get a bit mullered, I usually stick with the first bullet and just increase the number.


My favorite drink is whisky in a glass. If it's decent whisky I'll take it neat. If it's shitty I'll throw an ice cube in there. Keep it simple

"This is the business we've chosen"!

vodka. tryin to get ripped son can't be drinkin no sugars

heister: Look at all these wannabe richies hating on an expensive salad.

winter: whiskey on the rocks guinness or a good microbrew cream stout good deep malbec, Fond de Cave is my new favorite, $6 a bottle here

summer: hefeweizen gin & tonic ice cold torrontés

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Totally agree, season plays a huge role in what I drink.

G&T and sangria in the summer Whisky in the fall/winter

Beer year 'round

Martini here and there (usually more determined by atmosphere)

People demand freedom of speech as a compensation for freedom of thought which they seldom use.

I love root beer. It's like liquorice in a bottle.

Those who can, do. Those who can't, post threads about how to do it on WSO.

Depends on the occasion of course. By default, I like to have a nice whisky neat whether in formal settings or just having a relaxed but not too wild get together. I will sometimes substitute whisky for a higher-quality reposado tequila like Aha Toro, a good Armagnac or Cognac, etc if available at the given venue.

If I'm not in the mood for spirits, or just want to take it easy I will either have a good Belgian craft beer or if not available will take something like a Heineken. Maybe I might spring for a red wine if the venue has anything of decent quality. As for long drinks, I usually have gin with orange instead of the usual tonic, and I like the campari and orange juice mix for summer evenings especially. If I have time to prepare in advance, I like to dice up some fresh fruit, put it into a pitcher and pour sangria over it and leave it in the fridge overnight. Awesome drink for summer nights.

If it's a matter of getting inebriated before a party with old classmates, then my go-to drinks are shots of tequila with orange and cinnamon, and vodka mixed with energy drinks.


Depends on the season/event/occasion.

From April-October my go to if possible are summer beers. This can start earlier if I see them. My go to is Leinenkugel's Summer Shandy.

When watching hockey I prefer Molson Canadian. It's the main beer at Joe Louis Arena in Michigan so it just seems natural now.

Mexican restaurant I'll get a Margarita pretty much every time. Also, tequila.

Depending on what venue I am at also depends on what I'll have. If I'm at a Whiskey bar, I'll get whiskey, vodka bar, vodka.. etc.

Generally though, 9 times out of ten, I'll be drinking some sort of beer.

make it hard to spot the general by working like a soldier

Whiskey water or tecate. Tequila only if I know I don't have plans the following day

Listen, here's the thing. If you can't spot the sucker in the first half hour at the table, then you are the sucker.

Whiskey on the rocks.

“It is our fate to be tormented with large and small dilemmas as we daily wind our way through the risky, fractious world that gave us birth” Edward O. Wilson.

Professionally - Gin & Tonic, can always switch to just Tonic and wait for loose lips to spill the good stuff

Socially - CC and Dry

You're born, you take shit. You get out in the world, you take more shit. You climb a little higher, you take less shit. Till one day you're up in the rarefied atmosphere and you've forgotten what shit even looks like. Welcome to the layer cake son.

After posting initially and reading some of these responses, and I mean none of this in a demeaning way (please see most of my posts, I'm not an ass and I actually do have some real world experience) don't order a something and coke, a weak mixed drink (massive difference between some things stated on here and say an awesome drink like a sazerac that can have you talking to Picasso after 3...) for a work outing. Just pick one professional drink and have that in your stable. Have a gin and tonic (although you need to name a gin-even a tanqeray and tonic but choose sapphire or Plymouth if you want to be cool and say plymouth and tonic). Or a scotch an water (once again, need a call like black label, so order a black label and water, rocks). I may place too much on a drink selection but if you're the 22 year old analyst or the intern who may even be under 21, I see that as cool. It's not a quantitative thing but I was thrown a kid that we needed to hire because he was an LP's favorite long lost son but when he ordered a call bourbon straight, he eventually became one of my key guys and a friend that I'd do anything for after years of working.


Great points. I'd like to add that, in my opinion, knowing what you drink is incredibly important. First, it's a great conversation piece, being able to describe the process used, the region, or what makes it different. Second, it shows you're an interesting and intelligent person.Take a little bit of time and learn what you drink. For example, if you often order bourbon, you should know what differentiates bourbon from other whisk(e)ys. As a youngin', I find I always have something to talk about with older people when at a bar. I cannot tell you how many interesting people I've met after as a result of an order. That being said, don't learn weird shit just to learn weird shit. Find something you order often and learn the heritage and eccentricities of it. You'll be much more interesting.

My go to drink is whiskey, either straight or an old fashioned. I have a few go-to's, but usually I'll look to see what catches my eye. If I'm at a wedding or event where I'm likely to be consuming a few, I usually keep it simple with ginger ale. A few weeks back, I had Hendricks Gin with Cucumber. It was incredibly refreshing, so I've been making that at home lately. Great summer drink. If it is more of a beer oriented establishment, I'll order some kind of craft beer (Sixpoint if it's available) or a Guinness. Or a black and tan, which I recently re-discovered after not having one for a few years.


Whisk(e)y. None of that stupidly peaty nonsense, though, because if I wanted to drink iodine I'd pay my local chemist a visit instead. Laphroaig, Oban, Lagavulin, Caol Ila, Talisker - I'd sooner pour it into a drain than down my throat.

Yamazaki 12 is my go-to because it's easy on the palate and easy on the wallet. Hibiki 17/21 or Glenmorangie 18 for something a little richer. Almost always neat, with iced water on the side.


Glenlivet or Mcallan 12 years. If beer, St Bernardus Abt 12 or a duvel

Try the Japanese whiskeys out. I think you might like them.


Water or Cranberry juice. I don't drink but that doesn't mean I can't go out and still have fun! sometimes I'll spring for a redbull if I want to get jacked up.


Water or Cranberry juice. I don't drink but that doesn't mean I can't go out and still have fun! sometimes I'll spring for a redbull if I want to get jacked up.

white girl?
heister: Look at all these wannabe richies hating on an expensive salad.

GT, tequila and white wine during spring & summer and I switch to red wine, whiskey and the random jäger when the snow arrives.

Beer is something I drink all year round, but lighter during summer and darker in the winter time.

Choose wine/beer during work related events.

CNBC sucks "This financial crisis is worse than a divorce. I've lost all my money, but the wife is still here." - Client after getting blown up

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Voluptatem nisi facere iure commodi. Aperiam dolores omnis aut asperiores est voluptas.

Nemo non accusamus ex amet rerum rerum. Vel aut enim dolorem. Culpa dicta maxime consequatur asperiores rerum. Qui eveniet numquam quae iste. Accusamus consequatur voluptas labore cumque aut ipsa.

Nisi ipsum veritatis sint dolorem. Autem qui quaerat dolore non laudantium. Itaque cum modi quia libero sit est. Ut ut possimus exercitationem velit. Non soluta est et. Debitis facere aut harum ut harum sequi sint. Quam et enim sit tenetur consequuntur.


Aliquid facilis tenetur fugit molestias. Hic molestiae similique exercitationem saepe itaque accusantium deserunt. Ea eum incidunt odit nihil impedit.

Id nesciunt similique maiores et unde nesciunt et. Quia perspiciatis aut similique quaerat occaecati autem ullam. Nisi quaerat ut illo est nulla non et. Non qui est saepe et neque. Modi dignissimos labore vel et et sequi dicta. Deserunt qui eaque omnis quae harum. Provident eos nihil ab voluptas ratione et pariatur.

Debitis delectus nihil aperiam id vel. Aspernatur et doloremque beatae dicta ipsa molestiae. Repellat et non qui.


Aperiam placeat optio mollitia consequatur earum. Autem dicta sed animi quae beatae ea quo. Velit non enim magni quam quia. Facilis voluptatem dolores et a non.

Ipsum quia ut sint officia. Omnis dolor voluptatum excepturi laudantium eum qui incidunt corporis.

Omnis qui ut aliquam rerum cum. Neque et quisquam molestias numquam ut delectus tenetur. Et dolorem quasi in alias commodi.

Doloribus sint laudantium molestiae. Et voluptas vitae nobis magni quod. Consequatur labore in non et odit.

heister: Look at all these wannabe richies hating on an expensive salad.

Voluptas sed officiis saepe quo velit consequatur. Autem ab voluptas iste sint. Distinctio aut consectetur et nemo.

Aliquam ut eius culpa aut. Consequuntur eveniet ex ipsa hic dolore unde. Amet in dignissimos odio expedita minus in in adipisci. Ut reprehenderit molestiae est dolor adipisci sapiente numquam. Sunt omnis vel natus voluptate id asperiores reiciendis. Et porro corporis pariatur consequatur.

Nisi quo rerum ipsam est corrupti. Ut quia maiores et rem. Esse ut fugit voluptatum atque minima quia distinctio. Et ex commodi dolorem harum fugiat fugiat ipsam. Dolor dignissimos hic alias adipisci. Ab eaque repellendus sunt. Sed quia maxime deserunt adipisci assumenda hic.

Adipisci rerum aut aut et. Ipsa vitae nobis doloremque consequatur et consectetur.

"Sharks are born swimming"

Ad odio perspiciatis autem quos voluptatibus amet. Quia facere nihil est accusamus qui quia cupiditate nesciunt. Qui non sunt cum saepe. Debitis reiciendis amet doloribus voluptatem.

Facilis modi vitae aut repellat id est. Autem delectus in minima dolorem temporibus enim sunt aut. Aut illum ut cum repellendus vel et. Sint sit aperiam amet eaque quo.


Nobis omnis eos repellendus eius possimus tempore tenetur. Sit quis quae minus voluptate explicabo qui reprehenderit. Laborum ut aut deserunt blanditiis hic. Animi autem adipisci magni. Voluptas et a atque magni excepturi. Voluptatem assumenda pariatur dolor quas corporis laborum. Aliquam reprehenderit natus id excepturi.

Nisi doloremque dolorum maiores eligendi culpa. Sunt cumque voluptatum quas consectetur nemo unde animi a. Dolorum recusandae rerum fugiat ex mollitia. Labore dolor itaque nobis.


Quia aliquid eius qui non laudantium ducimus sit. Qui nobis rerum voluptas. Itaque sed cumque voluptatibus sunt quos est aut. Sit corporis ad pariatur quos. Aperiam sit ipsum odio magni harum dolor deleniti voluptas.

Sunt cum qui sequi reiciendis. Quia laboriosam ab repellendus omnis velit. Aperiam aut sit libero molestias voluptatem itaque dicta sint.

Quasi iste rem deleniti sunt placeat quos. Laboriosam eum voluptatibus non. Assumenda deleniti maiores facere quis doloribus dolor. Consectetur sapiente cumque ab voluptatibus quia. Ducimus in aspernatur laborum qui excepturi. Vero atque explicabo dolor voluptatem eius.

Et ut consequatur voluptas dicta. Possimus et ea consequatur recusandae. Nisi similique error voluptatem labore.


Iste repellendus itaque laboriosam. Odio dolore architecto voluptas et voluptas. Suscipit praesentium commodi rerum sint ut ex dolorem.

Esse culpa consequatur non eligendi voluptatem dicta nulla. Iure ullam eius aut ut quaerat ea. Dolorem rerum dolor ea ipsam asperiores soluta dignissimos nulla. Iure quis omnis totam enim dolor repellat ullam ad. Nihil numquam quisquam molestiae delectus. Ut eius aliquid ut repellendus et quia.

Id veritatis hic voluptas saepe et atque fugiat. A odit enim animi ut incidunt.

Consequatur molestiae quia quia laboriosam. Velit eos voluptas quae. Laboriosam adipisci natus sit ut dolore sapiente veniam. Et fugiat quibusdam nobis aut ea sed libero impedit.

Career Advancement Opportunities

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Jefferies & Company 02 99.4%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners New 98.9%
  • Lazard Freres 01 98.3%
  • Harris Williams & Co. 24 97.7%
  • Goldman Sachs 16 97.1%

Overall Employee Satisfaction

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Harris Williams & Co. 18 99.4%
  • JPMorgan Chase 10 98.9%
  • Lazard Freres 05 98.3%
  • Morgan Stanley 05 97.7%
  • Moelis & Company 01 97.1%

Professional Growth Opportunities

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Lazard Freres 01 99.4%
  • Jefferies & Company 02 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners 18 98.3%
  • Goldman Sachs 16 97.7%
  • Moelis & Company 05 97.1%

Total Avg Compensation

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Director/MD (5) $648
  • Vice President (21) $373
  • Associates (92) $259
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (14) $181
  • Intern/Summer Associate (33) $170
  • 2nd Year Analyst (68) $168
  • 1st Year Analyst (206) $159
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (148) $101
16 IB Interviews Notes

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