Forcing Religous Institutions To Provide Birth Control…

So in all of this I quickly realize that the Gtown lawyer needs birth control for her acne or other medical issues, certainly not for sex related. I also am glad I didn't go to haggard-town for school either, but that is besides the point.

Why the hell are we forcing insurance companies to pay for BC for non medical related purposes? It doesn't prevent STD's. If you drink alcohol, chew the things, miss a couple pills, etc they are ineffective. It is also expensive.

If you want to pay for something, pay for condoms. Prevents pregnancy, STD's, cheap and effective, bang. It is also completely unbiased since men and women can use them.

Also, since when did getting laid become a medical issue? I have insurance in case I get sick, need a doctor or have a physical. If I want to have sex I go buy condoms and be done with it.

Now, unlike Rush, I do not think this chick is a slut. She is some haggard liberal, yes, but no way she can reach the hoe status. What she really is an oppressor and a thief, someone who uses her own personal belief system and then gets government to force other people to subsidize it. Her criminal and biased behavior makes me sick, but then again she testified in support of the current administration so she fits the bill.

Hey lady, save me and all of us a buck and go buy some rubbers.


Birth control is friggin unhealthy also. I wouldn't want a GF of mine to be on it and I really wouldn't trust some rando who was on it.


I don't think we can have an honest birth control conversation without mentioning ole Snooki.

...who is 3 months pregnant.

Birth control is friggin unhealthy also. I wouldn't want a GF of mine to be on it and I really wouldn't trust some rando who was on it.

Can't be serious...

"For I am a sinner in the hands of an angry God. Bloody Mary full of vodka, blessed are you among cocktails. Pray for me now and at the hour of my death, which I hope is soon. Amen."

ANT, with all due respect, why don't you educate yourself on an issue and THEN formulate an opinion. You're highly qualified to speak on finance matters, but on social issues you seem to jump first and then think. I'm not going to comment on the issue, I'm commenting on your approach.

I say this as someone who does respect you. There are a legion of impressionable kids on this site and if some little monster in the workplace spouted this shit, he'd get himself in a world of trouble. Not because everyone left of nuts is a liberal, but because social issues are as nuanced as any other area, and it's in the interest of everyone to know what you're talking about before shooting off your mouth. While this may be little more than a passing interest or some thing you read in an article, it's an actual personal issue to some people....and they might not be at all caught up in the political war but don't want to become a casualty of the zealous ideology you adhere to.

If you don't want to really learn about this stuff, then kindly go about your business. But positing absurd positions that require lengthy rebuttals is a poor mechanism of learning compared to simply absorbing knowledge. Debate is good, but at the same time, starting with some rudimentary level of knowledge makes for a quality debate as opposed to warring rabble. ie, game time is after lots of skill building and practice. Again, I say this will a due respect and hope for the best.

Kind regards,

Little green men

Get busy living
ANT, with all due respect, why don't you educate yourself on an issue and THEN formulate an opinion. You're highly qualified to speak on finance matters, but on social issues you seem to jump first and then think. I'm not going to comment on the issue, I'm commenting on your approach.

I say this as someone who does respect you. There are a legion of impressionable kids on this site and if some little monster in the workplace spouted this shit, he'd get himself in a world of trouble. Not because everyone left of nuts is a liberal, but because social issues are as nuanced as any other area, and it's in the interest of everyone to know what you're talking about before shooting off your mouth. While this may be little more than a passing interest or some thing you read in an article, it's an actual personal issue to some people....and they might not be at all caught up in the political war but don't want to become a casualty of the zealous ideology you adhere to.

If you don't want to really learn about this stuff, then kindly go about your business. But positing absurd positions that require lengthy rebuttals is a poor mechanism of learning compared to simply absorbing knowledge. Debate is good, but at the same time, starting with some rudimentary level of knowledge makes for a quality debate as opposed to warring rabble. ie, game time is after lots of skill building and practice. Again, I say this will a due respect and hope for the best.

Kind regards,

Little green men

Give me your rational? Are you debating that condoms are not only cheaper, but also have other benefits? Are you debating the fact that unlike birth control, condoms are unbiased and beneficial for men and women? Are you debating that religious institutions don't have a right to dictate what they pay for or support?

I am really not seeing the big thing that I am missing in all of this.

And young adults on this site need some solid conservatism to show that the world isn't full of bleeding hearts who cause more harm than good.

ANT, with all due respect, why don't you educate yourself on an issue and THEN formulate an opinion. You're highly qualified to speak on finance matters, but on social issues you seem to jump first and then think. I'm not going to comment on the issue, I'm commenting on your approach.

I say this as someone who does respect you. There are a legion of impressionable kids on this site and if some little monster in the workplace spouted this shit, he'd get himself in a world of trouble. Not because everyone left of nuts is a liberal, but because social issues are as nuanced as any other area, and it's in the interest of everyone to know what you're talking about before shooting off your mouth. While this may be little more than a passing interest or some thing you read in an article, it's an actual personal issue to some people....and they might not be at all caught up in the political war but don't want to become a casualty of the zealous ideology you adhere to.

If you don't want to really learn about this stuff, then kindly go about your business. But positing absurd positions that require lengthy rebuttals is a poor mechanism of learning compared to simply absorbing knowledge. Debate is good, but at the same time, starting with some rudimentary level of knowledge makes for a quality debate as opposed to warring rabble. ie, game time is after lots of skill building and practice. Again, I say this will a due respect and hope for the best.

Kind regards,

Little green men

This is the dumbest fucking statement I have ever read in my entire life. UFOinsider, you are an embarrassment to WSO. This clearly isn't a social issue, you retarded fuck. This is about gov't forcing insurance companies to cover birth control for FREE under the guise of "women's health." This kind of garbage pushes up the cost of health care for everyone, infringes on the rights of religious organizations who disagree with birth control, and completely misses the point of insurance, which is to cover catastrophic loss, damage, health occurrences etc. that can't be covered out of pocket. Violating religious liberty (see First Amendment to the United States) and basic actuarial science (see: mathematics) is NOT a social issue.

ANT, with all due respect, why don't you educate yourself on an issue and THEN formulate an opinion. You're highly qualified to speak on finance matters, but on social issues you seem to jump first and then think. I'm not going to comment on the issue, I'm commenting on your approach.

I say this as someone who does respect you. There are a legion of impressionable kids on this site and if some little monster in the workplace spouted this shit, he'd get himself in a world of trouble. Not because everyone left of nuts is a liberal, but because social issues are as nuanced as any other area, and it's in the interest of everyone to know what you're talking about before shooting off your mouth. While this may be little more than a passing interest or some thing you read in an article, it's an actual personal issue to some people....and they might not be at all caught up in the political war but don't want to become a casualty of the zealous ideology you adhere to.

If you don't want to really learn about this stuff, then kindly go about your business. But positing absurd positions that require lengthy rebuttals is a poor mechanism of learning compared to simply absorbing knowledge. Debate is good, but at the same time, starting with some rudimentary level of knowledge makes for a quality debate as opposed to warring rabble. ie, game time is after lots of skill building and practice. Again, I say this will a due respect and hope for the best.

Kind regards,

Little green men

I am sure this has been argued at length, but I had to comment.

WTF UFO? This is a social issue so ANT can't comment because he isn't "educated" on the issue? How is BC a health issue? Why the fuck should health insurance companies have to pay for it? Let me guess, you also think that companies should provide health insurance that covers transgender sex changes as well? Or can we not comment on that issue also?

Maybe you dont know this buy 75% of counties in the US offer FREE BC. FREE. Nada. Nothing. Zip. This isn't a god damn woman's right issue. No ones woman's rights are being spit on. This woman is only in the news because Obama got his ass handed to him on the Catholic Hospital being forced to provide BC, so what do the Dems do? Bring this libtwat onto the front stage spewing bullshit about how her woman's rights are being trampled on because Georgetown wont pay for her shit. Fuck her and her $200K Law School education... can't afford your BC Ms. Fluke, then you should have gotten a paying job and never gotten the $200K in law school debt. Booofuckinhoo.

Anyone who believes this has anything to do with woman's rights is fucking stupid. This is Obama covering his ass and riling up his all natural hippie base of 'woman'.

WTF UFO? This is a social issue so ANT can't comment because he isn't "educated" on the issue?

Anyone who believes this has anything to do with woman's rights is fucking stupid. This is Obama covering his ass and riling up his all natural hippie base of 'woman'.

1. He's allowed to do whatever he wants, I'm just suggesting he get a more thorough understanding of a rather serious issue. He (and a lot of guys here) are very well versed in financial matters, so when someone says "INTEREST RATES SHOULD BE ZERO BAHHHHHH!!!" they're obviously not fitting in with knowledgeable debate. When someone basically says your second point, it's just ignorant.
  1. You're partly right, but more to the point that's what he believes is right. Listen, I grew up in a conservative household where no one could wrap their mind around any non-hardcore-GOP ideas. Frankly, there's a better way to live and a lot of America (myself included) are truly sick of the knee jerk GOP stump lines. Think things through and you'll see that there's a changing and comlex reality.

Very simple example: if ANT is so worried about having to pay for a kid he doesn't want, why would he NOT be in favor of increased use of birth control? It's a contradiction. I'm a thinking person, and I know ANT is as well, so basically just take other ideas into consideration and stop parroting the idiots on FOX and AM's insulting to my intelligence to hash out Limbough's least come up with your own.

Frankly, hardline GOP kids aren't the only ones who work in finance, and the rest of us are tired of hearing it. We get it: (1) you don't want to pay taxes (2) you don't want any rules (3) the few rules that exist should preserve the current social order (4) the US should only engage in foreign matters that benefit it in a materialistic way. GOP/libertarian/conservative thinking after those points are just variations on a theme, but honestly, you'd do yourself a service to stop parsing out reality in terms of GOP v liberal. It's much more complicated. I tell my liberal friends the same thing when they start to annoy the fuck out of me.

At the end of the day, I'm just some dude who's passing through and recommending taking a look at the whole picture. A lot of these arguments are about what should be but the simple fact is that they're not. I'm merely pointing towards WHAT IS

Get busy living

In my opinion, this shouldn't even be an issue.

if I understand correctly, the insurance companies volunteered to supply free birth control because it was CHEAPER than the alternative (birth, abortions, you name it).

This whole "thing" is happening simply because it was initiated by Obama, who obviously can do no right.

But Rhaegar fought valiantly, Rhaegar fought nobly, Rhaegar fought bravely. And Rhaegar died.

I fail to see how I am not up to speed on this issue. Religious institutions don't want to have to pay for this and they shouldn't have to. You know what is cheaper than birth control? Condoms. They also prevent STD's.

If insurance companies want to pay for this I could careless. Making religious groups pay for something like this is stupid.

But please, someone, educate me on the true issue at hand.


Condoms can be cheaper, but it really depends how often youre doing it (unless youre reusing, then youve got bigger issues). bareback is just better, and if theres no fear of stds and the cost savings for condoms are negligible and you have your own med insurance then...WHAT THE PROBLEM IS?!??!

Didnt read the article though. religious groups paying for BC? I assume by "religious" we mean some sort of christian...i gave up taking bc for lent

I say fuck change, I don't chase dimes

I'm a fiscal conservative. I hate being taxed to death. I hate spending like crazy. This country is running a serious deficit and huge debt even though people are throwing their money away on income taxes. I mean, in Singapore, they have a 2 percent unemployment rate, a max tax rate of 20 percent (Washington needs to take notes) and were ranked as the 3rd fastest growing economy in the world. Washington needs to work to make our country like theirs.

But socially, while I may disagree with someone else's lifestyle, it's no one else's place to dictate to them how they should live behind closed doors. Religious groups and hardened social conservatives want to try and "put the baby back after the baby has already been conceived", meaning people are already having sex. Choosing to not pay for birth control is not only ridiculous but also irresponsible given the time that we live in. Abstinence may be ideal, but is not realistic in our society. To say that you don't feel comfortable with paying for birth control is like my above analogy. Stupid, but also unrealistic.


I completely agree, but I also don't understand why pork is unclean or why people don't eat shell fish. Doesn't mean I want to force them to do so. Religious groups don't like birth control. Don't work for them or go to schools affiliated with them.

Why is health insurance starting to cover all kinds of standard things. When will dental insurance start covering my Oral B electric and tooth paste. I mean brushing prevents cavities and it is cheaper in the long run so it might as well cover it. Same logic.

If insurance wants to cover preventative pregnancy methods, they should cover the cheapest and most unbiased, condoms.


Cool bro. BC is pretty cheap then and I am sure you can afford it. I mean condoms do the same thing, but if you want the luxury option it is on you to provide. I personally think it is unhealthy for women to be on it, but some chicks are down with it. Just don't make me subsidize your personal behavior.


when did / why do religious groups dislike birth control again? is this recent or is this like the whole its bad to let your seed fall on the ground?

Pork and shellfish (and by extension promiscuous sex) are outdated religious concepts tied to the fact that people would get sick when they ate pork or shellfish (or fucked the dirty ho down the street), thus by experience they assumed god didnt want them to engage in such activity.

I do like the toothbrush analogy though. going further and relating that to BC, why not just give everyone a doritos bag? cheaper and works just as well.

I say fuck change, I don't chase dimes

It is mainly the Catholic Church. Not really sure about the reasoning, but whatever. Why is forcing personal beliefs based on religion onto others wrong, but if you are liberal it is open season for shoving misguided beliefs onto others.

And why the hell is only birth control supported. Let me see. A woman decided on the abortion because it is her body. A woman gets free birth control because it is her body. The baby comes out and it is my financial responsibility.

Love that logic train. See guys, fairness only applies when you are not a male.

It is mainly the Catholic Church. Not really sure about the reasoning, but whatever.
Old MEN who live in a castle who are out of touch with reality. They're not all bad, but they're stubborn and stupid...there's no fool like an OLD fool.
Why is forcing personal beliefs based on religion onto others wrong, but if you are liberal it is open season for shoving misguided beliefs onto others.
Political rhetoric, moving along....
Let me see. A woman decided on the abortion because it is her body. A woman gets free birth control because it is her body. The baby comes out and it is my financial responsibility.
WHOA, I have some learning to do on this subject....
Get busy living

And why the hell is only birth control supported. Let me see. A woman decided on the abortion because it is her body. A woman gets free birth control because it is her body. The baby comes out and it is my financial responsibility.

Love that logic train. See guys, fairness only applies when you are not a male.

There's quite a bit of truth in this^^^


And why the hell is only birth control supported. Let me see. A woman decided on the abortion because it is her body. A woman gets free birth control because it is her body. The baby comes out and it is my financial responsibility.

Love that logic train. See guys, fairness only applies when you are not a male.

There's quite a bit of truth in this^^^

Really? You do realise that viagra is already covered by insurance companies right?

So - Men's sexual aides: covered Womens? Huge debate in congress.


But Rhaegar fought valiantly, Rhaegar fought nobly, Rhaegar fought bravely. And Rhaegar died.

As long as it pisses religious people off I'm all for it. Obamacare is such a clusterfuck it seems like there are more important issues than "free" (it's not really free) BC.


Why is this about religious freedom? The executive order requires (mandates) that private health plans cover birth control. We can talk about religion all day, but that only seeks to manipulate the argument between those who morally oppose birth control (slim proportion of the population) and those who do not. The real argument is whether or not the government has the authority to tell private enterprise what services they can and cannot provide. I see the birth control debate as irrelevant, it's really a debate about dictating away personal liberty.

"I'd rather die than be a phony." - Patrice O'Neal

eating, drinking, breathing and fucking are natural parts of life. we evolved to eat to excess so we can survive winters and to fuck everything in sight. i know that those of us who grew up being taught the mythology of sugarcandy mountain believe that the world's about 6000 years old and that we have to adopt a morality based on some bronze age con-men who claimed to have texts written by the pencil of God, but for the rest of us who accept human nature as it is, the idea that we would deny birth control as part of a health care plan that these students PAID for while NOT denying heart surgery for fat-asses who have lived a life of fatty foods and cigarettes is absurd beyond words.


I endorse not paying for fattie to have triple bypass. Maybe if there were consequences in life people would think twice.

Why are condoms not paid for by health care? WTF


i think being a disease-ridden slut and being a fat bastard are the same thing. it seems that the religious types are quite selective in their sin-bashing. bad sins: homoseuxality, fucking around. acceptable sins: gluttony, etc.

a person who does not have a bestial sex life would not need diaphragms, and a person who ate normally wouldn't need heart surgery and cancer treatments.

but we're all just fucking animals following instincts and if we were to put a morality test to every way we can destroy our health we'd be denying coverage to everyone and health insurance as a concept would vanish.

should we give surgery to people who wear out their joints doing sports?

should we treat hearing loss for kids who blast their ipods?

should we treat diabetics who brought it on themselves with too much sugar?

it is all or nothing.


I don't see how what I said is political rhetoric. When the Catholic Church tries to implement their views on insurance they cover, people complain or the government steps in. But it is kosher for liberals to do the exact same thing. I fail to see the difference.

The best idea would be to have insurance cover things outside your control. If you get into an accident, randomly sick, weird disease, etc. You smoke 2 packs a day for 30 years and eat a block of cheese, you caused this.

Personal responsibility is pretty scary for most people. I think it is time we start having them own up to stuff.

When the Catholic Church tries to implement their views on insurance they cover, people complain or the government steps in. But it is kosher for liberals to do the exact same thing. I fail to see the difference.

Oh boo.

Why stop at catholics? We saw the huge cumfest of righteous indignation the conservatives flew into when a muslim group tried to build a cultural centre in New York. Quit blaming the liberals for everything.

Nobody disturbs the religious folks when they make rules in their religious establishments. But when they venture into the public domain, by all means they should abide by public rules and expectations.

Would it be acceptable for a muslim to start a business and insist that all women Burqa-ed up?

But Rhaegar fought valiantly, Rhaegar fought nobly, Rhaegar fought bravely. And Rhaegar died.

Birth control pills can be taken safely by most women, but is not recommended for women who are over the age of 35 and smoke. If you don't smoke, you can use hormonal contraceptives until menopause. In addition, you should not take hormonal contraceptives if you have had:

Blood clots in the arms, legs, and lungs
Serious heart or liver disease
Cancer of the breast or uterus

If you are not sure if you are affected by one of these conditions, ask your doctor. Also, inform your doctor if you have a first-degree relative (parent, brother, sister, child) who has had blood clots in the legs or lungs.

Also, the FDA is investigating birth control pills that contain drospirenone, including YAZ and Yasmin. The decision is based on two new studies that suggest an increased risk for blood clots in women taking pills containing drospirenone, a man-made version of the hormone progesterone. Other brands containing drospirenone include Beyaz, Safyral, Gianvi, Loryna, Ocella, Syeda, and Zarah.

Besides that, why would you give up YOUR reproductive rights.

Men, gather round and let gramps drop some knowledge. Women piss and moan about THEIR reproductive rights until it comes time to cut a check and then it is YOUR problem. I know plenty of dudes who are no dads because their GF "forgot" to take a pill or was a moron taking it. Take control of YOUR reproductive rights and make sure you don't breed until you want to.

Condoms FTW

Condoms FTW


Just no.

"For I am a sinner in the hands of an angry God. Bloody Mary full of vodka, blessed are you among cocktails. Pray for me now and at the hour of my death, which I hope is soon. Amen."
Condoms FTW


Just no.

Go get sheep skin or something super thin with no STD protection if you are trusting and in a relationship. That or you put your financial security into a woman's hands. Don't PM me when your GF "forgets" to take her pill or she boozes on it or something else.


sure bc isnt healthy, neith are potato chips, but if they made my gf's tits bigger then i sure as hell want her eating them

I say fuck change, I don't chase dimes

That is fine and well my friend and everything is a calculated risk. I just prefer controlling my world as much as possible. Last thing I want is to find out an accident is now my financial ruin.


So only conservatives were pissed about the Islamic Center in NYC? Not normal New Yorkers? Sureeee

Catholics pay for the insurance they should be able to dictate some things on it. Real simple. Birth Control is a personal decision anyway. What is with this mission creep when it comes to what is insurable.

And if a Muslim wants to have a business and require an employee uniform, perfectly fine. I mean it would be the like a shitty Hooters.

So only conservatives were pissed about the Islamic Center in NYC? Not normal New Yorkers? Sureeee


So only liberals are interested in employer provided/subsidized birth control? Not normal "moderates"?


But Rhaegar fought valiantly, Rhaegar fought nobly, Rhaegar fought bravely. And Rhaegar died.
So only conservatives were pissed about the Islamic Center in NYC? Not normal New Yorkers? Sureeee


So only liberals are interested in employer provided/subsidized birth control? Not normal "moderates"?


No, I am sure moderates would like it, but that doesn't mean it is right. Why is the Federal Government forcing or trying to force a religious organization to pay for something they have been rather outspoken about. Since when did birth control become on the same level as life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Condoms are a cheap and common alternative. Don't make me pay for someone else's person decision. Furthermore, don't make me pay for a completely biased, sexist agenda. As a white male, I feel offended by the cultural and sexual insensitivity of this administration.

Where are my free condoms?

So only conservatives were pissed about the Islamic Center in NYC? Not normal New Yorkers? Sureeee

Catholics pay for the insurance they should be able to dictate some things on it. Real simple. Birth Control is a personal decision anyway. What is with this mission creep when it comes to what is insurable.

And if a Muslim wants to have a business and require an employee uniform, perfectly fine. I mean it would be the like a shitty Hooters.

I am New Yorker and I hate no issue with them building a Mosque and a lot of New Yorkers didn't as well..It was people in other States like Jersey and people from bumblefuck L.I coming to down town to protest..


Naah, it's not big and it's not funny. Ant thinks he's the dogs bollox because he's doing pretty good in a shitty economy.

The average american doesn't have the choices people on here have, most times due to no fault of theirs. Why should they lose out on opportunities because some dude in rome who used to tumble choirboys says so?

There have to be rules otherwise the weak will suffer.

But Rhaegar fought valiantly, Rhaegar fought nobly, Rhaegar fought bravely. And Rhaegar died.
Naah, it's not big and it's not funny. Ant thinks he's the dogs bollox because he's doing pretty good in a shitty economy.

The average american doesn't have the choices people on here have, most times due to no fault of theirs. Why should they lose out on opportunities because some dude in rome who used to tumble choirboys says so?

There have to be rules otherwise the weak will suffer.

Nice, insult a persons religion because you don't agree with it.

If you feel so strongly about this why don't you donate your money and pay for it. I've bought my own birth control my entire life, why should someone else get it for free.

Plenty of places give away free condoms, I suggest the poor go there. I am not interested in subsidizing their personal and freely made decisions.

Naah, it's not big and it's not funny. Ant thinks he's the dogs bollox because he's doing pretty good in a shitty economy.

The average american doesn't have the choices people on here have, most times due to no fault of theirs. Why should they lose out on opportunities because some dude in rome who used to tumble choirboys says so?

There have to be rules otherwise the weak will suffer.

Nice, insult a persons religion because you don't agree with it.

If you feel so strongly about this why don't you donate your money and pay for it. I've bought my own birth control my entire life, why should someone else get it for free.

Plenty of places give away free condoms, I suggest the poor go there. I am not interested in subsidizing their personal and freely made decisions.

Incidentally, I'm a christian. I simply have no respect for anyone who tries to use religion as a means of control. Simple. When we start voting for the pope, I'll take him more seriously. Oh and there was indeed buggery at a rather alarming rate in the catholic church.

I have a better idea. If you don't like the policies the government proposes, leave the country. I'm sure there are loads of countries where you'll be allowed to "pay for your own birth control".

But Rhaegar fought valiantly, Rhaegar fought nobly, Rhaegar fought bravely. And Rhaegar died.

ANT, while it is clearly wrong to force shit on private institutions (religious or otherwise), I think we ought to make an exception just this once. I am extremely fiscally conservative, but every time the issue of contraception/abortion comes up, I always vote to make them more accessible. Besides, the worst thing for a child is to have parents who resent and neglect it. Think about it, do you really want the kind of liberal scum who whine for free shit, to reproduce?

Calling Ron Paul an isolationist is like calling your neighbor a hermit because he doesn't come over to your property and break your windows.
ANT, while it is clearly wrong to force shit on private institutions (religious or otherwise), I think we ought to make an exception just this once. I am extremely fiscally conservative, but every time the issue of contraception/abortion comes up, I always vote to make them more accessible. Besides, the worst thing for a child is to have parents who resent and neglect it. Think about it, do you really want the kind of liberal scum who whine for free shit, to reproduce?

I am 100% anti human and all for birth control, sterilization, etc.

Listen, this is more of a theoretical argument for myself anyway. I think the vast majority of people do not want freedom or personal control and therefore should have the government tell them what to do. In my mind those who turn away from freedom deserve the jackboot of police state on their necks. With that said, in a theoretical world, the government has no business telling a private entity what they should have to pay for in this regard.

It is pretty simple. Don't work for a Catholic agency. I mean if you don't support the Catholic Church and its beliefs, fine, don't work for them. Why are we now a society where we force our view of tolerance, which is really just PC intolerance, onto others. Let Catholic Church's be against birth control and just turn the other cheek.

As far as me moving to another country because I don't like the government, you must be joking. I can tell you are not an American because your statements reek of social engineering big government Europe. In the US, theoretically, we still believe in limited government and personal responsibility. I realize we are going down the drain and this country is slowly becoming like Europe, and by default a worthless pile of trash, but alas, what can you do. Just minimize the taxes you pay, maximize the benefit you derive and let everyone else enjoy mediocrity.

ANT, while it is clearly wrong to force shit on private institutions (religious or otherwise), I think we ought to make an exception just this once. I am extremely fiscally conservative, but every time the issue of contraception/abortion comes up, I always vote to make them more accessible. Besides, the worst thing for a child is to have parents who resent and neglect it. Think about it, do you really want the kind of liberal scum who whine for free shit, to reproduce?

I am 100% anti human and all for birth control, sterilization, etc.

Listen, this is more of a theoretical argument for myself anyway. I think the vast majority of people do not want freedom or personal control and therefore should have the government tell them what to do. In my mind those who turn away from freedom deserve the jackboot of police state on their necks. With that said, in a theoretical world, the government has no business telling a private entity what they should have to pay for in this regard.

It is pretty simple. Don't work for a Catholic agency. I mean if you don't support the Catholic Church and its beliefs, fine, don't work for them. Why are we now a society where we force our view of tolerance, which is really just PC intolerance, onto others. Let Catholic Church's be against birth control and just turn the other cheek.

As far as me moving to another country because I don't like the government, you must be joking. I can tell you are not an American because your statements reek of social engineering big government Europe. In the US, theoretically, we still believe in limited government and personal responsibility. I realize we are going down the drain and this country is slowly becoming like Europe, and by default a worthless pile of trash, but alas, what can you do. Just minimize the taxes you pay, maximize the benefit you derive and let everyone else enjoy mediocrity.

Hahaha. You're right though, I'm not american. BUT! I'm not european either (nor am I asian. Nuff said).

Of course I don't want you leaving the US, that was symbolic.

I feel that a large group of people living together MUST have a set of rules guiding them, otherwise stuff goes to shit really quickly.

I don't believe in unnecessarily big government, but i believe in some form of government (May I also point out that most conservatives/republicans do actually believe in big government).

It's easy to say "don't work for the catholic government" in the world of today after the radical social engineering by said catholic church in the last couple of centuries has now been torn down, but what happens if the catholic church owns a majority of industry? What then??

Listen, very often, you make excellent points on this forum, but in the end, you're just a lib hating mo-fo who feels that libs can do no right. There I disagree. There have to be rules, otherwise large individuals will abuse the system.

I'm of the opinion that the current tight place this country finds itself is as a result of bad government, NOT big government.

But Rhaegar fought valiantly, Rhaegar fought nobly, Rhaegar fought bravely. And Rhaegar died.
Let Catholic Church's be against birth control and just turn the other cheek.
I'm Catholic and there's a legion of other Catholics that 1. Are for birth control 2. Are pro choice 3. Support women clergy 4. Want priests to be allowed to marry 5. and a whole shit load of other things that the last few popes are too stupid to talk about

Just like the USA, there's a lot of factions pushing for change / their own agenda within the existing framework. And by a lot, I'm talking about an overwhelming majority that don't accept 100% of what Rome says. Take a look:………

Catholics are an easy target because they have a centralized organization, and evangelicals are totally decentralized so they never have to be truly accountable for their beliefs. They have a "personal relationship" which just means they can change their mind whenever they want and not be responsible for what their political factions have done. But the simple truth is, the evangelical idiots are the ones who are most vocal about this stuff.

Just throwing this into the mix.

Get busy living

just can't wait until muslims and hindus start opening their own colleges and try to impose their wacky views on american society. catholics are weird enough without having people who worship meteorites and 300 gods at once getting into the fray of delusional lunatics that we call the religious.

just can't wait until muslims and hindus start opening their own colleges and try to impose their wacky views on american society. catholics are weird enough without having people who worship meteorites and 300 gods at once getting into the fray of delusional lunatics that we call the religious.

I support this. Private citizens banding together, with beliefs different than mine, not using tax dollars to do something. Sounds like core Americana.

just can't wait until muslims and hindus start opening their own colleges and try to impose their wacky views on american society. catholics are weird enough without having people who worship meteorites and 300 gods at once getting into the fray of delusional lunatics that we call the religious.

I support this. Private citizens banding together, with beliefs different than mine, not using tax dollars to do something. Sounds like core Americana.

Really? How about if they use their money and power to influence you directly? Like, I dunno, creating a "sharia law zone" in your neighborhood, after they band together and buy all the houses (apart from yours of course)? Still good? What if they also close down all the butcher shops (No beef for you), and start charging tolls to drive on the neighborhood roads? Still no tax dollars, government can't intervene. What if they opened bad-ass tanning industries in every house around yours, creating a rather interesting miasma, as well as chemical poisoning? (No government planning, it's all private property, etc). The speed at which things would go south would shock you mate.

PS - I have no idea if tanning shops even exist in today's world, I simply know they were unhealthy to live around.

But Rhaegar fought valiantly, Rhaegar fought nobly, Rhaegar fought bravely. And Rhaegar died.

Catholics do not run this country, Kennedy being the only Catholic President (and we know what happened to him lol). Catholics have some hospitals and a handful of universities. Not a huge deal. If isn't as if not working for a Catholic affiliated organization is a hard thing.

I also believe in government as did the founding fathers. But I believe in a limited one, one that takes care of stuff that the person or state cannot do. This country is in a mess because of too much government. Government is always bad, always inefficient and always power hungry. Such is the nature of man. We must force a limited and small government to exist to ensure that our freedoms are protected.

And no, liberals cannot ever do good. They intend to, but intentions lead to ruin. If they care so much they are free to do as they please with their own money, but not implement their personal opinions and take my money for their purposes.

Catholics do not run this country, Kennedy being the only Catholic President (and we know what happened to him lol). Catholics have some hospitals and a handful of universities. Not a huge deal. If isn't as if not working for a Catholic affiliated organization is a hard thing.

I also believe in government as did the founding fathers. But I believe in a limited one, one that takes care of stuff that the person or state cannot do. This country is in a mess because of too much government. Government is always bad, always inefficient and always power hungry. Such is the nature of man. We must force a limited and small government to exist to ensure that our freedoms are protected.

And no, liberals cannot ever do good. They intend to, but intentions lead to ruin. If they care so much they are free to do as they please with their own money, but not implement their personal opinions and take my money for their purposes.

I have no idea how this makes any sense. If government is always bad, why don't we scrap it entirely and see how that works? After all smaller is better right?

If government is too big, shrink it (It's currently too big IMO) If it's too small, grow it. There has to be a constant change in the size of government to match the need of the period. This country used to have small (and extremely corrupt) government. Cue robber barons and extremely large individuals taking advantage of the general populace.

But Rhaegar fought valiantly, Rhaegar fought nobly, Rhaegar fought bravely. And Rhaegar died.

Kind of unrelated, but the only thing pulling the GOP down is the social-manipulation angle (ALL Blacks are criminals, ALL Muslims are terrorists, etc). I personally know many fiscally-conservative-socially-liberal Muslims who are Democrats, simply because they fear that if Republicans come to power, they would be sent packing for Guantanamo Bay without any proof/warrant, despite the fact that they're born 'n bred US citizens. I know equally numerous Black Democrats who loathe the tone of retards like Newt. The fact that many Blacks guilt-trip them if they don't vote for Obama only makes things worse.

IMO: Paul>Romney>Obama. The rest should not even be under consideration.

Calling Ron Paul an isolationist is like calling your neighbor a hermit because he doesn't come over to your property and break your windows.
Kind of unrelated, but the only thing pulling the GOP down is the social-manipulation angle (ALL Blacks are criminals, ALL Muslims are terrorists, etc). I personally know many fiscally-conservative-socially-liberal Muslims who are Democrats, simply because they fear that if Republicans come to power, they would be sent packing for Guantanamo Bay without any proof/warrant, despite the fact that they're born 'n bred US citizens. I know equally numerous Black Democrats who loathe the tone of retards like Newt. The fact that many Blacks guilt-trip them if they don't vote for Obama only makes things worse.

IMO: Paul>Romney>Obama. The rest should not even be under consideration.

Democrats weakness is their hydra approach towards things. Besides, fear motivates people. Just like Muslims will vote Dem because they are afraid of Gitmo, so will most of white middle America because they are afraid of "tolerance" coming to town and force feeding it to people.

The Dem's are screwed. Their entire voting block is made up of people who depend on hand outs. Eventually the debt will get too high and they will not only have to cut hand outs, but increase taxes. Both of which will cause people to tar and feather them.

Kind of unrelated, but the only thing pulling the GOP down is the social-manipulation angle (ALL Blacks are criminals, ALL Muslims are terrorists, etc). I personally know many fiscally-conservative-socially-liberal Muslims who are Democrats, simply because they fear that if Republicans come to power, they would be sent packing for Guantanamo Bay without any proof/warrant, despite the fact that they're born 'n bred US citizens. I know equally numerous Black Democrats who loathe the tone of retards like Newt. The fact that many Blacks guilt-trip them if they don't vote for Obama only makes things worse.

IMO: Paul>Romney>Obama. The rest should not even be under consideration.

Democrats weakness is their hydra approach towards things. Besides, fear motivates people. Just like Muslims will vote Dem because they are afraid of Gitmo, so will most of white middle America because they are afraid of "tolerance" coming to town and force feeding it to people.

The Dem's are screwed. Their entire voting block is made up of people who depend on hand outs. Eventually the debt will get too high and they will not only have to cut hand outs, but increase taxes. Both of which will cause people to tar and feather them.

I don't understand how a so-called libertarian can say this with a straight face.

The biggest recipients of government handouts are (wait for it) large corporations and individuals who game the system to get preferential treatment.

Taxes? You get to work on the tube, you drive on roads. You MUST pay some form of taxes.

Actually, it's the republicans who are up shit creek (well, both parties are). Over the last 20 years, republicans have spent much more than democrats when they were in power.

Oh by the way both parties are controlled by wealthy individuals. There is NO difference between Barack and Romney, apart from the fact that Romney plans to raise taxes on the poor and cut taxes on the rich (which will happen). He also plans to take out all loopholes (which we all know won't happen). So instead of a country resembling modern day europe, we'll end up with a country resembling feudal europe. Great idea.

But Rhaegar fought valiantly, Rhaegar fought nobly, Rhaegar fought bravely. And Rhaegar died.

I am a protestant and believe in eating meat during Lent, doesn't mean I speak for the entire religion. My whole point is if we are going to preach tolerance we should be tolerant of others intolerance. Tolerance is not a license to destroy what we perceive as other peoples intolerance, just let them be.

Tooth paste is expensive and preventative. So is my gym membership. So is my sun screen. So is my Brita filter and organic food. When can I deduct these things or have health insurance pay for it.

Where do we draw the line?

I am a protestant and believe in eating meat during Lent, doesn't mean I speak for the entire religion. My whole point is if we are going to preach tolerance we should be tolerant of others intolerance. Tolerance is not a license to destroy what we perceive as other peoples intolerance, just let them be.

Tooth paste is expensive and preventative. So is my gym membership. So is my sun screen. So is my Brita filter and organic food. When can I deduct these things or have health insurance pay for it.

Where do we draw the line?

I see your point. I actually believe that a tolerant society shouldn't tolerate any intolerance. At least not within it. Intolerance has an ability to undo any and all progress that a tolerant society makes.

But Rhaegar fought valiantly, Rhaegar fought nobly, Rhaegar fought bravely. And Rhaegar died.

The nature of man is to abuse power. Government is like a nuclear reaction. Controlled and watched creates clean energy, turn a blind eye and it goes bomb.

And the general populace will always be taken advantage of.

The nature of man is to abuse power. Government is like a nuclear reaction. Controlled and watched creates clean energy, turn a blind eye and it goes bomb.

And the general populace will always be taken advantage of.

On this we agree. 100%.

But Rhaegar fought valiantly, Rhaegar fought nobly, Rhaegar fought bravely. And Rhaegar died.

Who dictates what tolerance is and the second you begin to not tolerate something you don't like, you become intolerant. Freedom of speech isn't there to protect popular speech.

Republicans might have spent to the hilt, but the masses still see the Republicans as small government, budget cutting. Thank you Tea Party.

Like I have said in countless posts, I really don't care. Minimize your personal taxes, make money and let the rest fend for themselves. I no longer donate money to any cause that benefits people directly other than the arts and zoos. If the government wants to supplant private charities, don't expect me to hear the cries for help when the tax man is busy shaking me down.

Let them eat cake.


This whole thread is tl;dr. All I know is ANT started a topic about social issues, so I thought, oh shit everyone duck, and then ... his OP was pretty reasonable. Not that that stopped the usual suspects from flaming him.

This is why I should only read finance topics on here. The funny thing is, a lot of it is libertarians who don't want "nutty religious people" to have freedom.



1.) BC isn't only taken to prevent pregnancies, it's also taken for other female anatomy issues (extended, painful periods, and other such things that make me queasy.)

2.) Ok, so, let's say that a Catholic run hospital doesn't want to cover BC in their health insurance plans. Aren't they in-turn imposing their religious views on their employees, not all of whom share those beliefs?

3.) More importantly, this could have some unintended slippery slope type consequences.

This nonsensical position is based on religious beliefs which cannot be proven and are based upon a thousands of years old book filled with contradictions that doesn't even mention contraception and is therefore being interpreted by a group of celibate old men (who institutionalized the raping of little boys).

Given the belief-system based nature of their objections, couldn't ANY organization refuse to pay for ANY sort of health insurance coverage based upon a belief system? I mean, I could run a business and say that it is my deeply held religious belief that only prayer can be used to heal the sick or injured and therefore refuse to pay for ANY health insurance coverage.

Or, maybe I'm a young Earth creationist who interprets the Bible literally. I could then refuse to pay for coverage for employees who eat shell fish and don't pray on the Sabbath.

Or, maybe I'm a Pastafarian and my belief system morally won't let me pay for health insurance procedures to anyone who eats Spaghetti.

I'm honestly sick of the cow towing to backward religious groups that goes on this country. It's a fucking joke.


I'll add this. If a religious group does not want to comply with a law because of it's religious beliefs, then it should have to defend it's beliefs. Simply asserting their beliefs is not enough.

Ant, you said this in your initial post:

"Now, unlike Rush, I do not think this chick is a slut. She is some haggard liberal, yes, but no way she can reach the hoe status. What she really is an oppressor and a thief, someone who uses her own personal belief system and then gets government to force other people to subsidize it. Her criminal and biased behavior makes me sick, but then again she testified in support of the current administration so she fits the bill."

I don't think she is pushing a personal belief system, she is arguing that a group, the Church, should not be able to push THEIR belief system on employees who may or may not share it. She's arguing from a reasoned, rational position with an understanding that BC is not just for stopping babies from being made, but also for women's health issues. Reason is not a belief system.

Also, why the need to call her a haggard liberal? Nice ad hominem attack.


i'd love to see a Christian Science university's health plan. the only treatment they'd cover is prayer and faith healing.


I mentioned in my first post that I support BC being covered for medical reasons.

A private institution should be able to set their own standards. The Catholic Church is not a proponent of BC and should not be forced to pay for it. No one is being forced to work for a religious organization.

Whether you believe in god or not or worship something else, freedom of personal belief needs to be protected. If you don't want religion forced on you, you should not force non religious view points on them.

Tolerance works both ways.


Right, but you also shouldn't be able to force your religious views on your employees. Catholic hospitals don't solely employ Catholics.

Either way, I don't think the Catholic Church has any legs to stand on given what it did to so many young boys for so many years and the subsequent cover-up. They have zero moral authority and can eat a dick.

Fact: I'll have premarital sex with a girl on BC up front of the Pope while I wear his silly hat.


Also - I don't have to tolerate shit when it's put out in the public square. "Oh you have to tolerate their religious beliefs!" If it stays in their Churches and homes, sure. But, when they push it into the public square and try and push laws based on their so-called faith, then I don't have to tolerate jack shit. You want to push laws based on your non-sense? Fine, but first...prove your non-sense.

Also - I don't have to tolerate shit when it's put out in the public square. "Oh you have to tolerate their religious beliefs!" If it stays in their Churches and homes, sure. But, when they push it into the public square and try and push laws based on their so-called faith, then I don't have to tolerate jack shit. You want to push laws based on your non-sense? Fine, but first...prove your non-sense.

"We shouldn't even have the word "atheism". If people didn't invent ridiculous imaginary Gods, rational people wouldn't have to deny them." Ricky G.


1) If you do not like a groups beliefs, don't work for them. The Federal government makes me sick, hence why I will never work a government job. I don't like unions and would never unionize. A lot of people don't like Monsanto and choose not to work for them. The Catholic Church can choose to pay for whatever it wants. Providing health insurance is not a requirement, but a nice benefit.

2) How is this in the public square? This issue is being broadcast because the government thinks it has a right to dictate what religious groups should do.

And finally, once again with the religious hate. Who fucking cares. I can never understand why people get so uptight about people who have faith in something else. No matter what you believe of don't believe, there is an element of faith in everything. Maybe there is no God, maybe their is, who fucking knows. To bitch and moan about it is childish though.

Frankly, I think it is rather nice that Catholic institutions even offer health insurance to begin with.


I'm not bitching and moaning about people having faith in something. People can believe whatever they want to believe. My issue, again, is with them pushing their views onto others and/or pushing laws based on religion.

Again, I am not an atheist, as you seem to portray me. That said, I'm smart enough to not look to ancient books of easily refuted non-sense for my belief system.

Btw, if a Catholic institution didn't offer health insurance coverage at all, it would be so hysterically hypocritical of them. Not as hypocritical as institutionalized raping of little boys and conspiring to cover up the rapes, but still hypocritical.

Can someone even point to the part of the Bible that says that contraception is immoral? Seriously. I'm highly curious to see what lines from the book a group of old white virgin men use to justify this silly stance.

I'm not bitching and moaning about people having faith in something. People can believe whatever they want to believe. My issue, again, is with them pushing their views onto others and/or pushing laws based on religion.

Again, I am not an atheist, as you seem to portray me. That said, I'm smart enough to not look to ancient books of easily refuted non-sense for my belief system.

Btw, if a Catholic institution didn't offer health insurance coverage at all, it would be so hysterically hypocritical of them. Not as hypocritical as institutionalized raping of little boys and conspiring to cover up the rapes, but still hypocritical.

Can someone even point to the part of the Bible that says that contraception is immoral? Seriously. I'm highly curious to see what lines from the book a group of old white virgin men use to justify this silly stance.

Did I say you were an atheist? Ease off man. As if I am some bastion of religion with my beliefs. All I am saying is let people do whatever the fuck they want.


The separation of Church and State goes both ways. Forcing religious institutions to provide payment for services to which they are diametrically opposed directly violates the founding principles of this nation. It doesn't matter if you agree with their religious worldview - that is what makes (or "has" made) America great.

Can someone even point to the part of the Bible that says that contraception is immoral? Seriously. I'm highly curious to see what lines from the book a group of old white virgin men use to justify this silly stance.

Learn the reasoning behind the stance before condemning it outright. The Catholic Church does not preach a completely literal interpretation of the Bible and it does not predicate its stances on social issues on whether it can "point to a specific part of the Bible." Biblical fundamentalism is not a major tenet of the Church.

Vatican leaders are quick to acknowledge that the Bible was written in a significantly different context than the world we live in, yet they believe that the messages it contains can provide useful insight into how to live a "good" life. The Catholic interpretation of the Bible developed a worldview which holds that "pro-human" actions are morally right and "anti-human" actions are morally wrong. This philosophy is what underlies the Church's position on the issues of abortion, contraception, etc. They consider contraception to be wrong because it "denies the fullness of human sexuality" and eliminates the production of new life, which they believe is intrinsically valuable.

Note: I attend a Catholic institution and have had to take a bunch of world theology / Catholic philosophy classes. While I definitely disagree with some of the Church's stances, it is important to note that the reasoning behind them are philosophical and not based upon textual reference.

Impossible is nothing

EPS - does that mean that I'm destroying the possibility of life everytime I rub one out? Do you see how silly this line of thinking is on the part of the church?

I understand, to a degree, people who are opposed to abortion. I don't think you need religion to feel one way or another on that issue. But, being against contraception? What a joke.


it doesnt matter if you agree with their view or not in this case - that is why America has the rights to free speech and the separation of church and state. the church shouldnt get involved in the gov'ts business and the gov't shouldnt get involved in

Best Response
EPS - does that mean that I'm destroying the possibility of life everytime I rub one out? Do you see how silly this line of thinking is on the part of the church?

I understand, to a degree, people who are opposed to abortion. I don't think you need religion to feel one way or another on that issue. But, being against contraception? What a joke.

Yeah, they would say that it does prevent the possibility of life, namely in the sense that you would be using your sex organs for a purpose other than their intended "natural" function of creating new life. Personally, I feel that this line of thinking is subject to the naturalistic fallacy (i.e. it employs an undefended moral assumption that what is "natural" must also be right), but that is just my opinion.

As for the second part, I don't see it being out of the question at all for religious institutions to be involved in debating social issues like abortion. At its very core, what is a religion other than a moral system dictating how to live a good life by acting in the "right" ways? It seems to me that these topics are well within the realm of commentary by religion.

I agree with you on contraception though. I think that being against contraception is dangerous, especially in Third World countries that have absurdly high population growth rates where there aren't enough resources as it is. Nevertheless, the separation of Church and State indicates that the government has no right to interfere and force a religious institution to provide services that are directly against its teachings.

Impossible is nothing

This is clearly a violation of the first amendment. Students are free to go to whichever institution they want. At no point is a student or employee forced to work with her institution. I agree with ANT. Limbaugh is clearly an idiot but Fluke clearly represents a group of elitist liberals who want to impose their warped worldview on others. It is amazing to see people just silently accept this as anything short of a violation of employer rights.

I'm a christian and also a libertarian. I find the mainstream republican party repulsive and the democrats just a group of self interested elitists who take advantage of minority groups. As for those who usually bring up the question, "why should we allow one religious group to impose one view on the other ?", the constitution is, if you didn't know, pretty much as religious as a document can get.

Where did the founders get the ideas of "liberty" and "equality" from ? It had to come from somewhere, because there are plenty of countries that don't assume equality and liberty and the ideas of private property etc. .The american constitution wasn't the first to stress private property etc., as it was actually inspired by people like John Locke etc. Private property, in Locke’s view, existed under natural law before the establishment of political authority. It followed that a principal purpose of government was to safeguard natural property rights. Now where did John Locke get these ideas from ? From Christianity and from the Bible. Even if you're loathe to concede that, you'd still have to assume a creator and subscribe to some sort of deism.

A few more points

  1. The Bible is NOT against contraception. The Catholic church may or not be. I don't know why.
  2. If you argue for liberty, you'd have to argue for liberty of the unborn child. Therefore the argument against abortion is not just a religous argument, but also an argument for liberty. The thing is if you justify the murder of an unborn child there is good reason to even kill a new born child. Ethicists are now on their way to making the argument.…
  3. It is hard to see the western world where it is without its great educational institutions. And its greatest institutions, the ivy league, with the exception of Cornell, were established by christian people for christian education. If you don't believe me, look at the mottos of Columbia,Yale,Dartmouth etc..
  4. Isn't it funny to see the probable decline of America coincide with the rise of "liberal" thought ?
This is clearly a violation of the first amendment. Students are free to go to whichever institution they want. At no point is a student or employee forced to work with her institution. I agree with ANT. Limbaugh is clearly an idiot but Fluke clearly represents a group of elitist liberals who want to impose their warped worldview on others. It is amazing to see people just silently accept this as anything short of a violation of employer rights.

I'm a christian and also a libertarian. I find the mainstream republican party repulsive and the democrats just a group of self interested elitists who take advantage of minority groups. As for those who usually bring up the question, "why should we allow one religious group to impose one view on the other ?", the constitution is, if you didn't know, pretty much as religious as a document can get.

Where did the founders get the ideas of "liberty" and "equality" from ? It had to come from somewhere, because there are plenty of countries that don't assume equality and liberty and the ideas of private property etc. .The american constitution wasn't the first to stress private property etc., as it was actually inspired by people like John Locke etc. Private property, in Locke’s view, existed under natural law before the establishment of political authority. It followed that a principal purpose of government was to safeguard natural property rights. Now where did John Locke get these ideas from ? From Christianity and from the Bible. Even if you're loathe to concede that, you'd still have to assume a creator and subscribe to some sort of deism.

A few more points

  1. The Bible is NOT against contraception. The Catholic church may or not be. I don't know why.
  2. If you argue for liberty, you'd have to argue for liberty of the unborn child. Therefore the argument against abortion is not just a religous argument, but also an argument for liberty. The thing is if you justify the murder of an unborn child there is good reason to even kill a new born child. Ethicists are now on their way to making the argument.…
  3. It is hard to see the western world where it is without its great educational institutions. And its greatest institutions, the ivy league, with the exception of Cornell, were established by christian people for christian education. If you don't believe me, look at the mottos of Columbia,Yale,Dartmouth etc..
  4. Isn't it funny to see the probable decline of America coincide with the rise of "liberal" thought ?

I'm afraid your number 4 is quite nonsensical, you need to stop listening to Beck and Limbaugh.

Conservative and liberal are relative statements. Based on the beliefs of the time, the USA was founded on LIBERAL and PROGRESSIVE ideas. The conservative idea of the time would have been for the USA to remain under the king of England. There is a time to be liberal. There is a time to be conservative.

But Rhaegar fought valiantly, Rhaegar fought nobly, Rhaegar fought bravely. And Rhaegar died.
This is clearly a violation of the first amendment. Students are free to go to whichever institution they want. At no point is a student or employee forced to work with her institution. I agree with ANT. Limbaugh is clearly an idiot but Fluke clearly represents a group of elitist liberals who want to impose their warped worldview on others. It is amazing to see people just silently accept this as anything short of a violation of employer rights.

I'm a christian and also a libertarian. I find the mainstream republican party repulsive and the democrats just a group of self interested elitists who take advantage of minority groups. As for those who usually bring up the question, "why should we allow one religious group to impose one view on the other ?", the constitution is, if you didn't know, pretty much as religious as a document can get.

Where did the founders get the ideas of "liberty" and "equality" from ? It had to come from somewhere, because there are plenty of countries that don't assume equality and liberty and the ideas of private property etc. .The american constitution wasn't the first to stress private property etc., as it was actually inspired by people like John Locke etc. Private property, in Locke’s view, existed under natural law before the establishment of political authority. It followed that a principal purpose of government was to safeguard natural property rights. Now where did John Locke get these ideas from ? From Christianity and from the Bible. Even if you're loathe to concede that, you'd still have to assume a creator and subscribe to some sort of deism.

A few more points

  1. The Bible is NOT against contraception. The Catholic church may or not be. I don't know why.
  2. If you argue for liberty, you'd have to argue for liberty of the unborn child. Therefore the argument against abortion is not just a religous argument, but also an argument for liberty. The thing is if you justify the murder of an unborn child there is good reason to even kill a new born child. Ethicists are now on their way to making the argument.…
  3. It is hard to see the western world where it is without its great educational institutions. And its greatest institutions, the ivy league, with the exception of Cornell, were established by christian people for christian education. If you don't believe me, look at the mottos of Columbia,Yale,Dartmouth etc..
  4. Isn't it funny to see the probable decline of America coincide with the rise of "liberal" thought ?

I'm afraid your number 4 is quite nonsensical, you need to stop listening to Beck and Limbaugh.

Conservative and liberal are relative statements. Based on the beliefs of the time, the USA was founded on LIBERAL and PROGRESSIVE ideas. The conservative idea of the time would have been for the USA to remain under the king of England. There is a time to be liberal. There is a time to be conservative.

I thought it was clear, but my mention of "liberal","progressive" thought was made in reference to people like Fluke etc. It is obviously not a reference to the liberal ideas of the founders etc. The Republicans were liberals once. The democrats were against slavery once. It is also not a reference to liberal classical thought. I think you very well know what I mean, but you're just using the disconnect to prove your point, whatever that is. Though Conservative and literal are relative statements, for the purpose of this discussion, we are referring to popular definitions of the term.

I don't listen to Beck/Limbaugh. But why do you want to prove your point by vilifying someone for listening to them ? Argue on the merit of someones points, not on what/who he listens to, or who he is.


The man who has everything figured out is probably a fool. It takes a very smart fella to say “I don’t know the answer!” - Inherit the wind

make of it what you will.



1.) We do not need to assert a creator

2.) The ideas of liberty and freedom and the basis of our Constitution do not require a God. Again, you can assert it, but that doesn't make it true.

3.) How does the Bible really give rise to the ideas of Freedom? It's gives a thumbs-up to slavery and has a bunch of archaic rules for sheep herders.

Sounds like someone reads a little too much of David Barton's rewriting of history and like someone listens to a little too much Mark Levin.

le_neocon:1.) We do not need to assert a creator 2.) The ideas of liberty and freedom and the basis of our Constitution do not require a God. Again, you can assert it, but that doesn't make it true.
Although this is somewhat off-topic, le_neocon is actually correct about John Locke being source of the ideas that underlie the founding of this nation. I think what he's talking about here is the notion that without a Creator, humans cannot have "innate rights" as is assumed and asserted in the Constitution, only whatever rights are provided for them by law. This is significant, given that most are taught from a young age and later just assume in this country that we have these innate rights to freedom, liberty, etc. If we get rid of this idea, we must then admit that we only have such rights because the government allows us to have them, not because they've been instilled within us by virtue of our being human (which is a notion that should be considered BS by someone with a purely secular worldview). John Locke's ideas concerning the fact that humans have the "natural right" to 1.) freedom and 2.) private property (he had arguments for why) directly influenced the Founding Fathers when they were writing the Constitution.

Logically speaking, ideas of "life's purpose," "natural rights," etc fall by the wayside when one takes a deity out of the picture, although this is nearly always taken for granted in today's world. People don't consider the repercussions of removing the concept of a deity from a worldview that has really been based almost solely off of that belief. You can't just remove religion and be done with it, expecting the areas of justice, ethics, etc to be the same as they were before.

Back on topic, consider the Constitution:

Article i13: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech"

Seems to me that the government is now overtly violating this principle.

Impossible is nothing

Bullshit. You do not need a deity to assume that we have (or don't have) innate rights. And again, asserting that there is a creator does not mean that it is true.

We can assume that human beings have innate desires, such as freedom and liberty, without a God granting them. There is no need to assume a personal God's existence to justify these rights. I mean, shit, I think the golden rule does more than enough to explain the ideas of innate rights. And you don't need religion for that.

Also, maybe these rights are just human constructs. Does that make them bad? If anything, wouldn't it make the Founders seem that much more wise?

Bullshit. You do not need a deity to assume that we have (or don't have) innate rights. And again, asserting that there is a creator does not mean that it is true.

We can assume that human beings have innate desires, such as freedom and liberty, without a God granting them. There is no need to assume a personal God's existence to justify these rights. I mean, shit, I think the golden rule does more than enough to explain the ideas of innate rights. And you don't need religion for that.

Also, maybe these rights are just human constructs. Does that make them bad? If anything, wouldn't it make the Founders seem that much more wise?

First, why would anyone think that asserting that there is a Creator makes it true? Who is saying that? I haven't seen anyone arguing for the existence of God in this thread, nor do I want to. I was merely pointing out that these ideas DO come from a tradition that holds the existence of a deity to be true and the concept of "innate rights" DOES hail from that same tradition.

Second, desires are very different from rights. Not sure what you mean there.

Third, let's grant that there is no God. How would one propose that random mammals such as ourselves innately and universally contain such an abstract and contrived notion like "rights," by nature? Biology does not provide for rights. If they truly are human constructs, then they cannot be truly natural or innate, but rather are given to us by others (in our case, the government). Why does it matter if these fundamental rights are innate or not? Mostly because considering them as such renders them as prior to the whims of others, especially the government.

I am not arguing for religion here, just trying to point out that most people consider rights in a way that is directly influenced by religion, whether or not they believe in a deity themselves.

Impossible is nothing
You do not need a deity to assume that we have (or don't have) innate rights. And again, asserting that there is a creator does not mean that it is true.
I'd take it a step further: the Founding Fathers never defined, in this set of documents, the terms of the creator. It could mean anything you want from "God the Father" right on down to "it's a figure of speech". Washington was a deist (belief in God, no religion), Paine was a hadrcore atheist, and most of them were Masons....meaning they didn't care at all what the terms of your belief system were.

They were, however, crystal clear in their admonishment of establishing a state religion, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press"....which is interesting because freedom of speech and the press is in the same phrase addressing religion. The second a religious organization gets state funding, they lose some of their autonomy. That's just how it is, take it or leave it, but stop thinking that you retain your autonomy when your funding comes from an external source.

Get busy living

^ I disagree with your third point. Reductionism run amok. I do not see how you can propose the existence of consciousness from the chemistry of fatty tissues that comprise the brain. Or, if you prefer, the subatomic particles. We do not throw out the fact that consciousness does arise from the elementary phenomena just because we lack the imagination to make the connection. This is the whole trouble with "where did our morality come from if not from God" kind of argument -- that any argument other than the theistic one that doesn't explain everything down to the finest iota of detail is invalid.

love that avatar though. Ron Paul 2012.

^ I disagree with your third point. Reductionism run amok. I do not see how you can propose the existence of consciousness from the chemistry of fatty tissues that comprise the brain. Or, if you prefer, the subatomic particles. We do not throw out the fact that consciousness does arise from the elementary phenomena just because we lack the imagination to make the connection. This is the whole trouble with "where did our morality come from if not from God" kind of argument -- that any argument other than the theistic one that doesn't explain everything down to the finest iota of detail is invalid.

love that avatar though. Ron Paul 2012.

Thanks, haha - made it myself. RP'12!

I definitely see your point. Still, I'd like to say again that I was not trying to argue one way or the other that our sense of morality and rights actually came from God. Rather, I was trying to clarify that whether or not a person is religious, it is important to understand that the concepts that serve as the foundation of our moral and political systems in the West DO stem from arguments based in religion.

If one would like to do away with the notion of God, fine. However, you cannot stop there and be done with it as many people do today; it doesn't just end there. It is crucial to follow this belief to its logical extent. To me, it seems obvious that the removal of the fundamental aspect of any system should bring one to question, or at the very least reexamine, the legitimacy of the concepts that were generated under it. The idea of "natural rights" that Locke proposed is one such concept, and it just so happens to permeate the foundation upon which this nation was built. The idea that we naturally have a "right" to private property and a "right" to freedom independent of what others (i.e. the government) might assert is fundamental to the American way of life, yet the support for these ideas are fully based in religion. Taking the primary aspect out of the system and expecting its conclusions to hold just as they did before is problematic at best.

Again, I am in no way implying that the system will fail without religion or whatever. However, I do think it is important for people to consider the logical implications of their beliefs given the religion-based arguments for the freedoms/rights that underlie our world and are too often taken for granted.

Impossible is nothing

I recognize that the historical role of Locke cannot be erased from the foundation of the natural rights concept embedded in the Constitution, Declaration of Independence and important precedent documents (Virgina Statute of Religious Liberty, etc.). But I think the point TheKing was making was that it is entirely possible to come to the same conclusions excluding the theistic principle. Even the Founders were very split on religion; Madison and especially Jefferson were serious skeptics, and we all know about Paine (technically not a Founder, I know) and Franklin's views. The others may be more conventional. To exclude Creator language would have been far too radical even for their time, so I think we have to take it with a grain of salt. No one can really know if they were merely pandering or if some really meant what they wrote at face value. I don't claim to know.

Even having completely drifted away from religion myself, I don't discount the historical role it has had in many Western institutions' development. Scandinavia is one of the most agnostic/atheistic societies on Earth but you cannot understand their institutions without understanding their Lutheran roots, etc. So I do recognize that.

Anyhow, fingers crossed for Ron this Super Tuesday. Hope he wins one; I'd like to see some return on my donations.


Melvvvar -

Still, the Founders who were not especially religious were active in their support of Deism, a belief system that allowed their worldviews to be more or less in line with the others' in regard to the primacy of certain rights. Concerning what TheKing was saying, I've personally never heard a satisfactory secular argument for something's being "innate" or fully "universal" most likely because those concepts themselves stem directly from religious tradition. If you know of any such argument, feel free to shoot me a PM with a link or something.

I've already stated why the Founding Fathers considered it so important for certain rights to be thought of as innate/natural (so that they supersede laws of human construct / governmental intervention), but the Scandinavian nations are definitely a great example of a society that has prosperously moved away from its religious background. I'm just not 100% sure that all of our American values can stay logically sound if we radically follow in their footsteps without making some adjustments.

Anyways, yeah I've lost count of the RP Moneybombs I've taken part in - would love to see him get a win this week!

There are libertarians and then theres everyone else. Ron Paul 2012/16
I hope he's alive in 2016! He'd be 80 then, right?
Impossible is nothing

Non-troll question: If the government is not allowed to infringe on my religious beliefs, can I follow a religion that specifically bans doing things that are legally required (for example, paying taxes)? Then, by taxing me, the government is forcing me to do something against my religious beliefs, so I wouldn't have to pay taxes.

If the government is not allowed to tax me, then the argument that the government is not allowed to impose something that goes against the core of my religion can hold when we're talking about BC.

Non-troll question: If the government is not allowed to infringe on my religious beliefs, can I follow a religion that specifically bans doing things that are legally required (for example, paying taxes)? Then, by taxing me, the government is forcing me to do something against my religious beliefs, so I wouldn't have to pay taxes.

If the government is not allowed to tax me, then the argument that the government is not allowed to impose something that goes against the core of my religion can hold when we're talking about BC.

Thing is, there really are no existing religions that have a ban on paying taxes. Even Jesus said "render unto Ceaser that which is Ceasar's". Religious freedom (and freedom in general) is respected up until the point where it infringes on other people's freedom...and not paying taxes forces others to pay more and is thus unfair.

This is the reasoning, I don't know if I necesarily agree in all cases, I'm just answering your question literally.

Get busy living
The comparison between viagra and birth control treatments that specifically include killing of a fetus (and thus violate the liberty of the unborn child) is absurd. Anyways that is besides the point.
If the fetus was gay, would you still care about its liberties?
If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses - Henry Ford
The comparison between viagra and birth control treatments that specifically include killing of a fetus (and thus violate the liberty of the unborn child) is absurd. Anyways that is besides the point.
If the fetus was gay, would you still care about its liberties?

LOL silver banana to happypants for the best post of the thread so far. By the way fetuses are not legal persons. They are an extension of the woman's body for all intents and purposes, and we need to stop defending them as though they're part of the fucking census count. As other posters noted, where do we draw the line? Sperm cells? Menstruation? It's simply absurd. Once its popped out, crying and screaming, it is legally a person.

I'm tired of this BC debate. These fucking religious institutions need to shut up. They're only worried because they know that if birth control was provided to their employees then the employees would use it. If said employees were TRULY religious, they wouldn't use it in the first place, and there wouldn't be any problem with providing it.

Honestly, everything these days is an "attack on religion". People need to open their fucking eyes and realize that religion (read: Christianity) has clearly had WAY TOO MUCH WEIGHT in this country up until now, and it's time to level the playing field. The first amendment has been stretched far beyond its limit, and its time to scale it back so that separation of Church and State is a reality.

Give women access to birth control, or at the very least let them have a prominent position in the congressional hearings on the subject.

Also, ANT, your condom argument(s) was lol-worthy. You're depending on males to prevent pregnancy? You think they care about that (at least in the demographic that this debate centers around)? I can't believe you rant in another thread about how useless poor americans are and how they need to stop producing offspring, and you reject the easiest possible solution to achieve that goal. Shame on you.

The comparison between viagra and birth control treatments that specifically include killing of a fetus (and thus violate the liberty of the unborn child) is absurd. Anyways that is besides the point.

No. It's not. They both have to do with reproduction. I have an idea, if we're going to deny women access to birth control, why not also deny blokes access to viagra?

My point here is that without viagra, conception rates will drop (probably not as much as it will with access to birth control though).

See - here's the thing: I have no respect for, or no belief in this weird push by neocons that a fetus is anywhere close to being human. If we want to protect a fetus as a human life, then we should ban menstrual cycles, wet dreams, and even masturbation, these are all potentially a human life.

But Rhaegar fought valiantly, Rhaegar fought nobly, Rhaegar fought bravely. And Rhaegar died.

Health Insurance is a benefit that places provide to entice workers or a nice thing schools provide for students. No where are they obligated to have a top notch plan. Gtown could have provided a high deductive, shit hit the fan type of plan. The Federal Government has zero business telling private institutions what their health insurance has to include.

I am not going to even blame Obumbles on this. His handlers are retarded. What is to be politically gained from this issue? What a horrible strategic move on his part. Anyone with any political savvy will tell you to avoid or dodge this at all costs. Besides, Obama doesn't need to do much of anything to get the liberal, female vote. All this did was guarantee a voting block he already had and piss off a voting block that he could have had.,_2008

Look at that map. Obama took a lot of states that typically go red. This is not going to be an easy election for him with the record he has had. Hope and Change has faded, only to be replaced with a "not my fault" message. If Romney sticks to the economic message and wins the states that Republicans should have won in 2008 Obama can be defeated.

This is not going to be an easy election for him with the record he has had. Hope and Change has faded, only to be replaced with a "not my fault" message. If Romney sticks to the economic message and wins the states that Republicans should have won in 2008 Obama can be defeated.

LOLOCHAUST...I'll bet that Obama would trounce even Jesus in the next election. Not only is incumbent status worth it's weight in gold, but check out the bank account my friend:…

If the glove don't fit, you must acquit!

I dont agree at all. I think this was a brilliant distraction from reality - getting his ass handed to him in the Catholic Hospital debate, trillion dollar deficits, $5 gas prices, etc.

He turned his losing situation into a winning situation that has riled his base up with an issue that has hit every main stream news outlet. Obama isn't even in the debate. This is a woman's rights (Ms Fluke being the face) vs the evil backwards Republicans who want woman to go back into the kitchen.

Bottom line: People just want shit FOR FREE and will claim whatever it is to be a right.

PS, on the Limbaugh thing.... does anyone else remember Ed Schaultz and Bill Maher calling Laura Ingraham a "right wing slut"... oh, you don't remember that happening? Maybe because no one covered it, but it happened..

PS, on the Limbaugh thing.... does anyone else remember Ed Schaultz and Bill Maher calling Laura Ingraham a "right wing slut"... oh, you don't remember that happening? Maybe because no one covered it, but it happened..

1.) I do remember the Ed Schultz thing and I also remember a ton of backlash from the right and a subsequent apology.

2.) Bill Maher lost his old ABC show because of 9/11 related comments. Straight up was not on the air doing jack shit for years because of things he said (thanks to public outcry and sponsor pressure.)

3.) Two wrongs don't make a right. Just because someone else also did something wrong, doesn't excuse what Limbaugh did. Not to mention, Limbaugh spent three days ranting about how Fluke is a slut and that women who want BC covered should have to send us sex tapes and shit like that. Just over the top crazy shit. Stop defending this asshole.


Most of these guys aren't libertarians, they are big government republicans. Your financial posts may be highly regarded, but your political posts border on the uninformed. Almost always, they are full of red meat. "Liberals are evil, everything liberals do is bad". It's a thing, people think being libertarian is cool and individualistic, but it's just another ploy for large individuals (think Koch brothers) to hijack and control our politics. Dumb, dumb, dumb.

The basis of a government is that there are some things that are too difficult for individuals to do together, so they band together and form a government. These individuals decide how big or small they want their government to be. Sometimes mistakes are made, for sure. More often than not, government protects the small individual from being swallowed and exploited by the large one.

So - a religious establishment is a church, or mosque. A hospital or school is NOT a religious establishment. To run a school or hospital in the USA, you need to meet some regulations and rules, which are set by (wait for it) THE GOVERNMENT. It has nothing to do with your faith. It has everything to do with meeting the expectations for said industries. As it is, religious establishments get away with far too much in my opinion, but that's another story.

Everyone keeps saying "free" BC. Free? Free?? It's paid for by the healthcare providers, and by US citizens, a majority of whom are happy to pay these costs. That's not free. The roads we drive on aren't free. What IS free are the 7 Trillion in interest free loans that were granted to the financial sector where most of us work. Without those loans, at least half of us here won't have jobs today. Sure it's easy to be smug and libertarian when tax payers are bailing out your sorry ass.

As for Nobama, research your facts and verify them. Yes they called her a slut. What happened after? They apologised IMMEDIATELY. They got suspended (at least Ed did). They didn't go on for two days on and on. And they were nowhere close to offensive as Rush was. Besides, the catholic church thing was not a losing position, most left leaning americans are happy to stick one in the face of the catholic church.Remember, 99% of catholic women use birth control. 0% of catholic church officials are women.

One more thing. I'm of the opinion that the federal government has EVERY right to tell private companies what they can and cannot do, Ant's statement ("The Federal Government has zero business telling private institutions what their health insurance has to include") just doesn't make much sense to me. So the government has no role in our lives, but profit making corporations do? I'm sorry, I disagree with that stand.

But Rhaegar fought valiantly, Rhaegar fought nobly, Rhaegar fought bravely. And Rhaegar died.

Health insurance is not a right, it is a benefit. Catholic groups are against paying for BC. The government is trying to force them to pay for it.

Imagine if the Fed government stepped in and forced Islamic centers to sell ham sandwiches. Same thing.

You know what is the ultimate societal benefit? Freedom and liberty. Just because you personally think something benefits society doesnt give you the right to force others to pay for a belief that you hold.


Ant - one way or another, someone is forcing something. Catholic churches aren't forced to pay for BC. All schools are mandated to teach certain subjects, otherwise they wouldn't be schools. Note - Catholic churches aren't told to specifically request BC, they are simply informed that their health plans MUST cover that, and let the holders of said insurance have the freedom to choose whether or not they want to use said BC.

As we can see, freedom is relative. I say - let's pool some money together, and let a good number of people from different economic backgrounds have more choices. You say no, poor people shouldn't have any choice outside what they can afford, so our freedom gets defined by our income because of a belief YOU have.

Freedom isn't absolute.

But Rhaegar fought valiantly, Rhaegar fought nobly, Rhaegar fought bravely. And Rhaegar died.

I think you guys are confusing my point. I am ALL FOR INCREASED BIRTH CONTROL. I want it to rain down from the skies. I want kids to be put on it in schools. I want anything and everything that reduces the human population.

But that is my personal opinion. I do not presume to think my opinion is held by others. I do not want to force my opinion on others. That is the issue.

Companies pay for health insurance as a benefit to retain talent. It is a company provided benefit, much like a 401(k) match. Companies can choose to have a top health plan or a crappy one. Religious groups can choose to pay for health insurance that doesn't compromise the organizations belief system.

Since birth control, outside of specific instances, is not a necessary health item and the goal of reproductive prevention can easily, cheaply and unbiasedly be accomplished through condoms, readily available and purchased by the individual, it makes no sense that a Catholic organization should be forced to subsidize this.

Just because YOU think something is in the public's best interest doesn't give YOU the right to have the government enforce your PERSONAL belief.

Birth control is entirely for a woman, takes reproductive rights from men and doesn't prevent STD's.

Companies pay for health insurance as a benefit to retain talent. It is a company provided benefit, much like a 401(k) match. Companies can choose to have a top health plan or a crappy one. Religious groups can choose to pay for health insurance that doesn't compromise the organizations belief system.
See, this is the thing: public systems are by nature subject to everyone's input.
Since birth control, outside of specific instances, is not a necessary health item and the goal of reproductive prevention can easily, cheaply and unbiasedly be accomplished through condoms, readily available and purchased by the individual, it makes no sense that a Catholic organization should be forced to subsidize this.
They're not. They're using state money. Many religious groups get state money for their charitable / medical units, and this is the debate: once you take state money, just like taking investor money, you have to start playing by everyone else's rules. As a Catholic, I always argue against blurring the boundaries between state and religion for this very reason. (1) I don't want the state telling my religion what to do and (2) I'm part of the 70%+/- of Catholics who want to be a part of the tradition but are vocal about the fact that some things in this religion are totally out of date and have to be addressed on terms other than those set by old men living in a 9th century palace. I'm all in favor what what Obama is doing in this instance. I'd also like him to realize that he's dealing with a 2,000 year old organization that will be here long after he's dead, so he should tread lightly. Just throwing that out there.

Sometimes it's about tolerance or conservatism, but other times it really is a worldview issue and ultimately one wins. The abortion and birth control debate happened almost fifty years ago at this point and the country isn't going back, so in a way, conservatives are really just making themselves increasingly irrelevant by harping on these issues. Setting some boundaries and revising the parameters is of course necessary, and I'm not in total support of all liberal policies here, but at the same time, these programs aren't going away so just get over it.

Get busy living

Conservatives don't work in finance huh? I beg to differ. Any how about those who think they know what is good for society stop trying to get everyone else to pay for something they personally think.

All I know is my opinions are mine and no one should be forced to pay for their implementation. How about this UFO. How about I don't pay for birth control and I don't pay for the kid you choose to have. I think that is pretty fair. You make the decision, you live with it and you pay for it. If you can't, I could care less.


I love how people simply cannot understand that health care is a benefit and if a religious run organization prefers to not supplement an element of the health insurance that goes against their groups beliefs, the government should not force them.

You don't want religion forced on you, don't force your beliefs on them. Tolerance works both ways.


It is a Catholic Organization. It is a private university. You do not HAVE to go there. They can choose to provide whatever un entitled benefit they want. Whether you think it is antiquated, dumb, silly, whatever, all does not matter.

Why this woman freely choose to go to a school that did not match her beliefs is beyond me. Seems like she is only interested in forcing her beliefs on them, something she wouldn't want done to her.

Totalitarian mindset of the left in full force.

It is a Catholic Organization. It is a private university
Yeah, but they take state money. Same thing with St. Vincent's hospital in NYC: they take (took, it's closed) state money. If you want total independance from the gov't.....then be independant.....but dealing with the government / OPM always has strings attached.
Get busy living
It is a Catholic Organization. It is a private university. You do not HAVE to go there. They can choose to provide whatever un entitled benefit they want. Whether you think it is antiquated, dumb, silly, whatever, all does not matter.

Why this woman freely choose to go to a school that did not match her beliefs is beyond me. Seems like she is only interested in forcing her beliefs on them, something she wouldn't want done to her.

Totalitarian mindset of the left in full force.

The Catholic Church and Georgetown receive special tax benefits and, at times, even funding from various government organizations. When you want to be treated special, you deserve to have to follow the same rules as everybody else. Otherwise, the government is essentially funding this discrimination in the healthcare space. Your idiocy never ceases to amaze me nor anybody else on this site.


Yeah, I see the whole "religious freedom" argument to a degree, but I think that can be abused by anyone who claims "religious belief system," not just a group as large as the Catholic Church.

I also can't help but get caught up in how absurdly backwards and stupid the Catholic Church's worldview is on the subject of premarital sex and BC. It's complete and total non-sense based on the musings of old virgin men who spent decades idly allowing the rape of little boys and covering up the crimes. So, even if their argument has any merit, it's clouded by the fact that they have zero moral authority whatsoever.

I also can't help but get caught up in how absurdly backwards and stupid the Catholic Church's worldview is on the subject of premarital sex and BC. It's complete and total non-sense based on the musings of old virgin men who spent decades idly allowing the rape of little boys and covering up the crimes. So, even if their argument has any merit, it's clouded by the fact that they have zero moral authority whatsoever.
If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses - Henry Ford

Actually a serious question:

--If people here think the Catholic Church (and other religious groups) should be able to choose to not obey part of a law because of their belief system, do you also believe that the Civil Rights act is, at least in part, an infringement on civil liberties that should not have been passed? If a restaurant owner believes that blacks are inferior, should the government have a right to tell them to serve black people anyway? Or, is that an infringement on his belief system, and therefore out of bounds.

I am not trolling, I think this is an extension of the whole "belief system" argument. Especially since belief in racial superiority has as much evidence as the Catholic Church does for its belief system...which is to say, none.

Actually a serious question:

--If people here think the Catholic Church (and other religious groups) should be able to choose to not obey part of a law because of their belief system, do you also believe that the Civil Rights act is, at least in part, an infringement on civil liberties that should not have been passed? If a restaurant owner believes that blacks are inferior, should the government have a right to tell them to serve black people anyway? Or, is that an infringement on his belief system, and therefore out of bounds.

I am not trolling, I think this is an extension of the whole "belief system" argument. Especially since belief in racial superiority has as much evidence as the Catholic Church does for its belief system...which is to say, none.

I think a private business should be able to exclude people as they see fit. They will be subject to the consequences though. Just as people who do not support Georgetowns policy on no birth control will not give the university their money, people will protest or not support racist restaurants.


Yeah, fine, like I said, I don't support the policy, I just don't support the government telling them what they should provide for an optional benefit. I also find the birth control policy to be one sided. If they were fighting for BC and Condoms I might be a tad more sympathetic.

End of the day I don't like liberal groups, but I don't support the Fed telling them to have Atlas Shrugged in their library. I don't care if Muslims don't eat pork and I don't care if Catholics don't like birth control.

This woman clearly targeted a Catholic school to make a point.

We should all be against this simply because of the implications for other things we might care about. Just because in this instance we might support the Fed telling them what to do, doesn't mean we will support the next time. Once precedence is established it is hard to turn back the clock.

This woman clearly targeted a Catholic school to make a point.
This is definitely the case. People target the Catholics because it's a centralized organization and there's a large payoff compared to picking a fight with BillyJoBob's Bible church thangy. For people that have a genuine interest in social advances, I actually applaud them. it's not like they listen to their members.
I am not trolling, I think this is an extension of the whole "belief system" argument. Especially since belief in racial superiority has as much evidence as the Catholic Church does for its belief system...which is to say, none.
In a way, you're correct. It's like GS or JPM telling new analysts how much better their company is than everyone else, when in reality they all do the same thing. On one hand, the people trying to make it better (see above comment) are like everyone in gove't / media who genuinely want to make banking better. On the other hand, the people attacking the Church just to attack it are like Barney Fwank and the OWS crowd: maybe they have some good points, but what they really want is to just watch it all burn. Why? because they suck....I know this because I was like this when I was 20, and ran into some old friends down in Zuccatti who never grew the fuck up.
Get busy living

Also, comparing the availability of free birth control to civil rights might be a little off base. We have rights and liberties as long as they do not infringe on others or violate the Constitution. Denying someone entrance based on the color of their skin is much more serious than refusing to pay for something that is first a benefit and not required.

Also, comparing the availability of free birth control to civil rights might be a little off base. We have rights and liberties as long as they do not infringe on others or violate the Constitution. Denying someone entrance based on the color of their skin is much more serious than refusing to pay for something that is first a benefit and not required.

Right, but both cases revolve around belief systems. One just has "God" attached to it, neither have legitimate evidence to back up their beliefs (which is why they are beliefs and not facts.)

Conservatives love to play the slippery slope argument when it suits them, so I thought I'd throw it out there.

ps - why do you hate black people?

ps - why do you hate black people?
Living by the bad part of Philly can do that do a person, it skews the worldview o_0
Get busy living

Haha how do I hate black people?

Healthcare is a nice benefit provided, not Constitutionally required. If an atheist group wants to cover tooth paste or if a catholic group doesn't want to cover birth control, it doesn't matter.

So what if Gtown gets some federal money? So strings are attached with religious groups, but no strings for other groups? Gtown is private and doesn't get state money like a public school. End of story.


So atheists don't have hang ups or things they don't like? You're still a human. Suppose atheists don't want to support birth control specifically because of the cost and optionally of it?

All I am saying is HC is a benefit, not a required item. The level of coverage is up to what the company wants to pay. Whatever the reasoning I don't care, it is entirely their decision as a private business.



The cost of something is a way better reason to be against it than beliefs based on nothing.

The Catholic Church isn't complaining about cost, they are complaining because their baseless beliefs w.r.t. BC and pre-marital sex are under the gun.

JK - God just came into my office and, after showing me the creation of the universe and it's destiny, he explained to me that he's got serious beef with the use of birth control. So, I take everything I've said back.


So now were are going to judge something based on the thinking process? End result is the same. Whether you think a voice in your head told you or you just don't want to pay for it, the government has little business mandating certain things in an entirely optional benefit.

I went to a Catholic school and they have socially responsible investing policies. I ripped them to threads in a presentation once, but still followed the practice. I might think it is silly, but I choose to go to that school and respected their stance on things.

Why didn't this girl just go to any number of secular, similar ranked law schools where they would have no issue with BC? Seems like she was looking for a fight and is now calling in Uncle Sam to enforce her personal beliefs.

So now were are going to judge something based on the thinking process? End result is the same. Whether you think a voice in your head told you or you just don't want to pay for it, the government has little business mandating certain things in an entirely optional benefit.

I went to a Catholic school and they have socially responsible investing policies. I ripped them to threads in a presentation once, but still followed the practice. I might think it is silly, but I choose to go to that school and respected their stance on things.

Why didn't this girl just go to any number of secular, similar ranked law schools where they would have no issue with BC? Seems like she was looking for a fight and is now calling in Uncle Sam to enforce her personal beliefs.

The end result is the same, but that's not the point here. As I said earlier, the Catholic church doesn't give a shit about the cost. They think the government is infringing on their right to Freedom of Religion, which is the issue here.The cost argument can be had another day, if this hurdle is ever cleared.

I don't know the whole story of this girl, but you're making it sound like she went to this law school knowing that they don't support healthcare covered birth control only to take them to court over it? Perhaps this is true but I doubt it.

Also, why are you acting like the law forces people to be on BC? No one is doing that, not even the liberals (believe it or not!). They want to make it available to everyone, seemingly so that things are "fair" but for all intents and purposes so that the poor(er) don't have excuses as to why they get fucking pregnant so much. That is the end result, and I for one favor that result. I'm surprised that you don't.

And you're kind of being an asshole by continuing the condom thing. Men automatically have control over sex/reproduction, that's the nature of the game. Saying that including condoms in this whole bill would make you more open to it is ludicrous. You're belittling the benefits of BC and I'd go as far to say that you're belittling the biologically inferior (with regards to reproduction) position that women are in by default. Condoms are dirt fucking cheap and men STILL hate using them; birth control is relatively expensive and women (for the most part, excluding the crazy religious types, those with adverse effects, etc.) WANT to use it. See why it's a good thing to subsidize it?


1) She is 31, not some 23 year old student. She researched GTowns rules before hand and did this specifically to make a point and try and force them. It has come out in the past few days.

2) Women control reproduction just like me. They don't have sex. Birth control is not for women who have random sex, it is for people who are in committed relationships. Condoms perform the same task, with the added benefit of STD protection, all at a lower cost and while being fair to both sexes. Real simple.

And no, I do not see why I should subsidize it. And I resent that you think something and want to force me to fund your personal opinion. People can buy their own birth control.

Do not try and force me into subsidizing someones decision with the threat of having to subsidize them later for making a bad decision. I should not have to pay for your unwanted pregnancy nor should I have to pay for you to raise that kid. You made the decision, you live with it. I care not how you do so, just do not expect me to care or finance it.

Once again you as well as others on this website have reading comprehension issues. I have said on and on and on and on about how I support BC. I also support religious institutions prescribing it for people with serious, related illness. I simply do not support the government telling people what level of free benefit they should provide.

I hope Georgetown cancels their insurance because of this. Let employees find their own or get sick and pay cash. You provide a unnecessary benefit for people and they still want something more for free.

FYI - I think you are an asshole for expecting me to pay for womens birth control and then expecting me to pay out of pocket for mine. Hypocrisy at its finest.

1) She is 31, not some 23 year old student. She researched GTowns rules before hand and did this specifically to make a point and try and force them. It has come out in the past few days.
I stand corrected.
2) Women control reproduction just like me. They don't have sex. Birth control is not for women who have random sex, it is for people who are in committed relationships. Condoms perform the same task, with the added benefit of STD protection, all at a lower cost and while being fair to both sexes. Real simple.

Condoms are NOT fair to both sexes. Women don't wear condoms. Don't give me the BS about women "telling their man to wear a condom". In the end, the man decides whether or not he wants to wear it, and he technically doesn't have to bear any of the cost of a resulting pregnancy (a classic case of a gross discrepancy in cost/benefit because of spillover costs).

Everyone can "not have sex". Please take a look at the world around you and let me know how many people you find that are willing to do such a thing. In the meantime, the rest of us liberal hippies will continue to think of rational solutions to the problem.

And no, I do not see why I should subsidize it. And I resent that you think something and want to force me to fund your personal opinion. People can buy their own birth control.

Do not try and force me into subsidizing someones decision with the threat of having to subsidize them later for making a bad decision. I should not have to pay for your unwanted pregnancy nor should I have to pay for you to raise that kid. You made the decision, you live with it. I care not how you do so, just do not expect me to care or finance it.

I resent that the Church thinks gays shouldn't be allowed to marry, and that such a deplorable violation of human rights was passed as law. Believe it or not, we all resent things. Last I checked, resentment never did much to create solutions. That's what compromise is for.

You're absolutely right by the way, you SHOULD NOT have to pay for anyone else's mistakes. Unfortunately the world isn't fair, and you're stuck doing just that. Now, given the two choices above (making insurance companies cover birth control or your tax dollars going to welfare for a new child born into poverty), which would you choose?

You have to choose. There isn't a "refuse to participate" option, despite your incessant desire to check that box. You keep creating these mythical, idealist scenarios where people are actually responsible and the world is perfect etc. etc. etc. that simply do not and CAN NOT exist. So choose the option that has the least effect on you (hint: it's Obama's mandate to pay for birth control).

Once again you as well as others on this website have reading comprehension issues. I have said on and on and on and on about how I support BC. I also support religious institutions prescribing it for people with serious, related illness. I simply do not support the government telling people what level of free benefit they should provide.

I hope Georgetown cancels their insurance because of this. Let employees find their own or get sick and pay cash. You provide a unnecessary benefit for people and they still want something more for free.

FYI - I think you are an asshole for expecting me to pay for womens birth control and then expecting me to pay out of pocket for mine. Hypocrisy at its finest.

I'm glad to see I'm not alone in the reading failures club, as I see you're having quite the issue as well. I have said on and on and on and on about how this is about the "attack on religion" and NOT simply government intervention in private business. That is a different debate, one that you seem quite prepared for.

The Church is crying like a whiny bitch about their right to Freedom of Religion, and that's why they won't go along with this stupid mandate. Not to mention the fact that the GOP is milking it to the fullest and reinforcing the backward-ass view of Christians.

I believe other people addressed any concerns I missed, so I'll leave it at that.


Oh Jesus, the clown show is in full force now.

The Catholic Church is a non profit organization, just like many other charities, religious or otherwise. That doesn't mean they should have to provide birth control or anything else.

Leave this conversation to adults little child.

Oh Jesus, the clown show is in full force now.

The Catholic Church is a non profit organization, just like many other charities, religious or otherwise. That doesn't mean they should have to provide birth control or anything else.

Leave this conversation to adults little child.

Do you do shit at your job? Seriously, I thought you worked in PE? How do you spend the majority of the working hours and evening posting on this site?

If you want special priviledges not afforded to the general public--ie non-religious institutions--you shouldn't be allowed to impose your religious will upon people.

The Catholic Church is a non profit organization, just like many other charities, religious or otherwise. That doesn't mean they should have to provide birth control or anything else.
Long story short: when you take federal money, you are subject to federal guidelines and this includes Catholic hospitals/health care. 100% private institutions, like Harvard, can do as they please, but the second you take gov't money, you pay the price. Sure this lady picked a fight for her own reasons, but Obama's is doint nothing less than enforcing the existing law, and the people making this an issue are trying to tap a demographic of which 50% voted for Obama....this is an election year.

I argue, as a Catholic, for adherance to the laws (which pisses off the church conservatives for some weird reason) and that we don't take government money (which pisses off the liberals, and is equally bizarre to me). The Church functions best as a non-profit, NGO, independant entity, and legal entanglements of any type dillute its legitimacy and its core mission. I HATE when people pervert religion for politics, and I am equally unhappy with church leaders who make it possible in the first place: churches should not even be in this position and this is simply a correction.

What they've done for a long time is to treat religion as a non profit, then extend definitions to 'charity' and then associate gov't largess to charity spending...but they're religious organizations and have to ultimately choose a master. When a politician, like Kennedy, flat out says that America comes first, things go well. A Catholic priest (there are good ones, despite the news) chooses the Church, he basically can't get elected. It's when people try to have both....we end up with these debates.

Get busy living


YOU aren't subsidizing anything. The Insurance companies are. I don't get why everyone is acting as though they are paying for BC for other people. It's a mandate on insurance plans provided to employees. We can argue the merit of the mandate all day, but we aren't paying for it, insurance companies / employers are.

I actually think it's one of the best reasons for the mandate. Because, you WOULD subsidize someone's accident (read: child) if they didn't use BC / condoms. But, if you make it easy as shit (and free for them) to get, then you're less likely to have to subsidize some accident kid. But, again, you aren't subsidizing the BC with tax dollars.


You subsidize it through higher insurance costs man. They pass that through with increased premiums.

And don't even get me started on subsidizing shit. I know full well I subsidize everyone's retarded decisions. Friggin child tax credits make me sick.

Regardless of the benefit or cost, insurance is a benefit that can be canceled. No one is forced to provide it. If anyone wants to have a minimal, shitty plan provided to their employees, the can. If the Catholic Church wants BC to not be paid for, they have every right to do so.


Fuck that dude. So now they're clowns because they don't agree with you? The first few pages of this thread was filled with right leaning dudes bombarding the pages, I didn't hear any complaints from you then.

But Rhaegar fought valiantly, Rhaegar fought nobly, Rhaegar fought bravely. And Rhaegar died.

Jermone, how about your worry about yourself man. Maybe I work in a candy store, who gives a fuck.

If you don't like what the Catholic Church stands for, don't go to Georgetown. I fail to see how you choosing to do sometimes means they are forcing things on you. It's like going to church and complaining that you can't watch the football game.


Quasi saepe qui quis consectetur magnam fugit. Dolorem ullam corporis saepe voluptas numquam. Est officia iste dicta animi earum distinctio similique. Fugiat cumque fuga et ut qui.

Accusamus minima esse ducimus quibusdam aspernatur. Temporibus velit maiores delectus doloribus placeat et. Maxime laborum velit eum omnis nostrum molestias.

Inventore tenetur cupiditate accusamus laboriosam. Nostrum odio beatae a placeat vero. Facere dolorum dicta inventore doloremque amet est qui totam. Rem voluptas necessitatibus non.

Consequatur omnis id quis suscipit iusto officiis. Velit molestias dolorum quidem perferendis ut. Dolorem quia quaerat tenetur nesciunt qui.

If your dreams don't scare you, then they are not big enough. "There are two types of people in this world: People who say they pee in the shower, and dirty fucking liars."-Louis C.K.

Ut tempora expedita minus aut. Iure voluptatum ab amet modi nemo doloremque laborum. Nihil possimus sed illo itaque voluptas. Qui assumenda doloribus similique sunt.

Expedita recusandae corrupti doloremque dolorum unde. Quo dolorem repudiandae consectetur soluta non necessitatibus ut. Eum laudantium sint in.


Tempore officiis et quo ducimus veritatis et quod. Omnis laboriosam ea magni enim aut sint quisquam. Fugit tempore quisquam et beatae. Omnis accusamus placeat porro harum. Temporibus impedit dolore velit sunt recusandae.

Molestiae cupiditate omnis aspernatur molestiae. Cumque eos ad dolores perferendis sunt.

Et non dolores excepturi maiores sint cumque. Debitis animi ullam quae doloremque consequatur et. Dolor alias occaecati sint non sit est molestias.

Laboriosam exercitationem qui a provident quia quis omnis. Consequatur minus minus nemo exercitationem ad. Dolorem aspernatur repellat aperiam sed error non.

If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses - Henry Ford

Neque excepturi voluptate corrupti aut amet esse. Quam totam non et nostrum nesciunt ab aut.

Mollitia voluptate quo quis culpa officia. Aliquam pariatur autem voluptate velit repellendus. Et ut quam repellat ipsam. Et tenetur aut in minus tempora est est.

Enim neque adipisci est nesciunt rerum. Sed dolorum sequi vero dolorum et.

Dolor esse cumque natus. Saepe quidem veniam culpa dicta iusto quis rerum natus. Suscipit amet repudiandae voluptates quibusdam aut. Omnis voluptas deleniti mollitia perspiciatis.

But Rhaegar fought valiantly, Rhaegar fought nobly, Rhaegar fought bravely. And Rhaegar died.

Tempore molestiae aut iure voluptatem perferendis. In quod mollitia ab fugit incidunt. Quo corrupti nihil in non labore doloremque esse.

Qui architecto quis ut eum reiciendis officia. Animi expedita eligendi consequatur. Quia dolores veritatis quos quia voluptatum. Dolor voluptatibus modi et ipsam enim ea accusamus.

Et et asperiores rem earum atque incidunt. Officia officia ut expedita quia. Consequuntur ut consequatur perspiciatis fugit voluptas consequatur. Aperiam magnam explicabo ipsam vel tempora cum consequatur porro.


Perspiciatis nam ea omnis nostrum. Sapiente et amet sint enim sapiente ipsa magnam quos. Placeat sit occaecati in et qui sed. Sunt quos quae eos omnis hic et ex vitae. Accusamus nulla aut quisquam maxime accusantium doloremque. Et nam ea neque ut cum dolores. Veritatis voluptas harum explicabo aliquid ea ad.

Voluptatem dolorem officia dicta sint eum quae neque. Sunt exercitationem magnam praesentium. Aliquam qui veniam explicabo est non laboriosam maiores. Ea ducimus quia est qui consequatur dolorem suscipit.

Delectus cupiditate nihil consequuntur velit consequatur sunt molestiae. Illo dolorum voluptates sed cum ex possimus sit. Sint rerum et cumque commodi ut nostrum ratione. Harum quia est odit. Quaerat quia rerum enim id quae doloremque.


Voluptatem eveniet voluptates quia nulla consequatur. Tempora quasi aut corporis. Explicabo pariatur commodi libero aut qui dolor. Maxime est qui enim cumque alias magnam aliquid quo. Doloremque distinctio in vero non. Qui eius quis sint laboriosam enim quo reprehenderit similique.

Quis voluptatem non amet quia quae nesciunt doloribus. Mollitia accusantium commodi similique in.

Eius sunt unde eaque sit. Ipsum enim iusto eaque aliquam nisi. Dignissimos est eum et deleniti architecto quos.

Debitis rem commodi occaecati natus sint. Ut aut neque mollitia et. A commodi aperiam facilis minus voluptatem cum. Vitae vero quidem voluptatum aut qui. Reiciendis et accusamus magnam et quisquam. Eum voluptatem earum corrupti omnis ullam perspiciatis. Repellat pariatur qui odio.

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