+70 Unironically go to H/S there is a huge premium on MRS degrees who have 2+2 you can date some Elliot guy and go fuck off to non profit / marketing    Analyst 1 in IB-M&A
+32 Hot and either blonde or brunette Analyst 2 in IB - DCM
+23 If your goal was to pick her up, Principal in Private Credit probably wasn't the best play to get her wet  Analyst 1 in IB - Cov
+21 Congrats on Rothschild Prospect in IB - Gen
+20 Even though I expected this outcome, it still comes as a shock seeing the absurd degree to which the legal system can be abused. PrivateTechquity 🚀GME🚀
+20 Looks like my friend was coping Incoming Analyst in IB-M&A
+20 Just parroting what I’ve seen posted by seniors on this forum: Analyst 1 in CorpDev
+19 Dude anytime there's "woman" in the title you're all over it. Honestly, I will pay out of pocket to get you laid.. rabbit
+18 Humble and easy going. These are my favorite SA’s. I do not give a shit if you are dumb as a bag of rocks or don’t know anything about finance. Analyst 2 in IB-M&A
+17 I'm not sure why it's a surprise to you that HK has changed - this always seemed inevitable from the beginning. Analyst 1 in IB - Gen
+17 Who gives a f PresidentJiang
+16 Not that deep he’s just trying to help out a friend Sophomore trying to figure it out
+16 Senior investment professionals that pretend to care about your opinion for sake of “culture”, but in reality only chases deals they are comfortable with  Lack of intellectual honesty as we ultimately end Associate 3 in PE - LBOs
+15 It reduces the risk of my package being stolen by a crackhead. Gold-ManSacks
+15 I heard CVP dumbbells only go up to 100 lmao. VP in PE - LBOs
+15 Answer is a bit more nuanced than this. Truth is, being successful at both are equally hard in different ways. Senior VP in IB - Cov
+15 Bro forgetting to include he's also a transgender disabled muslim black woman  Prospect in PE - Growth
+15 It’s becoming a corporate job. You go up in the pyramid sucking up and when the time passes by, the quality of your work doesn’t matter that much. You’re disincentivized to act in an entrepreneurial way. PatrickBateman1
+15 NYT credibility is VERY low outside the coastal lib elite. I don't know how much, if any, those lib coastal elites (outside perhaps Finance professionals) are really questioning it. What's new is: Sequoia
+14 Assuming you wrote this post in a serious manner - starting your own fund as a student, will unfortunately not lead you to gaining a private equity role at a top fund. Analyst 1 in PE - Other
+14 Investment Banking Analyst at RBC the_fundraiser
+13 I think you're looking at the outcome (layoffs, CEO transition/firing) without looking at the underlying causes and ultimate responsibility. Associate 1 in PE - LBOs
+13 At some point it's having the money and taking the risk. There are Associates or VPs only making a few hundred k all in after 5-6 years of working and others making less. Analyst 2 in RE - Comm
+12 Imagine an unhedged single long investment. I agree w/ your view that the real probability of losing money is the ‘true risk’. How will we estimate it for risk management purposes? What’s the risk the thesis is incorrect? Anchor
+12 I think the fact that teams used to primarily consist of foreigners is a testament of a foreign halo - as mentioned your deal experience in New York and London would not be directly translatable to local markets given APAC Analyst 3+ in IB - Gen
+11 Pretty clearly a witch-hunt Analyst 1 in IB - Gen
+11 Alright here's the dirty secret and I don't know about others but I'll speak for myself at least. Manager in RE - Comm
+10 Good lord... H/S/W, works in VC, intentionally uses words like "orthogonally" and "iota"... I can already tell you're a huge tool IRL.  Associate 3 in PE - LBOs
+10 JPM is currently winning in every major area besides exits (and even that is group dependent these days). Intern in IB - Cov
+10 Since I'm feeling generous, hopefully this will help:  1. Repeat the case. "Just to make sure I got it right, the client is a PE firm considering acquiring a tire making company." Analyst 2 in Consulting
+10 I have written before about some of the different cultures at I guess what we are now calling "mid-size trade houses". marcellus_wallace
+10 Evidently still extremely sweaty given the lack of responses from current Moelis employees... Analyst 2 in IB-M&A
+10 If you are asking WSO I think it is safe to say this hypothetical family friend made a mistake with his money. Stephen A Smith
+10 There isn't a need unless it's based off socioeconomic status and not race.  NewIndustryHorizon
+10 As someone who also built commercially viable software in HS/college and is now at a MF, I would heed the above advice about focusing on software vs pursuing a dumb PE job. Principal in PE - LBOs
+10 The irony FinServces
+10 There was a structure to cater to both mainland and the rest. Anyway, thanks for the discussion, you're obviously not aware of how things used to work in HK. VP in IB - Gen
+9 Women actually aren't really cut out for a field as cutthroat and sharp-elbowed where even the top 1% of men (Andover/Exeter/Eton -> WHYP -> CVP/PJT/Allen/Dyal/M Klein -> APO/BX/KKR -> Tiger Global/Coatue/Maver LowCaliberTalent
+9 Never seen someone glaze themselves this hard before. Just make sure you wipe your own lips after the sesh! Analyst 2 in IB-M&A
+9 a-basic-name That’s most definitely life-changing money at most people’s age.  odog808 @MemoryVideo.com
+9 I hope you pick Dartmouth so I can fuck you up on day one. Please show up to our house so we can all talk shit about your Russian ass once you leave. Analyst 2 in IB - Cov
+9 Not going to let this dude "brandonged" derail this thread. Sorry you're offended by what's going on here but someone else to blame then those posting the info about Tides and their network. Analyst 3+ in RE - Comm
+8 Every news publication that I don't 100% agree with is trash. Don't question me on this.  k1k10
+8 NFL > MF PE > NBA > UMM PE / top SM HF > MLB > top MM HF / NHL / top EB > everything else im a senior in high school so hope this helps Prospect in IB - Gen
+8 Should I just get used to the feeling of, there's capital chasing something hype-y and it's up to you to decide whether it's warranted (like fintech/SaaS/internet) or not? Determined
+8 Agreed on this. Overall PE is such a damn long investment cycle, literally nobody knows in this thread, and anything is just pure short term speculation. Analyst 1 in IB - Cov
+8 There's no way out of this for them IMO. I've looked at the portfolio of their 30 property pref portfolio plus probably 20+ other notes by now and I can't make sense of any of them. Analyst 3+ in RE - Comm
+8 I want you to know that people will most certainly know who you are if you come to Dartmouth based on this post. It’s a small place. And if you come here with that big ass head of yours you will be laughed out of here Business School in Consulting
+8 Dude, your CIO screaming at analysts while actively refusing to help them learn is a neon sign telling you this firm is trash. CarolinaChimp
+8 I beg to differ based on my experience working in a BB IB team in NYC. - Women need to constantly perform equal to peers regardless of their life phase; there's always pressure to perform equally. Analyst 2 in IB - Cov
+8 It's clearly someone tied to Eisendrath who created their account a while ago to just read this blog, and now as the conversation turned from Tides to him they are starting to sweat and looking to jump in and try to intimi Analyst 3+ in RE - Comm
+8 No offense but you are deluded. I work at one of these T1 LO boutiques (or T2 if you want to call it that -- think firms like Polen / Harris, idc what tier you want to put it as). Sequoia
+8 We’re clearly coming from different levels of a-basic-name
+8 Reality is that if you perform, it doesn't matter who you are. What actually happens is preferential treatment of people who fit the IB's diversity quota. VP in IB - Cov
+8 My only feedback on the above is this:   it's NOT enough to speak Mandarin. You have to BE MAINLAND CHINESE to be relevant going forward. earthwalker7
+7 Guarantee you get zero answers to your question and multiple essays on why pod shops are tha best Analyst 1 in IB-M&A
+7 Thanks for the perspective and it's helpful to learn what it was like in the past as well - however I feel like at some point it's helpful to look forward rather than backward. Analyst 3+ in IB - Gen
+7 I do. Use it on my corporate laptop, ipad and iPhone. Syncs across all of these.  You should have it as part of your firms MS enterprise subscription. Just many don't use it.  Lockwood
+7 If you are getting B's in business classes you might be autistic Analyst 3+ in HF - EquityHedge
+7 In that case, go for it and don't look back. My advice for when you get there is to participate fully in everything you do. Analyst 1 in IB-M&A
+7 Not true. Whether because there are dipshits in the group (deliberate) or because the ratio skews (not deliberate), everyone is not treated the same. You actually sound insufferable.  rabbit
+7 It is very VERY group dependent. Take the feedback on your post with a grain of salt, the actual number of incels / virgins who get a seat are much lower than you think.  rabbit
+7 As a current student at one of these schools, I personally don’t want you on campus mrwho
+7 Nothing will, by itself, "suffice". I've posted something similar so I'll re-paste it below which I hope is helpful - good luck! ___ Count WACCula
+7 Yes it is hard. Indeed crazy hard, especially Mck cases. Bain and BCG are much more vanilla and given your example I assume that you’re probably from one of those. Prospect in IB - Cov
+7 What? Aligning logos and forecasting hockey stick growth in Excel over and over again is interesting but driving the strategic direction of your company in corp strat/dev isn’t? Analyst 1 in CorpDev
+7 Average GIP Associate: Works at Other
+7 If you can - take a month off between jobs and go travel for a bit. I went to Australia and did the entire east coast. Associate 3 in PE - LBOs
+7 Generally mezz is considered debt and pref is considered equity. Everyone structures and refers to them differently but at my firm we generally consider the major differences below: Charybdis Alignak
+7 BofA kills veterans Analyst 2 in IB-M&A
+7 lmao does this make you feel better about your shitty salary? Aside from maybe TMT, the talent at GS sucks nowadays. All the top kids take EVR/CVP/PJT (probably even MOE/PWP for the salary) over offers from GS. Analyst 2 in IB - Cov
+6 Literally was in the situation you describe and know others in similar ones, so I have no real bias here. Intern in IB - Cov
+6 CondoDeveloper a-basic-name odog808 @MemoryVideo.com
+6 This made me laugh. But sir we were in the golden age Principal in Private Credit
+6 “SF was my New York”.  That’s what I tell people why I picked SF. odog808 @MemoryVideo.com
+6 To add to what the other poster said - not sure what you were expecting. Investment Analyst in AM - Equities
+6 Will depend on what you're coming in as and the level of due diligence the team does. Some firms are more relationship driven so you won't really do as much deep DD while others will do more PE-style DD. Analyst 2 in IB - Gen
+6 Can’t comment on the analyst programs anymore as I’m quite a few years removed from it but generally speaking the perception is that both are great shops that attract premium junior talent with their own special niches.  Monkey.D.
+6 My advice would be to work really hard to secure a spot first, and then once you’re working, do not LOOK for ways in which the women are treated differently from the men. Associate 1 in PE - Growth
+6 I ended up being seen as basically a recent grad, got just a little credit for my S63/79 and SIE, training, and the 3-4 months on the desk but not much. johnny-mnemonic
+6 No, not really. Count WACCula
+6 Probably trying to keep candidates warm / scare them into more prep. Hope it is not starting soon. I am trying to have a life before going into IB. I just want to fuck around with my friends, day drink, fish, and travel. Analyst 1 in IB - Cov
+6 This isn't something that's particularly easy to learn from a book or informal lessons and more something you'll pick up throughout your career as you read more and more documents and spend time in meetings with counsel an CREnadian
+6 When KKR bought Safeway in 1986 they cut many jobs and closed stores. There were even a few high-profile suicides amongst workers who lost their jobs. yourfavpptmonkey
+6 I will throw in my .02 because I resonate with this post. For context I did buyouts, no banking, graduated from H/S/W, and went to a top tier VC firm. This was 1-3 years ago. Analyst 1 in IB-M&A
+6 Have worked at two family offices and they actively were secretive and kept the lionshare of payouts. odog808 @MemoryVideo.com
+6 It's hard to see the 30,000ft view from 10ft and vice versa... Associate 3 in IB-M&A
+6 The worst thing about pe is the people in pe Associate 1 in PE - LBOs
+6 Respectfully, If you haven't seen "deal flow moving out of HK to SG anytime soon" it might be due to your experience level because it largely has already moved out.  Desks in HK that get their hands on Indian etc execution Teller in PE - Other
+6 Yes and no. The bigger thing that people don't talk about, is that once you move up in any industry your options become limited. Senior VP in CorpDev
+6 This is too simplistic and simply not correct. That's my view as someone who's been a senior at both.  Lockwood
+6 I think in life you should decide what to optimize for and then go for it. So if you want to optimize for happiness and you don't think what you're doing right now is it, then go pursue it. mooyi
+6 Its just as easy to land a top offer at ND as those schools because there isn't as much competition. We place kids at top groups everywhere in banking and the buyside. Domer2025
+6 When "influencers" think real world operates like TikTok. Teller in Non-profit
+6 UBS is the same as it was before top groups(LevFin/Sponsors) continue to chug along and have had marginal improvement. Analyst 1 in IB-M&A
+6 Just adding to this list from a nice William Blair report I found. @ Analyst, please run a unique name comparison and report back. Some have public funds, some are just privates. TheFlyingKiwi
+6 My truthfully non-judgmental answer is that because every life is valuable. While you may be in a better financial position than others, it doesn’t mean either individuals life is worth more than others.  a-basic-name
+6 Respectfully, you are a a fool if you think your firm will pay out a dime in bonus if you announce a departure before it is paid, sorry.  Associate 1 in IB-M&A
+6 Since mods removed my original comment, will leave a toned down version: nutmegger189
+6 It’s true. Six NYC, one Chicago, one Menlo. The same class has representation at Lazard, PJT, Moelis, and PWP as well. Analyst 1 in IB - Gen