Sure, but here is how a bank's senior executive views equity research:

Revenue: $0

Cost: salary + bonus + other opex

Profit: negative of (salary + bonus + other opex)

Hence, be glad they are reducing salary / laying off, or forcing the same headcount to cover more stocks, or shutting down the department altogether. 



Why? Record profits in markets, IB, and credit losses best they've been in 20+ years. Why should I be happy there aren't salary reductions when business is better than ever? 

Because ER is not markets or IB. It’s a cost center like the India office that fixes your iPhone when it’s got a glitch. It will be automated soon. 


Equity research is considered like credit, the red headed step child. Your base adjustments will always lag IB and your bonuses will never catch up.Think about it this way, IB brings in revenue and many times that success is incumbent on the relationships the bankers have with clients.Equity research is something anyone can do, you don't need a relationship with companies. And you don't bring in any revenue. Similar story to credit, which is probably even more useless considering every bank I've worked at never turns down a deal lol.

EDIT: man the research guys don’t like the cold hard truth lol.


Yikes. Clearly you know literally nothing about ER whatsoever as the other poster said. I’m not even on the sell side anymore yet I feel compelled to defend it from rampant misinformation like this. 

Yeah, pay is lower than IB, but it’s still pretty damn high for a young professional and you don’t get treated like a slave (which is the impression I get from IB) AND the work is actually interesting / challenging even at the most junior levels. If we were expected to work 80-100 hrs a week, the pay gap would be narrower. Why would banks keep supporting and investing in their research franchises if they added no value, served no purpose, or could be replaced by ‘anybody’ cheaper? Think about that…banks try to maximize profit like any other company. 

Relationships (with the companies, investors & KOLs) are also absolutely critical if you’re on a good team as well. Also, research does generate revenue, both directly (fees) and indirectly (trading), albeit less than IB and at lower margins. The reason this still works is because research also generates synergies with other business units like IB, wealth management, trading, etc. that help those business make more money. Note that not every bank does this the same way so I am generalizing to an extent. 


I know I come off as harsh sometimes, but it’s a forum not a dinner party so why try to be polite instead of telling the harsh truth.

Equity research is where people who couldn’t get into banking go or people who want to eventually move into banking but can’t get in at first.

Equity research is like a nice to have, there is a reason the pay sucks. Is it a good job compared to regular jobs? Sure, but we are talking about elite places on this forum. Don’t try to justify the low pay, just be honest man.

The OP asked my ER pay is lagging. It’s cause you don’t pay the second tier people, that’s why.

It’s like saying duke isn’t that good a school. It’s better than most, but it’s no Ivy League. Keep it real man.


Agree to disagree, but your comments come off extremely insecure rather than harsh. It’s one thing to point out differences in function and another thing to get into a dick measuring contest about prestige and tiers when nobody asked. I hope you don’t tie your entire life’s self-worth on things like this, but then again it’s WSO, so can’t expect much. Cheers.


I'm keeping it real in case a young person reads this and is considering research vs banking and thinks research isn't that bad after reading this. I don't understand what I am saying that is so controversial. The OP asked my ER isn't getting bumps and I said because its not a very vital function. I don't understand how that rankles people. The banks or any company pays the jobs it values the most. That's why surgeons are typically paid more than general practitioners right? IB is paid better than ER because the job is tougher and requires more talent. The pay reflects this.

I had a short stint in credit, and I am telling you the people I worked with were not as bright or motivated. Hence, the lower pay. Also, there is a plethora of equity research reports out there, plus rating agency reports, etc so the work literally is fungible.

Again, all I said was ER bases lag because its not a sexy or high powered sector in a bank. I don't understand how this bothers so many people.

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Thanks for elaborating on your stance. I don’t think anyone would disagree with you in saying IB generates more direct revenue than ER. That said, it’s another thing to make a blanket statement that people in ER aren’t as “talented” as those in IB and can be easily replaced - I think it’s this mindset that irks most people here. I fundamentally disagree with you on this point, and think it’s terribly misleading for you to say that with the amount of young people coming here for career advice. I really don’t see how an IB associate is any less replaceable than an ER associate, since most of junior IB work is just modelling/ppt. Top ER analysts also have better industry knowledge than IB MDs, and I’ve seen them shift to senior IB roles easily.

Personally, I chose ER because I find it more intellectually stimulating, and have plenty of friends in IB BB/buy-side. I don’t see a difference in talent or intelligence, and my exit ops look just as cheery. Again, the caveat is to pick a ‘hot’ sector rather than a dying one, and work for a good analyst.

And to your analogy, just because someone is a surgeon doesn’t mean they are more talented than general practitioners - most of the times it’s a personal choice. I think I can say with confidence because I’m one of those ex-medical professionals who went into finance.


Dont think anyone here cares or is hurt from your “harsh tone”. Your characterization of the job is just wholly incorrect and definitely shows you have some insecurities. Most people going to research likely arent considering IB anyways, and most exits from research are directly to the buyside or staying within research - Not IB.

Look, if you have the need to feel superior to others, dont know why you havent exited to a position that provides way more interesting work and skin in the game - then you could look down on bankers too. Sellsiders might not be value adds, but bankers seldom are either - much more show than substance.


I would never do banking at a junior level regardless of pay or what you view as "prestige". You do realize how mind numbing the job is? I think you fail to realize that you're not getting paid because of your expertise but b/c you're willing to be sb bitch. 


While ER compensation cannot be tied to specific deals, analyst bonuses can be based on ‘broad value add to firm’ which includes involvement in deals. This is how they get paid for being tied to deals without stating it explicitly, and is one of the reasons sectors like biotech get paid more (ie lots of deal activity to support them). At many banks, ER does play an important role to the overall service to corporate clients (including simply providing coverage for the issuer, which is important). 

Not sure what is with the vendetta against ER from some users on here who know nothing about it, but it’s very strange. 


On an income statement, the ER segment would definitely look like a net cost. But the coverage ER provides to companies that do deals with the bank can be a big deciding factor for those companies, driving some IB revenue indirectly. ER also drives market activity with new information, views, and buy/sell calls, and this can trickle into S&T activity for the bank. At some banks, subscription fees actually cover the cost of the entire research department. Moreover, I think you'll see bank customers expecting high quality research and investment ideas as IBs begin to manage more money and deal flow continues, so I think the outlook for the sector is favorable.


The only reason that ER will lag IB is because you work less hours.

Until you reach the MD/VP levels (which 1% of analysts do anyway in IB or ER), you could say both are a cost center. I don’t know how you could disagree on the fact that MDs in ER add value. Most of them are on CNBC all the time, constantly interacting with buyside clients, and providing valuable research to bankers for their firm’s own deals.

The only difference is that junior IB analysts work 40% more so their bonus will account for that. People have been saying for the past 20 years that ER will fade away - yet all the automation and S&T job cuts we haven’t seen any major bank cut ER (Nomura doesn’t count since they just acquired Wolfe and dropped their own brand — offsets).

For what it’s worth, my salary in ER as a junior analyst is the EXACT same as IB.


Bullshit. Comp for juniors in ER should never be equal to revenue generating groups like IB. It's more believable if you're a few years into ER and comparing yourself to a 1st year analyst in IB


They will just downvote your post, its really odd the ER people are getting offended if you say IB pays more. It would be akin to IB people crying if you say PE pays more lol.


LOL so wrong....I've been in the market recently and have received senior associate offers (e.g., 3-6 YOE) for II ranked ER teams in hot sectors (e.g., TMT) that promised a range of ~$250-350K all in. This is contingent on a ~55-65 hour work week on avg., so the per hour compensation is roughly comparable to what IB associates make after doing 80+ hour weeks


Lol Number monkey second year analyst at IB got mad cuz only thing he does is model and get treated like shit. Zero client interaction. Just aligning stupid decks and plugging small numbers into your model doesn't generate revenue for the bank.

Most ER associates gets client interaction from year 1 and gets significantly deep fundamental understanding of the sector.


Comp definitely going up across the board at most firms (not by any amount worth crying over at the junior level) that aren't already doomed. But a word of wisdom to those seeing the golden goose (ridiculous bids from competing firms) being dangled in front of them - make sure you choose the right ship to jump to... it's almost inevitable that this boom period in comp/hiring is temporary and will result in headcount/bonus cuts in a a couple of years at a significant number of shops once the pipeline dries up.


I don’t know the compensation for associates with 3-5 years of experience, but my source is that I got an email from BAML stating that they have increased base salaries from 85k to 100k for ER and that I needed to sign an updated form for my upcoming summer analyst internship.

Go ahead and JUMP!

my lead analyst said it depends heavily on the sector (at least at my bank -- BB). In healthcare my analyst said an associate with 18 months experience "was getting paid something starting with a 2" and an associate with "3 years experience was getting paid something with a 3 in front of it." Not sure about other sectors, but thats healthcare. 


Can mirror this... ER Analyst 2 at a BB (GS/JPM/MS) in Asia with ~USD150k base


London MM banks bumped base for first year equity research associates/analysts to 60-65k GBP with 50-70% bonus (tech and healthcare more higher than other groups). London BB Equity Research seems to be around 70-75k GBP with around 50% bonus. Hope London pay catches up with the US like the old days when pound was strong.

Time to jump around if other firms offer higher pay


I genuinely feel that the recent couple years really really screwed ER over. Hiring is through the roof so headcount is being added but many teams are extremely understaffed in the meantime as recruiting takes forever. Then ER is basically holding the short end of the stick and receiving comp increases vastly slower than IB and that's not even mentioning the bonuses. Firms are talking about record demand, record revenue and yet are giving nothing in return. 

Anyhow my quick rant and why I am trying hard to switch out. 


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Aliquid quia quaerat qui doloremque necessitatibus qui explicabo. Dolores qui aut cum dolore id est. Laborum deleniti eos unde accusantium nam mollitia quo. Aut repudiandae ea aliquid aliquid perferendis et laborum.

Qui occaecati laudantium atque quam omnis soluta reprehenderit. Dolores id iste aspernatur esse error dolores. Asperiores illum et similique sit tempora aut. Ut eius perferendis optio veritatis.


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Aspernatur et rerum nostrum cum debitis asperiores earum at. Molestias ullam dolorem facere velit. Aperiam qui alias eveniet repellendus cumque animi reiciendis. Dolores accusantium illo et veritatis est. Voluptatum ex quia quam sit aspernatur enim. Aperiam quis rerum eos neque ipsum quisquam.


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Maiores ut nihil inventore aut at cum quis. Aperiam quaerat magni dicta.

Molestiae accusantium aut recusandae. Quisquam quam eveniet suscipit et. Aspernatur asperiores debitis id cumque.

Sit qui dignissimos omnis. Odio tempore qui sint quisquam. Qui officiis reiciendis non consequatur odio error ducimus. Eum voluptatem ipsum nihil illum.


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Expedita alias quasi reprehenderit ipsum vel nihil esse. Voluptas est placeat magni amet. Asperiores nihil quo et non ut sint natus. Vel laudantium aspernatur beatae est et et ea fugit.

Career Advancement Opportunities

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Jefferies & Company 02 99.4%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners New 98.9%
  • Lazard Freres 01 98.3%
  • Harris Williams & Co. 24 97.7%
  • Goldman Sachs 16 97.1%

Overall Employee Satisfaction

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Harris Williams & Co. 18 99.4%
  • JPMorgan Chase 10 98.9%
  • Lazard Freres 05 98.3%
  • Morgan Stanley 05 97.7%
  • Moelis & Company 01 97.1%

Professional Growth Opportunities

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Lazard Freres 01 99.4%
  • Jefferies & Company 02 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners 18 98.3%
  • Goldman Sachs 16 97.7%
  • Moelis & Company 05 97.1%

Total Avg Compensation

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Director/MD (5) $648
  • Vice President (21) $373
  • Associates (92) $259
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (14) $181
  • Intern/Summer Associate (33) $170
  • 2nd Year Analyst (68) $168
  • 1st Year Analyst (206) $159
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (148) $101
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