Mental Retardnation

For anybody confused about why America is struggling a mechanic's approach is warranted. Mechanics do not look at odometers or kick tires on a malfunctioning car. Mechanics look under the hood. It is under neath the hood that mechanics find answers to what is wrong with the car. Under the hood lie the engine, the battery, the catalytic converter and everything else that really powers the vehicle.

A look underneath America's engine reveals her true problems. Sorry to burst your bubble folks, it is not Wall Street. Hell, I am sad to ain't even Washington. Not CDS, not filthy, whorish Fannie, not even her drunk, inbred cousin Freddie. The real problem is the fool's dream of equality. Equality can only make sense in the minds of the brain dead and for those who believe if they could just get enough government funding and basketball lessons they too could be Lebron James, while standing 5'8" and weighing 220 lbs.

Here I present the greatest evidence to America's downfall. This seemingly irrelevant and idiotic story shows you where our money, time and energy go. There simply are not enough hours in the day and when shit like this matters, let alone makes the front know you are fucked so bad and so deep you will soon be puking up foreskin.

In a twisted way, however, I am glad about this. I remember sitting through mind numbing propaganda flicks about that one girl who just had to be on the men's football/baseball/debate team, in high school. Rampant retarded reasoning about equality, a fair shot and other nebulous childish idolatry. Naturally, it came from the same people who encouraged us to go to college and major in stargazing and under water basket weaving. Big fucking surprise the place is a shambles.

I always laughed and asked my teachers: but why can't I play girls field hockey?

This always stumped them and brought out the stutters and fumbles. The "oh", the "well", the "oh well you see". Their inability to connect the dots and to comprehend that the positive discrimination pendulum is a swinging one. We joke about Big Swinging Dicks on Wall Street, but there's an ever darker side to that humor in today's environment.

This idiotic tale of a boy who needs to have the shit smacked out of him and told to stop being a fucking woos is garnering national attention for the same reasons that important issues are not.

We are too sensitive, too weak and have become too stupid to understand why those are serious problems. It has often been said that America will destroy itself from within. I see stories like this one as physical evidence of such predictions.

Every morning I wake up and find another reason for why lobotomy should be our primary domestic policy tool.

May all you whining bitches and equal opportunists choke on that giant dick you are trying to get normal people to swallow.

I'm going to start my own anti discrimination league. The fat chick at Starbuck's has been smiling at me again and my fragile psyche cannot endure the pain.


Midas, this is why the Eggshell Psyche defense doesn't work hold up in most jurisdictions... because if it did, we would legally speaking, all be fucking pussies.


For what its worth, catalytic converter doesn't power a car. It just cleans up all the shit that cars make (you know, not fucking the next generation). Hilarious post.


Good post, but the catalytic converter isn't located under the hood and has nothing to do with powering the vehicle. If we were still a nation of real men, we'd all know that.

I think the problem starts when we confuse equality of opportunity with equality of results.

This. And I don't see why everyone has an issue with that boy.


I agree with some aspects of your post, but this particular kid doesn't need to "have the shit smacked out of him and told to stop being a fucking woos". I am not saying this is the case here, because I do not know the complete schematics, but I it seems as though this boy has a gender issue which is out of his control.

Prenatal androgens present during fetal development cause sex characteristics to be expressed, but when at abnormal levels, they can impact the gender of an individual. Thus this boy here identifies himself with the woman gender, but clearly is of the male sex.

Simply telling this boy to act like a boy might solve the way he acts and dresses, but will not solve the real physiological situation at hand.

I understand there are cases where parents and kids act of for attention, but I don't think that is happening here, and jumping to such a harsh reaction is unfair.

no way kimosabe, this is my house now --Brennan Huff
I agree with some aspects of your post, but this particular kid doesn't need to "have the shit smacked out of him and told to stop being a fucking woos". I am not saying this is the case here, because I do not know the complete schematics, but I it seems as though this boy has a gender issue which is out of his control.

Prenatal androgens present during fetal development cause sex characteristics to be expressed, but when at abnormal levels, they can impact the gender of an individual. Thus this boy here identifies himself with the woman gender, but clearly is of the male sex.

Simply telling this boy to act like a boy might solve the way he acts and dresses, but will not solve the real physiological situation at hand.

I understand there are cases where parents and kids act of for attention, but I don't think that is happening here, and jumping to such a harsh reaction is unfair.

Exactly...SB for you. As an FYI, everyone starts off as female in the womb. During the eighth week of gestation, the presence of a Y chromosome and a functional locus for the SRY gene product, also called the testes determining factor (TDF), determines if testicular development will occur.


@Midas , this cant be the No.1 reason of whats wrong with America, the feminization of men is something that has been happening for a while now and we can talk about that in detail.

On this story: Why was this news worthy in the first place? maybe because media is always scouring for sensational pieces. I am sure gender-confusion is not the No.1 threat for Americans.


Why do you have a problem with a kid who clearly has transgender trying to enter the girl scouts? This has nothing to do with an equality, this is about creating accommodations for people/kids who have gender issues. Yeah we should smack around a kid as reponse to his confusion about his sexual identity. Just beat the gay out of him.

But I guess your rant is not against this boy per se, but the fact that all of a sudden this story is being covered? By what? A local news story and a fucking yahoo blog post? This pushed you over the edge?

How the fuck is this the watershed moment signaling the doom of America?

Every couple of fucking days I see a post by some homophobe or racist on WSO bitching and moaning and just plain whining about how great the "ol' days" were and how everything is turning to shit because some kid wants to join the girl scouts or some the fucking guy behind the counter at the local deli didn't understand his order what the fuck right speak English and totally fucking bullshit man!!

Maybe if you added some reasoning and background to your posts aside from strawman arguments against gender equality in sports (Seriously, wtf was that story trying to even prove?), you wouldn't come across as a such a fucking baby.

Also, ANT, you have the moral reasoning of an 8 year old on a playground.

Why do you have a problem with a kid who clearly has transgender trying to enter the girl scouts? This has nothing to do with an equality, this is about creating accommodations for people/kids who have gender issues. Yeah we should smack around a kid as reponse to his confusion about his sexual identity. Just beat the gay out of him.

But I guess your rant is not against this boy per se, but the fact that all of a sudden this story is being covered? By what? A local news story and a fucking yahoo blog post? This pushed you over the edge?

How the fuck is this the watershed moment signaling the doom of America?

Every couple of fucking days I see a post by some homophobe or racist on WSO bitching and moaning and just plain whining about how great the "ol' days" were and how everything is turning to shit because some kid wants to join the girl scouts or some the fucking guy behind the counter at the local deli didn't understand his order what the fuck right speak English and totally fucking bullshit man!!

Maybe if you added some reasoning and background to your posts aside from strawman arguments against gender equality in sports (Seriously, wtf was that story trying to even prove?), you wouldn't come across as a such a fucking baby.

Also, ANT, you have the moral reasoning of an 8 year old on a playground.


OP: If you want to argue that America is going to shit, fine. If you think that this kid shouldn't be allowed to join the girl scouts, fine, I don't really give a shit (although an actual argument on your part would be nice rather than you just throwing around 3rd grade insults). But claiming that this stupid story about a little kid with gender issues is "the greatest evidence to America's downfall" is the dumbest thing I've ever heard. I know you're exaggerating, but still. Honestly your post just reads as if it was written by some angsty teenager who got rejected by the girl of his dreams. You're not nearly as cool as you probably think you are.

Why do you have a problem with a kid who clearly has transgender trying to enter the girl scouts? This has nothing to do with an equality, this is about creating accommodations for people/kids who have gender issues. Yeah we should smack around a kid as reponse to his confusion about his sexual identity. Just beat the gay out of him.

But I guess your rant is not against this boy per se, but the fact that all of a sudden this story is being covered? By what? A local news story and a fucking yahoo blog post? This pushed you over the edge?

How the fuck is this the watershed moment signaling the doom of America?

Every couple of fucking days I see a post by some homophobe or racist on WSO bitching and moaning and just plain whining about how great the "ol' days" were and how everything is turning to shit because some kid wants to join the girl scouts or some the fucking guy behind the counter at the local deli didn't understand his order what the fuck right speak English and totally fucking bullshit man!!

Maybe if you added some reasoning and background to your posts aside from strawman arguments against gender equality in sports (Seriously, wtf was that story trying to even prove?), you wouldn't come across as a such a fucking baby.

Also, ANT, you have the moral reasoning of an 8 year old on a playground.


OP: If you want to argue that America is going to shit, fine. If you think that this kid shouldn't be allowed to join the girl scouts, fine, I don't really give a shit (although an actual argument on your part would be nice rather than you just throwing around 3rd grade insults). But claiming that this stupid story about a little kid with gender issues is "the greatest evidence to America's downfall" is the dumbest thing I've ever heard. I know you're exaggerating, but still. Honestly your post just reads as if it was written by some angsty teenager who got rejected by the girl of his dreams. You're not nearly as cool as you probably think you are.

Word, bro. +1

Nobody wants to work for it anymore. There's no honor in taking the after school job at Mickey D's. Honor's in the dollar, kid.
Why do you have a problem with a kid who clearly has transgender trying to enter the girl scouts? This has nothing to do with an equality, this is about creating accommodations for people/kids who have gender issues. Yeah we should smack around a kid as reponse to his confusion about his sexual identity. Just beat the gay out of him.

But I guess your rant is not against this boy per se, but the fact that all of a sudden this story is being covered? By what? A local news story and a fucking yahoo blog post? This pushed you over the edge?

How the fuck is this the watershed moment signaling the doom of America?

Every couple of fucking days I see a post by some homophobe or racist on WSO bitching and moaning and just plain whining about how great the "ol' days" were and how everything is turning to shit because some kid wants to join the girl scouts or some the fucking guy behind the counter at the local deli didn't understand his order what the fuck right speak English and totally fucking bullshit man!!

Maybe if you added some reasoning and background to your posts aside from strawman arguments against gender equality in sports (Seriously, wtf was that story trying to even prove?), you wouldn't come across as a such a fucking baby.

Also, ANT, you have the moral reasoning of an 8 year old on a playground.

Terrific post.


You are right. I am a moron. An organization for young girls should allow a boy in because it would hurt his feelings otherwise.

I mean fuck all the girls who gain a benefit from this group. Fuck the fact that it is for GIRLS. Fuck the fact that at age 8 maybe this kid is just confused in general and not fully cognizant to understand everything.

Yeah, an 8 year old is sexually and gender confused.

Go fuck yourself.

You are right. I am a moron. An organization for young girls should allow a boy in because it would hurt his feelings otherwise.

I mean fuck all the girls who gain a benefit from this group. Fuck the fact that it is for GIRLS. Fuck the fact that at age 8 maybe this kid is just confused in general and not fully cognizant to understand everything.

Yeah, an 8 year old is sexually and gender confused.

Go fuck yourself.

You're clearly not a moron, you just don't know Biology well.

In respect to explaining to your girl why a boy is there, I don't think it would be hard to come up with a PG answer. Just as issues with sex, you don't need to give specifics to young kids, and they don't really care.

And in regard to your most recent post, this does not mean the child will necessarily have a sex change in later years, and may not feel compelled to change.

I think you may be over dramatizing the impact it will have on these girls. But I understand where your argument is coming from.

no way kimosabe, this is my house now --Brennan Huff
You are right. I am a moron. An organization for young girls should allow a boy in because it would hurt his feelings otherwise.

I mean fuck all the girls who gain a benefit from this group. Fuck the fact that it is for GIRLS. Fuck the fact that at age 8 maybe this kid is just confused in general and not fully cognizant to understand everything.

Yeah, an 8 year old is sexually and gender confused.

Go fuck yourself.

You're clearly not a moron, you just don't know Biology well.

In respect to explaining to your girl why a boy is there, I don't think it would be hard to come up with a PG answer. Just as issues with sex, you don't need to give specifics to young kids, and they don't really care.

And in regard to your most recent post, this does not mean the child will necessarily have a sex change in later years, and may not feel compelled to change.

I think you may be over dramatizing the impact it will have on these girls. But I understand where your argument is coming from.

I am not claiming that I am a bio expert, but I don't think it is ludicrous to state that a young child might be confused for a variety of reasons. Many kids are closer to their moms or are not into rough and tumble things. This kid is more feminine, but that doesn't mean he will become a girl later on or be gay.

My issue is that there is no tolerance anymore. This kids parents could of simply told him that he can't be a girl scout because he is a little boy. Case closed. No emotional trauma, no issues. Instead there is an issue made.

Yes, I am sure you could give a PG answer to the kids. You could do a lot of things. But why?

Why can't I use a woman's bathroom? Why can't men and woman shower together? It is out of respect for other people. Someone might feel uncomfortable. Maybe one of these little girls might feel weird or she might be confused. Where is the respect for this little girl.

Tolerance is a two way street. I don't see a lot of respect for all the girls in that group. Just a mom who can't tell her little boy that he can't do something.

You are right. I am a moron. An organization for young girls should allow a boy in because it would hurt his feelings otherwise.

I mean fuck all the girls who gain a benefit from this group. Fuck the fact that it is for GIRLS. Fuck the fact that at age 8 maybe this kid is just confused in general and not fully cognizant to understand everything.

Yeah, an 8 year old is sexually and gender confused.

Go fuck yourself.

It is for children that identify as girls, as stated by the organization itself. Gender itself being a social construct in the first place, so it doesn't really matter if the kid has a Y chromosome or not.


From the article:

Girl Scouts of Colorado:
Girl Scouts is an inclusive organization, and we accept all girls in kindergarten through 12th grade as members. If a child lives life as a girl and the family brings the child to us to participate in Girl Scouts, Girl Scouts of Colorado welcomes her. Girl Scouts of Colorado respects the privacy of all girls and families we work with. When a family requests membership for their daughter, we do not require proof of gender, we respect the decisions of families.

The Girl Scouts already have a program specially designed for kids like this, the only reason this is even an incident is because a local troop leader didn't know what the official GS policy was. Kid wants to join Girl Scouts? Let him, who gives a shit, why does this bother you, why should this kid have the woos (I always thought this was spelled wuss btw) beaten out of him?

Instead of writing knee jerk reactions and talking out of your ass, how about you actually read up on what you're arguing about?


1) Why is the policy important to me? I could give a shit. This kid clearly is a boy and every little girl will know it. If the kid looked like a girl he would of got in. No one is checking your private parts to make sure you can be in the group.

2) This kid is not a girl. He might be when he gets older, but he isn't now. It is unfair to the MAJORITY of GIRLS in the GIRL scouts to let a little boy in.

How are you going to explain to your 7 year old that little boys sometimes want to be little girls and they will cut off his penis and give him hormones when he gets older.

God forbid a kid has a simple childhood.

Then again this is the hallmark of liberalism. Tolerance when I want to get my way, but when parents are worried about their children who might be confused or have issues with this the response is always DEAL WITH IT.

Men, I encourage you to sue every female organization. I encourage waves of straight, while males to join every minority and LBGT group. If we can join these groups in number we can force OUR voices to be heard and we can change the agenda.

Discrimination is unfair in all forms.


I'd say, generally, that the biggest existential issues our country has are:

--Generally, people are incapable of self-reflection and logical reasoning, particularly when the facts don't line up with their desired worldview. I like to think of this as the sociopath effect.

--Far too many of our government leaders (on the left and the right) are too blinded by ideology to get anything useful done to move our country forward

--Finally, I find that the media, in particular, tends to foolishly give equal merit to all ideas and opinions even when some opinions are based on falsehoods. To steal an example from a recently retired GOP senior congressional staffer, if one Presidential Candidate came out and said that the world was literally flat, the media would report that "Candidates offer differing views on shape of the Earth." When in reality, when a candidate or other public figure says something that is outright incorrect, they should be smacked down for peddling falsehoods.


To comment on the kid that wants to be a girl scout...give me a fucking break. I knew a dude that petitioned to play field hockey (and did) in high school. He wasn't a friend of mine. All i can remember thinking is, how fucking dumb is this shit? Get the fuck out of here.

Side note: Samoas are fire.

To comment on the kid that wants to be a girl scout...give me a fucking break. I knew a dude that petitioned to play field hockey (and did) in high school. He wasn't a friend of mine. All i can remember thinking is, how fucking dumb is this shit? Get the fuck out of here.

Side note: Samoas are fire.

Were you happy when they let you on the team? :P

You're born, you take shit. You get out in the world, you take more shit. You climb a little higher, you take less shit. Till one day you're up in the rarefied atmosphere and you've forgotten what shit even looks like. Welcome to the layer cake, son.

He's a fucking boy so he joins the boy scouts. Hell, he'll probably have some gay tropp leaders so he'll feel right at home.


if this kid gets a psycho eval, maybe he should be allowed to join. he would get his/her ass beat in the regular scouts. my old troop were all the fuckups and future neo-nazis.


... Does he actually want his wee wee cut off?... I think that's mighty young... let him grow up a lil bit more before he makes a decision like that.

Geeze... that would suck for him if he changed his mind in a couple years. We were talking about this a couple weeks ago in my psych class... I don't give a shit what you do with your penis, but some people are just too young to make those types of decisions.

If your dreams don't scare you, then they are not big enough. "There are two types of people in this world: People who say they pee in the shower, and dirty fucking liars."-Louis C.K.
... Does he actually want his wee wee cut off?... I think that's mighty young... let him grow up a lil bit more before he makes a decision like that.

Geeze... that would suck for him if he changed his mind in a couple years. We were talking about this a couple weeks ago in my psych class... I don't give a shit what you do with your penis, but some people are just too young to make those types of decisions.

No, if you watch the video it has nothing to do with that. That became an offshoot of the topic, but really isn't related.

no way kimosabe, this is my house now --Brennan Huff
Midas Mulligan Magoo:
For anybody confused about why America is struggling a mechanic's approach is warranted. Mechanics do not look at odometers or kick tires on a malfunctioning car. Mechanics look under the hood. It is under neath the hood that mechanics find answers to what is wrong with the car. Under the hood lie the engine, the battery, the catalytic converter and everything else that really powers the vehicle.

A look underneath America's engine reveals her true problems. Sorry to burst your bubble folks, it is not Wall Street. Hell, I am sad to ain't even Washington. Not CDS, not filthy, whorish Fannie, not even her drunk, inbred cousin Freddie. The real problem is the fool's dream of equality. Equality can only make sense in the minds of the brain dead and for those who believe if they could just get enough government funding and basketball lessons they too could be Lebron James, while standing 5'8" and weighing 220 lbs.

Here I present the greatest evidence to America's downfall. This seemingly irrelevant and idiotic story shows you where our money, time and energy go. There simply are not enough hours in the day and when shit like this matters, let alone makes the front know you are fucked so bad and so deep you will soon be puking up foreskin.

In a twisted way, however, I am glad about this. I remember sitting through mind numbing propaganda flicks about that one girl who just had to be on the men's football/baseball/debate team, in high school. Rampant retarded reasoning about equality, a fair shot and other nebulous childish idolatry. Naturally, it came from the same people who encouraged us to go to college and major in stargazing and under water basket weaving. Big fucking surprise the place is a shambles.

I always laughed and asked my teachers: but why can't I play girls field hockey?

This always stumped them and brought out the stutters and fumbles. The "oh", the "well", the "oh well you see". Their inability to connect the dots and to comprehend that the positive discrimination pendulum is a swinging one. We joke about Big Swinging Dicks on Wall Street, but there's an ever darker side to that humor in today's environment.

This idiotic tale of a boy who needs to have the shit smacked out of him and told to stop being a fucking woos is garnering national attention for the same reasons that important issues are not.

We are too sensitive, too weak and have become too stupid to understand why those are serious problems. It has often been said that America will destroy itself from within. I see stories like this one as physical evidence of such predictions.

Every morning I wake up and find another reason for why lobotomy should be our primary domestic policy tool.

May all you whining bitches and equal opportunists choke on that giant dick you are trying to get normal people to swallow.

I'm going to start my own anti discrimination league. The fat chick at Starbuck's has been smiling at me again and my fragile psyche cannot endure the pain.

Let's see you say this shit tomorrow when your brother comes out of the closet, BRO. Life comes at you pretty fucking fast, and it's a bitch. Remember that.

My drinkin' problem left today, she packed up all her bags and walked away.

Why do you care? If they want to allow him in I could care less. Now if the law gets involved that's a different story, but, seriously, straight / gay / bi / whatever doesn't matter as long as you are being a productive, competent citizen who is abiding by the laws. I have plenty of gay friends that are good guys, they just like men. (Ditto for lesbian females)

whatwhatwhat][quote=whatwhatwhat]thoughts?</p> <p><a href=[/quote rel=nofollow>[/quote</a>:
Ok fuckers, I did not dig up this link only to have it go ignored while you people bicker about who is racist and biggoted.

I don't see how lemonparty is relevant here.

Actually, maybe it is...

You're born, you take shit. You get out in the world, you take more shit. You climb a little higher, you take less shit. Till one day you're up in the rarefied atmosphere and you've forgotten what shit even looks like. Welcome to the layer cake, son.

I think the point trying to be made here is that the kid wants to be equal to girls, even though he isnt a girl. I dont think he is villifying the kid because of his gender thoughts, he is saying that everything in life shouldn't be about equality and some things will always be unequal, and this is not a bad thing.

Some people think any inequality is a bad thing, and that simply is not true.


The lack of understand of biology in this thread is both astounding and scary. Perhaps more schools need to have a more liberal arts based approach to education so that this doesn't continue to be prevalent even among educated individuals like here.

Telling a kid who likely has a dysfunctional endocrine system to just 'snap out of it' or 'quit being a pansy' doesn't exactly work. That's how you get closeted gay adults that become like Larry Craig and crew.

Jerome Marrow:
I would like to hear a rational argument from the people throwing monkey shit. Also, define the genders male and female for me. Thanks.

Jerome, you seem to come into threads once they are pretty much dead, quote every single reply in the thread and comment on it in some outlandish way.

You appear to track Anthony's postings and just follow him from thread to thread siding with anyone that seems to disagree with him while continuing to argue with him for no apparent reason.

Give it a break.

You're born, you take shit. You get out in the world, you take more shit. You climb a little higher, you take less shit. Till one day you're up in the rarefied atmosphere and you've forgotten what shit even looks like. Welcome to the layer cake, son.
Jerome Marrow:
define the genders male and female for me. Thanks.

This is the type of Gen X/Gen Y retarded way of thinking that makes me want to punch fucking holes through peoples heads.

It is funny that you posted such verbal diarrhea because I was watching an episode of Colbert yesterday where he was interviewing two hippie pieces of shit. One male, one female. They went on to explain that there is a difference between a female bodied person and a female as well as a male bodied person and a male.

Bullshit thinking like this didn't exist 20 years ago.

You're born, you take shit. You get out in the world, you take more shit. You climb a little higher, you take less shit. Till one day you're up in the rarefied atmosphere and you've forgotten what shit even looks like. Welcome to the layer cake, son.
Jerome Marrow:
define the genders male and female for me. Thanks.

This is the type of Gen X/Gen Y retarded way of thinking that makes me want to punch fucking holes through peoples heads.

The social construct of this was first observed and researched by doctors at Johns Hopkins in the '50s and is as prevalent topic in the medical community.
It is funny that you posted such verbal diarrhea because I was watching an episode of Colbert yesterday where he was interviewing two hippie pieces of shit. One male, one female. They went on to explain that there is a difference between a female bodied person and a female as well as a male bodied person and a male.

Bullshit thinking like this didn't exist 20 years ago.

Yeah, it only existed over 60 years ago and has been as prevalent in medicine as it has been in the social sciences.

How would you define Caster Semenya and why? What defines a male gendered person? Is it being XY or is there more to it than that? I ask this seriously because this is a prevalent topic and discussion in human biology.

simple. if you can distinguish between an american apparel medium and a european size 4, you are of the female gender.

You know that there is a different :: you're female?


There was a post less than 30mins before mine. None of the threads I have posted in were 'almost dead.'

Of my posts, 1 was complimentary, 1 was posting my thoughts on the topic, 1 was informing ANT that his point is factually incorrect, and 1 was asking for people to explain why they threw monkey shit.


Some of you guys are absolutely missing the entire point Midas was trying to make. He's not villifying this kid as a "fag". He's simply saying if you have a dick, you go to boy scouts, if you have a pussy, you go to girl scouts. My God, to think the few in this thread that missed the whole point are "men". More like the pussies Midas was describing.

Some of you guys are absolutely missing the entire point Midas was trying to make. He's not villifying this kid as a "fag". He's simply saying if you have a dick, you go to boy scouts, if you have a pussy, you go to girl scouts. My God, to think the few in this thread that missed the whole point are "men". More like the pussies Midas was describing.

Transgendered doesn't mean gay. It means he identifies as a female, so it doesn't matter if his genitalia is male or female or intersexed. You don't even understand the issues someone like this may have, so you should probably stop talking out of your ass about it. Considering Midas said the kid should get the shit slapped out of him, it tells enough of how tolerant and understand he is of someone who clearly has issues that need to be addressed with a psychologist and an endocrinologist, not by being told to 'deal with it' and hang out with some pedophiles.

Jerome Marrow:
Some of you guys are absolutely missing the entire point Midas was trying to make. He's not villifying this kid as a "fag". He's simply saying if you have a dick, you go to boy scouts, if you have a pussy, you go to girl scouts. My God, to think the few in this thread that missed the whole point are "men". More like the pussies Midas was describing.

Transgendered doesn't mean gay. It means he identifies as a female, so it doesn't matter if his genitalia is male or female or intersexed. You don't even understand the issues someone like this may have, so you should probably stop talking out of your ass about it. Considering Midas said the kid should get the shit slapped out of him, it tells enough of how tolerant and understand he is of someone who clearly has issues that need to be addressed with a psychologist and an endocrinologist, not by being told to 'deal with it' and hang out with some pedophiles.

And maybe you should shut the fuck up. This is not a fully grown and emotionally developed adult being excluded. This is a little kid that plays with barbies. He is a boy and could easily be told so. If anything, the mother is the one pushing the issue.

You act like you are some expert in the subject. The kid is a boy. He is not mentally or emotionally developed to state that he is transgender. What the fuck is wrong with you.


How about this. Everyone talks about tolerance, but where is it on the other side. Maybe this kid is transgender or possibly gay, but at such a young age, maybe it is something else. Maybe the kid got molested an is confused, maybe the kid is just closer to his mom and more feminine in his mannerisms, maybe the kid is shy and is more comfortable around girls who might not be rough and tumble.

The whole point is why can't the mom tell him that he is a little boy and that it would be unfair to all the little girls if he joined. Is it such a sin that we have an organization exclusively for little girls that gives them confidence and a group environment.

Tolerance is a two way street. No one is saying to hate this kid, but he is a boy and girl scouts are for little girls. Should this kid use the women's bathroom because he feels like a girl? Should he shower with girls because he plays with barbies?

It is a private group and can do whatever. Unfortunately, I feel as if the decision would of been different without the bully pulpit of the liberal press along with vicious lawyers looking to sue anything that walks.

How about this. Everyone talks about tolerance, but where is it on the other side. Maybe this kid is transgender or possibly gay, but at such a young age, maybe it is something else. Maybe the kid got molested an is confused, maybe the kid is just closer to his mom and more feminine in his mannerisms, maybe the kid is shy and is more comfortable around girls who might not be rough and tumble.

The whole point is why can't the mom tell him that he is a little boy and that it would be unfair to all the little girls if he joined. Is it such a sin that we have an organization exclusively for little girls that gives them confidence and a group environment.

Tolerance is a two way street. No one is saying to hate this kid, but he is a boy and girl scouts are for little girls. Should this kid use the women's bathroom because he feels like a girl? Should he shower with girls because he plays with barbies?

It is a private group and can do whatever. Unfortunately, I feel as if the decision would of been different without the bully pulpit of the liberal press along with vicious lawyers looking to sue anything that walks.

Then he should be seeking medical professionals, not being told to 'stop being a sissy' or stop being 'feminine'.

Fortunately, the girl scouts as a group have already come down in favor of letting him/her in the group. It has nothing to do with the liberal press or 'vicious' lawyers. It has to do with what is right. The group is intended for children that identify themselves as girls. Sure, most of the time that is people who are also born with female genitalia, but what about intersexed and other individuals? The world isn't black and white.


A 7 year old fucking boy is deciding that he identifies as a female. Get the fuck real.

The most intolerant people are the ones screaming for tolerance. Fucking bigot.

A 7 year old fucking boy is deciding that he identifies as a female. Get the fuck real.

The most intolerant people are the ones screaming for tolerance. Fucking bigot.

What intolerance are you speaking of? I believe this blog is talking about a group allowing a child into their group, but a misinformed leader questioning it, and then the blog writer believing the child needs to get the shit slapped out of him. Yes, quite the tolerance indeed!


Seriously WTF, I was just expecting to see more OWS garbage but what a great surprise to see that little boys are now aspiring to join the girl scouts.....

Umm what if I dont want my daughter sleeping over at a boy's house even if he says he's gay or better yet a 7 year old transgender.......

Then again what kind of world do we live in if a seven year old isn't allowed to philosophically question the reality of gender and sexuality...

Seriously WTF, I was just expecting to see more OWS garbage but what a great surprise to see that little boys are now aspiring to join the girl scouts.....

Umm what if I dont want my daughter sleeping over at a boy's house even if he says he's gay or better yet a 7 year old transgender.......

Then again what kind of world do we live in if a seven year old isn't allowed to philosophically question the reality of gender and sexuality...

Then your kid does not need to join the group.

The 'reality' of gender and sexuality is that it isn't black and white. Cue Caster Semenya.


As I said, a private group can do whatever it wants.

Can boys or men participate? Girl Scouting exists to serve girls. Our many years of experience shows that girls have unique needs and interests that are best met in a program designed especially for them, delivered in an all-girl setting. Boys too, have unique needs and interests, which are addressed by organizations designed specifically for them. Adult men can volunteer in Girl Scouting in every capacity that women can. However, as one of the most valuable parts of a girl’s experience is gained through role modeling, each troop must have at least one female Leader.

Fact of the matter is this is a young boy trying to join and all girls organization. His mother should of said no and explained in a nice way why. The kid is 7, he doesn't have gender issues.

Jerome, you can try and cloud the issue all you want, but your position shows zero respect to other people and other families.

I encourage all straight males to join gay rights groups and elect each other to positions of power so that straight males can decided political issues for gay groups. It is only fair that equality for everyone is respected.

Tolerance for me, but intolerance for everyone else. This is the motto of this kids mother and people like him. Sad that she is doing this to her kid. Wonderful role model she is.

As I said, a private group can do whatever it wants.

Can boys or men participate? Girl Scouting exists to serve girls. Our many years of experience shows that girls have unique needs and interests that are best met in a program designed especially for them, delivered in an all-girl setting. Boys too, have unique needs and interests, which are addressed by organizations designed specifically for them. Adult men can volunteer in Girl Scouting in every capacity that women can. However, as one of the most valuable parts of a girl’s experience is gained through role modeling, each troop must have at least one female Leader.

Fact of the matter is this is a young boy trying to join and all girls organization. His mother should of said no and explained in a nice way why. The kid is 7, he doesn't have gender issues.

Jerome, you can try and cloud the issue all you want, but your position shows zero respect to other people and other families.

I encourage all straight males to join gay rights groups and elect each other to positions of power so that straight males can decided political issues for gay groups. It is only fair that equality for everyone is respected.

Tolerance for me, but intolerance for everyone else. This is the motto of this kids mother and people like him. Sad that she is doing this to her kid. Wonderful role model she is.

What intolerance are you speaking of? Do you understand the definition of the word? I'm not advocating the group be forced to do anything. In fact, it is YOU that wants to group to not accept the child in spite of their own policy. From the group itself,

"If a child lives life as a girl and the family brings the child to us to participate in Girl Scouts, Girl Scouts of Colorado welcomes her. Girl Scouts of Colorado respects the privacy of all girls and families we work with. When a family requests membership for their daughter, we do not require proof of gender, we respect the decisions of families."

You realize gender =/= genitalia and transgendered =/= gay, right? Are you that uneducated? It is not a matter of opinion, but a matter of science.

You are a bigot and your racist overtones are not appreciated on here.

lol please point out which bigoted statements and racist overtones I have made. I would be interested in hearing them. Do you understand what the word overtone means? You really have gone full retard.

Jerome Marrow:
You are a bigot and your racist overtones are not appreciated on here.

lol please point out which bigoted statements and racist overtones I have made. I would be interested in hearing them. Do you understand what the word overtone means? You really have gone full retard.

Please do not refer to children with special needs using the R word. It makes you come off as an uneducated bigot.
If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses - Henry Ford
Jerome Marrow:
You are a bigot and your racist overtones are not appreciated on here.

lol please point out which bigoted statements and racist overtones I have made. I would be interested in hearing them. Do you understand what the word overtone means? You really have gone full retard.

Please do not refer to children with special needs using the R word. It makes you come off as an uneducated bigot.


You're born, you take shit. You get out in the world, you take more shit. You climb a little higher, you take less shit. Till one day you're up in the rarefied atmosphere and you've forgotten what shit even looks like. Welcome to the layer cake, son.
Jerome Marrow:
You are a bigot and your racist overtones are not appreciated on here.

lol please point out which bigoted statements and racist overtones I have made. I would be interested in hearing them. Do you understand what the word overtone means? You really have gone full retard.

Please do not refer to children with special needs using the R word. It makes you come off as an uneducated bigot.

My apologies, I thought ANT was, in theory, a grown adult in graduate school, and I was using the secondary use of the noun retard, defined by Merriam-Webster as, "a person held to resemble a retarded person in behavior." It is quite offensive for mentally handicapped individuals I suppose, considering a retarded person would be unlikely to come to such poor conclusions as ANT has frequently on this forum.

Best Response
Jerome Marrow:
Jerome Marrow:
You are a bigot and your racist overtones are not appreciated on here.

lol please point out which bigoted statements and racist overtones I have made. I would be interested in hearing them. Do you understand what the word overtone means? You really have gone full retard.

Please do not refer to children with special needs using the R word. It makes you come off as an uneducated bigot.

My apologies, I thought ANT was, in theory, a grown adult in graduate school, and I was using the secondary use of the noun retard, defined by Merriam-Webster as, "a person held to resemble a retarded person in behavior." It is quite offensive for mentally handicapped individuals I suppose, considering a retarded person would be unlikely to come to such poor conclusions as ANT has frequently on this forum.

Jerome, this is the second thread you have turned into a fucking abortion.

You're born, you take shit. You get out in the world, you take more shit. You climb a little higher, you take less shit. Till one day you're up in the rarefied atmosphere and you've forgotten what shit even looks like. Welcome to the layer cake, son.

You guys may also want to go back to school and understand how the word bigot is to be used. Being offensive or rude, while unfortunate, is not bigotry. Advocating intolerance against a group of people, as ANT has done throughout this thread, would be classified as bigotry.

Jerome Marrow:
You guys may also want to go back to school and understand how the word bigot is to be used. Being offensive or rude, while unfortunate, is not bigotry. Advocating intolerance against a group of people, as ANT has done throughout this thread, would be classified as bigotry.

A collection of mentally handicapped individuals aren't a group of people?

You're born, you take shit. You get out in the world, you take more shit. You climb a little higher, you take less shit. Till one day you're up in the rarefied atmosphere and you've forgotten what shit even looks like. Welcome to the layer cake, son.
Jerome Marrow:
You guys may also want to go back to school and understand how the word bigot is to be used. Being offensive or rude, while unfortunate, is not bigotry. Advocating intolerance against a group of people, as ANT has done throughout this thread, would be classified as bigotry.

A collection of mentally handicapped individuals aren't a group of people?

Have I advocated for them to be excluded or treated differently than anybody else or to have their needs questioned in any particular fashion? No.

Why is Jerome trying to get cover to drop the N bomb. What is this racist shit spawning in this thread.

I am not sure anthony, but I for one think it is really fucked up he just started calling people the N word.

You sicken me, Jerome.

You're born, you take shit. You get out in the world, you take more shit. You climb a little higher, you take less shit. Till one day you're up in the rarefied atmosphere and you've forgotten what shit even looks like. Welcome to the layer cake, son.

I love it.

My stance has always been that this young boy should just respect the girl scouts and the girls in the troop. No hate, no prejudice. Simply that at age 7, maybe, just maybe, the kid isn't a transgender, but just a feminine little kid.

Somehow this gets twisted into a debate about gender which isn't relevant and dropping R words and N words.

Closet racists among us guys. Watch out.

I love it.

My stance has always been that this young boy should just respect the girl scouts and the girls in the troop. No hate, no prejudice. Simply that at age 7, maybe, just maybe, the kid isn't a transgender, but just a feminine little kid.

Somehow this gets twisted into a debate about gender which isn't relevant and dropping R words and N words.

Closet racists among us guys. Watch out.

Maybe the kid is just feminine. Or maybe the kid is transgendered. Who are you or anybody else that isn't a professional to decide that?

lmao get cover to drop the N-bomb? Wow, you guys have really gone off the deep end, unable to defend any position you have.

Again: -Please post what I have said that is intolerant -Please explain why this child should not be guided by medical professionals as a primary source of therapy -Why should this group not be allowed to have any child in it that identifies himself or herself as a girl? -What racist overtones have I made in this thread? In fact, where did I say or advocate anything about race, other than comparing Nefarious's position of the good ole days to other popular opinions in the good ole days re: work and sports.


Jerome Marrow doesn't care about black people

You're born, you take shit. You get out in the world, you take more shit. You climb a little higher, you take less shit. Till one day you're up in the rarefied atmosphere and you've forgotten what shit even looks like. Welcome to the layer cake, son.

Who are you to say that the girls in the girl scout troop must deal with this shit? How bout you think from someone else's perspective not the little boy/girl.

Who are you to say that the girls in the girl scout troop must deal with this shit? How bout you think from someone else's perspective not the little boy/girl.

They shouldn't have to. If/when the group allows the child in and the other children to not want to be in the group any longer, then those children ought to leave so that they do not have to deal with it. If they still want to be a part of the group, they should advocate the group alters its policy to require some sort of gender testing or be a part of a group that does not allow individuals born as males or intersex to join the group.

Jerome Marrow:
Who are you to say that the girls in the girl scout troop must deal with this shit? How bout you think from someone else's perspective not the little boy/girl.

They shouldn't have to. If/when the group allows the child in and the other children to not want to be in the group any longer, then those children ought to leave so that they do not have to deal with it. If they still want to be a part of the group, they should advocate the group alters its policy to require some sort of gender testing or be a part of a group that does not allow individuals born as males or intersex to join the group.

Or maybe the kids parent should tell him he is a boy and he can't be in the girl scouts. Why screw everyone because one confused boy can't be told no.

Jerome Marrow:
Who are you to say that the girls in the girl scout troop must deal with this shit? How bout you think from someone else's perspective not the little boy/girl.

They shouldn't have to. If/when the group allows the child in and the other children to not want to be in the group any longer, then those children ought to leave so that they do not have to deal with it. If they still want to be a part of the group, they should advocate the group alters its policy to require some sort of gender testing or be a part of a group that does not allow individuals born as males or intersex to join the group.

holy fucking shit...

You're born, you take shit. You get out in the world, you take more shit. You climb a little higher, you take less shit. Till one day you're up in the rarefied atmosphere and you've forgotten what shit even looks like. Welcome to the layer cake, son.
Midas Mulligan Magoo:
Dear Jerome,

I am sorry for your butt hurt.

My point was to not get so butt hurt.

I know this because it is my decision to make.

Your butt hurt has given me amusement.

Please stop being so gay.

Your friend,


+1 for truth



Please quote me where I said this kid should not seek medical help. That is an entirely different issue.

Also, if there was a little boy that looked like a little girl, yah, let the kid job the GS.

This kid LOOKS LIKE A BOY because HE IS ONE. We don't even know if he has transgender issues. Why can't girls play in all girl groups.

Man, this is why America is fucked up (one of many reasons). A group that was formed to help little girls build confidence and be a safe place is now something where anyone that thinks they are a girl can join.


Please quote me where I said this kid should not seek medical help. That is an entirely different issue.

Also, if there was a little boy that looked like a little girl, yah, let the kid job the GS.

This kid LOOKS LIKE A BOY because HE IS ONE. We don't even know if he has transgender issues. Why can't girls play in all girl groups.

Man, this is why America is fucked up (one of many reasons). A group that was formed to help little girls build confidence and be a safe place is now something where anyone that thinks they are a girl can join.

So appearance is how you determine the gender of a child? Really, ANT? You're kidding me, right? You realize outward appearance is pretty much the least viable way to decide upon gender, even if it were to be used to support your stance, for dozens of reasons?

Jerome Marrow:

Please quote me where I said this kid should not seek medical help. That is an entirely different issue.

Also, if there was a little boy that looked like a little girl, yah, let the kid job the GS.

This kid LOOKS LIKE A BOY because HE IS ONE. We don't even know if he has transgender issues. Why can't girls play in all girl groups.

Man, this is why America is fucked up (one of many reasons). A group that was formed to help little girls build confidence and be a safe place is now something where anyone that thinks they are a girl can join.

So appearance is how you determine the gender of a child? Really, ANT? You're kidding me, right? You realize outward appearance is pretty much the least viable way to decide upon gender, even if it were to be used to support your stance, for dozens of reasons?

For the purposes of 8 year old girls, yes, appearance does determine gender.

You're born, you take shit. You get out in the world, you take more shit. You climb a little higher, you take less shit. Till one day you're up in the rarefied atmosphere and you've forgotten what shit even looks like. Welcome to the layer cake, son.

So you are saying the actual girls who are affected by this externality, should suffer the consequences? Say they love the girls scouts, but there parents dont want them to go camping with a boy. Consequently, the girl isn't allowed by her parents to be a girl scout.

Is this a positive or negative externality?

So you are saying the actual girls who are affected by this externality, should suffer the consequences? Say they love the girls scouts, but there parents dont want them to go camping with a boy. Consequently, the girl isn't allowed by her parents to be a girl scout.

Is this a positive or negative externality?

Suffer what consequences? What harm is there to be caused? From your own example, it seems as-if it would be the parents that have a problem, not the children, which I would presume would make you question whether or not it is even a problem to begin with.

If there are such problems caused, those current members ought to seek the group to change its policy from allowing children that identify themselves as girls to children that are born female via some sort of objective test. Unfortunately, you're going to have a hard time with that as the medical community already has great difficulty in defining gender to begin with, so any test you choose will likely be arbitrary and open to plenty of 'impostors' .

Jerome Marrow:
So you are saying the actual girls who are affected by this externality, should suffer the consequences? Say they love the girls scouts, but there parents dont want them to go camping with a boy. Consequently, the girl isn't allowed by her parents to be a girl scout.

Is this a positive or negative externality?

Suffer what consequences? What harm is there to be caused? From your own example, it seems as-if it would be the parents that have a problem, not the children, which I would presume would make you question whether or not it is even a problem to begin with.

If there are such problems caused, those current members ought to seek the group to change its policy from allowing children that identify themselves as girls to children that are born female via some sort of objective test. Unfortunately, you're going to have a hard time with that as the medical community already has great difficulty in defining gender to begin with, so any test you choose will likely be arbitrary and open to plenty of 'impostors' .

You clearly don't understand what I'm having their parents not let them be in the girl scouts, the girls themselves are suffering. It doesn't matter if the kids dont care, if their parents forbid them to be a part of that group because there is a boy in there, they cant be a part of that group. What else is there to discuss?


Actually, not all GS groups have this policy. I posted one before. The group is for girls, designed for girls and a place where girls can get together.

Anyone think it is odd why this mom just bought this kid a bucket of barbies and is shoving him into the girl scouts? At age 7? Where is the father in all this?

Typical incorrect wing response to everything. If you are inconvenienced, tough luck. If I am, you better let me in or I will sue.

Actually, not all GS groups have this policy. I posted one before. The group is for girls, designed for girls and a place where girls can get together.
Yes, which then requires you to define what a girl is, which from a medical standpoint is not a cut and dry decision and requires many considerations. There is a reason why gender testing is mostly gone from sports and it wasn't the politicians that advocated it be dismissed, but rather, the medical community.
Anyone think it is odd why this mom just bought this kid a bucket of barbies and is shoving him into the girl scouts? At age 7? Where is the father in all this?

Typical incorrect wing response to everything. If you are inconvenienced, tough luck. If I am, you better let me in or I will sue.

Who said anything about suing? Where did I even say that the group must let the child in? It is in line with their current policies. While I think they would be making a mistake to not let the child in, I certainly don't think they should be forced to by any means. I think, however, it would be quite egregious to change their policy over one particular child, especially if, in the past, they have allowed intersexed children in the past.


All this talk about girls not suffering and if so, sue or take it up with the GIRL scouts.

How about this one boy? How is hey going to suffer and since when does a 7 year old call the shots?

And why the hell does Jerome know so much about intersexed and transgender little kids. WTF.


This kid is a boy, he has a penis, he looks like a boy. Simple case.

If it was more convoluted I might be able to see your point, but this isn't a fucking tranny 7 year old.

This kid is a boy, he has a penis, he looks like a boy. Simple case. If it was more convoluted I might be able to see your point, but this isn't a fucking tranny 7 year old.
How can you act as-if you know how cut and dry the issue is? Are you telling me you know anything about this child's health or the specifics of his biological gender (ie his chromosomal make-up, the status of his endocrine system, etc.)? What testing have they done? From the video and related articles, I was not aware of any testing that was published or publicly stated.

What are you even talking about? You are making this far more complex. It is a boy that acts feminine. Maybe it will develop more, but right now it is just a 7 year old boy who wants to be in the girl scouts.

The kid looks like a boy. The kid IS a boy for all we know.

Case closed.


jerome, have you woken about before and found your penis IN your vagina?

genuinely curious how that works.

You're born, you take shit. You get out in the world, you take more shit. You climb a little higher, you take less shit. Till one day you're up in the rarefied atmosphere and you've forgotten what shit even looks like. Welcome to the layer cake, son.
jerome, have you woken about before and found your penis IN your vagina?

genuinely curious how that works.

Come on... is that really the best dig you could think of? Even a middle schooler wouldn't have snickered at that one.


Guys i have an announcement to make. I am psychologically unstable and want to start using the women's bathroom at work and the women's locker room at the gym. I want to shower with all of them and pee next to them too. No one can tell me otherwise because my feelings will be hurt and I will cause national media attention. I don't care that the girls (who rightfully belong in there) will feel uncomfortable. They need to get over it and give me my EVERY wish and it doesn't matter if it makes the great majority of women feel awkward; The tolerance of me and my problems is the most important.

Thanks had to get that off my chest

I didn't say it was your fault, I said I was blaming you.

Damn, I leave the thread for a couple days and it turns into even more of a cesspit.

Guys i have an announcement to make. I am psychologically unstable and want to start using the women's bathroom at work and the women's locker room at the gym. I want to shower with all of them and pee next to them too. No one can tell me otherwise because my feelings will be hurt and I will cause national media attention. I don't care that the girls (who rightfully belong in there) will feel uncomfortable. They need to get over it and give me my EVERY wish and it doesn't matter if it makes the great majority of women feel awkward; The tolerance of me and my problems is the most important.

Thanks had to get that off my chest

If you can prove through medical professionals that you identify as a woman and suffer from transgender issues, then by all means you can go pee sitting down in the woman's locker room. But if you had those issues, you would probably also be preparing to undergo hormone therapy in plans for your eventual sex change, at which you won't have a penis anymore thereby satisfying even ANT's/Nefarious' raging homophobe requirements.

This entire thread is just one loooooonng serious of bro-y alpha males uncomfortable at the thought that a human being who has a penis might not identify as a male. I seriously hope you guys put more thought and effort into your investment theses, as all of your fucking arguements in this thread degenerate down into "eewww that's weird and gross he has a peepee" and "heh fine if he gets to be a girl scout i want to take dumps in the ladies room O WHAT HE GETS TO DO IT AND I DONT MY FEELINGS ;_;"

And you know what? All the girls in his scout troop will be better off since they'll at least learn at a young age that appearances are deceiving and that people come in all shapes, sizes, genders, and orientations. If even one of those girls grows up being more tolerant and understanding of her fellow person, the world will be that much better. And if some girl's parents pull them from the troop because of the inclusion of this kid, that says more about their bigoted ways than anything else.

Shout out to Jerome for fighting the good fight.

Damn, I leave the thread for a couple days and it turns into even more of a cesspit.
Guys i have an announcement to make. I am psychologically unstable and want to start using the women's bathroom at work and the women's locker room at the gym. I want to shower with all of them and pee next to them too. No one can tell me otherwise because my feelings will be hurt and I will cause national media attention. I don't care that the girls (who rightfully belong in there) will feel uncomfortable. They need to get over it and give me my EVERY wish and it doesn't matter if it makes the great majority of women feel awkward; The tolerance of me and my problems is the most important.

Thanks had to get that off my chest

If you can prove through medical professionals that you identify as a woman and suffer from transgender issues, then by all means you can go pee sitting down in the woman's locker room. But if you had those issues, you would probably also be preparing to undergo hormone therapy in plans for your eventual sex change, at which you won't have a penis anymore thereby satisfying even ANT's/Nefarious' raging homophobe requirements.

This entire thread is just one loooooonng serious of bro-y alpha males uncomfortable at the thought that a human being who has a penis might not identify as a male. I seriously hope you guys put more thought and effort into your investment theses, as all of your fucking arguements in this thread degenerate down into "eewww that's weird and gross he has a peepee" and "heh fine if he gets to be a girl scout i want to take dumps in the ladies room O WHAT HE GETS TO DO IT AND I DONT MY FEELINGS ;_;"

And you know what? All the girls in his scout troop will be better off since they'll at least learn at a young age that appearances are deceiving and that people come in all shapes, sizes, genders, and orientations. If even one of those girls grows up being more tolerant and understanding of her fellow person, the world will be that much better. And if some girl's parents pull them from the troop because of the inclusion of this kid, that says more about their bigoted ways than anything else.

Shout out to Jerome for fighting the good fight.

Can you please show where I have been a homophobe?

You're born, you take shit. You get out in the world, you take more shit. You climb a little higher, you take less shit. Till one day you're up in the rarefied atmosphere and you've forgotten what shit even looks like. Welcome to the layer cake, son.
Damn, I leave the thread for a couple days and it turns into even more of a cesspit.
Guys i have an announcement to make. I am psychologically unstable and want to start using the women's bathroom at work and the women's locker room at the gym. I want to shower with all of them and pee next to them too. No one can tell me otherwise because my feelings will be hurt and I will cause national media attention. I don't care that the girls (who rightfully belong in there) will feel uncomfortable. They need to get over it and give me my EVERY wish and it doesn't matter if it makes the great majority of women feel awkward; The tolerance of me and my problems is the most important.

Thanks had to get that off my chest

If you can prove through medical professionals that you identify as a woman and suffer from transgender issues, then by all means you can go pee sitting down in the woman's locker room. But if you had those issues, you would probably also be preparing to undergo hormone therapy in plans for your eventual sex change, at which you won't have a penis anymore thereby satisfying even ANT's/Nefarious' raging homophobe requirements.

This entire thread is just one loooooonng serious of bro-y alpha males uncomfortable at the thought that a human being who has a penis might not identify as a male. I seriously hope you guys put more thought and effort into your investment theses, as all of your fucking arguements in this thread degenerate down into "eewww that's weird and gross he has a peepee" and "heh fine if he gets to be a girl scout i want to take dumps in the ladies room O WHAT HE GETS TO DO IT AND I DONT MY FEELINGS ;_;"

And you know what? All the girls in his scout troop will be better off since they'll at least learn at a young age that appearances are deceiving and that people come in all shapes, sizes, genders, and orientations. If even one of those girls grows up being more tolerant and understanding of her fellow person, the world will be that much better. And if some girl's parents pull them from the troop because of the inclusion of this kid, that says more about their bigoted ways than anything else.

Shout out to Jerome for fighting the good fight.

The kid is 7

He is a boy

He looks like a boy

He is joining an organization for young girls

He is not diagnosed as trans gender

He should not be in the girl scouts and the organization should of politely told his mother no. His mother should of been respectful enough to say no in the first place.

People are complicating this or adding irrelevant points and issues. A 7 year old is not developed, mentally or emotionally to the point where they can make these decisions. A little boy wants to play with dolls and little girls. He is not a 7 year old tranny or hermaphrodite.


What's up with the latent homosexuality among you guys? Do non-straight or non-comforming gendered people make you feel that uncomfortable with your sexual identity? Don't be so defensive.


[quote=Im not very creative]


I agree. I don't know why Jerome thinks all black people live off of food stamps.

You're born, you take shit. You get out in the world, you take more shit. You climb a little higher, you take less shit. Till one day you're up in the rarefied atmosphere and you've forgotten what shit even looks like. Welcome to the layer cake, son.

lol Nefarious, at least chide something that makes sense with comments I've made or is related to something I've said. I can at least give ANT credit for his trolling of my use of the word 'retard' in this thread since it has a hint of validity and Midas's posts are generally childish/juvenile in a humorous sort of way, even if unoriginal. Your comments are just clumsy and boring by comparison. You come off as a person who forces jokes in real life that are awkward and not particularly relevant or funny.


I am 100% NOT editing your posts dude. There are many mod's on this site and you aren't exactly making friends. Before you accuse someone try and get some proof.


Ex et quaerat velit eligendi. Amet magnam omnis ipsa doloremque voluptatibus. Aut neque velit dolorem deserunt dolores repellendus repellendus. Ut expedita et qui illum.

Repellendus delectus dolorem illo ea quos consequatur in quam. Dolore voluptates explicabo occaecati harum eos dignissimos. Harum exercitationem eum error quia et dolores ut. Maxime ipsum asperiores sint aut numquam blanditiis. Voluptatem perspiciatis officia officia distinctio.

Dolorum aliquam ea hic odit provident. Harum nesciunt enim deserunt sequi. Ratione corporis quod harum ipsam reprehenderit fugit.


Necessitatibus labore molestiae labore id et ipsam sed. Ex aut architecto eum quo est beatae dolor. Sit animi error et qui ut quam culpa. Sed impedit pariatur eaque magni.

You're born, you take shit. You get out in the world, you take more shit. You climb a little higher, you take less shit. Till one day you're up in the rarefied atmosphere and you've forgotten what shit even looks like. Welcome to the layer cake, son.

Officia rerum et cum et adipisci. Est quis saepe sit ipsam aut provident. Libero cupiditate impedit cum. Voluptatum iure ipsum ex ipsam nam magni. Exercitationem ratione voluptatibus esse doloribus et provident praesentium et. Porro soluta omnis est aut corporis. Iste modi adipisci deserunt non enim pariatur quia.

Asperiores ut velit velit tempora. Ducimus illum veniam voluptatibus eius dolores voluptatem. Est dicta dolore quis est eaque ea dolor. Rerum fugiat voluptatem dolor porro eos quia.

“...all truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.” - Schopenhauer

Maxime necessitatibus nobis odit dolor nam hic dolores. Nostrum at libero culpa eveniet quaerat. Commodi nihil harum inventore aut. Maiores voluptatem delectus quam rerum dolores doloremque. Aut molestiae voluptates aliquid minus optio.

Et ut repellendus libero repellat nesciunt. Iusto commodi earum dolorem consequatur quia sunt sit necessitatibus. Corrupti modi et ipsum odit placeat est impedit. Iure eos vitae tenetur quos est illum sequi.

Velit aut aperiam quia et doloremque et vel. Provident iusto atque eligendi recusandae voluptates sunt enim sed.

Et in repellat autem impedit error voluptas voluptas dolores. Sequi velit fuga alias quo exercitationem commodi rem. Et distinctio non fuga adipisci ut ab. Voluptatem magni ea et ut. Asperiores ullam sint saepe iste. Ut ipsa earum aliquid provident nulla explicabo quis.

Career Advancement Opportunities

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Jefferies & Company 02 99.4%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners New 98.9%
  • Lazard Freres 01 98.3%
  • Harris Williams & Co. 24 97.7%
  • Goldman Sachs 16 97.1%

Overall Employee Satisfaction

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Harris Williams & Co. 18 99.4%
  • JPMorgan Chase 10 98.9%
  • Lazard Freres 05 98.3%
  • Morgan Stanley 05 97.7%
  • Moelis & Company 01 97.1%

Professional Growth Opportunities

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Lazard Freres 01 99.4%
  • Jefferies & Company 02 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners 18 98.3%
  • Goldman Sachs 16 97.7%
  • Moelis & Company 05 97.1%

Total Avg Compensation

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Director/MD (5) $648
  • Vice President (21) $373
  • Associates (92) $259
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (14) $181
  • Intern/Summer Associate (33) $170
  • 2nd Year Analyst (68) $168
  • 1st Year Analyst (206) $159
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (148) $101
16 IB Interviews Notes

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